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Swali 1 Ripoti
After Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed Jerusalem, he took the inhabitants into exile but left behind the
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Swali 3 Ripoti
According to Hosea one of the punishments for the sins of Israel was that
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According to the book of Hosea in the Bible, one of the punishments for the sins of Israel was that the LORD would send famine upon the land. This means that there would be a severe shortage of food, and people would not have enough to eat. This punishment was a result of the disobedience and rebellion of the Israelites against God's commandments. It was meant to bring them to repentance and to turn them back to God.
Swali 4 Ripoti
The woman with the flow of blood touched the garment of Jesus because
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The woman with the flow of blood touched the garment of Jesus because she believed that she would be made well. According to the Bible, the woman with the flow of blood had been suffering from bleeding for twelve years, and despite her many attempts to find a cure from various physicians, she had not been healed. When she heard about Jesus and his miraculous healing power, she came up behind him in a crowd and touched the hem of his garment. In that moment, she was instantly healed, and Jesus felt power go out from him. He turned to the crowd and asked who had touched him, and the woman came forward and told him the whole truth. Therefore, it can be inferred that the woman with the flow of blood touched the garment of Jesus because she believed that she would be made well. She had faith that Jesus had the power to heal her, and her faith was rewarded with a miraculous healing.
Swali 5 Ripoti
According to Peter, when the chief Shepherd would be manifested, the elders would obtain the
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According to Peter, when the chief Shepherd would be manifested, the elders would obtain the unfading crown of glory. In Peter's first epistle, he wrote to the elders, instructing them to shepherd God's flock that was under their care, not because they were compelled to do so, but because they were willing and eager to serve. Peter assured the elders that when the chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ, would be revealed, they would receive the unfading crown of glory. This crown of glory represents the reward that awaits those who faithfully shepherd God's people, regardless of the challenges and difficulties that may come with it. It is a symbol of honor and recognition that will never fade away, unlike earthly crowns that are subject to decay and rust. Thus, Peter's message was intended to encourage the elders to remain steadfast in their commitment to serving God's people, knowing that their labor of love would not go unnoticed, and that they would ultimately be rewarded with an unfading crown of glory.
Swali 6 Ripoti
Adam named his wife Eve because she was
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Adam named his wife Eve because she was "the mother of all living." According to the Bible, Adam and Eve were the first human beings that God created. They lived in the Garden of Eden and had a close relationship with God. However, when they disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they became aware of their nakedness and were banished from the garden. After their expulsion, Adam and Eve had children and became the first parents of the human race. Eve was the first woman and the mother of all living human beings. Adam named her Eve, which means "life-giver" or "mother of all living," because she was the source of all human life that would come after her. Therefore, the answer is "the mother of all living."
Swali 7 Ripoti
The consequence of King Solomon's failure to keep the LORD's commandment was
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King Solomon, known for his great wisdom and wealth, was chosen by God to build a temple for Him. However, he disobeyed God's commandments by accumulating many wives and concubines and worshiping foreign gods. As a result of his disobedience, God took away the kingdom from his family and gave it to his servant. In addition, God promised to tear away part of the kingdom and give it to Solomon's servant. So, the consequence of King Solomon's failure to keep the LORD's commandment was the loss of God's favor and the division of his kingdom.
Swali 8 Ripoti
'''...And I will say to my soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, be merry...'' God's response to the statement above was that
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The statement in question is from the Bible, specifically Luke 12:19. In this passage, a man speaks to his soul, telling himself that he has plenty of wealth stored up for many years and should therefore relax and enjoy life. However, God responds by saying that the man's life will be required of him that very night, meaning that he will die and will not be able to enjoy his wealth. Therefore, the correct option that matches God's response is: "his soul was required of him." This response is a reminder that our time on earth is short and that we should not be solely focused on accumulating wealth and material possessions, but instead prioritize things that have eternal value, such as building relationships with God and others.
Swali 9 Ripoti
According to Amos, the type of famine God' said He would send upon the people of Israel was
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In the Bible (Amos 8:11), the type of famine that God said he would send upon the people of Israel was not hearing the word of the Lord. The verse says, "Behold, the days are coming," declares the Lord God, "when I will send a famine on the land—not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord." This means that God would withdraw his prophetic word from the people, and they would be left in spiritual darkness and without guidance. The people would long for a word from God but would not find it, as there would be no prophets to speak to them on His behalf. Amos did not mention hunger for baskets of summer fruits or thirst for water as the type of famine God would send upon the people of Israel, as stated in the other options.
Swali 10 Ripoti
The greatest domestic problem King David experienced which almost cost him his kingdom was
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The greatest domestic problem that King David experienced, which almost cost him his kingdom, was the revolt of his son Absalom against him. Absalom had gained popularity and had plotted to overthrow his father's reign. He succeeded in gathering a large number of followers and staged a rebellion. This led to a fierce battle between the forces of King David and Absalom, in which Absalom was killed, and the rebellion was quashed. This incident caused immense grief to King David, who lamented over the loss of his son.
Swali 11 Ripoti
Paul declared to the believers in Corinth that no one can say Jesus is Lord except by
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In 1 Corinthians 12:3, Paul declares that "no one can say, 'Jesus is Lord,' except by the Holy Spirit." This means that confessing Jesus as Lord is not merely a matter of uttering the words but is a spiritual act that requires the help of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us the faith and revelation knowledge we need to understand and confess that Jesus is Lord. Therefore, the correct answer is 'the Holy Spirit'.
Swali 12 Ripoti
''..the soul that sins shall die''. The statement above by Prophet Ezekiel means that
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Swali 13 Ripoti
Elijah knew of the covetous act of Gehazi because
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Elijah knew of the covetous act of Gehazi because he went with him in spirit. After Elisha had healed Naaman of his leprosy, Naaman offered Elisha gifts, which Elisha refused. However, Gehazi, Elisha's servant, coveted the gifts and secretly went after Naaman to ask for them. Naaman gave Gehazi the gifts, but when Gehazi returned to Elisha, Elisha knew of his servant's actions. Although Elijah was not physically present when this happened, he knew about it because he was a prophet and was able to perceive it through the Spirit of God.
Swali 14 Ripoti
The second creation story ends with the institution of
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The second creation story in the Bible's book of Genesis does not specifically end with the institution of any of the options listed. However, it does end with the institution of marriage. In Genesis 2:24, after God created Eve to be a companion for Adam, it says, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." This verse establishes the first marriage between a man and a woman as God's plan for human relationships. The second creation story is a more detailed account of the creation of humans and the garden of Eden. It provides insight into God's close relationship with humanity and the importance of relationships between people. While the passover, circumcision, and the Sabbath are important elements in Jewish and Christian faith and practice, they are not specifically mentioned in the second creation story as being instituted at that time. In summary, the second creation story ends with the institution of marriage as God's plan for human relationships.
Swali 15 Ripoti
According to Peter, the genuineness of Christian faith is tested by
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According to Peter, the genuineness of Christian faith is tested by trials. Trials refer to difficult situations or circumstances that one may face in life, such as illness, loss of a loved one, financial difficulties, and persecution for one's faith. Peter wrote in his first letter in the Bible that trials test the faith of believers, and if they endure them, it proves the genuineness of their faith. This means that when Christians face difficult situations and still hold onto their faith in God, it shows that their faith is real and genuine, not just superficial or for show. Peter also wrote that trials have a purpose in strengthening the faith of believers and purifying them, like refining gold in fire. Therefore, trials should be seen as an opportunity for growth and development in one's faith, rather than a reason to doubt or abandon it.
Swali 16 Ripoti
The consequence of Hiel's building of Jericho was that he
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According to the Bible, the consequence of Hiel's building of Jericho was that he lost two of his sons. In the book of 1 Kings, it is recorded that Hiel of Bethel rebuilt Jericho. However, this act went against God's commandment to Joshua not to rebuild Jericho after it was destroyed. As a result, Hiel's firstborn son Abiram died when he laid the foundation of the city, and his youngest son Segub died when he set up its gates. This fulfilled the prophecy made by Joshua that whoever rebuilt Jericho would lose their firstborn son when they laid its foundation, and their youngest son when they set up its gates (Joshua 6:26). Therefore, the consequence of Hiel's building of Jericho was the death of his two sons as a fulfillment of Joshua's prophecy.
Swali 17 Ripoti
God exalted the name of Jesus above every other name in heaven and on earth because
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God exalted the name of Jesus above every other name in heaven and on earth because Jesus humbled himself to be born in human form and was obedient to death. This is according to the letter of Paul to the Philippians in the Bible, in which Paul encourages the believers to have the same attitude of humility that Jesus demonstrated. Jesus, being in the form of God, did not count equality with God as something to be exploited, but he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave and being born in human likeness. He humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore, God highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name.
Swali 18 Ripoti
Daniel was set up to be thrown to the lions by the
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Daniel was set up to be thrown to the lions by the presidents and satraps of Persia. These were powerful officials appointed by the king to help govern the provinces of the Persian Empire. They were jealous of Daniel's position in the kingdom, and conspired to have him killed by tricking the king into passing a law that would require anyone who prayed to a god or man other than the king to be thrown into a den of lions. Even though Daniel was loyal to the king, he continued to pray to God, and as a result, he was thrown into the den of lions. However, God protected him from harm, and he emerged from the den unscathed.
Swali 21 Ripoti
In paul's letter to the Thessalonians, believers were admonishing to prepare for the second coming of Christ by
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In Paul's letter to the Thessalonians, believers were admonished to prepare for the second coming of Christ by keeping awake and being sober. This means that they were encouraged to stay alert, to not be caught off guard, and to avoid being distracted by worldly things. They were also advised to live a life that is focused on serving God, which includes working hard and being productive, praying and fasting, and showing love and kindness to others. Overall, the key message is that believers should be prepared for Christ's return by living a life that is pleasing to God and being ready for his arrival at any time.
Swali 22 Ripoti
In Colossians, Paul admonished believers not to lie to one another because they
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Paul admonished believers not to lie to one another because they had put off the old nature with its practices. In Colossians 3:9-10, Paul says, "Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator." The old nature refers to the sinful nature that believers have put off through faith in Christ, and lying is one of the practices of that old nature. Therefore, Paul is urging believers to be truthful with one another as part of their new life in Christ.
Swali 24 Ripoti
''....I send you to people of Israel, to a nation of rebels...'' The statement above was God's message to
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The statement "....I send you to people of Israel, to a nation of rebels..." was God's message to Prophet Ezekiel. In the Old Testament of the Bible, God called upon Prophet Ezekiel to be a messenger and prophet to the people of Israel. At the time, the Israelites had turned away from God and were living in disobedience to His commandments. Despite their rebellion, God still loved them and desired for them to repent and turn back to Him. Through Prophet Ezekiel, God delivered messages of warning, judgment, and hope, urging the Israelites to repent and return to Him before it was too late.
Swali 25 Ripoti
David did not allow Abishai to destroy Saul because he
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David did not allow Abishai to destroy Saul because he wanted to avoid being guilty before the LORD. In 1 Samuel 26:9-11, we see that David had the opportunity to kill Saul, who was pursuing him to take his life, but he refused to do so, saying that he would not lay a hand on the LORD's anointed. David believed in the judgment of God and did not want to take matters into his own hands by killing Saul. He also recognized that Saul was still the king of Israel and wanted to respect his authority.
Swali 26 Ripoti
'David departed from there and escaped ... and when his brothers and all his father's house heard it...' In the statement above, where did David escape to ?
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The statement mentioned in the question refers to a passage from the Bible in 1 Samuel 22:1-2. According to the passage, David escaped from the city of Gath and went to the cave of Adullam. When his brothers and all his father's house heard about his escape, they joined him there. The cave of Adullam was located in the region of Judah, and it provided a place of refuge for David and his followers from King Saul, who was pursuing him. Therefore, David escaped to the cave of Adullam, located in the land of Judah, after fleeing from Gath.
Swali 27 Ripoti
''Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you...'' Where was Abram when this command was given?
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Abram was in Haran when this command was given to him. Haran was a city in Mesopotamia located in present-day southeastern Turkey. This command was given to Abram by God, instructing him to leave his home, family, and country to go to a new land that God would show him. Abram obeyed God's command and left Haran, eventually settling in the land of Canaan.
Swali 28 Ripoti
Paul teaches that believers who maintain good conduct before governing authorities shall
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Swali 29 Ripoti
According to Prophet Isaiah, the creative ability of God is likened to that of a
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According to Prophet Isaiah, the creative ability of God is likened to that of a "potter and his earthen vessel." This comparison highlights God's power and sovereignty in shaping and molding humanity and the world according to His divine purpose. Just as a potter has complete control over the clay he is working with, so God has complete control over His creation. The analogy also emphasizes the importance of yielding to God's will and submitting to His design, trusting that His plan is perfect and good.
Swali 30 Ripoti
The LORD repented of the evil which He intended for His people because Moses
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The LORD repented of the evil which He intended for His people because Moses reminded Him of His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. After the Israelites had made and worshiped a golden calf, God was angry and intended to punish them. However, Moses interceded for the people and reminded God of His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Israel to make them into a great nation. Moses asked God to have mercy on the people and not bring the punishment He had planned. Because of Moses' intercession, God relented and did not bring the punishment He had intended.
Swali 31 Ripoti
Hiram, king of Tyre, was friendly with King Solomon because he
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REF____2samuel 5:11
Swali 32 Ripoti
Hosea declares that the upright walk in the ways of the LORD, but transgressors
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According to Hosea, the upright walk in the ways of the LORD, but transgressors stumble in them. This means that those who follow the path of righteousness and obey God's commandments will find success and fulfillment in their lives. They will walk steadily and confidently on the path that God has set before them. On the other hand, those who reject God's ways and choose to live a life of sin will stumble and fall. They will face difficulties and obstacles in their lives, and they will not find true happiness or contentment. So, Hosea is emphasizing the importance of following God's ways and living a life of righteousness. By doing so, we can avoid stumbling and find success and fulfillment in our lives.
Swali 33 Ripoti
Paul taught the Romas that while they were yet enemies of God, they were reconciled to Him by the
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Paul taught the Romans that although they were enemies of God, they were reconciled to Him through the death of Jesus Christ. This means that even though humans were sinners and deserved punishment from God, Jesus Christ's death on the cross served as a substitute for that punishment. By believing in and accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, humans could be reconciled to God and have their sins forgiven, thus being made righteous in the sight of God.
Swali 34 Ripoti
The chief butler said to Pharaoh, ''I remeber my faults today...'' 'Faults refers to his
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The chief butler said, "I remember my faults today," which means he is acknowledging his past mistakes or wrongdoings. It does not refer to his inability to identify competent magicians, wise men, and interpreters of dreams or his inability to interpret Pharaoh's dream. It also does not refer to any sins before he was imprisoned by Pharaoh. Instead, it may refer to his forgetfulness about the young Hebrew who correctly interpreted his dream while he was in prison.
Swali 35 Ripoti
The declaration by God that He would make a nation of the son of the slave woman meant that He
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The declaration by God that He would make a nation of the son of the slave woman, Hagar, meant that He recognized Ishmael as Abraham's descendant. According to the Bible, Abraham had two sons, Ishmael born to Hagar the slave woman, and Isaac born to Sarah, Abraham's wife. When Ishmael was sent out of Abraham's house along with his mother, Hagar, they wandered in the wilderness until God spoke to Hagar and promised to make her son, Ishmael, a great nation. This declaration by God meant that He recognized Ishmael as Abraham's son and would bless him and make him a great nation, just as He had promised to bless Isaac, Abraham's son through Sarah. It showed that God was not partial towards Isaac and Ishmael, but had a plan for each of them. Therefore, the declaration by God that He would make a nation of the son of the slave woman, Hagar, meant that He recognized Ishmael as Abraham's descendant and had a plan for his life and the life of his descendants.
Swali 36 Ripoti
''...O faithless and perverse generation, how long am I to be with you and bear with you..'' Jesus' statement above was addressed to
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Jesus' statement "O faithless and perverse generation, how long am I to be with you and bear with you.." was directed towards the crowd that was gathered at the time, including both His disciples and the general public. The statement was made in response to an incident where a man had brought his demon-possessed son to the disciples to be healed, but they were not able to do so. Jesus then healed the boy himself, and the statement was made as a rebuke to the lack of faith and understanding of the people who were present. The phrase "faithless and perverse generation" suggests that Jesus was frustrated with the overall lack of faith and commitment to God's ways among the people. His use of this phrase is similar to the Old Testament prophets who also used it to describe the people of their time who had turned away from God. In summary, Jesus' statement was directed towards the crowd that was gathered at the time, including both His disciples and the general public. He was frustrated by their lack of faith and understanding, and used the phrase "faithless and perverse generation" to describe their overall spiritual condition.
Swali 37 Ripoti
What was the immediate reaction of Moses when he cast his rod on the ground at Mount Hored and it became a serpent?
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When Moses cast his rod on the ground at Mount Horeb and it became a serpent, he fled from it. According to the Bible, when God appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush and called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses doubted his ability to do so. So, God gave him several signs and miracles to perform to demonstrate His power and presence with him. One of these signs was turning Moses' rod into a serpent. When Moses cast his rod on the ground and it became a serpent, he was afraid and fled from it. However, God instructed him to take the serpent by the tail, and when he did, it turned back into a rod. This sign was meant to demonstrate God's power and authority over all things, including the natural world.
Swali 38 Ripoti
The order of the crucifixion events according to Luke's Gospel is
Swali 39 Ripoti
How did Joshua react to the defeat of the Israelites by the men of Ai?
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When the Israelites were defeated by the men of Ai, Joshua rent his clothes, fell face down before the Ark of the Lord and remained there until evening. This was a sign of mourning and distress, as rending one's clothes was a common expression of grief in ancient times. Joshua was devastated by the defeat and recognized the seriousness of the situation, realizing that something had gone wrong and needed to be addressed before they could move forward.
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