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Swali 1 Ripoti
"The officer, surrounded by these noises,
Was moved and a little embarrassed.He turned away
To give them time to pull themselves together, and
Waited, allowing his eyes to rest on the trim cruiser
In the distance."Based on the novel Piggy's,in the above passage,Golding focuses on the
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 2 Ripoti
The major source of action in any narrative is
Maelezo ya Majibu
The major source of action in any narrative is conflict. Conflict is the struggle between opposing forces in a story, which creates tension and drives the plot forward. It is the central problem or issue that the protagonist faces and tries to resolve throughout the story. Conflict can take many forms, such as a character struggling against another character, society, nature, or even their own internal struggles. The resolution of the conflict is what provides the story with its main dramatic interest and emotional impact. The other options mentioned are also important elements of a story but they do not generate action in the same way that conflict does. - Exposition is the beginning of the story where the setting, characters, and background information are introduced. It provides context and sets the stage for the story but it does not necessarily drive the plot forward. - Climax is the point of maximum tension in the story, where the conflict comes to a head and the outcome is decided. It is a pivotal moment, but it is the conflict that leads to the climax, not the other way around. - Epilogue is the conclusion of the story, where loose ends are tied up and the characters' fates are revealed. It is a way to give closure to the story, but it does not generate action.
Swali 3 Ripoti
A provoked houseboy
Cannot match his
Wicked master
Strength with strength,
He maims the master's favorite
Goat!"Obaruduagbon employs this proverb to explain why
Maelezo ya Majibu
The proverb in the passage suggests that if someone who is weaker cannot retaliate against a stronger aggressor, they may take their frustration out on someone or something else weaker than themselves. Obaruduagbon employs this proverb to explain why, in his view, Uwangue Egiebo was murdered. He suggests that since Uwangue Egiebo was seen as a weaker target than the Oba, and Obaruduagbon and Esasoyen were unable to confront the Oba directly, they may have taken their anger out on Uwangue Egiebo instead.
Swali 4 Ripoti
"The poet needs to be up at night,when the world
Sleeps...needs to exist in places where spiders
Forge their webs in silence;near the gutters where
The underside of our dreams fester."Based on Ben Okri's 'Of Poets and their Antagonists', the poet in the passage above is
Maelezo ya Majibu
In Ben Okri's 'Of Poets and their Antagonists', the poet described in the passage is not an ordinary individual. The poet is portrayed as someone who needs to exist in the margins of society, in the places where most people do not go or care to notice. The poet is described as someone who needs to be up at night, when the world sleeps, in order to tap into a different kind of creative energy. They need to exist in places where spiders forge their webs in silence, near the gutters where the underside of our dreams fester. This suggests that the poet is someone who is attuned to the world in a unique way and who seeks inspiration from unconventional sources. Therefore, the answer to the question is "not an ordinary individual."
Swali 5 Ripoti
"He considers also a little fragile,because artistic:
I need to be cared for, like a potted plant. A little
Pruning, a little watering, a little weeding and
Straightening up to bring out the best in me."Based on Margaret Atwood, Cat's Eye, the "me" in the above passage is seen as
Maelezo ya Majibu
The "me" in the above passage is seen as something to be tended. The passage compares the narrator to a fragile potted plant, which needs to be cared for in order to bring out the best in it. The use of phrases such as "a little pruning, a little watering, a little weeding and straightening up" suggests that the narrator sees herself as something that needs to be nurtured and tended to in order to thrive. This suggests that the "me" in the passage is not seen as an object to be protected, nor an ornament to be admired, but rather as something that is dynamic and in need of care and attention. In other words, the "me" is seen as something that has the potential to grow and flourish, but only if it is tended to properly. Overall, the passage suggests that the "me" is seen as something that is in need of care and attention in order to reach its full potential.
Swali 6 Ripoti
'...Sir, nose-painting, sleep and urine.Lechery,
Sir, it provokes:it provokes the
Desire, but it takes away the performance.'Based on William Shakespeare's Macbeth, the statement above can best be described as
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 7 Ripoti
"Thou loosest labour
As easy may'st thou the in trenchant air
With thy keen sword impress,..."Based on William Shakespeare's Macbeth, the confidence above derives from the fact that
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 8 Ripoti
Based on Ayi Kwei Armah's , The Beautiful Ones are Not Yet Born,the Chichidodo is hypocritical because it hates
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 9 Ripoti
"Love blurs your vision; but after it recedes,you
Can see more clearly than ever. It's like the tide
Going out revealing whatever has been thrown away
And sunk; broken bottles, old gloves,rusting
Pop-cans, nibbled fish bodies, bones.The ruin
You've made." Margaret Atwood, Cat's EyeThe passage above claims that when "love recedes", you
Maelezo ya Majibu
The passage is saying that when love recedes, you gain clarity and see things more clearly than before, almost like a tide going out and revealing what had been hidden or thrown away. In this case, it reveals the ruin that you have made. Therefore, the answer is that you come to self-knowledge.
Swali 10 Ripoti
"...If someone threw you a rope when you were
Drowning. If a doctor said take this because if you don't take this because if you
Don't take it, you will die- you would, wouldn't you? I
Mean?"Based on the novel "Piggy's",the "rope" and the doctor's prescription refers to the
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 11 Ripoti
Based on Ayi Kwei Armah's , The Beautiful Ones are Not Yet Born, what is the author's perception of real change in the novel?
Maelezo ya Majibu
In Ayi Kwei Armah's novel "The Beautiful Ones are Not Yet Born", the author's perception of real change is the transformation of society. The novel is set in post-independence Ghana and portrays the corruption, greed, and moral decay that exists within the society. The protagonist is a railway clerk who tries to maintain his integrity in a society that is plagued by dishonesty and selfishness. Throughout the novel, the author critiques the political and economic systems that perpetuate corruption and inequality, and advocates for a transformation of society. The author suggests that real change can only come through a fundamental shift in values and beliefs, and a rejection of the materialistic and selfish attitudes that have become entrenched in the society. Therefore, the correct answer is D, the transformation of society.
Swali 12 Ripoti
"But everything does have a beginning, and so if I
Am to tell this story I must begin. Yet i do not know
The starting point of my tale."Based on Nawal El Saadaw's The Circling Song,the speaker of the above statement is the
Maelezo ya Majibu
The speaker of the above statement is the first person narrator. The use of the pronoun "I" indicates that the speaker is referring to themselves, and their uncertainty about the starting point of their tale suggests that they are the one telling the story. Therefore, the speaker is the first person narrator, who is likely to be a central character in the story.
Swali 13 Ripoti
"In the cold hand of death...
His mouth was cotton filled, his man-pike
Shrunk to a sub-soil grub
His head was hallowed and his brain
On scales-was this a trick to prove
Fore-knowledge after death?"Based on Wole Soyinka's '' Post Mortem, one of the techniques employed by this poet is the use of
Maelezo ya Majibu
The technique employed by Wole Soyinka in the given lines is juxtaposition. Juxtaposition is the act of placing two elements close together, usually for comparison or contrast. Here, Soyinka compares the physical state of the deceased to the metaphorical state of his mind or soul after death. The contrast between the physical body "shrunk to a sub-soil grub" and the metaphysical "fore-knowledge after death" creates a powerful image and highlights the theme of mortality in the poem.
Swali 14 Ripoti
"Stream of consciousness" is the name for
Maelezo ya Majibu
"Stream of consciousness" is the name for a narrative mode that produces a character's random thoughts and associations. In literature, stream of consciousness is a writing technique that attempts to depict the continuous flow of a character's thoughts, feelings, and sensory experiences. It is a narrative mode that immerses the reader in the character's mind, presenting a subjective and often disjointed view of reality. This technique is used to create a sense of intimacy and realism, giving the reader insight into the character's inner life. By presenting the character's thoughts in a stream-of-consciousness style, the reader can experience the character's emotions and mental processes as they occur in real-time. Therefore, the answer to the question is "a narrative mode that produces a character's random thoughts and associations."
Swali 15 Ripoti
In my madness, I served Oba Adolo, your
father. That same madness has helped me
keep my body in this palace as jester under
your full moon. If you will listen to me and my
madness, I will tell you frankly that the way you
talked to the chiefs was not the right way
The tone of the above statement is
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 16 Ripoti
"Why should I play the Roman fool, and die
On mine own sword?"Based on William Shakespeare's Macbeth,playing the Roman fool from the above statement implies
Maelezo ya Majibu
In William Shakespeare's Macbeth, the phrase "playing the Roman fool" refers to the act of killing oneself with one's own sword, which was a common way for Roman soldiers to commit suicide. The character who speaks this line is Macbeth, who is contemplating his own death. He is considering the option of taking his own life, rather than facing the consequences of his actions or being killed by his enemies. He is questioning why he should act like a foolish Roman and kill himself with his own sword. Therefore, the answer to the question is "acting like foolish Romans who killed themselves with their own hands."
Swali 17 Ripoti
"I came down the step with my pitcher
And must wait, must stand and wait, for there he
Was at the trough before me."These lines from "Snakes" suggests that the
Maelezo ya Majibu
The lines from the poem "Snakes" suggest that the snake got there first and that in the interest of justice, the persona should wait. In the poem, the persona is walking to get water from a trough with a pitcher. When he arrives at the trough, he sees a snake already there, drinking from the water. The persona realizes that he must wait for the snake to finish before he can get water for himself. The lines "I came down the step with my pitcher/And must wait, must stand and wait, for there he/Was at the trough before me" convey a sense of patience and respect for the snake's presence. The persona recognizes that the snake was there first and that it is only fair to wait for it to finish drinking before taking his turn. Therefore, the correct answer is C, the snake got there first, and in the interest of justice, the poet should wait.
Swali 19 Ripoti
Based on the novel "Piggy''s", towards the end of the novel, the boys can best be described as
Maelezo ya Majibu
Based on the novel "Piggy's," towards the end of the novel, the boys can best be described as anarchic and savage. As the story progresses, the boys' behavior devolves into chaos and savagery. They form tribes, engage in violence and murder, and lose all sense of civilized behavior. They become savage and anarchic in their actions and decisions, eventually leading to the death of several characters. Therefore, the best description for the boys at the end of the novel is anarchic and savage.
Swali 20 Ripoti
"...Lying down in the melting snow.
There were times we regretted
The summer palaces on slopes, the terraces,
And the silken girls bringing sherbert."The emotion evoked in this passage from "Journey of the Magi" is that of
Maelezo ya Majibu
The emotion evoked in this passage from "Journey of the Magi" is that of nostalgia. The speaker is reflecting on a journey that he took with other wise men to visit the birthplace of Jesus, and he is remembering the difficulties and hardships that they faced along the way. The image of lying down in the melting snow is a poignant one, suggesting a sense of exhaustion and weariness. The speaker then contrasts this with memories of more comfortable times, such as the summer palaces on slopes and the silken girls bringing sherbert. These memories evoke a sense of nostalgia for a time when life was easier and more enjoyable. Overall, the passage suggests a sense of longing for the past, and a bittersweet sense of loss for the things that the speaker has left behind. This is why the correct emotion evoked in this passage is nostalgia, and not romance, sorrow, or fear.
Swali 21 Ripoti
"...He who sharpened the edge of hearts...."In Kunene's To The Soldier "Hero" is
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 22 Ripoti
"....checking the coins against the tickets, he began to count the morning's take. It was mostly what he expected at this time of the month: small coins, a lot of pesewas,..."Based on Ayi Kwei Armah's , The Beautiful Ones are Not Yet Born,what time of the month is being referred to in the above statement from the novel?
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 23 Ripoti
"O Julius Caesar, thou are mighty yet
Thy spirit walks abroad."Based on Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, the statement above is
Maelezo ya Majibu
The statement "O Julius Caesar, thou art mighty yet/ Thy spirit walks abroad" is an example of an apostrophe in Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar". An apostrophe is a figure of speech in which the speaker addresses an absent or imaginary person, an abstraction or an inanimate object. In this case, the speaker is addressing Julius Caesar, who has already died in the play. The speaker acknowledges Caesar's greatness and power, but also notes that his spirit lives on, even after death. The use of the apostrophe serves to emphasize the continued influence and impact of Caesar's legacy, even though he is no longer physically present. It also reflects the superstitions and beliefs of the ancient Roman culture, which placed great emphasis on the power of spirits and the afterlife. Therefore, the correct answer is C, an apostrophe.
Swali 24 Ripoti
In the novel "Piggy's" glasses symbolizes
Maelezo ya Majibu
In the novel "Piggy's," the glasses symbolize intellectualism. Piggy is the owner of the glasses and he represents the rational and scientific thinking that the other boys lack. The glasses are used to start the fire on the island, which is a symbol of hope for rescue. They are also a symbol of the boys' ability to make fire and thus their ability to survive on the island. As the story progresses, the glasses become a target for destruction, representing the decline of rational thinking and the rise of savagery and chaos.
Swali 25 Ripoti
"I'm going off by myself. He can catch his own pigs.
Anyone who wants to hunt when I do can come too."Based on the novel Piggy's, The split in the group of boys occurs with the departure of
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 26 Ripoti
"Rather than so, come fate, into the list,
And champion me to the utterance!"Based on William Shakespeare's Macbeth, "Rather than so"in the quotation above refers to
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 27 Ripoti
Based on Ayi Kwei Armah's , The Beautiful Ones are Not Yet Born, the man is despised by the wife and family because he
Maelezo ya Majibu
In Ayi Kwei Armah's The Beautiful Ones are Not Yet Born, the man is despised by his wife and family because he does not capitalize on his education and position to get ahead. Despite having a good education and job, he refuses to engage in the corrupt practices around him and chooses to live honestly, even if it means struggling to make ends meet. His family, who are consumed by greed and the desire for material wealth, do not understand his values and see him as a failure for not taking advantage of his position to accumulate wealth and power.
Swali 28 Ripoti
In my madness, I served Oba Adolo, your
Father. That same madness has helped me
Keep my body in this palace as jester under
Your full moon. If you will listen to me and my
Madness, I will tell you frankly that the way you
Talked to the chiefs was not the right way'
The play above is basically a
Maelezo ya Majibu
Based on the given excerpt, the play can be described as a historical tragedy. The dialogue suggests that the characters are discussing political matters and addressing the actions of a ruling authority, which is a common theme in historical tragedies. Additionally, the use of the term "madness" and the presence of a jester character suggest that the play may also incorporate elements of tragi-comedy. However, since the focus is on the tragic consequences of political actions, historical tragedy is the more appropriate label.
Swali 29 Ripoti
The expression "The sun kisses the earth" is a
Maelezo ya Majibu
The expression "The sun kisses the earth" is a personification. Personification is a figure of speech where human qualities are given to non-human entities or objects. In this case, the sun is given the human quality of kissing, which is an act of affection between humans.
Swali 30 Ripoti
The literary device in which there is a difference between what is stated and what is actually the case is called
Maelezo ya Majibu
The literary device in which there is a difference between what is stated and what is actually the case is called "irony." Irony can be used to create a humorous effect, to emphasize a point, or to reveal a character's true intentions. There are different types of irony, such as verbal irony, situational irony, and dramatic irony. In verbal irony, the speaker says one thing but means another. In situational irony, the outcome of a situation is different from what was expected. In dramatic irony, the audience knows something that the characters do not, creating tension and suspense in the story.
Swali 31 Ripoti
An over-used expression is
Maelezo ya Majibu
An over-used expression is known as a "cliche". A cliche is a phrase or expression that has been used so frequently that it has lost its originality, impact, and effectiveness. It can be seen as a tired, unoriginal, and predictable way of expressing an idea or concept. Some examples of cliches include "time heals all wounds", "as busy as a bee", and "when in Rome, do as the Romans do".
Swali 32 Ripoti
"Now take this boat business for instance. There is a lot of money to be made in it,but start something, and fools will start shouting slogans at you."Based on Ayi Kwei Armah's , The Beautiful Ones are Not Yet Born, who made the above statement?
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 33 Ripoti
"The drum is silenced in mid-throb;
The flute is flung away;
And ears strain to master the malediction
Of the thunder."These lines from "For Christopher Okigbo" shows that the main occurrence in the poem is
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 34 Ripoti
"...Let the greying day grow,
...let the evening horns blow,
...let the melting mountains go...'The repetition of these lines from Atukwei Okai's
"Sunset Sonata"
Maelezo ya Majibu
The repetition of the lines from Atukwei Okai's "Sunset Sonata" is for emphasis of the main ideas. By repeating these lines, the poet draws attention to the passing of time and the inevitability of change, as symbolized by the greying day, evening horns, and melting mountains. The repetition also imbues the poem with a sense of rhythm and musicality, contributing to its overall lyrical quality. However, the repetition does not necessarily summarize the major themes of the poem or indicate that it is a dirge.
Swali 35 Ripoti
"In Oyo's eyes there was now real gratitude.
Perhaps for the first time in their married life the
Man could believe that she was glad to have him
The way he was."Based on Ayi Kwei Armah's , The Beautiful Ones are Not Yet Born, from the above excerpts, Why was Oyo unhappy with her husband?
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 36 Ripoti
"Marjorie turns to the fish, They swim slickly
Backwards and forwards in the bright heaven of
Their tanks:'white gravel,silver bubbles,green weed and the iridescence of their scales.They
Cheer her. How much more beautiful fish are than
People, she thinks for the thousandth time.No
Ungainliness,no filth;no stupidity."Based on Lesley Glaister's "Serrusalmus", New Writing, in the passage above, the fish are better than people because they are
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 37 Ripoti
"There's no art
To find the mind's construction in the face...'Based on William Shakespeare's Macbeth,the above statement means that there is no
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 38 Ripoti
The line 'Ask them why they idle there' in Kofi Awoonor's Song of Sorrow' is a reference to
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 39 Ripoti
"Kwarshiorkor", "grave", "ravage", "wreck", "funeral", "piles" and fearful". These words from J.P. Clarks "The Casualties" connote
Maelezo ya Majibu
The words "Kwarshiorkor," "grave," "ravage," "wreck," "funeral," "piles," and "fearful" from J.P. Clark's "The Casualties" connote a disaster. The poem describes the aftermath of a conflict or war, and the words used suggest destruction, loss, and tragedy. "Kwarshiorkor" is a medical condition associated with severe malnutrition, which is a common consequence of war and conflict. "Grave," "funeral," and "piles" all connote death and burial, which are common outcomes of warfare. "Wreck" and "ravage" suggest extensive damage and destruction, while "fearful" implies the terror and horror associated with war. Overall, the words used in the poem create a sense of despair and hopelessness, as the casualties of war are counted and the aftermath is surveyed. While "casualty" may be a related term, it does not capture the full sense of the destruction and loss described in the poem. The words used suggest a more comprehensive disaster or tragedy, rather than just individual casualties.
Swali 40 Ripoti
The factor which led to the collapse of the Benin Empire was
Maelezo ya Majibu
The factor which led to the collapse of the Benin Empire was imperialism. Imperialism is the policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means. In the case of the Benin Empire, British imperialism played a major role in its collapse. In 1897, a British punitive expedition was sent to Benin to punish the Oba (ruler) for allegedly violating trade agreements and blocking the expansion of British influence in the region. The expedition resulted in the destruction of the Benin Empire, including the looting and burning of the royal palace and the annexation of Benin's territory by the British. The British took with them many valuable art and cultural artifacts, which were later sold or donated to museums around the world. This event marked the end of the Benin Empire and the beginning of British colonial rule in the region. While tribalism, betrayal, chieftaincy titles, and rivalry may have played a role in the collapse of the Benin Empire, imperialism was the most significant factor. The imperialistic policies of European powers in Africa during the late 19th and early 20th centuries led to the downfall of many African empires and kingdoms, including the Benin Empire.
Swali 41 Ripoti
What basically distinguishes Literature from other disciplines is its
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 42 Ripoti
"Keats" "Ode" to a Nightingale" can best be described as
Maelezo ya Majibu
"Keats' "Ode to a Nightingale" can best be described as a reflection on the uncertainties of life. The poem expresses the speaker's longing for an escape from the hardships of human existence and a desire to become one with nature and the nightingale. The nightingale serves as a symbol of immortality and a source of inspiration for the speaker to transcend the limitations of his own mortality. The poem explores themes such as the transience of life, the power of imagination, and the tension between the ideal and the real."
Swali 43 Ripoti
"Here lies our sovereign Lord the King,
Whose word no man relies on,
Who never said a foolish thing
Nor ever did a wise one,"Based on John Wilmot Rochester's Epitaph on King Charles 11, the form of the above stanza is an example of
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 44 Ripoti
"You knew, didn't you? I'm part of you Close
Close close! I'm the reason why its no go" Why
Things are what they are?"Based on the novel "Piggy's" , the beast's words represents
Maelezo ya Majibu
The words of the Beast in "Piggy's" suggest that it represents the innate evil in human nature. The Beast speaks to Simon and tells him that it is a part of him and the other boys on the island. It represents the darkness and evil that exists within every human being, and how it can consume and control us. The Beast is a symbol of the boys' fear, and their inability to confront the evil within themselves. Simon is the only one who sees the Beast for what it truly is, and his conversation with it reveals the truth about the darkness that lurks within all of us.
Swali 45 Ripoti
"The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew
The furrow followed free
We were the first that ever burst
Into that silent sea."Based on Coleridge's 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner', the dominant figure of speech in the above lines is
Maelezo ya Majibu
The dominant figure of speech in the given lines is alliteration. Alliteration refers to the repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of two or more words in a sentence or phrase. In the given lines, the repeated "f" sound in "fair breeze," "white foam," and "followed free" creates a pleasant and musical effect, emphasizing the smooth and easy movement of the ship.
Swali 46 Ripoti
In his judgement over the elders,Ovonramwen reveals his preference for
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 47 Ripoti
"Full fathom five thy father lies
Of his bones are corals made
Those are pearls that were his eyes
Nothing of him that doth fade."The rhyme scheme of the above stanza is
Maelezo ya Majibu
The rhyme scheme of the above stanza is "abab". This means that the last word of the second and fourth lines rhyme with each other, while the last word of the first and third lines rhyme with each other, forming an alternating pattern of rhyming words. In the given stanza, "lies" rhymes with "eyes", and "made" rhymes with "fade", while "five" and "pearls" do not rhyme with any other word in the stanza.
Swali 48 Ripoti
The word which when applied describes the posture of the speaker in "The Fence" is
Maelezo ya Majibu
The word which when applied to describe the posture of the speaker in "The Fence" is "inertia." "The Fence" is a poem about a speaker who is sitting on a fence, unable to make a decision about which direction to take in life. The speaker is stuck in a state of indecision and unable to move forward, which is a classic example of inertia. In physics, inertia is the tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion or state of rest. In this context, the speaker's posture can be seen as being in a state of rest, unable to take any action or make a decision. Therefore, the correct answer is B, inertia.
Swali 50 Ripoti
A sub-plot is
Maelezo ya Majibu
A sub-plot is a secondary plot that runs parallel to the main plot in a work of literature. It involves a separate storyline that is connected to the main plot, but deals with different characters, situations or themes. Sub-plots are often used to provide a contrast or counterpoint to the main plot, to develop secondary characters or themes, or to add depth and complexity to the overall narrative. They may also serve to reinforce or challenge the themes or messages of the main plot. In short, a sub-plot is a separate narrative within a work of literature that is connected to, but distinct from, the main plot.
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