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Swali 1 Ripoti
Which according to Luke, were the last words of Jesus?
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The last words of Jesus according to Luke were "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit." This was when Jesus was on the cross and it is recorded in Luke 23:46. Jesus was expressing his trust in God and his surrender of his life to him. This statement also shows Jesus' deep faith and relationship with God.
Swali 2 Ripoti
God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it because it marked the day that He
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According to the Bible, God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because it was the day He rested from His work of creation. After creating the world and everything in it, God rested on the seventh day, and that's why it's called the Sabbath day. The act of resting on the seventh day set an example for us humans to follow, emphasizing the importance of taking time to rest and reflect.
Swali 3 Ripoti
Paul unhappy with high incidence of idleness among the Thessalonians commanded them to
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Paul, in his second letter to the Thessalonians, was unhappy with the high incidence of idleness among them. He commanded them to ensure that anyone who does not work must not eat, meaning that they should not tolerate laziness but instead encourage everyone to work diligently. This is based on the biblical principle of hard work and productivity, which is emphasized throughout the Bible. In essence, Paul was urging the Thessalonians to be responsible and productive members of society, and to avoid being a burden on others through idleness.
Swali 4 Ripoti
Gomer's attitude towards her loving husband symbolizes
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Gomer's attitude towards her loving husband symbolizes Israel's unfaithfulness to God. In the book of Hosea, Gomer is depicted as a promiscuous wife who repeatedly cheats on her devoted husband, Hosea. Despite her infidelity, Hosea continues to love and forgive her, just as God continues to love and forgive the unfaithful nation of Israel. In the same way that Gomer's unfaithfulness to her loving husband represents Israel's unfaithfulness to God, Hosea's faithful love and forgiveness towards Gomer symbolizes God's love and forgiveness towards Israel. God's love for His people is so great that even when they repeatedly turn away from Him and chase after other gods, He still loves them and seeks to restore them to Himself. Ultimately, the story of Hosea and Gomer serves as a powerful reminder of God's steadfast love and faithfulness towards His people, even in the face of their unfaithfulness and disobedience. It also highlights the importance of repentance and turning back to God in order to receive His mercy and forgiveness.
Swali 5 Ripoti
God led the Israelites in the wilderness during the day in the form of
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God led the Israelites in the wilderness during the day in the form of a cloud. According to the Old Testament book of Exodus, after the Israelites had escaped from slavery in Egypt, God appeared to them in the form of a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to guide them through the wilderness towards the Promised Land. The cloud represented God's presence among the people, and it would move ahead of them as they journeyed, indicating the direction they should go. When the cloud stopped, the people would stop and set up camp until the cloud moved again. This way, God provided constant guidance and protection for the Israelites as they traveled through the wilderness. The cloud was also a symbol of God's power and authority, and it was a visible reminder to the Israelites of the covenant relationship they had with God. The cloud would remain with the Israelites throughout their journey, until they finally reached the Promised Land.
Swali 6 Ripoti
Christ demonstrated humility by
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Christ demonstrated humility by taking the form of a servant. In Philippians 2:6-8, it says that although Jesus was God, He did not consider equality with God something to be used to His own advantage. Instead, He made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, and humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. Jesus demonstrated humility in several ways, but taking on the form of a servant is perhaps the most profound example. Despite being the Son of God, He willingly submitted Himself to serve others, and ultimately sacrificed His life for the redemption of humanity. This act of humility is the ultimate example of selflessness and servanthood, and inspires us to follow in His footsteps by putting the needs of others before our own.
Swali 7 Ripoti
The land, the sea and vegetation were created on the
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The land, the sea and vegetation were created on the third day. According to the biblical account in Genesis, on the first day, God created light; on the second day, He created the sky; and on the third day, He created the land, separated the waters and brought forth vegetation. So, the third day was a crucial day of creation, as it marked the emergence of the first living things on Earth, and the establishment of the foundation of the environment that would sustain life.
Swali 8 Ripoti
Peter admonished Christians to be sober and watchful in order to avoid
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Swali 9 Ripoti
Peter enjoined humility because the humble shall
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Peter enjoined humility because the humble shall "be blessed". This means that those who have humility will be favored by God and will receive blessings from Him. Humility involves having a modest and unassuming view of one's own importance, and being willing to put the needs of others before oneself. This virtue is highly valued in the Christian faith, and Peter emphasized its importance by highlighting the blessings that come with it.
Swali 10 Ripoti
The first five disciples that Jesus called as recorded in the Synoptic gospels were
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The first five disciples that Jesus called as recorded in the Synoptic gospels were Peter, Andrew, James, John and Levi.
Swali 11 Ripoti
Paul considered himself unfit to be called an apostle because he
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Paul considered himself unfit to be called an apostle because he persecuted the church. In his own words, he considered himself to be the least of the apostles and not even fit to be called an apostle because he had persecuted the church of God. However, he later found forgiveness and grace through Jesus Christ and became a key figure in spreading the gospel and establishing churches throughout the Mediterranean region.
Swali 12 Ripoti
Inspite of Israel's unfaithfulness, Jeremiah saw a ray of hope for them if only they should
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Jeremiah saw a ray of hope for Israel if they would repent and return to God. Despite their unfaithfulness, Jeremiah urged them to turn away from their sins and turn back to God, who was ready to forgive and restore them. This is the main message of the book of Jeremiah - that despite the people's disobedience, God was still willing to show them mercy and grace if they would only turn to Him with sincere repentance.
Swali 13 Ripoti
The fate that would befall those who do not recieve the gospel of Jesus would be
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The fate that would befall those who do not receive the gospel of Jesus according to Christian belief would be condemnation by God. In Christianity, it is believed that salvation and eternal life can only be attained by accepting Jesus Christ as one's Lord and Savior. Those who do not accept Jesus are believed to be separated from God and face eternal punishment in hell after death. This concept is often referred to as the doctrine of hell, which is a fundamental belief in Christianity. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is condemnation by God.
Swali 14 Ripoti
When David spared the life of Saul the second time, he took away his
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When David spared the life of Saul the second time, he took away his spear and jar of water. This happened in the Bible, in the book of 1 Samuel 26:11, where David sneaked up on Saul while he was sleeping and took his spear and jar of water, but spared his life. The spear was likely a symbol of Saul's power and authority, and taking it away was a way for David to show that he had the opportunity to harm Saul, but chose not to.
Swali 15 Ripoti
The miracles of Jesus recorded in John's gospel are called
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The miracles of Jesus recorded in John's gospel are called "signs". This is because they were not just supernatural occurrences, but they had a deeper meaning and purpose. Each sign was meant to reveal Jesus' divine nature and identity, and to point to the salvation that he offers to all who believe in him. Some examples of these signs include turning water into wine, healing the sick, and raising Lazarus from the dead.
Swali 16 Ripoti
In his reform, king Josiah first attacked the
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In his reform, king Josiah first attacked the worship of Canaanite gods such as Baal and Ashera. He wanted to restore the worship of Yahweh, the God of Israel, and eliminate all forms of idolatry from the land. This included destroying altars, idols, and shrines dedicated to these false gods.
Swali 17 Ripoti
Which of the following did not happen immediately after Jesus yielded up his spirit on the cross?
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The correct answer is: Joseph of Arimathea did not remove Jesus' body immediately after he yielded up his spirit on the cross. According to the Gospel accounts in Matthew 27:50-61, Mark 15:37-47, Luke 23:44-56, and John 19:28-42, after Jesus died on the cross, the earth shook, the rocks were split, and the curtain of the temple was torn into two from top to bottom. Also, the tombs of the saints were opened, and some of them were raised to life and appeared to many. However, the Gospel accounts state that Joseph of Arimathea, a wealthy disciple of Jesus, went to Pilate and asked for permission to remove Jesus' body for burial. This did not happen immediately after Jesus died, but rather later in the day, after the Sabbath had begun. Joseph, along with Nicodemus, another follower of Jesus, prepared Jesus' body for burial and placed it in a tomb.
Swali 18 Ripoti
Amos declared that God hated solemn feasts, songs and sacrifices because the people of Israel were
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Amos, a prophet in the Old Testament, declared that God hated the solemn feasts, songs, and sacrifices of the people of Israel because they were unjust and unrighteous. According to Amos, the people were engaging in these religious practices while simultaneously oppressing the poor and vulnerable members of society, engaging in corrupt business practices, and ignoring the commands of God. Therefore, God viewed their religious practices as empty and hypocritical, and their actions as unacceptable.
Swali 19 Ripoti
A good example of parental responsibility was demonstrated by
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Asa is a good example of parental responsibility. Asa was a king of Judah and was described as someone who did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. He removed the foreign altars and high places, commanded Judah to seek the Lord, and made religious reforms. He also removed his mother from her position as queen mother because she had made a detestable image for the worship of Asherah. Asa's actions show that he was responsible not only for his own actions but also for the actions of those under his authority, including his family.
Swali 20 Ripoti
Solomon first applied wisdom granted to him by God at Gibeon by the
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According to the Bible, King Solomon was granted wisdom by God and the first instance where he applied this wisdom was at Gibeon. At Gibeon, Solomon had the opportunity to offer a sacrifice to God and he requested for wisdom from God instead of wealth or power. He then demonstrated his wisdom by judging a dispute between two women who both claimed to be the mother of the same child. He suggested cutting the child in half, with each woman receiving an equal portion, but the real mother begged Solomon to give the baby to the other woman rather than harm it. This showed Solomon's ability to discern the truth and make fair judgments, which are key components of wisdom.
Swali 21 Ripoti
Paul says that only the heathen who are led astray by dumb idols could say
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Swali 22 Ripoti
The concept of forgiveness does not include
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The concept of forgiveness is related to the act of pardoning someone for a wrongdoing or offense. It involves letting go of negative feelings such as anger, resentment or revenge towards the person who has wronged us. Forgiveness is often associated with concepts such as reconciliation, restoration, and peace. However, it is not related to wealth or financial compensation, which are separate from the act of forgiveness. Therefore, the answer is "wealth".
Swali 23 Ripoti
In Romans, Paul stressed that the righteousness of God is
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In the book of Romans, Paul emphasizes that the righteousness of God comes through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. This means that individuals can be made right with God by putting their faith in Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross, rather than by trying to earn their own righteousness through good works or following the law. It is through faith in Jesus that believers are justified and reconciled to God, and are able to live a life that is pleasing to him.
Swali 26 Ripoti
Which of the following is the result of Christian baptism
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Christian baptism is a religious sacrament that symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It involves being fully immersed in water, representing the washing away of sins and the start of a new life in Christ. One of the results of Christian baptism is walking in the newness of life, which means that the baptized person is no longer bound by their old ways but has a fresh start in following Christ. The other options mentioned, such as fulfilling all righteousness, the ability to move fast, and yielding one's life to prayer, are not directly related to the result of Christian baptism.
Swali 27 Ripoti
Jesus came to John at river Jordan to
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Jesus went to John at the river Jordan to receive baptism like others. John the Baptist was a preacher who baptized people in the river Jordan as a symbol of repentance for their sins. Jesus was sinless and did not need to repent, but he wanted to be baptized to identify with the people he came to save and to set an example for his followers. When Jesus was baptized, the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him like a dove, and a voice from heaven said, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." This event marked the beginning of Jesus' public ministry.
Swali 28 Ripoti
When the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul,
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When the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, an evil spirit from God tormented him. Saul's disobedience and rejection of God led to God removing His Spirit from him, and as a result, Saul was tormented by an evil spirit. This torment affected his mental state and made him unpredictable, which caused him to make poor decisions.
Swali 29 Ripoti
According to Matthew, the disciples were sent out with the charge to go nowhere among the Gentiles nor enter any town of the
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According to Matthew's Gospel, the disciples were sent out with the charge to go nowhere among the Gentiles nor enter any town of the Samaritans, but to go only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This meant that Jesus wanted the disciples to focus their ministry on the Jewish people and not to the Gentiles or Samaritans, who were considered outsiders to the Jewish faith. Jesus wanted the disciples to spread the good news of the Kingdom of God to their own people first, and then eventually to the Gentiles and the rest of the world. This charge was meant to emphasize the priority of the Jewish people in God's plan of salvation, and to prepare the way for the gospel to be preached to all nations in due time.
Swali 30 Ripoti
The miracles of Jesus in St John's Gospel was referred to as "signs of the
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The miracles of Jesus in St John's Gospel were referred to as "signs" of the manifestations of Jesus as the Messiah. They were not just miracles, but also had a deeper meaning and purpose. Each sign was intended to point people to the identity of Jesus as the Son of God and the promised Messiah. They showed his power and authority over nature, illness, death, and the spiritual realm. The signs were evidence that Jesus was sent by God, and those who saw and believed in them would have eternal life.
Swali 31 Ripoti
"Blessed are the peacemakers for
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The statement "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God" is from the beatitudes in the Bible, specifically Matthew 5:9. It means that people who actively seek to bring peace and harmony to conflicts are blessed and considered to be the children of God. In other words, those who promote peace are in alignment with God's values and character, and will be recognized as such.
Swali 32 Ripoti
Which of the following was not part of the honour done to Joseph when pharoah made him ruler in Egypt
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The option that was not part of the honour done to Joseph when Pharaoh made him ruler in Egypt is the correct answer. According to the question, the options are: - Joseph was made to address the people - the land of Goshen was given to Joseph - Joseph was dressed in garments of fine linen - a gold chain was put around Joseph's neck Therefore, we need to determine which option is not correct. The answer is "Joseph was made to address the people." The question did not mention that Joseph was made to address the people. The other options, such as giving Joseph the land of Goshen, dressing him in fine linen, and putting a gold chain around his neck, are mentioned in the Bible as part of the honour that Pharaoh gave to Joseph.
Swali 33 Ripoti
Sin that reigns in our mortal bodies makes us obey
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The sin that reigns in our mortal bodies makes us obey our passions. In the Christian Bible, in the book of Romans, Paul speaks of the struggle between the desires of the flesh and the desires of the spirit. He explains that sin has a power over our bodies, making us obey the desires and passions of our flesh, rather than the commands of God. This can lead to actions that go against God's will and harm ourselves and others. However, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can overcome this sinful nature and live according to God's will.
Swali 34 Ripoti
Paul said in Galatians that before faith came, we were confined under
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Paul said in Galatians that before faith came, we were confined under the law. This means that before we believed in Christ, we were bound by the rules and regulations of the Mosaic Law, and we were not able to attain righteousness by following the law. However, with the coming of faith, we were set free from the constraints of the law and could attain righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ.
Swali 35 Ripoti
Which of the following miracles show Jesus' power over nature?
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The miracle that shows Jesus' power over nature is walking on the sea. In this miracle, Jesus demonstrated his power over the physical laws of nature by walking on water. The miracle is recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John. It was performed when the disciples were in a boat on the Sea of Galilee and encountered a storm. Jesus walked towards them on the water and calmed the storm when he got into the boat. This miracle showed the disciples and the people around them that Jesus was not an ordinary man, but had divine power over nature.
Swali 36 Ripoti
Peter's general outlook towards Gentile converts was significantly changed by the conversion
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Peter's general outlook towards Gentile converts was significantly changed by the conversion of Cornelius the centurion. Prior to this, Peter believed that Gentiles could not be part of the Christian faith unless they first became Jews. However, after his encounter with Cornelius and his household, Peter realized that the Holy Spirit was also present among the Gentiles and that they too could become followers of Jesus Christ. This event is recorded in the book of Acts in the New Testament of the Bible and is seen as a pivotal moment in the early Christian church's acceptance of Gentile converts.
Swali 37 Ripoti
In the Epistle to Galatians, Christians are children of God through
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In the Epistle to Galatians, Christians are considered as children of God through faith in Christ. The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians emphasized that salvation is not achieved through keeping the law but through faith in Jesus Christ. According to him, the law is only a means to show humanity their sinfulness and their need for a savior, which is Jesus Christ. Therefore, faith in Christ is the only way to be justified before God and become a child of God.
Swali 38 Ripoti
When Moses stayed away for too long on the mountain, the people of Israel
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When Moses stayed away for too long on the mountain, the people of Israel made and worshipped an idol. The Israelites grew impatient and believed that Moses had abandoned them. So they asked Aaron to make them a god that would go before them. Aaron collected their gold earrings and made a golden calf, which they began to worship.
Swali 39 Ripoti
Which Jewish party was bitterly opposed to the disciples for preaching the Resurrection of Jesus
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The Jewish party that was bitterly opposed to the disciples for preaching the Resurrection of Jesus was the Sadducees. The Sadducees were a sect of Judaism that were wealthy, powerful, and influential in the Temple in Jerusalem. They rejected the resurrection of the dead and believed in a very literal interpretation of the Torah. When the disciples began preaching the resurrection of Jesus, the Sadducees saw this as a threat to their authority and power, as well as a challenge to their beliefs. They arrested and persecuted the disciples in an attempt to stop the spread of this new belief.
Swali 40 Ripoti
God provided water for the Israelites by asking Moses to strike the rock at the wilderness of
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God provided water for the Israelites by asking Moses to strike the rock at the wilderness of Rephidim. When the Israelites complained to Moses that they were thirsty and wanted water to drink, God instructed him to strike a rock with his staff, and water gushed out from the rock for the people to drink. This event is recorded in the book of Exodus, chapter 17, in the Bible.
Swali 41 Ripoti
The universal nature of God was demonstrated in the salvation of the people of
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The universal nature of God was demonstrated in the salvation of the people of Nineveh. In the Bible, the book of Jonah recounts how God sent the prophet Jonah to preach to the people of Nineveh, a great city known for its wickedness. Despite Jonah's initial reluctance, the people of Nineveh repented and turned to God, and God showed them mercy and did not destroy the city. This story demonstrates that God's salvation and mercy are not limited to one particular group of people, but are available to all who turn to Him.
Swali 42 Ripoti
Paul considered himself unfit to be called an apostle because he
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Paul considered himself unfit to be called an apostle because he persecuted the church. Before he became a Christian, he was known as Saul and he actively worked to persecute and imprison Christians. He believed that he had done many wrongs and was therefore unworthy of being called an apostle, a title given to those who were chosen by Jesus to spread the gospel message.
Swali 44 Ripoti
In Romans, Paul taught that where there is no law, there is no
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In the book of Romans, Paul taught that without the law, there can be no transgression. This means that if there are no rules or laws guiding human behavior, there can be no violation or breaking of those laws. The law defines what is right and wrong, and when people act outside of its boundaries, they have transgressed or sinned. Therefore, in the absence of the law, there can be no sin or transgression.
Swali 45 Ripoti
When Peter was in prison, the church
Maelezo ya Majibu
When Peter was in prison, the church prayed ceaselessly. In the book of Acts, chapter 12, it is recorded that Peter was arrested and put in prison by King Herod. The church, upon hearing this news, gathered together and began to pray for him. While they were praying, an angel of the Lord appeared and freed Peter from his chains, and he was able to escape the prison. The story highlights the power of prayer and the importance of trusting in God even in difficult situations.
Swali 46 Ripoti
What was Moses' reaction when God called him to liberate his people from Egypt?
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When God called Moses to lead his people out of Egypt, Moses was hesitant and afraid. He felt unworthy of such a task, and he doubted that the people would listen to him. He was also concerned about his lack of eloquence and his ability to speak well. However, despite his doubts and fears, Moses eventually agreed to follow God's plan and to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.
Swali 47 Ripoti
Believers according to Jesus in John's gospel, become his friends if they imbibe his teaching on
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Swali 48 Ripoti
In his letter to Philemon, Paul did not ask him to
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In his letter to Philemon, Paul did not ask him to prepare a feast for him. Instead, Paul wrote to Philemon to appeal for mercy and forgiveness for his slave Onesimus, who had run away from him and had become a Christian under Paul's ministry. Paul asked Philemon to receive Onesimus back as a brother in Christ, not just as a slave. Although Paul did not directly ask Philemon to grant Onesimus freedom or allow him to become a servant of God, he hoped that Philemon would treat Onesimus with love and kindness. However, there is no mention of Paul asking Philemon to prepare a feast for him in the letter.
Swali 50 Ripoti
According to the Mosaic law, the only authority to declare a leper healed was
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According to the Mosaic law, the only authority to declare a leper healed was the priest. Leprosy was a dreaded disease in ancient times, and people who had it were considered unclean and isolated from the community. The Mosaic law provided strict guidelines for dealing with leprosy, including how to diagnose it and how to declare someone healed. The priest was the only one who could examine a person with leprosy and pronounce them clean if they were healed. This was done through a series of rituals and sacrifices prescribed by the law. The role of the priest in this process was crucial, as they were responsible for maintaining the purity and well-being of the community.
Swali 51 Ripoti
(a) Narrate the story of the death of the first child born to David by Uriah's wife. [9 marks]
(b) State any three lessons to be derived from the episode. [6 marks]
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 52 Ripoti
(a) Give an account of Joseph's first encounter with Pharaoh [12 marks]
(b) State any three qualities of his that earned him Pharaoh's favour [3 marks]
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 53 Ripoti
(a) Outline the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin. [11 marks]
(b) In what two ways are these parables significant. [4 marks]
Swali 54 Ripoti
Outline Paul's teaching on spiritual gifts. [15 marks]
Swali 55 Ripoti
(a) Relate the experience of Jonah as he fled from the presence of God to Tarshish. [11 marks]
(b) Give two moral lessons that could be learnt from his flight. [4 marks]
Swali 56 Ripoti
(a) Describe Saul's battle with the Philistines on Mount Gilboa [11 marks]
(b) Give two reasons why the outcome of this battle could be blamed on Saul. [4 marks]
Swali 57 Ripoti
(a) With reference to Paul's epistle to the Philippians, explain how Jesus demonstrated humility [11 marks]
(b) Mention two ways one can exhibit this virtue. [4 marks]
Swali 58 Ripoti
a) Relate the teaching of James on effective prayer. [11 marks]
(b) Give four causes of unanswered prayers [4 marks]
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 59 Ripoti
a) Highlight how James proved that "faith apart from work is dead." [11 marks]
b) Mention two deeds of faith [4 marks] .
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Swali 60 Ripoti
(a) Narrate the story of how Lazarus was raised from death. [11 marks]
(b) Give two lessons which the story teaches christians. [4 marks]
Swali 61 Ripoti
(a) Explain Luke's account of the healing of the Demoniac [13 marks]
(b) Give two reasons why the evil spirits were sent into the swine. [2 marks]
Maelezo ya Majibu
Swali 62 Ripoti
(a) Give an account of the trial of Jesus before the high priest. [9 marks]
(b) Describe Peter's behaviour during this period [6 marks]
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