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Ibeere 2 Ìròyìn
In Corinthians, Paul said that one can only say Jesus is Lord by
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In the Bible, Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12:3 that one can only say "Jesus is Lord" by the power of the Holy Spirit. He explains that this declaration of faith is not something that can be done by one's own strength or wisdom, but is only possible through the work of the Holy Spirit in a person's life. This means that when someone truly believes and confesses that Jesus is Lord, it is a result of the Holy Spirit's work in their heart, and not just a statement made with their own words.
Ibeere 3 Ìròyìn
'Behold, your king is coming to you, humble and mounted on an ass..."The prophecy in the statement above was fulfilled during Jesus
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The statement above is a prophecy from the Old Testament that predicted the coming of a humble king, who would ride on a donkey. This prophecy was fulfilled during Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, just before his crucifixion. Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey, and the people celebrated his arrival by waving palm branches and laying their cloaks on the road before him. Therefore, the correct option that applies to this prophecy is the "triumphal entry" of Jesus into Jerusalem. This event is recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and is considered a significant moment in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.
Ibeere 4 Ìròyìn
The major reason that God allowed the Babylonian attack on the city of Jerusalem was to
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According to the Bible, the major reason that God allowed the Babylonian attack on the city of Jerusalem was to punish the people of Judah and their leaders for their sins. The people of Judah had turned away from God and were engaging in idolatry and other sinful practices, despite the warnings of the prophets. The Babylonian invasion was a consequence of their disobedience, and it was meant to bring them to repentance and turn back to God. While there may have been other reasons for the Babylonian attack, such as demonstrating God's power to deliver his people or setting a trap for the Babylonians, the primary reason was to bring judgment upon the people of Judah for their sins.
Ibeere 5 Ìròyìn
One of the quality of a good disciple that was exhibited by the first followers of Jesus was
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One of the qualities of a good disciple exhibited by the first followers of Jesus was faith. Faith means having complete trust and confidence in someone or something. The first disciples had faith in Jesus as the Son of God and believed in his teachings, even though they may not have fully understood everything at first. They trusted in his promises and were willing to follow him, even if it meant facing persecution or hardship. This faith allowed them to perform miracles, spread the Gospel, and establish the foundation of Christianity. Faith is still an essential quality for a disciple today, as it helps us trust in God's plan for our lives and rely on his guidance and strength in all situations.
Ibeere 6 Ìròyìn
According to Thessalonians, the second coming of the Lord will be
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According to Thessalonians, the second coming of the Lord will be like a thief in the night and with the blowing of a trumpet. In 1 Thessalonians 5:2, it is said that "For you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night." This means that the timing of the second coming of the Lord is unknown, and it will happen suddenly and unexpectedly, just like a thief who comes to steal in the darkness without warning. Moreover, in 1 Thessalonians 4:16, it is also stated that "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God." This means that the second coming of the Lord will also be accompanied by the blowing of a trumpet, which symbolizes the announcement of a significant event, and the gathering of the believers. In summary, the second coming of the Lord according to Thessalonians will be sudden and unexpected like a thief in the night, and it will be accompanied by the blowing of a trumpet.
Ibeere 7 Ìròyìn
David's inaction at Amnon's incest with Tamar showed his
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David's inaction at Amnon's incest with Tamar showed his lack of control over his children. David failed to hold Amnon accountable for his actions and did not take any steps to bring justice to his daughter Tamar, who was the victim in this situation. This lack of control over his children ultimately led to a series of events that caused harm and pain to his family and kingdom.
Ibeere 8 Ìròyìn
When Christians give freely, God will supply
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According to the Bible, when Christians give freely, God will supply their needs according to His riches in Glory. This means that when Christians give generously and selflessly, without expecting anything in return, God promises to provide for them abundantly. The measure of their giving is not the determining factor, but rather the heart behind their giving. God sees the sincerity of their heart and rewards them accordingly, providing for their needs in ways that go beyond their expectations. This provision is not limited to their physical needs, but also includes their emotional and spiritual needs. Therefore, Christians should give freely and trust that God will supply all their needs according to His riches in Glory.
Ibeere 11 Ìròyìn
The disciples of Jesus could not heal the boy with epilepsy because they
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The reason why the disciples of Jesus were unable to heal the boy with epilepsy was that they had little faith. In the Bible, Jesus told his disciples that if they had faith as small as a mustard seed, they could move mountains. However, when they tried to heal the boy, they were not able to do so because they lacked faith. Jesus later healed the boy himself and explained to his disciples that their lack of faith was the reason why they were not able to heal the boy.
Ibeere 12 Ìròyìn
'Lord, if you will, you can make me clean"The statement above was made by the
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The statement "Lord, if you will, you can make me clean" was made by a leper. In the Bible, leprosy was a disease that was considered unclean and those who had it were often ostracized from society. In this particular story, a leper approaches Jesus and asks him to make him clean if he is willing. This statement shows the leper's faith in Jesus and his recognition of Jesus' power to heal him. Jesus is moved with compassion and responds by healing the leper, which serves as a testament to Jesus' divine power and his ability to heal the sick and outcast.
Ibeere 13 Ìròyìn
Prophet Ezekiel was set upon his feet to hear the Lord speak when
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According to the Bible, in the book of Ezekiel, Prophet Ezekiel was set upon his feet to hear the Lord speak when the Spirit entered into him. This means that the Holy Spirit came upon him and empowered him to hear the voice of the Lord. This experience allowed Ezekiel to receive messages from God and prophesy to the people of Israel.
Ibeere 14 Ìròyìn
According to Collosians, the Lord does not wish that any should perish, but that all should
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Ibeere 15 Ìròyìn
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Amos prophecies, which were considered as a conspiracy against the northern Kingdom, were reported to the king by Amaziah, who was the priest of Bethel temple. Amaziah felt that Amos was speaking against the northern Kingdom and its king, and so he reported this to the king to stop Amos from speaking further. This information was shared with the king to warn him about Amos's prophecies and to protect the interests of the kingdom and its people.
Ibeere 16 Ìròyìn
"Why then have you not kept watch over your Lord the king?"
The question above by David was addressed to
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Ibeere 18 Ìròyìn
"As each has received a gift, employ it for one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace..."In the statement above, Peter teaches believers the virtue of
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Ibeere 19 Ìròyìn
According to Paul, before his conversion, he persecuted the church violently to
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According to Paul's own words in the Bible, he persecuted the church violently in order to destroy it. In other words, he was actively trying to dismantle and eliminate the early Christian church by whatever means necessary. This included arresting, imprisoning, and even executing Christians who refused to renounce their faith. However, after experiencing a dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus, Paul became one of the most influential figures in the early Christian church, spreading the message of Jesus Christ throughout the Mediterranean world.
Ibeere 20 Ìròyìn
Jonah's explanation to the Lord for resisting His first call teaches us that God is
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Ibeere 21 Ìròyìn
The seeds that fell among thorns in the parable of the sower refer to people that heard the word of God but
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Ibeere 22 Ìròyìn
According to Paul in his letter to Philemon, forgiveness should not be by compulsion but by
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According to Paul in his letter to Philemon, forgiveness should not be by compulsion but by free will. Paul urges Philemon to forgive his runaway slave, Onesimus, not because he has to, but because he chooses to do so willingly. Paul emphasizes the importance of forgiveness being a voluntary act of the heart rather than something that is forced upon us. In this way, forgiveness becomes a genuine expression of love and grace, rather than a begrudging obligation. Furthermore, Paul points out that forgiveness is ultimately possible because of God's grace and the justification we receive through faith in Jesus Christ. As we have experienced the forgiveness and love of God in our own lives, we are empowered to extend that same forgiveness and love to others.
Ibeere 23 Ìròyìn
Solomom's wisdom surpassed the wisdom of all the people of the East and all wisdom of Egypt because he
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Solomon's wisdom was considered greater than the wisdom of all the people of the East and all the wisdom of Egypt because he was said to have received his wisdom from God. According to the Bible, God appeared to Solomon in a dream and offered to give him anything he wanted. Solomon asked for wisdom and understanding to govern God's people, and God was pleased with his request, granting him not only great wisdom but also wealth, power, and long life. This is why Solomon was known as one of the wisest leaders in history, and his wisdom was said to surpass that of all other people of his time.
Ibeere 24 Ìròyìn
"It is necessary to circumcise them, and to charge them to keep the law of Moses."In response to the above Pharisee's above statement, Peter rebuked them by saying that God has
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In response to the Pharisee's statement, Peter rebuked them by saying that God has cleansed the Gentile's heart by faith. He believed that it was not necessary to physically circumcise them or follow the law of Moses, but rather that their hearts had been purified through their belief in God. Peter saw that God accepts people based on their faith, not on their physical appearance or adherence to specific laws. This was a significant moment in the early Christian church, as it marked a shift away from the idea that only Jews could be part of the faith, to the belief that all people, regardless of their background, could be saved through faith in Jesus Christ.
Ibeere 26 Ìròyìn
Moses ran away from Egypt after killing an Egyptian because he felt he might be
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According to the Bible, in the book of Exodus, Moses ran away from Egypt after killing an Egyptian because he felt he might be killed by Pharaoh of Egypt. Moses, who was an Israelite raised in the household of Pharaoh, witnessed an Egyptian beating an Israelite slave, and in a fit of anger, Moses killed the Egyptian. When he realized that the Pharaoh knew about the murder, he fled to the land of Midian, fearing for his life. This event led to Moses spending 40 years in the wilderness before returning to Egypt to lead the Israelites out of slavery.
Ibeere 27 Ìròyìn
According to James, when we meet various trials in life, we should
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According to James, when we meet various trials in life, we should count it all joy. James explains that trials produce endurance, and when we have allowed endurance to have its full effect in us, we will become mature and complete. In other words, when we face difficulties, it's an opportunity for growth and development. James doesn't say we should be happy about the trials themselves, but rather about the outcome they can produce in us. Instead of being discouraged or giving up when we face challenges, we can have a positive attitude and trust that God will use our trials to strengthen us and shape us into the people He wants us to be. Furthermore, James encourages us to ask God for wisdom when we face trials, trusting that He will give it to us generously. Through prayer and seeking God's guidance, we can navigate difficult situations and learn important lessons along the way. Overall, James' message is one of hope and encouragement, reminding us that even in our trials, God is working for our good.
Ibeere 28 Ìròyìn
King Josiah was killed by Pharoah Neco in a battle at
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King Josiah was killed by Pharaoh Neco in a battle at Megiddo. Megiddo was a city in ancient Israel that was strategically located on a major trade route. In 609 BCE, King Josiah of Judah went to war against Pharaoh Neco of Egypt in an attempt to prevent him from advancing towards the Euphrates River. However, King Josiah was killed in the battle, which took place at Megiddo. The death of King Josiah was a significant loss for the people of Judah, and it marked the end of an era in their history.
Ibeere 29 Ìròyìn
According to Mark, the young man that the women saw in Jesus tomb told them to go with the disciples and wait for them in
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According to the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament, the young man that the women saw in Jesus' tomb told them to go to Galilee and wait for the disciples there. This young man is believed to be an angel, who appeared to the women after Jesus' resurrection. The angel instructed the women to tell the disciples that Jesus had risen from the dead and that they would see him soon in Galilee. Galilee was a region in northern Israel, where Jesus had spent most of his ministry and where many of his disciples were from. This instruction was important because it shows that Jesus' resurrection was not just a local event in Jerusalem, but a message for all the world. It also emphasizes the importance of faith and obedience to Jesus' teachings, even when things seem uncertain or confusing.
Ibeere 30 Ìròyìn
The ark that God commanded Noah to build was made of
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According to the Bible, God commanded Noah to build an ark to save himself, his family, and two of every kind of animal from a great flood. The type of wood used to build the ark is described as "gopher wood." The specific type of wood referred to as "gopher wood" is unknown, as the term is only mentioned in the Bible and has not been identified by modern scholars. Some theories suggest it may have been a type of cypress or cedar wood that was indigenous to the region where Noah lived. Overall, the exact type of wood used to build the ark remains a mystery, but what is clear is that it was a type of wood that was durable enough to withstand the flood and keep its passengers safe.
Ibeere 31 Ìròyìn
"Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much evil he has done to thy saints at Jerusalem"Ananias response above to God's request for him to meet Saul shows that the
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Ananias's response shows that he was afraid to meet Saul. He heard about the evil that Saul had done to the saints in Jerusalem, and this made him apprehensive about meeting with Saul. He was uncertain about what to expect and was afraid that Saul might harm him.
Ibeere 32 Ìròyìn
"...and many will rejoice at his birth; for he will be great before the lord..."In the statement above, the angel made this pronouncement because of
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Ibeere 34 Ìròyìn
"He was not the light but was sent to bear witness to the light."The statement above refers to
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The statement "He was not the light but was sent to bear witness to the light" refers to John the Baptist, a prophet who came before Jesus Christ. John's role was to prepare the way for Jesus and to testify to his divine nature and mission. While John had many followers, he made it clear that he was not the Messiah, but rather a messenger sent to announce his coming. John's ministry focused on repentance and preparing people for the arrival of the Savior, whom he recognized as the true light of the world.
Ibeere 36 Ìròyìn
According to the Galatians, judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy, yet mercy triumphs over
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According to the book of Galatians, judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy, yet mercy triumphs over judgment. This means that if a person does not show mercy to others, they will not receive mercy when they are judged. However, if a person does show mercy to others, they will receive mercy in return. The book of Galatians emphasizes the importance of living by faith and following the teachings of Jesus Christ. It emphasizes the need to treat others with love and kindness, even when they may not deserve it. This includes showing mercy to others, even when it may be difficult. The passage suggests that those who are merciful will ultimately be rewarded, while those who are not merciful will be judged harshly. In summary, the passage emphasizes the importance of treating others with kindness and mercy, and suggests that doing so will ultimately lead to a better outcome for the individual.
Ibeere 37 Ìròyìn
During Moses' Leadership in Israel, he exhibited most importantly the talent of a
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During Moses' leadership in Israel, he exhibited most importantly the talent of a mediator. As the leader of the Israelites, Moses played a crucial role in mediating between God and his people. He was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, and he was also the one who received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai. Moses acted as a mediator between God and the Israelites in several ways. He interceded on behalf of the people when they sinned and angered God, and he also mediated disputes among the people themselves. For example, when the Israelites grumbled and complained about their lack of food and water, Moses prayed to God on their behalf and asked for His provision. And when two Israelites were fighting, Moses stepped in to settle the dispute and restore peace. Moses' talent as a mediator was crucial to his leadership of the Israelites, as he was able to bridge the gap between God and His people and bring about reconciliation and unity.
Ibeere 38 Ìròyìn
The sins of Israel during the reign of Ahab consisted of
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The sins of Israel during the reign of King Ahab consisted of worshiping idols and disregarding the commandments of God. Ahab and his wife Jezebel promoted the worship of the Canaanite deity Baal, and many Israelites turned away from the worship of the one true God to follow the pagan practices of their leaders. This led to a time of spiritual darkness and moral decay in the kingdom, as the people abandoned the laws and principles that had once guided them. In addition to idol worship, the reign of Ahab was also characterized by oppression of the poor and disregard for the sanctity of the temple, further contributing to the nation's spiritual decline.
Ibeere 39 Ìròyìn
According to Peter, when Christians humble themselves, God will
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According to Peter, when Christians humble themselves, God will exalt them. In the Bible, Peter encourages Christians to humble themselves and trust in God's plan for their lives. He writes that when they do this, God will lift them up and give them a position of honor and respect. This means that when Christians put their faith in God and submit to His will, He will reward them by elevating their status and giving them a higher place in His kingdom.
Ibeere 40 Ìròyìn
The appointment of deacons became necessary because of the complaint by the
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The appointment of deacons became necessary because of the complaint by the Hellenist. The Hellenist were Greek-speaking Jews in the early Christian church who felt that their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. They raised this issue with the apostles, and as a result, the apostles decided to appoint deacons to oversee the fair distribution of resources to all members of the community, including the Hellenist widows. This helped to address the complaint and maintain unity in the early Christian church.
Ibeere 41 Ìròyìn
According to Jeremiah, the people of Israel were in exile because of their
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Ibeere 43 Ìròyìn
Paul in Timothy urged believers to make supplications, prayers, intercession and thanksgivings for all those who
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Ibeere 44 Ìròyìn
The young man of Egypt took David to the band of the Amalekites because
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Ibeere 45 Ìròyìn
David's immediate reaction to the news that the hearts of the Israelites have gone after Absalom was to
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David's immediate reaction to the news that the Israelites' hearts had gone after Absalom was to flee to the wilderness. This means that he left his kingdom and went to a remote and uninhabited area to escape the situation. This was a difficult decision for David, as he loved his people and was loyal to them, but he felt that it was necessary to protect himself and preserve his power.
Ibeere 46 Ìròyìn
When the three Hebrew men refused to worship the King's image, he commanded that they be
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The three Hebrew men were commanded to be thrown into a furnace because they refused to worship the King's image. The King was angry with them for not following his orders and decided to punish them by having them thrown into a hot furnace. However, in the end, they were saved from harm and came out of the furnace unscathed, which showed that their faith in God was strong and protected them.
Ibeere 47 Ìròyìn
How did God help Jeremiah overcome his inability to speak as a prophet
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Ibeere 48 Ìròyìn
The promise to those who are persecuted for righteousness sake is that they will
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The promise to those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake is that they will inherit the kingdom of heaven. This means that they will have a place in heaven and be with God forever. This is a reward for those who have faced difficulties and challenges on Earth because of their commitment to doing what is right and good.
Ibeere 49 Ìròyìn
The book of the law was found in the house of the lord during the reign of King
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The book of the law was found in the house of the lord during the reign of King Josiah. This happened when repairs were being made to the temple and the high priest found a book that contained God's laws. Josiah was a king of Judah who reigned from around 640 BC to 609 BC. He was known for his religious reforms and his efforts to bring the people of Judah back to the worship of Yahweh. When Josiah heard the words of the book of the law, he tore his clothes in repentance because he realized how much the people of Judah had strayed from God's laws. He then led a campaign to remove all the idols and altars of false gods and to reinstate the worship of Yahweh. This event is recorded in the Bible in 2 Kings 22-23 and 2 Chronicles 34-35.
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