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Ibeere 1 Ìròyìn
As Jesus walked by the sea of Galilee, he called_________
Awọn alaye Idahun
According to the Bible, as Jesus walked by the Sea of Galilee, he called Simon Peter and his brother Andrew to follow him and become his disciples (Matthew 4:18-19). Later, he also called James and his brother John, who were also fishermen, to join him (Matthew 4:21-22). So, the correct answer is: Jesus called Simon Peter and Andrew.
Ibeere 2 Ìròyìn
According to Ephesians, Paul enjoins Fathers not to__________
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In the book of Ephesians, the apostle Paul gives some instructions to fathers about how to raise their children in a way that honors God. One of these instructions is that fathers should not provoke their children to anger. This means that fathers should not do things that will make their children feel resentful, bitter, or frustrated. There are many ways that fathers can provoke their children to anger, such as being overly critical, setting unrealistic expectations, or showing favoritism to one child over another. When fathers do these things, it can cause their children to feel like they can never please them or that they are not valued. This can lead to feelings of anger, resentment, and even rebellion. Instead, Paul encourages fathers to bring up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, which means that they should teach their children about God's love, grace, and truth. They should model for their children what it means to live a life that is pleasing to God, and they should correct their children in love when they make mistakes. By doing these things, fathers can help their children grow up to be healthy, confident, and godly adults.
Ibeere 3 Ìròyìn
In his first letter to Timothy, Paul warned believers aganist the love of money, because it contends with their__________
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In his first letter to Timothy, Paul warned believers against the love of money because it contends with their faith. This means that the love of money can become a hindrance to a person's faith in God. When a person loves money, it becomes their primary focus and priority in life, rather than their relationship with God. This can cause them to trust in their wealth instead of relying on God's provision and can lead to a lack of trust and faith in God. Additionally, the love of money can lead to a variety of sins, such as greed, coveting, and stealing, which are all antithetical to the Christian faith. Therefore, Paul warns believers against the love of money, urging them to place their faith and trust in God rather than in wealth. It is important to note that this does not mean that money is inherently evil, but rather that the love of money can become a stumbling block to a person's faith and relationship with God. Christians are called to be good stewards of their resources and use them to further God's kingdom rather than pursuing wealth for its own sake.
Ibeere 4 Ìròyìn
According to Mark, after Jesus had triumphantly entered Jerusalem, He__________
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After Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem, He went first into the Temple. The Temple was a very important place for the Jewish people as it was considered the center of their religious life and worship. Jesus was upset with the way the Temple was being used by the religious leaders for their own gain and he drove out the merchants and money changers who were conducting business there. This event is known as the "cleansing of the Temple" and it was seen as a bold statement by Jesus, challenging the religious leaders and their practices.
Ibeere 5 Ìròyìn
Nehemiah decided to go back to Jerusalem because of_____________
Awọn alaye Idahun
In the 20th year of Artaxerxes I (445 or 444 BC), Nehemiah was cup-bearer to the king. Learning that the remnant of Jews in Judah were in distress and that the walls of Jerusalem were broken down, he asked the king for permission to return and rebuild the city. Nehemiah 1:1-7
Ibeere 6 Ìròyìn
Hosea compared Judah's love for he Lord to the morning clouds because it_________
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Hosea compared Judah's love for the Lord to the morning clouds because it went away early like the dew. This is found in the book of Hosea in the Old Testament of the Bible, chapter 6. To give more context, Hosea was a prophet of God who was sent to the people of Israel to warn them of their sins and call them to repentance. In chapter 6, Hosea expresses the Lord's desire for the people to return to Him and acknowledge their need for His mercy and grace. However, he also recognizes that their love for God is not genuine or lasting, but rather like the morning clouds that disappear quickly. The morning clouds that Hosea refers to are the clouds that form in the morning and quickly disappear with the rising of the sun. They are delicate and temporary, much like the people's love for God. Their love was not sincere or genuine, but rather fleeting and superficial. Hosea compares it to the dew that quickly disappears in the heat of the day. In Hosea's message, he highlights the people's need for a deeper and more lasting relationship with God, one that is not just based on temporary feelings or circumstances. He calls on them to return to the Lord with true repentance and faith, and to seek His forgiveness and restoration.
Ibeere 7 Ìròyìn
The way in which various people hear the word of God is described in the parable of the ______
Awọn alaye Idahun
The parable that describes the way in which various people hear the word of God is the parable of the sower. In this parable, Jesus compares the Word of God to seeds that are scattered on different types of soil. The different types of soil represent the different ways in which people receive the Word of God. In the parable, some of the seeds fall on rocky ground, where there is not enough soil for the seed to take root. These represent people who hear the Word of God, but do not let it take root in their hearts. Others fall among thorns, which choke the seed and prevent it from growing. These represent people who hear the Word of God, but are more interested in the things of this world and allow them to take priority over God. Other seeds fall on good soil and grow, producing a crop. These represent people who hear the Word of God, understand it, and let it take root in their hearts. They live out their faith and produce fruit for God. In summary, the parable of the sower describes the different ways in which people hear the Word of God, and how it can either take root and grow or be choked out by worldly distractions.
Ibeere 8 Ìròyìn
According to Mathew, when Jesus was arrested, He led to_____________
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When Jesus was arrested, He was first taken to the high priest Caiaphas. Caiaphas was the Jewish high priest at that time and had the authority to convene a meeting of the Jewish council, known as the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin was a group of religious leaders who had the power to try and sentence people for religious offenses. After Jesus was brought before Caiaphas and questioned, He was then taken to the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. Pilate was the Roman official in charge of the province of Judea, where Jesus was arrested. Pilate had the power to sentence people to death, so Jesus was brought before him for trial. In summary, when Jesus was arrested, He was first taken to the Jewish high priest Caiaphas, and then to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate.
Ibeere 9 Ìròyìn
".......How long will you grieve over Saul...." On what occasion did God make the statement above to Samuel?
Awọn alaye Idahun
And the Lord said to Samuel, “How long will you grieve for Saul, since I have rejected him as king over Israel? 1samuel 16:1
Ibeere 10 Ìròyìn
In the contest on Mount Carmel, the true God answered with__________
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Elijah proposes a direct test of the powers of Baal and the Jewish God. The people of Israel, 450 prophets of Baal, and 400 prophets of Asherah are summoned to Mount Carmel. Fire fell and consumed the sacrifice, wood, stones, soil and water, which prompted the Israelite witnesses to proclaim, "The LORD, He is God! The LORD, He is God!"
Ibeere 11 Ìròyìn
Moses commissioned Joshua as the new leader of Israel in the presence of_________
Awọn alaye Idahun
In Numbers 27, upon arrival at Mount Abarim, God tells Moses to go up the mountain see the land and then die. However, God does not tell Moses who his successor will be. Moses reacts in panic and requests a successor be appointed before he dies. God then informs Moses that his successor will be Joshua, and that he should stand him before Elazar the priest and the people and appoint him, which Moses does.
Ibeere 12 Ìròyìn
The prophet who rebuked King David for his Adultery with Uriah's wife was_______
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The prophet who rebuked King David for his adultery with Uriah's wife was Nathan. Nathan was a prophet who served during the reigns of both King David and his son, King Solomon. In 2 Samuel 12, Nathan confronts King David after he has committed adultery with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite, and then arranged for Uriah to be killed in battle. Nathan tells David a story about a rich man who steals a poor man's only lamb, and then reveals that the story is a metaphor for David's own actions. Nathan rebukes David for his sin and warns him of the consequences that will follow. Nathan's rebuke of David is significant because it shows that even kings are subject to God's law and must be held accountable for their actions. It also demonstrates the importance of prophets in speaking truth to power and calling out injustice, even when it may be unpopular or dangerous to do so.
Ibeere 13 Ìròyìn
In Paul's letter to the Philippians, he encouraged believers to demonstrate humility by__________
Awọn alaye Idahun
In his letter to the Philippians, Paul encouraged believers to demonstrate humility by seeking the interests of others along with their own. In Philippians 2:3-4, Paul writes, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." This means that as believers, we should not only focus on our own needs and desires, but we should also prioritize the needs and interests of others. We should not be motivated by selfish ambition or a desire for personal gain, but by a genuine concern for the well-being of those around us. By valuing others above ourselves and seeking to serve and care for them, we demonstrate the same kind of humility that Jesus modeled in His life on earth.
Ibeere 14 Ìròyìn
Who among these Kings of Judah made peace with the King of Israel during his reign________
Awọn alaye Idahun
Jehoshaphat is the King of Judah who made peace with the King of Israel during his reign. Jehoshaphat was the fourth king of Judah who ruled from 873 to 849 BC. He was a righteous king who followed the ways of the Lord and did what was right in His sight. During his reign, he made an alliance with Ahab, the King of Israel, by arranging a marriage between his son Jehoram and Ahab's daughter Athaliah. Despite the fact that Ahab was a wicked king who did evil in the sight of the Lord, Jehoshaphat agreed to make peace with him and even went to battle alongside him against the Syrians. However, this alliance proved to be disastrous as Ahab was killed in battle and Jehoshaphat barely escaped with his life. Nonetheless, Jehoshaphat continued to seek peace with the King of Israel and even joined forces with his successor, Jehoram, to fight against the Moabites. Although the campaign was successful, Jehoram turned away from the Lord and did evil in His sight. In summary, Jehoshaphat is the King of Judah who made peace with the King of Israel during his reign. Despite the consequences of his alliance with Ahab, he continued to seek peace with the Israelites and fought alongside them in battles.
Ibeere 15 Ìròyìn
".......But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift that moses commanded...." Jesus made the statement above because___________
Awọn alaye Idahun
And Jesus said to him, See you tell no man; but go your way, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a testimony to them. Matthew 8:4
In sending the lepers to the priests Jesus is giving them their opportunity to reconnect with loved ones, re-establish careers and resume normal worship and avoid confrontation. It has to do with reintegrating them into society. Priests were able to verify that someone was healthy and had been cured
Ibeere 16 Ìròyìn
Daniel became distinguished above all the other presidents and satraps because_______
Awọn alaye Idahun
According to the biblical account in the book of Daniel, Daniel became distinguished above all the other presidents and satraps because he had an excellent spirit in him. This means that he possessed qualities such as wisdom, intelligence, integrity, and leadership skills that set him apart from others. Daniel's excellent spirit was also demonstrated through his faith in God, which gave him the courage and strength to remain faithful and righteous even in difficult and challenging circumstances. So, while he was certainly favored by God, it was his personal qualities and character that made him stand out and excel.
Ibeere 17 Ìròyìn
According to Paul in Romans, since all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, they are justified by__________
Awọn alaye Idahun
According to Paul in Romans, since all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, they are justified by faith. This means that we are made right with God not by our own efforts or good works, but by trusting in Jesus Christ and what He has done for us on the cross. Justification by faith is the central teaching of the Christian faith, and it means that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and not by anything that we do or achieve on our own. It is God's gift to us, made possible by His mercy and love for us. In short, justification by faith means that we are made right with God through our faith in Jesus Christ, and not by anything that we do on our own.
Ibeere 18 Ìròyìn
According to Romans, believers are raised from the dead by the Father so that they walk in________
Awọn alaye Idahun
According to Romans, believers are raised from the dead by the Father so that they walk in the newness of life. This means that when a person believes in Jesus and is saved, they are given a new life that is completely different from their old life before they believed. This new life is characterized by a desire to live according to God's will, to follow Jesus, and to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Being raised to walk in the newness of life means that believers have a new perspective on life, a new purpose, and a new direction. They are no longer controlled by their old sinful nature but are empowered by God's grace to live a holy and righteous life. This new life is not something that believers can achieve on their own, but it is a gift from God that is given to all who believe in Jesus. In summary, believers are raised from the dead by the Father so that they may walk in the newness of life, which is a transformed and empowered life characterized by a desire to live for God and follow Jesus.
Ibeere 19 Ìròyìn
The council that was held to decide on the issue of circumcision was at________
Awọn alaye Idahun
The council that was held to decide on the issue of circumcision was at Jerusalem. This council was an important gathering of early Christian leaders who came together to discuss the issue of whether Gentile converts to Christianity needed to be circumcised, as was required under Jewish law. The council ultimately decided that Gentile converts did not need to be circumcised, which was a significant moment in the early history of the Christian church and helped to establish the principles of Christian theology and practice.
Ibeere 20 Ìròyìn
On which day did God create sea creatures and all living things?
Awọn alaye Idahun
On the fifth day, God created sea creatures and all living things. According to the biblical account in Genesis, God created the sea creatures and other living things after He created the sky, land, and vegetation. This was the fifth day of creation, and it is described as a time when God filled the waters with all kinds of creatures, both large and small, and He saw that it was good. So, the fifth day is associated with the creation of sea creatures and all living things.
Ibeere 21 Ìròyìn
".....Tend the flock of God...not as domineering over those in your charge but being examples to the flock..." An Elder who exhibits the tenets of Peter's charge in the statement above would be displaying______
Awọn alaye Idahun
An Elder who exhibits the tenets of Peter's charge will not behave as if you are more important than someone and have a right to tell that person what to do. They will exhibit humility
Ibeere 23 Ìròyìn
God commanded Noah not to eat the blood of animals because__________
Awọn alaye Idahun
God commanded Noah not to eat the blood of animals because life is in the blood. In many cultures and religions, blood is considered sacred and has a symbolic meaning. In the Bible, God instructed Noah and his descendants not to consume the blood of animals because it was seen as the source of life. Eating the blood was considered disrespectful to the life that had been taken, and it was believed to be a violation of God's command to respect and protect life. This idea is expressed in various passages in the Old Testament, such as Leviticus 17:10-14.
Ibeere 24 Ìròyìn
According to the beatitudes, the blessing for those who hunger and thirst for righteousness is________
Awọn alaye Idahun
According to the Beatitudes, the blessing for those who hunger and thirst for righteousness is satisfaction. The Beatitudes are a set of blessings given by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. In this particular Beatitude, Jesus is saying that those who have a deep desire for righteousness will be blessed with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. To hunger and thirst for righteousness means to have a strong desire for justice and moral excellence, both in oneself and in the world. This hunger and thirst are not merely for physical nourishment or material possessions but for a higher spiritual and ethical standard. Jesus promises that those who have this hunger and thirst will be filled or satisfied. This satisfaction is not just a temporary feeling of contentment but a deep sense of fulfillment that comes from knowing that one is living in accordance with God's will and purpose. It is a sense of inner peace that transcends external circumstances and material possessions. Therefore, the blessing for those who hunger and thirst for righteousness is satisfaction, a deep and lasting sense of fulfillment that comes from living a life of purpose and in alignment with God's will.
Ibeere 25 Ìròyìn
According to Mark, The number of Women that went to Jesus Tomb on the Morning of his resurrection to anoint him were___________
Awọn alaye Idahun
According to the biblical accounts in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, there were three women who went to Jesus' tomb on the morning of his resurrection to anoint his body. These women were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome. They brought spices to anoint Jesus' body and found the tomb empty, with an angel who told them that Jesus had risen from the dead. This event is considered one of the most significant in the Christian faith and is celebrated annually on Easter Sunday.
Ibeere 26 Ìròyìn
God commanded Solomon not to marry from among the Moabites, Amorites, Edomites, Sidonians and the Hitties because they___________
Awọn alaye Idahun
God commanded Solomon not to marry from among the Moabites, Amorites, Edomites, Sidonians, and the Hittites because they would turn away his heart after their gods. The reason for this command was that intermarriage with people who did not worship the God of Israel could lead Solomon astray from his faith. In those times, marriage was not just a union between two individuals, but also between two families and their respective cultures and beliefs. Therefore, if Solomon married someone who followed a different religion or belief system, there was a risk that he might be influenced by their practices and stray from worshipping the one true God of Israel. This was a significant concern for God, who wanted to protect Solomon's faith and ensure that he remained faithful to the covenant that God had made with his father, King David. So, God warned Solomon against marrying women from these specific nations to protect him from being influenced to turn away from God.
Ibeere 27 Ìròyìn
The Main reason King Ahab demanded for Naboth's Vineyard was because he_________
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King Ahab demanded Naboth's vineyard because he wanted to add it to his multiple vineyards. The Bible story in 1 Kings 21 tells us that Naboth's vineyard was adjacent to King Ahab's palace in Jezreel, and Ahab desired to use it to expand his own vineyard. Despite offering to buy the vineyard or trade it for a better one, Naboth refused to give up his ancestral inheritance, and Ahab became angry and sullen. With the help of his wife Jezebel, Ahab falsely accused Naboth of blasphemy and had him stoned to death, so that he could then take over the vineyard. Therefore, the main reason King Ahab wanted Naboth's vineyard was to satisfy his own greed and expand his wealth, regardless of the consequences for Naboth and his family.
Ibeere 28 Ìròyìn
Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel and elders before God to renew the Covenant at__________
Awọn alaye Idahun
Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel and elders before God to renew the Covenant at Shechem. This event is recorded in the Bible, specifically in Joshua 24. The Covenant refers to the agreement between God and the Israelites, where God promised to protect and bless them, and in return, the Israelites promised to obey God's commands. This covenant was initially made with Moses and the Israelites at Mount Sinai/Horeb, but after Moses' death, Joshua led the Israelites to Shechem to renew the covenant. Shechem was a significant location in Israelite history. It was located in the central region of Canaan, which was the Promised Land that God had promised to give to the Israelites. It was also the site where God first appeared to Abraham and promised to give the land of Canaan to his descendants. Therefore, by renewing the Covenant at Shechem, Joshua was emphasizing the Israelites' commitment to God and His promises. The location was symbolic of God's faithfulness and the Israelites' history, and it served as a reminder of the importance of keeping the Covenant.
Ibeere 29 Ìròyìn
According to the gospel of John, everyone who does evil hates__________
Awọn alaye Idahun
According to the gospel of John, everyone who does evil hates the Light. The Light here is a metaphor for Jesus Christ, who is described as the "Light of the World" in the same gospel. To hate the Light means to reject Jesus Christ and His teachings. Those who do evil are described as living in darkness, and they avoid the Light because it exposes their wrongdoing. They prefer to stay in the darkness where their actions are hidden, rather than coming to the Light and acknowledging their wrongdoing. Therefore, the gospel of John teaches that those who do evil hate the Light, because it represents everything that they are not - righteous, holy, and good. They fear the Light because it exposes their true nature and they do not want to change their ways.
Ibeere 30 Ìròyìn
"........Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then has it weeds" What was the response of the master to the statement above?
Awọn alaye Idahun
The master's response to the statement "Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then has it weeds?" is "An enemy has done this." This response can be found in the Bible, in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 13, verses 24-30. In this parable, the master sows good seed in his field, but while everyone is sleeping, an enemy comes and sows weeds among the wheat. When the wheat begins to grow, the weeds also start to grow, and the servants notice this and inform the master. The statement in question is made by the servants, who are surprised to see weeds growing alongside the wheat, and wonder how this could have happened if the master had only sown good seed. However, the master explains that an enemy has done this, meaning that someone intentionally sowed the weeds in order to sabotage the crop. The master then instructs the servants not to pull out the weeds, as this could damage the wheat, but to let both grow together until the harvest. At that time, the wheat will be gathered and stored, while the weeds will be separated and burned. The parable is often interpreted as a metaphor for the coexistence of good and evil in the world, and the idea that it is not always easy to distinguish between them. The master's response suggests that evil can come from unexpected sources, and that it may be necessary to endure its presence until the final judgment.
Ibeere 31 Ìròyìn
According to Paul's teaching concerning the second coming of Jesus, the believers will meet the Lord when he is_________
Awọn alaye Idahun
According to Paul's teaching in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, the believers will meet the Lord in the air when he returns. This means that when Jesus comes again, those who have believed in him will be caught up in the clouds to meet him in the air. This event is often referred to as the "rapture." It is a time when Jesus will come to take his followers to be with him forever. This event is a great comfort to believers, as it means that they will be with Jesus in his presence forever and will not have to face the tribulation and trials of the end times. It is important to note that there is some debate among Christians about the timing and nature of the rapture, and different interpretations of the Bible exist. However, most Christians believe in the concept of the rapture and look forward to the day when they will be reunited with their Lord and Savior.
Ibeere 32 Ìròyìn
"....But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing...."
From your assessment of Jesus teaching about giving, what do you think is a violation of the statement__________
Awọn alaye Idahun
It means that when you give to the needy, do it secretly. If you give to bring attention to yourself, you don't get a reward in heaven because you already have your reward in all the attention you got. So do all good works in secret as much as possible, not just giving. God will see your good works and will reward you. Matthew 6:3
Ibeere 33 Ìròyìn
"When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the LORD....." Where was Jonah when he made this statement?
Awọn alaye Idahun
Jonah made this statement while he was in the belly of a great fish that had swallowed him up. This is found in the book of Jonah in the Old Testament of the Bible, chapter 2. To give more context, Jonah had been called by God to go to the city of Nineveh and warn the people there of the impending judgment if they did not repent of their sins. However, Jonah disobeyed and attempted to flee from God by boarding a ship to Tarshish. While at sea, a great storm arose and the sailors on board realized that Jonah was the cause of the storm because he had disobeyed God. Jonah told them to throw him overboard and he was then swallowed by a great fish that God had prepared. While in the belly of the fish, Jonah realized the gravity of his disobedience and his need for God's mercy and salvation. He then prayed to God, expressing his repentance and declaring his faith in God's power to save him. It was in this desperate and helpless state, where his soul fainted within him, that Jonah remembered the Lord and called out to Him for deliverance.
Ibeere 34 Ìròyìn
No one lacked in the Early Church because__________
Awọn alaye Idahun
The Early Church was known for its strong sense of community and sharing. The believers who were part of the Church shared everything they had in common, and this was a way of ensuring that no one lacked anything. People who had more resources would sell their possessions and share the proceeds with those who were in need. This spirit of generosity was born out of their love for one another and their desire to imitate the example of Jesus, who gave up everything for the sake of others. As a result, no one went without food, shelter, or other necessities, and the community thrived. This is a powerful example of how the love and generosity of a community can overcome scarcity and bring people together in unity.
Ibeere 35 Ìròyìn
The vision of the dry bones of Ezekiel portrays___________
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The vision of the dry bones of Ezekiel portrays hope. In this vision, God takes Ezekiel to a valley full of dry bones and asks him if the bones can live again. Ezekiel replies that only God knows. Then, God commands Ezekiel to prophesy to the bones and tell them to come to life. As Ezekiel prophesies, the bones come together and are covered with sinews, flesh, and skin. Then, God breathes life into them, and they stand up as a great army. The vision of the dry bones is a metaphor for the restoration of Israel. The bones represent the nation of Israel, which had been scattered and destroyed, and the vision shows that God has the power to bring Israel back to life. It gives hope to the exiled Israelites that God will restore their nation and bring them back to their homeland. The vision also emphasizes the importance of faith in God's power and the role of prophesy in conveying God's message to the people.
Ibeere 36 Ìròyìn
James enjoins believers who lack wisdom to____________
Awọn alaye Idahun
if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:5
Ibeere 37 Ìròyìn
Nehemiah inquired about the state of Jerusalem from_________
Awọn alaye Idahun
Nehemiah inquired about the state of Jerusalem from Hanani. Hanani was one of Nehemiah's brothers who had returned to Jerusalem from Babylon. When Nehemiah heard that the people who had returned to Jerusalem were in trouble and that the walls of the city were broken down, he was very sad. He fasted and prayed to God for help. Then, he went to Jerusalem and met with Hanani, who told him about the state of the city and its people. Hanani's report inspired Nehemiah to take action and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
Ibeere 39 Ìròyìn
In order to receive a reward of inheritance, Paul exhorts believers to________
Awọn alaye Idahun
He rewards the meek with inheritance of the earth
Ibeere 40 Ìròyìn
Jeremiah was not ready to accept God's call as a prophet because______
Awọn alaye Idahun
Jeremiah was not ready to accept God's call as a prophet because he felt he was too young and inexperienced. He felt that he lacked the necessary skills and knowledge to fulfill this important role, and he was concerned that people would not listen to him. He also needed to know God more, to understand His will and message, before he could confidently take on this challenging task.
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