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Question 1 Report
Possession of thin membrane enables a tapeworm to
Answer Details
The tapeworm possesses a thin membrane mostly because of it absorption of digested food from the intestine of the host.
Question 2 Report
Which organ removes the largest quantity of water from the blood?
Answer Details
The organ that removes the largest quantity of water from the blood is the kidney. The kidney is a vital organ in the body that helps filter waste products and excess water from the blood, which are then eliminated from the body as urine. When blood enters the kidney, it passes through tiny blood vessels called capillaries. These capillaries are surrounded by small structures called nephrons, which are responsible for filtering the blood. As blood flows through the nephrons, excess water and waste products are filtered out and collected as urine. The kidneys play an important role in maintaining the body's water balance. They can adjust the amount of water that is excreted from the body depending on how much water is consumed, how much is lost through sweating, and other factors. This helps to maintain the body's fluid levels within a narrow range, which is important for proper bodily function. While the skin and lungs also play a role in removing water from the body, they are not as efficient as the kidneys. The skin eliminates water through sweat, but this process is limited by factors such as humidity and temperature. The lungs eliminate water through exhalation, but this is a small amount compared to the amount eliminated by the kidneys. Overall, the kidneys are the most important organ for removing excess water from the body, and play a critical role in maintaining proper bodily function.
Question 3 Report
The following processes are involved during expiration in man except
Answer Details
The process involved during expiration in humans that is not accurate is "The thoracic cavity first increases in volume." During expiration, the diaphragm, which is a muscle located at the bottom of the thoracic cavity, relaxes and moves upwards, decreasing the volume of the thoracic cavity. At the same time, the intercostal muscles, located between the ribs, also relax, and the ribs move downward and inward, causing the chest to decrease in size. Additionally, the sternum moves outward, not inward, during expiration. These combined actions increase the pressure within the thoracic cavity, forcing air out of the lungs. Overall, expiration is a passive process that does not require the use of energy, and it is the opposite of inspiration, which is the process of taking air into the lungs.
Question 4 Report
Which of the following is the effect of using artificial pollination in plant breeding?
Answer Details
The effect of using artificial pollination in plant breeding is "Improvement of the variety of crops". Artificial pollination is the process of manually transferring pollen from one flower to another to fertilize it, with the goal of producing hybrid plants with desirable traits. This allows plant breeders to combine traits from two different plants to create a new variety with improved qualities such as increased yield, disease resistance, and improved flavor. By using artificial pollination, plant breeders can control the genetics of the resulting offspring, leading to the creation of new crop varieties with improved traits. This can help to increase food production and improve the quality of crops, making them more resilient and better suited for different growing conditions.
Question 5 Report
The type of nutrition in which two organisms of different species live together and derive nutrients from each other is
Answer Details
The type of nutrition in which two organisms of different species live together and derive nutrients from each other is called symbiotic nutrition. In symbiotic nutrition, the two different species of organisms live together in a close relationship and mutually benefit from each other. One organism provides nutrients, such as food or shelter, to the other organism, and in return, the other organism provides nutrients or some other benefit to the first organism. This type of nutrition is also known as mutualism. Symbiotic nutrition can be found in various forms in nature. For example, the rhizobia bacteria live in the root nodules of leguminous plants and fix atmospheric nitrogen into a form that the plants can use. In return, the plants provide the bacteria with sugars and other nutrients. Another example is lichens, which are made up of a fungus and an alga living together. The fungus provides a protected environment for the alga, while the alga provides the fungus with sugars and other nutrients through photosynthesis. So, the correct answer is "symbiotic nutrition".
Question 6 Report
Which of the following factors is not considered in a terrestial habitat?
Answer Details
Turbidity is not typically considered a factor in a terrestrial habitat. A terrestrial habitat is a place where land-dwelling organisms, such as plants and animals, live and interact with their environment. Temperature, sunlight, and humidity are all important factors in determining the characteristics of a terrestrial habitat and the organisms that live there. Temperature affects the rate of biochemical reactions in organisms, while sunlight provides energy for photosynthesis in plants and affects the behavior of many animals. Humidity, or the amount of moisture in the air, can affect the water balance of plants and animals. On the other hand, turbidity refers to the cloudiness or haziness of a fluid, such as water, due to the presence of suspended particles. Turbidity is typically associated with aquatic habitats, where it can affect the penetration of light and the availability of nutrients for aquatic plants and animals. In a terrestrial habitat, there is generally no water for particles to be suspended in, so turbidity is not usually a significant factor.
Question 7 Report
In plants, respiration occurs in
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In plants, respiration occurs in all living cells. Respiration is the process by which cells break down glucose to release energy that is necessary for the plant to carry out its life processes, such as growth, maintenance, and reproduction. While the stomata and lenticels are structures involved in gas exchange, they do not carry out the process of respiration. Similarly, while mesophyll cells are specialized cells involved in photosynthesis, they are not the only cells involved in respiration. All living cells, including those in the roots, stems, leaves, and reproductive organs, carry out respiration to produce energy. The oxygen needed for respiration enters the cells through the stomata and is transported to the cells by the circulatory system of the plant. The carbon dioxide produced by respiration is released from the cells and can be used by nearby cells for photosynthesis. In summary, respiration occurs in all living cells in plants and is a crucial process for plant survival and growth.
Question 8 Report
The study which involves the inter-relationship between groups of organisms or species of organisms living together in an area is
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The study which involves the inter-relationship between groups of organisms or species of organisms living together in an area is called synecology. Synecology is a branch of ecology that examines the interactions and relationships between different species in a given ecosystem or community. It considers the biotic and abiotic factors that affect the survival and growth of populations and how they interact with one another. This study helps us to understand the complex network of relationships between different species and how they are dependent on one another for their survival. It is important for understanding the dynamics of ecosystems and how they may change over time due to human or natural factors.
Question 9 Report
The possession of chloroplast in Euglena virids enables it to
Answer Details
The possession of chloroplast in Euglena viridis enables it to carry out photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants and algae use sunlight to synthesize food (glucose) from carbon dioxide and water. Chloroplasts are organelles found in the cells of green plants and algae that contain the pigment chlorophyll, which absorbs sunlight and is essential for photosynthesis. Euglena viridis is a unicellular organism that possesses chloroplasts, which enables it to harness sunlight to produce its own food through photosynthesis. Therefore, the answer is that the possession of chloroplast in Euglena viridis enables it to carry out photosynthesis.
Question 10 Report
Which of the following type of soil has the highest water retaining capacity?
Answer Details
Among the options listed, clay has the highest water retaining capacity. This is because clay particles are very small and have a large surface area, allowing them to attract and hold onto water molecules tightly through a process called adsorption. Additionally, the spaces between the clay particles are very small, which creates a high capillary action that further helps the clay to retain water. In contrast, sand particles are much larger and have a lower surface area, which means that water molecules are less likely to adhere to them. Sand also has larger spaces between its particles, which results in a lower capillary action and less water retention. Loam and laterite fall somewhere in between clay and sand in terms of their water retention capabilities, depending on their specific composition.
Question 11 Report
Which of the following describes the function of lymph
Answer Details
Lymph is a fluid that circulates through the lymphatic system, which is part of the immune system. Its main function is to help defend the body against harmful substances, such as viruses and bacteria, by removing waste and debris from tissues and transporting it to the bloodstream for elimination. This makes option "Body defense" the correct answer.
Question 12 Report
Which of the reproductive system in mammals secretes a part of the seminal fluid which raises the pH of the fluid in the female reproductive system?
Answer Details
The Cowper's gland, also known as the bulbourethral gland, secretes a part of the seminal fluid in mammals. This gland is located near the base of the penis and its secretion is added to the semen just before ejaculation. The fluid produced by the Cowper's gland is alkaline and helps to neutralize the acidity of the female reproductive tract. This is important because it helps to create a more favorable environment for the sperm, increasing the chances of successful fertilization. The alkaline fluid also helps to protect the sperm from the corrosive effects of the acidic environment in the female reproductive tract. So, the Cowper's gland plays a crucial role in the reproductive process of mammals.
Question 13 Report
Which of the following is a nitrifying bacterium?
Answer Details
A nitrifying bacterium is a type of bacterium that is capable of converting nitrogen compounds from one form to another. Out of the options you provided, the correct nitrifying bacterium is Nitrobacter. Nitrobacter is a genus of bacteria that oxidizes nitrite (NO2-) to nitrate (NO3-). This process is called nitrification and is an important part of the nitrogen cycle in the environment.
Question 14 Report
One of the following is a process of transmission of hereditary characteristics by chromosomes
Answer Details
Dictating the formation of a protein by a gene in a chromosome is a process of transmitting hereditary characteristics
Question 15 Report
Trees in Savanna habitats usually have thick bark which mainly.
Answer Details
Rate of transpiration is reduced in savannah forest due to thick barks of the trees in savannah forest.
Question 16 Report
The male sex cells also called gametes are produced in the testes by a process called
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The male sex cells, also called gametes, are produced in the testes by a process called Spermatogenesis. Spermatogenesis is the process by which sperm cells are produced and mature. It begins in puberty and continues throughout a man's life. During spermatogenesis, the cells in the testes divide and differentiate into sperm cells, which are then stored in the epididymis until they are ready to be ejaculated. Sperm cells are important for fertilization and are necessary for sexual reproduction.
Question 17 Report
What type of vertebrate assists in breathing alongside with the ribs?
Answer Details
The type of vertebrate that assists in breathing alongside the ribs are thoracic vertebrates. The thoracic region of the spine is located in the upper and middle back, and it is the region that supports the ribcage. In thoracic vertebrates, the ribs are attached to the vertebrae and to the sternum, or breastbone, forming a protective cage around the heart and lungs. During breathing, the diaphragm muscle contracts and flattens, which increases the volume of the chest cavity and draws air into the lungs. At the same time, the ribcage expands, which further increases the volume of the chest cavity and helps to pull air into the lungs. The ribs play a crucial role in this process by expanding and contracting with each breath. In addition to the diaphragm muscle, the muscles between the ribs, called intercostal muscles, also contract and relax to help move air in and out of the lungs. Sacral, caudal, and lumbar vertebrates do not have the same type of ribcage as thoracic vertebrates and therefore do not rely on the expansion and contraction of ribs for breathing. Instead, these vertebrates have other adaptations that allow them to breathe efficiently in their respective environments. For example, fish extract oxygen from water through their gills, while reptiles and some mammals, such as whales and dolphins, can hold their breath for long periods of time underwater.
Question 18 Report
In an ecosystem, the organism which changes light energy into stored chemical energy is the
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The organism that changes light energy into stored chemical energy in an ecosystem is the producer. Producers are typically plants and algae that use photosynthesis to convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy stored in the form of glucose (sugar). This stored energy is then used as a source of food and energy for other organisms in the ecosystem. Consumers, on the other hand, are organisms that consume producers or other consumers to obtain energy. Decomposers are organisms that break down dead organic matter and return nutrients to the soil. Carnivores are consumers that eat other consumers. So, in summary, the producer is the organism that converts light energy into stored chemical energy, while consumers, decomposers, and carnivores obtain energy by eating other organisms.
Question 19 Report
The number of times an organism occurs within a given area of a habitat is referred to as
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Population frequency refers to the number of times an organism occurs within a given area of a habitat
Question 20 Report
The association between two organisms living together in which only one benefits from the association while the other is neither benefited nor harmed is
Answer Details
The association between two organisms living together in which only one benefits from the association while the other is neither benefited nor harmed is called commensalism. Commensalism is a type of ecological relationship that occurs when one organism benefits from the association, while the other organism is unaffected. The organism that benefits from the association is called the commensal, while the other organism is called the host. In this type of relationship, the commensal often uses the host for shelter, food, or transportation, but the host is not harmed or helped by the commensal in any way. For example, some birds and mammals, such as egrets and cattle, have a commensal relationship. The birds perch on the backs of the cattle and eat insects that are attracted to the cattle. The cattle are not affected by the presence of the birds, but the birds benefit from the association by gaining a steady source of food. In summary, commensalism is a type of ecological relationship in which one organism benefits from the association while the other is neither benefited nor harmed.
Question 21 Report
Thunderstorm can be beneficial to plants because it
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Thunderstorms can be beneficial to plants because they add nitrogen to the soil. Lightning is an electrical discharge that can break apart nitrogen molecules in the air, and the resulting nitrogen compounds can fall to the ground in rainwater. Plants need nitrogen to grow, and thunderstorms can provide a natural source of this essential nutrient. However, it's important to note that while thunderstorms can bring benefits, they can also bring harm in the form of lightning strikes and flooding, so it's important to take necessary precautions to protect yourself and your property during severe weather.
Question 22 Report
The presence of ______ for swimming in a tad-pole enables it to adapt in an aquatic habitat.
Answer Details
Tadpole's ability to swim and adapt to an aquatic habitat is due to the presence of its tail.
Question 23 Report
Which of the following are components of glomerular filtrate?
Answer Details
The components of glomerular filtrate are water, electrolytes (such as salts), small organic molecules (such as glucose and amino acids), and waste products (such as urea). Glomerular filtrate is formed in the kidneys and is the fluid that is filtered from the blood in the glomerulus, a network of tiny blood vessels in the kidney. The filtrate contains all the components of blood except for plasma proteins and red and white blood cells. In other words, glomerular filtrate is the fluid that is filtered from the blood and contains all the components of the blood except for large proteins and cells. It is an important step in the process of urine formation, as the filtrate travels through the renal tubules, where it is further modified and waste products are removed to form urine.
Question 24 Report
Which of the following describes an example of fertilization in higher organisms?
Answer Details
The correct answer is: "Fusion of sperm and egg nuclei" Fertilization is the process in which a male gamete (sperm) combines with a female gamete (egg or ovum) to form a zygote, which is the first cell of the new organism. In higher organisms, including humans, fertilization occurs when a sperm cell penetrates the outer membrane of the egg cell and fuses with the egg's nucleus, resulting in the fusion of genetic material from both the sperm and the egg. The other options listed are not examples of fertilization. - Pollen grain landing on a sticky stigma is a process called pollination, which occurs in plants. Pollen grains contain male gametes, but pollination is not the same as fertilization, as the male and female gametes do not actually combine until after the pollen tube grows down into the ovule and the sperm cells are released to fuse with the egg. - Ejaculation of the egg and pollen grain is not a biological process that occurs in any known organism. - Ejaculation of sperm into the female body is the first step in the process of fertilization, but it is not fertilization itself. The sperm must still reach and penetrate the egg to complete the process of fertilization.
Question 25 Report
Which of the following organs can be considered vestigial in humans but functional in other mammals
Answer Details
The appendix is considered to be vestigial in humans but functional in other mammals. In humans, the appendix serves no known purpose and can become inflamed and cause pain (appendicitis), which often requires surgical removal. However, in other mammals such as cows and horses, the appendix serves as a fermentation chamber where beneficial bacteria can break down tough plant fibers into simpler sugars that can be easily absorbed. This process is important for their digestion and survival.
Question 26 Report
Which of the following essential substance is contained in vegetable?
Answer Details
Vegetable contains mineral salts like magnesium, copper etc which is very essential for body growth.
Question 27 Report
In the theory of use and disuse Lamarck proposed that evolution occurred because of the following except
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The theory of use and disuse proposed by Lamarck stated that evolution occurs because of changes in an organism's environment, which causes an organism to develop specialised characters. These characters are then passed down to offspring, who will have a greater chance of survival because of their increased adaptation to the environment. However, Lamarck's theory was incorrect in one key aspect: he believed that these changes were acquired during an organism's lifetime and then passed down to offspring through inheritance. We now know that traits are not acquired during an organism's lifetime and passed down to offspring, but are instead inherited through genes. This is known as the theory of natural selection, which states that evolution occurs through the survival and reproduction of the fittest individuals with beneficial traits, rather than through the inheritance of acquired characteristics.
Question 28 Report
Which of the following statement is correct about Southern Guinea Savanna in Nigeria
Answer Details
Southern Guinea Savanna is the largest of all biotic community in Nigeria found in Oyo, Osun, Ekiti Status etc.
Question 29 Report
Raw materials required by green plants to manufacture their food are
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The raw materials required by green plants to manufacture their food are mainly inorganic substances. During photosynthesis, green plants use energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil into glucose, a type of sugar that they use as food. The inorganic substances required for this process include carbon dioxide, water, and a few mineral nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which the plants absorb from the soil through their roots. Although green plants do require fluids, such as water, and gases, such as carbon dioxide, for photosynthesis, these materials are considered inorganic because they do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds, which are characteristic of organic molecules. Thus, the main raw materials required by green plants for photosynthesis are inorganic substances.
Question 30 Report
One important characteristics of green plant is that they
Answer Details
Green plants are autotropic. This means that they are able to produce their own food through a process called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, plants use energy from sunlight, carbon dioxide from the air, and water from the soil to produce glucose, which is their source of energy. This characteristic sets plants apart from animals and other organisms that are heterotrophic and rely on other organisms for their food.
Question 31 Report
The basis of growth involves the following processes except
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The basis of growth involves the following processes except cell reduction. Growth in living organisms is the result of an increase in the size and number of cells. This is achieved through processes such as cell division, cell enlargement, and cell differentiation. Cell division involves the replication of DNA and the separation of the replicated chromosomes into two identical daughter cells. This leads to an increase in the number of cells in an organism. Cell enlargement involves an increase in the size of individual cells due to an increase in the amount of cytoplasm and organelles. This leads to an increase in the overall size of an organism. Cell differentiation is the process by which cells become specialized and take on specific functions within an organism. Cell reduction, on the other hand, involves a decrease in the size or number of cells, and is not a part of the basis of growth. Instead, cell reduction is a process that is associated with aging, disease, and other factors that can lead to a decrease in the size or number of cells in an organism.
Question 32 Report
One of the following is not the theory of natural selection stated by Charles Dawin
Answer Details
The theory of natural selection stated by Charles Darwin is not "Characteristics acquired through use or disuse are transmitted to offspring". This idea is sometimes referred to as "Lamarkism," and it was popular before Darwin's theory of natural selection became widely accepted. The theory of natural selection states that variations that are beneficial for survival and reproduction are more likely to be passed on to the next generation, while variations that are harmful are less likely to be passed on. However, the theory does not suggest that the use or disuse of a particular trait can directly cause it to be transmitted to offspring. Instead, the transmission of traits is determined by the genetic information that is passed from parents to offspring.
Question 33 Report
Which of the following substances pass through the root cell membrane by osmosis?
Answer Details
Water passes through the root cell membrane by osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration across a semi-permeable membrane. In plants, water is absorbed through the root hairs of the plant and moves into the root cells. The root cell membrane is selectively permeable, meaning that it allows certain molecules to pass through while blocking others. Water molecules are small enough to pass through the membrane, but larger molecules like cell sap, carbon dioxide, and oxygen cannot pass through by osmosis. Therefore, the correct answer is water.
Question 34 Report
Which of the following pairs of organisms are photosynthetic?
Answer Details
The correct pair of photosynthetic organisms from the options provided are Euglena and Chlamydomonas. Both Euglena and Chlamydomonas are unicellular organisms that are capable of performing photosynthesis, which is the process of converting light energy into chemical energy. They have chloroplasts, the specialized organelles that carry out photosynthesis, and are therefore capable of producing their own food. On the other hand, Amoeba and Paramecium are heterotrophic organisms, meaning they obtain their food by consuming other organisms. Volvox is a colonial organism, which is also photosynthetic, but it is made up of many cells working together. Rhizopus is a type of fungus that obtains its nutrition through the absorption of organic material. Nostoc is a type of cyanobacteria that is capable of photosynthesis, while Plasmodium is a parasitic organism that causes malaria in humans and is not photosynthetic. So, the correct answer is "Euglena and Chlamydomonas".
Question 35 Report
The movement of blood between the heart and all other parts of the body beside the lungs is
Answer Details
The movement of blood between the heart and all other parts of the body beside the lungs is called systemic circulation. In the systemic circulation, oxygenated blood flows from the heart to the body's organs and tissues, providing them with the oxygen and nutrients they need to function properly. After the oxygen has been used up by the cells, the blood carrying carbon dioxide and other waste products is then transported back to the heart to be pumped to the lungs, where it will be oxygenated again in the pulmonary circulation. The systemic circulation is a critical part of the body's overall circulatory system, which also includes the pulmonary circulation. Together, these two systems help to ensure that every part of the body has a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients and that waste products are efficiently removed from the body.
Question 36 Report
Which of the following organs can be considered vestigial in humans but functional in other mammals
Answer Details
The appendix can be considered vestigial in humans but functional in other mammals. The appendix is a small pouch-like organ attached to the large intestine. In many other mammals, the appendix serves as a functional part of the digestive system, helping to break down cellulose and other tough plant materials that are difficult to digest. However, in humans, the appendix is considered vestigial, which means it is a structure that has lost its original function over the course of evolution. While the appendix may have had a digestive function in our distant ancestors, today it appears to have no essential role in our digestive system. However, the appendix does contain lymphoid tissue, which plays a role in the immune system, particularly during early childhood. This suggests that the appendix may still have some function in the immune system, though its exact role is not yet fully understood. In rare cases, the appendix can become inflamed and infected, leading to a condition called appendicitis. If left untreated, appendicitis can be life-threatening. In such cases, the appendix is removed through surgery, and the individual can still live a healthy life without any ill effects. In summary, the appendix is considered vestigial in humans, meaning it has lost its original function in the course of evolution. While it may still have some minor immune-related functions, it is not considered essential for human health, and in some cases, it can even be harmful if it becomes infected.
Question 37 Report
Which of the following is an example of discontinous variatio?
Answer Details
Discontinuous variation is the differences of variations in behaviour by which organisms can be grouped into 2 or more classes within a population without any intermediates among them e.g Behaviour, ability to roll tongue.
Question 38 Report
Only specially adapted micro-organisms are found in
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Halophiles are organisms that thrive in high salt concentrations. The adaptations of halophile organisms to their environment are:
(a) The integrity of non-halophile macromolecules is compromised, and the flow of water out of the cell produces a Turgor effect. • (b) Moderate halophiles maintain their structures via the synthesis of compatible organic solutes. • (c) Extreme halophiles maintain their structures via equilibration of cellular and environmental salt concentrations.
Question 39 Report
Albinism is an expression of trait controlled by
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Albinism is an expression of a trait controlled by recessive genes. Albinism is a genetic condition that results in a lack of melanin, a pigment that provides color to the skin, hair, and eyes. The condition is caused by mutations in genes that produce or distribute melanin. In order for an individual to have albinism, they must inherit two copies of the mutated gene, one from each parent. If an individual inherits one normal gene and one mutated gene, they will not have albinism, but they will be a carrier of the condition and can pass it on to their offspring. This is why albinism is considered a recessive trait, meaning it is only expressed when two copies of the mutated gene are present. So, in summary, albinism is an expression of a trait controlled by recessive genes, meaning that it is caused by mutations in genes that produce or distribute melanin, and it is only expressed when two copies of the mutated gene are present.
Question 40 Report
Viruses are pathogens of the following diseases except
Answer Details
Viruses are not the pathogens of Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. While viruses can weaken the immune system, making it more susceptible to other infections, including tuberculosis, the actual cause of tuberculosis is the bacterium, not a virus.
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