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Question 1 Report
One of the following is not a good way to prevent virus.
Answer Details
Carelessly exposing your vital and personal information is not a good way to prevent viruses.
Exposing your vital and personal information without caution makes it easier for hackers and malicious software to gain access to your sensitive data. This can lead to various cyber threats, including viruses, malware, and identity theft. It is crucial to protect your information by practicing safe browsing habits, being cautious about sharing personal details online, and avoiding suspicious websites or links.
However, encryption, the use of a firewall, and antivirus software are effective ways to prevent viruses:
- Encryption involves converting your data into a coded form that can only be accessed with a decryption key. It ensures that even if someone gains unauthorized access to your data, they won't be able to understand or use it. Encryption is commonly used for secure communication and storage of sensitive information. It adds an extra layer of protection and makes it difficult for viruses or unauthorized users to exploit your data.
- A firewall acts as a protective barrier between your computer network and the outside world, monitoring incoming and outgoing traffic. It helps block suspicious or potentially harmful connections, preventing viruses and other malicious software from entering your system. A firewall can be physical hardware or software-based, often included in modern routers and operating systems.
- Antivirus software is designed to detect, prevent, and remove malicious software, including viruses. It scans files and programs for known patterns or behaviors associated with malware, blocking or quarantining infected items to protect your computer. Antivirus software should be regularly updated to stay up to date with the latest threats and provide maximum protection. It is an essential tool in safeguarding your computer and data against viruses.
In summary, while carelessly exposing your vital and personal information puts you at risk, encryption, the use of a firewall, and antivirus software are effective measures to prevent viruses and maintain a secure computing environment.
Question 2 Report
The first step in a CPU instruction cycle is
Answer Details
The first step in a CPU instruction cycle is Fetch.
During the Fetch step, the CPU retrieves the next instruction from the memory. This instruction is stored in the instruction register (IR) so that it can be processed further.
The Fetch step involves the following sub-steps: 1. The Program Counter (PC) keeps track of the memory address of the next instruction to be fetched. Initially, it points to the starting memory address where the program begins. 2. The PC value is transferred to the memory address register (MAR), which holds the memory address we want to access. 3. The control unit sends a request to the memory unit to access the memory location specified by the MAR. 4. The memory unit retrieves the instruction from the specified memory address and sends it back to the CPU. This instruction is stored in the Memory Data Register (MDR). 5. The content of the MDR is then transferred to the Instruction Register (IR), where it is held until further processing.
In simple terms, the Fetch step is like going to the supermarket and getting the shopping list (instruction) of what items you need to purchase. The CPU fetches the next instruction from the memory so that it knows what operation it needs to perform next.
Question 3 Report
what is the first computing machine invented ?
Answer Details
The abacus is considered to be the first computing machine invented. It is an ancient device that was used for making calculations in early civilizations. The abacus consists of a series of rods or wires, each containing a set of beads that can be moved back and forth.
To use the abacus, numbers are represented by positioning the beads in a certain way. By moving the beads on the rods, different mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division could be performed. The abacus provided a simple and visual way to perform calculations without the need for written numbers or complex algorithms.
The abacus was widely used across different cultures and played a significant role in various aspects of life such as trade, accounting, and astronomy. Its simplicity and effectiveness made it a powerful tool for solving mathematical problems.
Although the abacus may seem primitive compared to modern computers, it was the foundation for more complex computing machines that were developed later. It laid the groundwork for the development of mechanical calculators, such as the Pascal calculator and slide rule, which were advancements in computing technology. The abacus is an important part of the history of computing and represents the initial steps towards the creation of more sophisticated machines we have today.
Question 4 Report
In BASIC, REM shows a statement to be
Answer Details
In BASIC, the REM statement is used to create comments. Comments are lines in the program that are not meant to be executed or affect the output. They are used to provide explanations, notes, or reminders to the programmer who is reading the code.
When the interpreter or compiler encounters the REM statement, it simply ignores it and moves on to the next line of code. It is like a reminder or a message to yourself or other programmers working on the code, but it does not have any effect on the program execution or output.
For example, if we have the following code in BASIC:
10 PRINT "Hello, world!" ' This line prints "Hello, world!" 20 REM This is a comment ' This line is a comment and is ignored
In this code, "Hello, world!" will be printed on the screen because it is an executable statement. However, the line with the REM statement will be ignored because it is a comment. It serves as a note to explain the purpose of the code or provide additional information for the programmer.
So, in BASIC, the REM statement is used to indicate a comment and does not have any impact on the program execution or output.
Question 5 Report
If the control unit controls other units of the CPU, which unit stores instructions,data and intermediate results.
Answer Details
The unit that stores instructions, data, and intermediate results in a CPU is the Memory unit.
The Memory unit plays a crucial role in a computer system as it is responsible for storing and retrieving data and instructions that are needed for the CPU to execute tasks. It provides a place for the CPU to read data from and write data to.
When a program is executed, the instructions and data required by the CPU are loaded into the Memory unit. This allows the CPU to easily access and manipulate the information needed to perform calculations or carry out operations.
The Memory unit can be thought of as a large storage area or workspace where the CPU can temporarily store and retrieve information as needed. It consists of different types of memory, such as the cache, random access memory (RAM), and read-only memory (ROM).
The control unit of the CPU is responsible for coordinating and controlling the activities of other units, including the Memory unit. It fetches instructions from the Memory unit and directs the necessary data to be accessed or stored in the Memory unit. However, it is important to note that the Control unit itself does not store instructions, data, or intermediate results. It mainly focuses on facilitating the execution of instructions and coordinating the flow of data between different units.
The Arithmetic section of the CPU performs arithmetic calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. However, it does not directly store instructions, data, or intermediate results. Its role is primarily to carry out mathematical operations on data provided by the Memory unit.
The Logic section of the CPU handles logical operations like comparisons and logical decisions. Similar to the Arithmetic section, it does not store instructions, data, or intermediate results on its own, but rather operates on data accessed from the Memory unit.
In summary, while the Control unit controls other units of the CPU, it is the Memory unit that stores instructions, data, and intermediate results. The Memory unit serves as a central storage space for the CPU, allowing it to efficiently access and manipulate the information necessary for processing tasks.
Question 6 Report
What is the function of the escape key ?
Answer Details
The function of the escape key is to interrupt or cancel the current process or running program. It allows you to stop or exit a task or operation that is currently running on your computer.
When you press the escape key, it sends a signal to the operating system or software to halt or terminate the task it is performing. This can be useful in situations where a program is not responding or if you want to cancel a certain action that you initiated.
For example, if you are running a program and it becomes unresponsive or freezes, pressing the escape key can help you exit the program and regain control of your computer. It can also be used to cancel a command or close a dialog box that you no longer want to proceed with.
In summary, the escape key serves as a way to interrupt or cancel ongoing processes or programs on your computer.
Question 7 Report
The computer that combines the functions of both analog and digital computers is called ?
Answer Details
A computer that combines the functions of both analog and digital computers is called a hybrid computer.
An analog computer works by representing and manipulating physical quantities, such as voltage or current, in a continuous manner. It is typically used for tasks like solving differential equations or simulating physical systems.
On the other hand, a digital computer works with discrete values represented by binary digits (0s and 1s). It performs calculations using arithmetic and logical operations and is commonly used for tasks like data processing, calculations, and general-purpose computing.
A hybrid computer combines the strengths of both analog and digital computers, enabling it to perform a wide range of tasks efficiently. It uses analog technology to process real-world inputs and digital technology to perform complex calculations and data manipulation.
For example, in weather forecasting, a hybrid computer can use analog technology to gather and process real-time data from sensors, such as temperature and humidity. It then performs digital calculations to analyze the data, predict weather patterns, and generate forecasts.
In summary, a hybrid computer is a computer system that combines the capabilities of both analog and digital computers, allowing it to handle both continuous and discrete data in a versatile and efficient manner.
Question 8 Report
What is the difference between an assembler and a compiler ?
Answer Details
An assembler and a compiler are two different types of software tools used in computer programming.
An assembler is a program that converts assembly level language code into machine language code. Assembly language is a low-level programming language that uses mnemonics to represent the instructions and registers of a computer's architecture. So, an assembler takes the instructions written in assembly language and translates them into the binary code that a computer can understand and execute.
On the other hand, a compiler is a program that converts high-level programming language code into machine language code. High-level programming languages, like C, Python, or Java, are designed to be more human-readable and easier to write and understand compared to assembly language. However, computers cannot directly understand high-level programming languages, so a compiler translates the high-level code into the specific machine language instructions that the computer can execute.
In simple terms, an assembler converts assembly level language into machine language, and a compiler converts high-level programming language into machine language. Therefore, the correct answer is: An assembler converts assembly level language code into machine language code, while a compiler converts high-level programming language code into machine language code.
Question 9 Report
Answer Details
Using Boolean identities, the given Boolean expression A(A+1) + A(B+0) + C.1 can be reduced as follows: A.1 + A.B + C = A + A.B + C = A + C. The Boolean identity A + A.B = A is used here, which states that if A is true, the whole expression is true regardless of the value of B.
Question 10 Report
Which of these programming languages is the most suitable for a business data processing?
Answer Details
The most suitable programming language for business data processing is COBOL.
COBOL is specifically designed for handling large volumes of data in business applications. It stands for "Common Business-Oriented Language" and was developed in the late 1950s.
Here are some reasons why COBOL is the most suitable language for business data processing:
In summary, COBOL is the most suitable programming language for business data processing due to its readability, strong data processing capabilities, integration with legacy systems, reliability, and simplicity.
Question 11 Report
The diagrammatic representation of an algorithm is
Answer Details
The diagrammatic representation of an algorithm is a flowchart.
A flowchart is a visual representation that uses different shapes and arrows to show the step-by-step process of solving a problem or executing an algorithm. Each shape in the flowchart represents a specific action or decision point, and the arrows show the direction of flow.
Flowcharts are a powerful tool because they allow us to visualize the logic of an algorithm and understand its workings without having to read through lines of code. They are especially helpful for beginners or non-technical individuals who may find it difficult to understand complex programming concepts.
In a flowchart, we typically start with a start symbol, which represents the beginning of the algorithm. From there, we connect different shapes such as rectangles, diamonds, and parallelograms to represent different actions or decisions.
Rectangles are used to indicate processes or actions that need to be performed, such as calculations or assignments of values. Diamonds are used for decision points where a condition needs to be checked, and the flow of the algorithm can take different paths based on the result.
Arrows are used to connect the different shapes and show the flow of the algorithm. They indicate the order in which the actions or decisions are executed. We can also use connectors to direct the flow to a different part of the flowchart or to go back to a previous step.
At the end of the flowchart, we usually have an end symbol, which represents the termination of the algorithm.
By using flowcharts, we can easily understand how an algorithm works and identify any potential errors or bottlenecks. They offer a visual representation that can be easily understood by both technical and non-technical individuals, making them a valuable tool in the field of computer science and problem-solving.
Question 12 Report
Which of the following can be used to select the entire document ?
Answer Details
To select the entire document, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A. This command stands for "Select All" and it is commonly used in various software programs to quickly select all the content within a document or a text field.
When you press Ctrl + A, it tells the computer or software application to highlight and select all the text, images, or any other elements present in the current document. It is a convenient way to select everything at once and perform actions like copying, deleting, or formatting.
Ctrl + K is not used to select the entire document. In many applications, including web browsers, this combination is usually used for creating or modifying hyperlinks.
Shift + A does not have a specific function to select the entire document. The "Shift" key, when combined with other keys, generally allows you to make selections or perform actions on a range of items, but it is not applicable in this context.
Alt + F5 is also not used to select the entire document. In some applications, the "Alt" key combined with function keys or other shortcuts can trigger specific functions or menu options, but it does not select the entire document.
In conclusion, the correct option is Ctrl + A, which is a simple and widely-used shortcut to select all the contents of a document or text field.
Question 13 Report
Answer Details
The first computer made available for commercial use was the UNIVAC. UNIVAC stands for Universal Automatic Computer and it was developed by the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation in the 1950s.
UNIVAC was the first computer to be designed for both scientific and business purposes. It was used primarily by government agencies and large corporations for tasks such as data analysis, calculations, and simulations. The computer was known for its speed and versatility, and it played a significant role in advancing computer technology.
EDSAC, Mark-1, and ENIAC were also important computers in the early days of computing, but they were not specifically designed for commercial use like UNIVAC. EDSAC, which stands for Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator, was the first practical stored-program computer. Mark-1, also known as the Harvard Mark I, was one of the earliest electromechanical computers. ENIAC, or Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, was the first general-purpose electronic computer.
In conclusion, while all of these computers made significant contributions to the history of computing, the first computer made available for commercial use was the UNIVAC.
Question 14 Report
Translating the problem statement into a series of sequential steps describing what the program must do is known as
Answer Details
Translating the problem statement into a series of sequential steps describing what the program must do is known as creating the algorithm. This process involves breaking down the problem into smaller, manageable tasks and organizing them in a logical order. The algorithm serves as a roadmap or a set of instructions for the program to follow in order to solve the problem effectively. It helps the programmer in understanding the problem, designing the solution, and implementing it correctly. Once the algorithm is created, it serves as the foundation for the coding phase, where the programmer will write the actual program based on the steps outlined in the algorithm. Therefore, the correct option is creating the algorithm.
Question 15 Report
In computer architecture, the type of bus that connects the major components of a computer system is
Answer Details
The type of bus that connects the major components of a computer system is called the system bus.
The system bus is like the central highway that allows communication between the important parts of a computer, such as the CPU (Central Processing Unit), memory, and input/output devices. It is responsible for transmitting addresses which specify the location of data in memory, data itself that needs to be transferred between components, and control signals that manage the flow of information.
Think of the system bus as a pathway for information to travel back and forth between the CPU, memory, and other peripherals. It ensures that the different parts of the computer can work together effectively by providing a common method of communication.
So, in summary, the system bus connects the major components of a computer system and allows them to exchange addresses, data, and control signals. It plays a vital role in the overall functioning of a computer by enabling the efficient transfer of information.
Question 16 Report
which communication channel allows the sending of information in one direction only?
Answer Details
Simplex mode is the communication channel that allows the sending of information in one direction only. This means that the communication can only occur from one end to the other without any feedback or response from the receiving end.
In simplex mode, the sender can transmit data, but the receiver cannot respond or send any data back. It is like a one-way street where there is only traffic going in one direction. This mode is commonly used for broadcasting or when there is no need for a response or feedback from the receiver.
For example, think of a television broadcast. The television station transmits the signal to your TV set but there is no way for your TV set to send any information back to the station using the same channel. The communication is strictly one-way.
In summary, simplex mode allows for communication to occur in only one direction, with the sender transmitting information but the receiver unable to respond or send data back.
Question 17 Report
The process where a programmer converts a program specifications into computer instructions is called ?
Answer Details
The process where a programmer converts program specifications into computer instructions is called Coding.
Coding is the step-by-step process of translating program specifications, which are the specific requirements and functionalities of a program, into a language that a computer can understand.
During coding, the programmer writes lines of code using a specific programming language. This is similar to writing a set of instructions that the computer will follow to perform the desired tasks. Each line of code has a specific purpose and contributes to the overall functionality of the program.
The coding process involves breaking down the program specifications into smaller logical units or modules. Each module is then written as a series of instructions, using proper syntax and following the rules of the programming language being used.
Once the coding is complete, the programmer saves the code in a file, typically with a specific file extension that corresponds to the programming language. The code is then ready to be compiled or interpreted by the computer, which converts it into machine-readable instructions for execution.
In summary, coding is the process of translating program specifications into a language that computers can understand, by writing lines of code that specify the desired functionality of the program.
Question 18 Report
A type of application software that combines the abilities of several general purpose applications in one program is ?
Answer Details
Integrated Packages is the type of application software that combines the abilities of several general purpose applications in one program.
Imagine you have different applications on your computer - one for creating documents, another for working with spreadsheets, and another for creating presentations. With an integrated package, you don't need to open separate applications for each task. Instead, you have one program that can do all of these things.
For example, you can create a document, add tables or charts from a spreadsheet, and include images or diagrams from a presentation - all within the same program. This makes it convenient and efficient to handle multiple tasks without switching between different software.
Integrated packages provide a seamless user experience by allowing users to easily switch between different functions within the same program. They help to streamline workflow and eliminate the need to learn and navigate multiple software applications.
In summary, integrated packages simplify the process of using different applications by combining them into one program, making it easier and more efficient to complete various tasks without the need for separate software programs.
Question 19 Report
A set of moral principles that regulate the use of computers is called
Answer Details
The correct answer is computer ethics.
Computer ethics refers to a set of moral principles or guidelines that regulate the use of computers. These principles help individuals and organizations make responsible decisions when it comes to using technology. Computer ethics guide us in determining what is right and wrong in the context of computer use, and they promote moral behavior and professionalism in the digital world.
Computer ethics cover a wide range of topics, including privacy, intellectual property, software piracy, hacking, and the ethical use of technology in areas such as medicine and artificial intelligence. They address questions like "Is it ethical to share someone else's personal information online?" or "Should we develop autonomous weapons?"
In summary, computer ethics provide a framework for making ethical decisions and behaving responsibly in the realm of computers and technology, ensuring that our actions do not harm others and respect their rights.
Question 20 Report
A computer code that spreads without the user interaction and can cause network performance problem is
Answer Details
A computer code that spreads without the user interaction and can cause network performance problem is a computer worm.
To understand this, let's think of a worm as a digital parasite. Similar to how a real-life worm can multiply quickly and spread in various directions, a computer worm can replicate itself and spread across computer networks without needing any action from the user.
Unlike viruses, which require a host file to attach themselves to and typically need user interaction to spread, worms can independently find vulnerabilities in computer systems and exploit them. This means that a worm can easily make copies of itself and infect multiple computers within a network without the user even knowing.
The ability of worms to rapidly spread can cause significant network performance problems. Imagine if a single worm infects one computer, then spreads to another, which spreads to two more, and so on. This exponential growth in infections can overload network resources, leading to sluggish internet speeds, system crashes, and even network failures.
Therefore, it is important to have strong security measures in place, such as firewalls and antivirus software, to protect against and prevent the spread of computer worms. Regularly updating software and operating systems can also help patch vulnerabilities that worms may exploit.
In conclusion, a computer worm is a type of malicious code that spreads autonomously across computer networks, causing network performance problems by rapidly infecting multiple computers.
Question 21 Report
Which of these storage devices can act as a buffer between the CPU and the main memory ?
Answer Details
The storage device that can act as a buffer between the CPU and the main memory is Cache Memory.
Cache memory is a small, very fast, and expensive type of memory that is located close to the CPU. It is used to temporarily store data and instructions that the CPU frequently accesses.
When the CPU needs to access data or instructions, it first checks the cache memory. If the requested data or instructions are found in the cache, this is called a cache hit, and the CPU can access them quickly. This helps to improve the overall performance of the CPU because accessing data from cache memory is much faster than accessing it from the main memory.
If the requested data or instructions are not found in the cache, this is called a cache miss. In this case, the CPU needs to fetch the data or instructions from the main memory, which takes more time. However, once the data or instructions are fetched from the main memory, they are also stored in the cache for future use. This way, if the CPU needs the same data or instructions again, it can access them quickly from the cache, resulting in faster performance.
By acting as a buffer between the CPU and the main memory, cache memory helps to reduce the CPU's waiting time for data and instructions, which ultimately improves the overall speed and efficiency of the computer system.
Question 22 Report
The term used to describe when new information replaces old information or data is
Answer Details
The term used to describe when new information replaces old information or data is overwrite.
When we talk about overwriting, it means that we are replacing or writing new data on top of existing data. Imagine you have a piece of paper with some writing on it. Now, if you write something else on top of that existing writing, you are overwriting it.
Similarly, in the context of information or data stored in a computer or any other storage device, when new information is written over the old information, it is called overwriting. This can happen when you save a file with new data, and it replaces the old data that was there before.
It's important to note that when data is overwritten, the old information is completely replaced and cannot be recovered unless a backup copy was made. So, if you accidentally overwrite a file that you needed, it may be permanently lost.
To summarize, overwriting is the term used to describe the process of replacing old information or data with new information.
Question 23 Report
The Output will be a HIGH for any case when one or more inputs are one for a(an)
Answer Details
The output of an OR gate will be HIGH when one or more inputs are one. This means that if at least one of the inputs to the OR gate is set to one, the output of the gate will also be one. To understand why this is the case, let's take a look at the behavior of an OR gate. An OR gate takes two or more inputs and produces an output based on the logical OR operation. The logical OR operation is a binary operation that returns true (or HIGH) if at least one of its operands is true (or HIGH). In an OR gate, if any of the inputs is set to one, it will cause the output of the gate to be one. This is because the logical OR operation returns true (or HIGH) when at least one of its operands is true (or HIGH). It does not matter whether the other inputs are set to zero or one. As long as there is at least one input that is set to one, the output of the OR gate will be one. On the other hand, if all the inputs to the OR gate are set to zero, the output of the gate will be zero. This is because the logical OR operation returns false (or LOW) only when all its operands are false (or LOW). So, in summary, the output of an OR gate will be HIGH when one or more inputs are set to one. It does not matter whether the other inputs are set to zero or one. As long as there is at least one input that is set to one, the output of the OR gate will be one.
Question 24 Report
Which of the following monitors has only two colours
Answer Details
A monitor that has only two colors is called a monochrome monitor. This type of monitor is capable of displaying only two colors - typically black and white.
Monochrome monitors were commonly used in the early days of computing, when color displays were not widely available or affordable. These monitors were simpler in design and used only one color for displaying images and text.
The advantage of a monochrome monitor is its simplicity and cost-effectiveness. It requires less processing power and memory to display images and text in just two colors. This made it suitable for many applications where color was not a crucial requirement, such as word processing, programming, and data entry.
However, the limitation of a monochrome monitor is the lack of color representation. It cannot display images or graphics with the same level of detail and realism as color monitors. As technology advanced, color monitors with higher resolutions and better color accuracy became more popular and affordable.
In summary, a monochrome monitor is a type of monitor that can only display two colors - typically black and white. It was commonly used in the early days of computing for applications that did not require color representation.
Question 25 Report
The two types of operating system are
Answer Details
The two types of operating systems are command line and graphical user interface.
A command-line interface (CLI) is a text-based interface where the user interacts with the computer by typing commands. The user enters specific commands and the computer responds accordingly. This type of interface is typically used by more advanced users or those who prefer a more hands-on approach. It allows for precise control over the system but requires knowledge of specific commands and syntax.
A graphical user interface (GUI) is a visual interface where the user interacts with the computer using icons, menus, and windows. It provides a more user-friendly and intuitive way of interacting with the computer. Instead of typing commands, users can simply click on icons or buttons to perform tasks. GUIs are widely used in modern operating systems and are often preferred by beginners or those who prefer a more visually appealing and user-friendly experience.
Overall, the key difference between command line and graphical user interface lies in the way users interact with the operating system. The command line requires typing commands, while the GUI provides a visual interface with icons and menus for interaction.
Question 26 Report
Which of these commands will reboot the computer ?
Answer Details
To reboot the computer, you would use the Ctrl + Alt + Del command. This key combination is commonly known as the "Three-Finger Salute" and is used to bring up the Task Manager on Windows operating systems.
When you press Ctrl + Alt + Del, it triggers a system interrupt that takes you to a screen where you have several options. One of these options is to restart or reboot the computer.
Using this combination of keys is more secure because it ensures that you are interacting directly with the operating system, rather than potentially triggering a key combination that could have unintended consequences.
So, remember to press Ctrl + Alt + Del simultaneously to reboot your computer when needed.
Question 27 Report
Evaluate 10112+1224 , leaving your answer in base 10
Answer Details
= 1 × 23
+ 0 × 22
+ 1 × 21
+ 1 × 20
1 × 8 + 0 × 4 + 1 × 2 + 1 × 1 = 8 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11
= 1 × 42
+ 2 × 41
+ 2 × 40
1 × 16 + 2 × 4 + 2 × 1 = 16 + 8 + 2 = 26
11 + 26 = 37
Question 28 Report
When the computer reboots itself without triggering the hardware based reset, it is called ?
Answer Details
When the computer reboots itself without triggering the hardware based reset, it is called a soft reboot.
A soft reboot, also known as a warm reboot or a soft restart, is a method of restarting a computer without shutting it down completely. Instead of turning off the power to the computer, a soft reboot uses the operating system's own restart function to restart the computer. This means that the computer goes through a brief shutdown process, where the operating system closes all running programs and services, clears the system's memory, and then starts up again.
One common example of when a soft reboot may occur is when the computer freezes or becomes unresponsive. Instead of manually turning off the computer and then turning it back on again, a soft reboot allows you to restart the computer quickly and easily without having to go through the entire startup process.
During a soft reboot, the computer's hardware stays on, but the operating system restarts. This allows the computer to quickly reload the necessary files and settings without needing to perform a full power cycle. It is a useful method for resolving minor software issues or refreshing the system without losing any unsaved data.
In summary, a soft reboot is a process where the computer restarts itself without turning off the power. It is a quick and convenient way to resolve software issues and refresh the system without losing any data.
Question 29 Report
What does R stands for in the CRUD acronym ?
Answer Details
In the CRUD acronym, R stands for 'Read'. CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. These are the four basic functions of persistent storage in databases.
Question 30 Report
The type of database in which the data are connected in different files by using common data elements or a key field is ?
Answer Details
The type of database in which the data are connected in different files by using common data elements or a key field is Relational database.
In a relational database, data is organized into tables, where each table represents a specific entity or concept. Each row in the table represents an instance of that entity, and each column represents a specific attribute or characteristic of that entity. The tables are then linked together using common data elements, known as key fields.
These key fields establish relationships between the tables, allowing us to retrieve related data from multiple tables by using queries. For example, if we have a table for customers and a table for orders, we can link them together using a common key field such as customer ID. This allows us to retrieve orders for a specific customer or retrieve customer information for a specific order.
One of the main advantages of a relational database is its flexibility and ability to handle complex relationships between data. By using key fields, we can easily link multiple tables together and perform various data operations like filtering, sorting, and joining data.
Relational databases are widely used in various industries and applications due to their simplicity, scalability, and data integrity. They provide a structured and efficient way to store and retrieve data, making them suitable for managing large amounts of data in a systematic and organized manner.
Question 31 Report
Answer Details
A nibble is a four-bit aggregation, or half an octet. It is also known as half-byte or tetrade. In a networking or telecommunication context, the nibble is often called a semi-octet, quadbit, or quartet. A nibble has sixteen (2^4) possible values.
Question 32 Report
The type of computers that are designed to perform complex calculations extremely rapidly are called ?
Answer Details
The type of computers that are designed to perform complex calculations extremely rapidly are called supercomputers.
Supercomputers are the ultimate powerhouses in the world of computing. They are specifically built with the intention of solving problems that require incredibly high computational power and speed. These machines are designed to process enormous amounts of data and perform complex mathematical calculations in a relatively short amount of time.
Supercomputers are used in a variety of fields such as weather forecasting, scientific research, simulations, and even in some sectors of the financial industry. They are equipped with multiple processors and a large amount of memory, allowing them to tackle massive amounts of data simultaneously.
What sets supercomputers apart from other types of computers is their ability to solve problems that would take other computers significantly longer or might even be impossible for them to solve. They are highly optimized for parallel processing, meaning they can break down complex problems into smaller sub-problems and solve them simultaneously. This division of tasks enables them to work at a much faster rate, solving problems in a fraction of the time it would take a regular computer to do the same.
Overall, supercomputers are designed to excel at handling extremely complex computations and are capable of solving problems that would be challenging or even impossible for other types of computers.
Question 33 Report
What part of the central processing unit coordinates other units and manages the computer resources ?
Answer Details
The part of the central processing unit (CPU) that coordinates other units and manages computer resources is the Control unit.
The Control unit is like the brains of the CPU. It directs and coordinates the activities of other units, such as the Memory unit, Arithmetic Logic unit, and coordinating unit. Its main job is to fetch, decode, and execute instructions from the computer's memory.
The Control unit controls the flow of data and instructions between different parts of the CPU and other components of the computer system. It ensures that each instruction is carried out in the correct sequence and at the right time. It also manages the allocation of computer resources, such as memory and processing power, to different tasks and programs running on the computer.
In simpler terms, you can think of the Control unit as the conductor of an orchestra. It keeps everyone in sync and ensures that each musician plays their part at the right time. Similarly, the Control unit coordinates the different units of the CPU and manages resources to ensure the smooth operation of the computer.
Question 34 Report
The following are input devices except.
Answer Details
Answer: Input devices are electronic devices that are used to provide data or instructions to a computer. They allow us to interact with the computer and give it commands or input information. The purpose of an input device is to take the input from the user and convert it into a form that the computer can understand.
Out of the given options, the monitor is not an input device. The monitor is an output device. It is a display screen that shows us the output or result of the computer's processing. It allows us to see the data, images, videos, and other information that the computer generates based on the input. The monitor does not take any input from the user; rather, it displays the output produced by the computer.
On the other hand, the other three options mentioned—mouse, keyboard, and joystick—are all input devices.
- A mouse is a handheld device that allows the user to move a cursor on the screen and select objects or options by clicking on them. It is used for pointing and controlling the movement of the cursor on the computer monitor. - A keyboard is a device with a set of buttons or keys that are used to input text, numerical data, commands, and other instructions into the computer. It is the most common input device used for typing and controlling the computer. - A joystick is a handheld device with a stick-like lever and buttons that is used to control the movement or actions of objects on the computer screen, particularly in games or simulations.
In summary, an input device allows us to give input or commands to a computer, while an output device displays the outcome of processing the input. The monitor, in this case, is an output device, while the mouse, keyboard, and joystick are input devices.
Question 35 Report
An action performed in the GUI operating systems to hide a window but keep the program running in the background is ?
Answer Details
The action performed in GUI operating systems to hide a window but keep the program running in the background is called minimize.
When you minimize a window, it is removed from the visible desktop space and displayed as a smaller icon or thumbnail on the taskbar or dock, depending on your operating system. This allows you to have multiple programs running simultaneously without cluttering up your screen.
Minimizing a window is useful when you want to keep a program running in the background but don't need immediate access to it. For example, if you are working on a document in Microsoft Word and want to quickly check your email, you can minimize the Word window to temporarily hide it and then switch to your email program. This way, the Word program is still running and you can easily restore it when you need to continue working on the document.
Minimizing a window does not close the program or terminate any ongoing processes. It simply hides the window from view and allows the program to continue running in the background. This is a convenient way to manage and organize multiple tasks on your computer without overcrowding your screen.
To summarize, minimizing a window in a GUI operating system is the action of hiding a window while keeping the program running in the background. It helps to manage and switch between multiple programs efficiently, without closing or terminating any ongoing processes.
Question 36 Report
Translators are type of ?
Answer Details
Translators are types of software that help convert one form of code or language into another. They are used to facilitate communication between different components of a computer system.
System software is a broad category of software that includes translators as one of its components. Translators are needed to convert high-level programming languages, such as C++ or Java, into a form that can be understood and executed by the computer's hardware.
An operating system is another type of software that manages the computer's resources and provides a platform for other software applications to run. While an operating system may include translators as part of its functionality, translators themselves are not considered to be an operating system.
Utility programs are software tools that assist with system maintenance, optimization, and troubleshooting. While some utility programs may include rudimentary translators for specific tasks, such as language translation tools, translators are not typically considered to be utility programs.
Application software refers to programs that are designed to perform specific tasks for the user, such as word processors, spreadsheet applications, or web browsers. Translators are not typically included as part of application software, although some specific applications may include their own translators for specific purposes.
In summary, translators are a type of software that fall under the category of system software. They are used to convert programming languages into a format that can be understood and executed by the computer's hardware.
Question 37 Report
The first stage of data processing activities is ?
Answer Details
The first stage of data processing activities is Collection.
In this stage, data is gathered or collected from various sources. This can include surveys, forms, sensors, databases, and more. The goal is to gather all the necessary data that is required for analysis and processing.
During the collection stage, it is important to ensure that the data is accurate, complete, and reliable. This includes checking for any errors or inconsistencies in the data and verifying its authenticity.
Once the data is collected, it is then ready to be processed and analyzed. This involves performing various operations such as manipulation, conversion, and sorting on the data to extract meaningful insights and information.
Overall, the collection stage is critical in the data processing process as it lays the foundation for the subsequent stages. It ensures that the data is available and ready for further processing and analysis.
Question 38 Report
What is the difference between internal and external modem
Answer Details
Internal modems are commonly found as expansion cards that are installed inside a computer. They usually connect to the motherboard using a PCI or ISA slot. These modems are not visible externally and are integrated into the computer's hardware.
External modems, on the other hand, are separate devices that are connected to the computer externally. These modems are typically plugged into a serial port on the computer or connect using a USB port. They are not installed inside the computer's casing like internal modems.
In summary, the main difference between internal and external modems lies in their physical connection to the computer. Internal modems are expansion cards installed inside the computer, while external modems are separate devices that connect to the computer externally.
Question 39 Report
Which of the following is the standard keyboard layout ?
Answer Details
The standard keyboard layout is called QWERTY. It is the most commonly used keyboard layout in many English-speaking countries.
The name "QWERTY" comes from the first six letters in the top row of the keyboard. This layout was designed more than a century ago for typewriters and was carried over to computer keyboards. It was created to prevent mechanical jams on typewriters by placing commonly used letters further apart from each other.
The QWERTY layout is characterized by the arrangement of letters, numbers, symbols, and function keys on the keyboard. The letters are organized in a specific order, with the most frequently used characters placed in easily accessible positions. The layout also includes a number pad on the right side and function keys at the top.
While some alternative keyboard layouts, such as Dvorak and AZERTY, have been developed to potentially improve typing speed and efficiency, QWERTY remains the standard and is widely accepted and recognized. It has become ingrained in our typing habits and is supported by operating systems and software applications.
Overall, the QWERTY keyboard layout is the most widely used and recognized standard layout that allows for efficient and accurate typing for the majority of English-speaking users.
Question 40 Report
What type of booting does the computer go through when starting up from a powered down ?
Answer Details
When a computer is powered down and then started up, it goes through a process called booting. Booting is the series of steps that the computer takes to initialize and load the operating system into memory.
One type of booting is cold booting. This occurs when the computer is completely shut down and then powered on again. During a cold boot, the computer goes through a complete startup sequence. This includes checking hardware components, loading the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System), and then loading the operating system.
Another type of booting is soft booting. This occurs when the computer is already powered on and the operating system is restarted. Soft booting does not involve shutting down and powering up the computer. Instead, it involves restarting the operating system while keeping the computer's power on. Soft booting is often done when there is a need to refresh the system or troubleshoot certain issues.
Warm booting is a term that is often used interchangeably with soft booting. It refers to the process of restarting the computer without shutting down the power. Warm booting is generally used to describe the act of manually initiating a system restart.
Finally, rebooting is a more general term that can be used to describe any kind of system restart, whether it is a cold boot, soft boot, or warm boot. Rebooting essentially means to restart the computer.
In summary, when a computer starts up from a powered down state, it goes through a process called booting. This can involve cold booting, which is a complete startup sequence after the computer has been completely shut down. It can also involve soft booting or warm booting, which is a restart of the operating system while keeping the computer's power on. Rebooting is a more general term that encompasses any type of system restart.
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