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Question 1 Report
The basic principle underlying location of industry is the tendency for production of a commodity to be located on the basis of______
Answer Details
The basic principle underlying the location of industry is the tendency for production of a commodity to be located on the basis of "relative costs and benefits." The location of industry is determined by a variety of factors such as access to raw materials, labor supply, transportation, energy, and infrastructure. However, the primary factor is the cost and benefit analysis of each potential location. Industries tend to locate where the benefits of the location outweigh the costs. For example, an industry that requires large quantities of water may locate near a river or lake where water is abundant and cheap. An industry that produces heavy goods may locate near a port or railhead to reduce transportation costs. An industry that produces high-value products may locate near a skilled workforce or a research and development center to take advantage of the availability of talent. In general, industries seek to minimize their costs and maximize their benefits by locating in areas that provide the best combination of factors. This is why certain industries tend to be concentrated in particular regions or countries where the relative costs and benefits of production are most favorable.
Question 2 Report
A retailer is distinguished by the nature of its sales, which is in___________
Answer Details
A retailer is distinguished by the nature of its sales, which is in units. Retailers sell products in small quantities directly to consumers for their personal or household use. They purchase products from wholesalers or manufacturers and sell them to the end-users at a markup. This type of retailing typically involves a physical store where customers can browse and purchase products, but it can also include online retailing. The focus of retailing is on selling individual units of products to the consumer, rather than selling in bulk to other businesses.
Question 3 Report
If wage rate is less than the average revenue product, the firms would be earning________
Answer Details
If the wage rate is less than the average revenue product (ARP), the firms would be earning a profit. The ARP is the amount of revenue generated by one unit of labor and is typically greater than the wage rate. If the firm is paying its workers less than the amount of revenue they generate, the firm will have extra revenue left over, which is a profit. So, in this situation, the firm would either be earning a normal profit or a super normal profit, depending on the size of the gap between the wage rate and the ARP. A normal profit is the minimum level of profit necessary for a firm to stay in business, while a super normal profit is a profit that is higher than the normal profit.
Question 4 Report
The business risks of a public corporation are borne ultimately________
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Question 5 Report
If AC and MC are represented on a graph, the MC curve will cut the AC curve_______
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The MC (marginal cost) curve will cut the AC (average cost) curve at the minimum point on the AC curve. This is because the minimum point on the AC curve represents the lowest average cost of production, and the MC curve intersecting the AC curve at this point indicates that the marginal cost of producing one more unit is equal to the average cost. In other words, at the minimum point on the AC curve, any further increase in production would lead to an increase in the average cost.
Question 6 Report
One of these is not a problem of agriculture___________
Answer Details
"Provision of employment" is not a problem of agriculture. It is actually a benefit of agriculture. Agriculture provides job opportunities for people, from farmers to food processing workers. The other three options listed are actual problems faced by the agriculture industry: - Lack of preservation and storage facilities can lead to food waste and loss of income for farmers. - Land tenure system refers to the rules and regulations governing who can use and own land. In many countries, the land tenure system is not favorable for small farmers and can limit their ability to produce food. - Poor transportation systems can make it difficult for farmers to get their products to market and for consumers to access fresh food.
Question 7 Report
When a member's currency is declared "scarce", it is the duty of the IMF to______
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Question 8 Report
In the short-run, the monopoly makes_______
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In the short-run, a monopoly can make abnormal profit. Abnormal profit is a profit that is higher than the normal profit a company would make in a competitive market. This is because a monopoly has market power, meaning it has control over the price of its product and can set it higher than the market price, leading to higher profits. However, it's important to note that this situation is only temporary and in the long-run, competition and other factors can drive down prices and eliminate the abnormal profit.
Question 9 Report
The purchasing power of money depends upon the__________
Answer Details
The purchasing power of money depends upon the "price level". Price level refers to the general level of prices for goods and services in an economy. When the price level increases, the purchasing power of money decreases because it can buy fewer goods and services. Conversely, when the price level decreases, the purchasing power of money increases because it can buy more goods and services. For example, if a cup of coffee costs $2 and the price level remains the same, then $10 can buy 5 cups of coffee. However, if the price of coffee increases to $3, then the purchasing power of $10 decreases and can now only buy 3 and 1/3 cups of coffee. So, the purchasing power of money depends on the price level, because the price level determines how much goods and services money can buy.
Question 10 Report
Whatever form an economic system may take, choice is essential for members of the community because resources are__________
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Scarce. This means that there is not enough of a certain resource to meet the demand or needs of everyone in the community. As a result, choices have to be made about how to allocate these limited resources among different individuals, groups, or uses. When resources are scarce, it is important to make decisions about their use in the most efficient and effective way possible.
Question 11 Report
In a perfect competition, the market price is determined by_______
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In a perfect competition, the market price is determined by the market supply and demand junctions. This means that the price is set by the intersection of the supply of goods and services offered by producers and the demand for those goods and services by consumers. When there is a high demand for a good or service, the price will go up, and when there is a low demand, the price will go down. This is because producers will raise their prices when there is high demand in order to make more profit, and they will lower their prices when there is low demand to try to sell more goods. On the other hand, consumers will be willing to pay more for a good or service when there is high demand and they will be less willing to pay when there is low demand. The market price is a result of the negotiation between producers and consumers, and it reflects the balance between supply and demand in the market.
Question 12 Report
A permit that allows an importer to bring a certain quantity of foreign goods into a country is_________
Answer Details
An import quota is a permit that allows an importer to bring a certain quantity of foreign goods into a country. It is a government-imposed limit on the quantity of a certain good that can be imported into a country during a specific period of time. The purpose of an import quota is to protect domestic producers and limit the amount of foreign competition in the domestic market. The government sets the quota to regulate the flow of goods into the country and to ensure that domestic producers are not overwhelmed by foreign competition.
Question 13 Report
Effective demand for a commodity is desire for that commodity backed by_______
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Effective demand for a commodity is the desire or want for that commodity backed by the ability and willingness to pay for it. This means that a person not only wants the commodity, but also has the means to purchase it and is willing to part with their money in exchange for it. For example, if someone wants to buy a new car but does not have the money to pay for it, their desire for the car is not effective demand. Similarly, if someone has the money but is not interested in buying a car, their willingness to pay is not effective demand. Effective demand requires both the desire for the commodity and the ability and willingness to pay for it. It is the combination of these two factors that drives the demand for goods and services in the economy.
Question 14 Report
One of these is not an assumption of the cardinalist theory of utility?
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Question 15 Report
Adam Smith's Theory of value stated that the value of a commodity depended on________
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Adam Smith's theory of value stated that the value of a commodity depends on the amount of labour expended on its production. Smith believed that in a market economy, the value of a good or service is determined by the amount of work required to produce it. According to his theory, the more time and effort that goes into making a product, the more valuable it becomes. This idea is known as the "labour theory of value." In simple terms, the value of a product is determined by the effort and time put into making it. The more effort and time required, the more valuable the product is considered to be. This theory is considered to be one of the foundations of classical economics and is still widely studied and discussed today.
Question 17 Report
The term "Money at call and short notice" in a bank's assets represents the bank's loans to______
Answer Details
The term "Money at call and short notice" in a bank's assets represents the bank's loans to the money markets. Money at call and short notice refers to loans that the bank has made to other financial institutions or borrowers that can be quickly repaid upon request or on short notice, typically within 24 hours or less. These loans are typically used to finance short-term funding needs, such as meeting daily operational expenses or managing cash flows. The money markets are where short-term borrowing and lending takes place, typically for a period of less than a year. This includes activities such as interbank lending, commercial paper, and repurchase agreements. By providing loans to the money markets, banks are able to earn interest income while also helping to facilitate the flow of funds between borrowers and lenders. In summary, "Money at call and short notice" represents the bank's loans to the money markets, which are a key part of the financial system for short-term borrowing and lending.
Question 18 Report
Consider the following figures which refer to a firm's production department during one week:
Wage bill ₦6,000, Rent, Rates, Depreciation ₦200, raw materials ₦800, Power ₦300.
Total variable costs incurred during the week are
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Question 20 Report
A contractionary monetary policy is used to control__________
Answer Details
A contractionary monetary policy is used to control inflation. Inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over time. It occurs when there is too much money chasing too few goods, leading to an increase in demand and upward pressure on prices. A contractionary monetary policy is a type of economic policy used by central banks to reduce the money supply and increase the cost of borrowing, with the aim of slowing down the economy and reducing inflationary pressures. This can be achieved through several measures, such as raising interest rates, increasing reserve requirements for banks, and selling government securities in the open market. By reducing the supply of money and making it more expensive to borrow, the central bank aims to reduce spending and investment in the economy, which can help to lower inflation. A contractionary monetary policy is the opposite of an expansionary monetary policy, which is used to stimulate economic growth by increasing the money supply and lowering interest rates.
Question 21 Report
The determination of wages in a labour market depends on the_______
Answer Details
The determination of wages in a labor market depends on the interaction between the demand for and supply of labor. In simple terms, employers demand labor to produce goods and services, while workers supply their labor to earn wages. The wage rate is then determined by the equilibrium point where the demand for labor meets the supply of labor in the market. When there is a high demand for labor and a low supply, wages tend to increase because employers are competing for a limited number of workers. On the other hand, when there is a low demand for labor and a high supply, wages tend to decrease because there are more workers than jobs available. Other factors such as government policies, economic conditions, and the skills and qualifications of workers can also influence the wage rate, but the main determinant is the interaction between the demand for and supply of labor in the market.
Question 22 Report
The average curve and the marginal curve are U-shaped in the short-run and flatter in the long-run due to________
Answer Details
The reason why the average curve and the marginal curve are U-shaped in the short-run and flatter in the long-run is due to economies of scale. Economies of scale refer to the cost advantages that firms experience as they increase their production output. In the short-run, firms are often operating at less than their optimal capacity and therefore may experience diseconomies of scale as they increase output, which leads to higher average costs and a U-shaped average curve. Meanwhile, the marginal cost curve intersects the average cost curve at its minimum point, which is why it is also U-shaped in the short-run. However, in the long-run, firms have more time to adjust their inputs and can increase the scale of their operations. As they do so, they can experience economies of scale, which lead to lower average costs and a flatter average curve. This means that the marginal cost curve intersects the average cost curve at a lower point than in the short-run, making it flatter. Overall, this illustrates how economies of scale can affect a firm's production costs and how this can be reflected in the shape of the average and marginal cost curves.
Question 23 Report
An economy system that uses what is regarded as the "Market mechanism" is called_______
Answer Details
Capitalism is an economic system that uses the market mechanism. In a capitalist economy, individuals and businesses own and operate the means of production, and the prices of goods and services are determined by supply and demand in the marketplace. In simple terms, this means that people are free to produce and sell whatever they want, and consumers are free to buy whatever they want, at prices that are determined by the market. This creates an economy that is driven by competition and innovation, and is often associated with growth and prosperity. It is important to note that capitalism can take on different forms, ranging from a more laissez-faire approach with minimal government intervention, to a more regulated form with a larger role for the government in managing the economy.
Question 25 Report
The following are measures of location except________
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The measure of location that is not a measure of location is "Range". A measure of location gives us an idea of where most of the values in a data set are concentrated. Arithmetic mean, Harmonic mean, and Geometric mean are all measures of location that give us a single value to represent the center of the data set. For example, the arithmetic mean is the sum of all the values divided by the number of values. The harmonic mean is the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of the reciprocals of the data values. The geometric mean is the nth root of the product of n values. On the other hand, the range is a measure of spread, which gives us an idea of how spread out the values in a data set are. The range is simply the difference between the largest and smallest values in a data set.
Question 27 Report
An Instrument used by the central bank to fix commercial and merchant banks total credit to domestic economy is________
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Question 28 Report
Use the following information given to answer this question
Total of all expenditure incurred during the year ₤ 80,000m
Indirect taxes on goods and services ₤ 8,000m
Capital consumption ₤ 6,000m
National income is__________
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Question 29 Report
A rise in the supply of a commodity cause__________
Answer Details
When the supply of a commodity increases, it means that there is more of that commodity available in the market than before. This increase in supply causes the market to shift, leading to a change in the equilibrium price and quantity of that commodity. As the supply of the commodity increases, sellers will want to sell more of the commodity, but buyers may not want to buy as much at the higher price. This creates a surplus, where there is more supply than demand, causing the price to decrease. As the price decreases, buyers are more willing to buy the commodity, and sellers may reduce the amount they are willing to sell, until the market reaches a new equilibrium. This new equilibrium will have a lower price and a higher quantity bought and sold than before the increase in supply. Therefore, the correct answer is: a decrease in the equilibrium price and an increase in the equilibrium quantity bought and sold.
Question 30 Report
Let capital formation = CF, Production = P, C = consumption. Then CF =_______
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Capital formation (CF) is equal to P minus C, where P is production and C is consumption. Capital formation refers to the process of creating new capital goods, such as factories, machines, and infrastructure, which are used to produce goods and services. This process requires investment in new capital goods and is therefore reflected as a reduction in consumption. So, CF = P - C, where P is the total amount of goods and services produced and C is the amount consumed by households, businesses, and government. This equation shows that the amount of new capital being formed is equal to the difference between what is produced and what is consumed. In simpler terms, capital formation is the amount of investment made in the economy to increase its productive capacity and support future economic growth.
Question 31 Report
The most reliable and acceptable index of economic growth is the__________
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Question 32 Report
When of the following matters may account for changes in supply?
I - technological advances in an industry
II - changes in labour costs
III - changes in source of supply
IV - changes in levels of taxation
Answer Details
All of the options listed - I, II, III, and IV - can contribute to changes in supply. Technological advances in an industry can increase the efficiency of production and lower costs, leading to an increase in supply. Changes in labor costs, such as an increase in wages, can make production more expensive, leading to a decrease in supply. Changes in the source of supply, such as a new supplier entering the market or a current supplier becoming unavailable, can also impact supply. Finally, changes in levels of taxation, such as an increase in taxes on production, can make production more expensive and lead to a decrease in supply. Therefore, all four options can impact changes in supply.
Question 33 Report
The shape of the production possibility frontier is determined by the_________
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Question 34 Report
An economic condition in which much reduced economic activity co-exists with inflation is referred to as__________
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Question 35 Report
Let the quantity demanded in units of a particular commodity be represented as Qd = 80 - 2P, find the quantity demanded when P = ₦3.
Answer Details
The quantity demanded (Qd) of a commodity is related to its price (P) through the equation Qd = 80 - 2P. So, if we know the price of the commodity, we can use this equation to find the quantity demanded. In this case, the price is given as ₦3. So, we can plug in this value of price into the equation to find the quantity demanded: Qd = 80 - 2P Qd = 80 - 2 * 3 Qd = 80 - 6 Qd = 74 Therefore, the quantity demanded when the price is ₦3 is 74 units.
Question 36 Report
The method obtained by adding all the reward of factors of production in national income is________
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The method of adding up all the rewards of the factors of production in national income is known as the "income approach." The income approach calculates national income by summing up all the income received by individuals and firms in the economy. This includes wages, salaries, interest, rent, and profits earned by the factors of production, such as labor, capital, and land. The idea behind this approach is that the total income generated in an economy is equal to the total amount spent on consumption and investment, and this spending creates the demand for goods and services produced in the economy. This method provides a comprehensive picture of the total income generated in the economy and is useful in understanding the distribution of income among different groups in the economy and the sources of economic growth.
Question 37 Report
An example of a market which approaches fairly near to perfection is____________
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Question 38 Report
A demand which gives rise to the reverse of the law of demand is__________
Question 39 Report
Which of the following matters may account for changes in demand?
I - changes in consumer preferences
II - changes in real income
III - changes in distribution of incomes
IV - changes in levels of taxation
Answer Details
Changes in demand can be influenced by various factors. Among them, changes in consumer preferences, real income, distribution of incomes, and levels of taxation can all affect the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy at a given price. I. Changes in consumer preferences refer to shifts in the tastes and preferences of consumers. For example, if people start to prefer healthier food options, the demand for fruits and vegetables may increase while the demand for processed foods may decrease. II. Changes in real income can also impact demand. If people's real income increases, they may be able to afford more goods and services, which can lead to an increase in demand for those products. Conversely, if real income decreases, consumers may cut back on their spending, leading to a decrease in demand. III. Changes in the distribution of incomes can also affect demand. If the distribution of incomes becomes more unequal, with some people becoming much richer and others becoming much poorer, this can impact the demand for certain products. For example, if the rich become richer, they may be more willing to purchase luxury goods, leading to an increase in demand for those products. On the other hand, if the poor become poorer, they may not be able to afford certain goods, leading to a decrease in demand. IV. Changes in levels of taxation can impact demand by affecting the disposable income of consumers. If taxes increase, consumers may have less disposable income, leading to a decrease in demand for certain goods and services. Conversely, if taxes decrease, consumers may have more disposable income, leading to an increase in demand for certain products. Therefore, the answer is: I, II, III, IV, since all four factors can account for changes in demand.
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