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Question 1 Report
Paul says that anyone who does acts of mercy should do so with
Answer Details
According to Paul, anyone who performs acts of mercy should do so with generosity and liberality. By "generosity," Paul means that people should give freely and generously without expecting anything in return. In other words, they should give because they want to help others, not because they want recognition or reward. By "liberality," Paul means that people should give with an open heart and a willingness to help others in need. This includes being willing to sacrifice their time, resources, and energy to help others. Overall, Paul is emphasizing the importance of performing acts of mercy with a genuine desire to help others, rather than simply going through the motions. His message is that acts of mercy are not just about what you do, but also about the attitude with which you do them.
Question 3 Report
What was the sign of God's covenant with Abraham?
Answer Details
The sign of God's covenant with Abraham was circumcision. Circumcision was a physical symbol that represented a spiritual agreement between God and Abraham. It signified that Abraham and his descendants were set apart as God's chosen people and that they would be faithful to God and follow His commands. Circumcision was a way for God to mark His covenant with Abraham and to show that their relationship was permanent and unbreakable.
Question 4 Report
The complaints of the ______ led to the appointment of the deacons in the early church.
Answer Details
The complaints of the Hellenists led to the appointment of the deacons in the early church. In the early days of Christianity, there were two groups of Jewish believers: the Hebraic Jews and the Hellenistic Jews. The Hebraic Jews spoke Aramaic and had a more traditional Jewish background, while the Hellenistic Jews spoke Greek and had been influenced by Greek culture. There were complaints from the Hellenistic Jews that their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution of food. This led to a dispute among the believers, which the apostles resolved by appointing seven men to serve as deacons. These deacons were responsible for ensuring that the needs of all believers were being met, including the Hellenistic widows. This event is recorded in the New Testament book of Acts, chapter 6, and it marks the beginning of the formal organization of the early Christian church. The appointment of the deacons was an important step in ensuring that all believers were cared for and that the church could grow and thrive.
Question 5 Report
The law books used for the great reformation of Israel's social and religious institution were found in the temple in ____ BC during the reign of _____.
Answer Details
The law books used for the great reformation of Israel's social and religious institution were found in the temple in 621 BC during the reign of Josiah. To explain further, Josiah was a king of Judah who ruled from 640-609 BC. In the course of repairing the temple in Jerusalem, the high priest Hilkiah discovered a book that was later identified as the Book of the Law, which contained the laws and commandments given by God to Moses. Josiah recognized the significance of the discovery and initiated a series of religious reforms based on the teachings in the book. This event is described in the Old Testament book of 2 Kings 22-23. Therefore, the correct answer is 621, Josiah.
Question 6 Report
_______________ is the only miracle performed by Jesus which is recorded in all four gospels.
Answer Details
The miracle performed by Jesus which is recorded in all four gospels is the Feeding of the Five thousand. This miracle happened when Jesus took five loaves of bread and two fish and used them to feed a large crowd of people who had come to listen to him preach. He blessed the food and broke it into pieces, and his disciples distributed it to the crowd. Despite the fact that there was not enough food to feed so many people, everyone was able to eat their fill, and there were even twelve baskets of food left over. This miracle is significant because it demonstrates Jesus' power to provide for and nourish his followers, both physically and spiritually.
Question 7 Report
The first commandment with an attached promise is
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The first commandment with an attached promise is "Honor your father and your mother." This commandment is found in the Bible, in the book of Exodus 20:12 and Deuteronomy 5:16. The attached promise is that if you honor your parents, you will have a long life and be successful in the land that God has given you. This commandment reminds us to show respect and love to the people who brought us into this world and raised us, and to repay their love and care with obedience and gratitude.
Question 8 Report
In Paul's letter to the Romans, he who loves his neighbour has
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In Paul's letter to the Romans, he writes that the person who loves their neighbor has fulfilled all of the law. This means that by showing love and kindness to others, they have met the requirements of the laws given to Moses and have lived a righteous life in the eyes of God. This is because the laws instruct people to love their neighbor as themselves, and so by doing so, they have lived up to the standards set forth in the law.
Question 9 Report
'' I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die....'' Who did Jesus address this to?
Answer Details
Jesus addressed this statement to Martha, the sister of Lazarus, who had just died. He told her this to comfort and reassure her that her brother would rise again and that those who believe in Him will never truly die. He was trying to convey the message of eternal life through faith in Him.
Question 10 Report
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall ___________.
Answer Details
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." This is a phrase from the Bible, specifically from the Sermon on the Mount in the book of Matthew. It is part of the Beatitudes, a list of blessings that Jesus proclaimed to the people. Being "pure in heart" means having a sincere and untainted heart, free from deceit and evil intentions. According to this blessing, those who are pure in heart will have the privilege of seeing God, which can be interpreted as experiencing a close and intimate relationship with God, or having a spiritual vision of God's presence and glory. In simple terms, this blessing tells us that if we strive to have a good and honest heart, we will be rewarded with a deeper connection to God.
Question 12 Report
Pharaoh's horsemen and his army overtook the fleeing Hebrews, encamped by the sea, at
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Question 13 Report
With Moses still at Mount Sinai, the Israelites asked Aaron to
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With Moses still at Mount Sinai, the Israelites asked Aaron to "produce another god for them". This event is recorded in the book of Exodus in the Old Testament of the Bible. The story goes that while Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments from God, the Israelites became anxious and restless. They turned to Aaron, Moses' brother and the high priest, and demanded that he make them a god to worship. Aaron, fearful of the people, complied with their request and instructed them to bring him their gold jewelry. He then melted the gold and fashioned it into the shape of a calf, which the Israelites began to worship and offer sacrifices to. When Moses returned from Mount Sinai and saw what the Israelites had done, he was filled with righteous anger and smashed the stone tablets containing the Ten Commandments. He then confronted Aaron about his role in the creation of the golden calf, and ordered that the idol be destroyed and those responsible for its creation be punished. The story of the golden calf is seen as a cautionary tale about the dangers of idolatry and the importance of remaining faithful to God's commandments. It is also a reminder that leaders have a responsibility to resist the pressures of the crowd and remain true to their values and beliefs. In summary, with Moses still at Mount Sinai, the Israelites asked Aaron to "produce another god for them" to worship, which he did by fashioning a golden calf out of their jewelry. The story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of idolatry and the importance of remaining faithful to God's commandments.
Question 14 Report
What was Ezekiel ordered to eat before he went to speak to the House of Israel?
Answer Details
Ezekiel was ordered to eat a scroll that was written on both sides and filled with words of lament and mourning and woe. This was a symbolic act that was meant to represent the message he was to deliver to the House of Israel, which was a message of judgment and warning about the coming destruction of Jerusalem.
Question 15 Report
Who was responsible for the death of Uriah?
Answer Details
The death of Uriah is recorded in the Bible in 2 Samuel 11. Uriah was a loyal soldier in King David's army, and David had an affair with Uriah's wife, Bathsheba. When Bathsheba became pregnant, David tried to cover up his sin by bringing Uriah back from the front lines of battle and encouraging him to go home and spend time with his wife. But Uriah, a committed soldier, refused to enjoy the comforts of home while his comrades were still fighting. Desperate to cover up his adultery and the impending scandal, David ordered his general, Joab, to put Uriah in a position where he would be killed in battle. Joab carried out David's orders, and Uriah died in battle. So, the person responsible for the death of Uriah was King David, who gave the orders to have Uriah placed in harm's way, and his general, Joab, who carried out those orders.
Question 16 Report
Paul encouraged Philemon to receive Onesimus as ______.
Answer Details
Paul encouraged Philemon to receive Onesimus as a "brother." This means that Paul was asking Philemon to treat Onesimus not just as a slave, but as a fellow member of the Christian community and as a fellow believer in Christ. In other words, Paul was asking Philemon to show love and forgiveness to Onesimus and to see him as an equal in the eyes of God. This was a significant request at the time, as slavery was a widespread practice and slaves were often treated as property, rather than as human beings with dignity and worth. By asking Philemon to receive Onesimus as a "brother," Paul was challenging the cultural norms of the day and promoting a message of equality and love in the Christian community.
Question 17 Report
Jesus asked his disciples not to disclose their vision of the transfiguration until his
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Question 18 Report
Where was the first place the disciples were called Christians?
Answer Details
The first place the disciples were called Christians was in Antioch. Antioch was a city in ancient Syria and was one of the earliest centers of Christianity. According to the New Testament, the followers of Jesus were first called "Christians" in Antioch by non-believers. This name stuck and has been used to refer to followers of Jesus ever since.
Question 19 Report
According to James, the man who prays to God and at the same time doubts is
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According to James, the man who prays to God and at the same time doubts is "double-minded". This means that the person is not fully committed to their faith or belief in God, and is also entertaining thoughts or feelings of doubt and uncertainty. Being double-minded can lead to indecision and inconsistency in one's actions, as the person may vacillate between trusting in God and relying on their own understanding or worldly knowledge. James suggests that such a person is unstable and unlikely to receive anything from God because their faith is not steadfast. Therefore, in order to receive answers to prayers, James encourages believers to have unwavering faith and to trust in God wholeheartedly without doubting.
Question 20 Report
When Paul was arrested in Jerusalem, which group of people supported him?
Answer Details
When Paul was arrested in Jerusalem, none of the aforementioned groups explicitly supported him. However, some members of the Pharisees seemed sympathetic to Paul's defense during his trial before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish council that held authority in Jerusalem. They argued that Paul should not be condemned without a fair trial and that he may be a messenger from God. So, while the Pharisees did not offer direct support to Paul, some of them did express a measure of sympathy for his situation.
Question 21 Report
According to Paul, those who rebel against the authority will _______.
Answer Details
According to Paul, those who rebel against authority will bring judgement on themselves. This means that if someone goes against those who have been appointed to lead or govern, they will face consequences for their actions. Paul believed that there was a divine order to society and that those in positions of authority were put there by God. Therefore, rebelling against them was rebelling against God's will and would bring negative consequences.
Question 22 Report
Christians should keep away from any brother __________ according to Paul.
Answer Details
Paul, a disciple of Jesus and an apostle, wrote letters to early Christian communities that are now part of the New Testament in the Bible. In one of his letters, he advised Christians to avoid associating with a brother who is "living in idleness". This means to avoid being close friends with someone who is lazy and not working to support themselves. Paul believed that it was important for each person to contribute to society and not be a burden on others. He encouraged Christians to live responsible and productive lives and to avoid those who do not follow this principle.
Question 23 Report
Where did Joseph's brothers conspire to kill him?
Answer Details
Joseph's brothers conspired to kill him in Shechem. Shechem was a city in the region of Canaan where the family of Jacob (also known as Israel), including Joseph and his brothers, lived. According to the Bible, Joseph's brothers were jealous of him because he was their father's favorite son and he had received special attention from him, including a coat of many colors. They plotted to kill Joseph, but instead of killing him, they sold him into slavery and told their father that he had been killed by a wild animal.
Question 24 Report
Why did Abraham circumcise Isaac eight days after he was born?
Answer Details
Abraham circumcised Isaac eight days after he was born because God commanded him to do so. Circumcision was a sign of the covenant that God made with Abraham and his descendants. It was a way for Abraham and his family to show their commitment to God and to demonstrate that they were part of God's chosen people. The act of circumcision was also a way for God to set apart Abraham and his descendants from other people and to mark them as special and chosen by Him.
Question 25 Report
According to the epistle of James, what was the royal law?
Answer Details
The royal law according to the epistle of James is "loving one's neighbor as oneself". In James 2:8, it says "If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, 'Love your neighbor as yourself,' you are doing right." In this context, the royal law refers to the law of love and it is considered to be the most important commandment. James emphasizes that following this law is essential for living a righteous life as a Christian.
Question 26 Report
When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, who was the King of Judea?
Answer Details
When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the King of Judea was Herod the Great. He was a Roman client king who ruled over Judea from 37 BC until his death in 4 BC. According to the Gospel of Matthew, Herod the Great was the king who ordered the massacre of the infants in Bethlehem in an attempt to kill the baby Jesus. However, Herod died shortly after the birth of Jesus, and the Holy Family was able to escape to Egypt to avoid being killed by Herod's soldiers.
Question 27 Report
Before the disciples casted the lot and chos Matthias to replace Judas Iscariot, the other candidate they had was?
Answer Details
Before the disciples cast lots and chose Matthias to replace Judas Iscariot, the other candidate they considered was Joseph, also known as Barsabbas. In Acts 1:23-26 of the New Testament of the Bible, the disciples gathered together to choose a replacement for Judas Iscariot, who had betrayed Jesus and later died. Two men were nominated as candidates to fill the position, Joseph and Matthias. The disciples prayed for guidance and then cast lots to determine which one of the two should be chosen. The lot fell on Matthias, who was then numbered among the twelve apostles. Joseph, on the other hand, is not mentioned again in the Bible after this incident.
Question 29 Report
"Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son" The son here refers to
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The son being referred to in this passage is John the Baptist. This statement comes from the Gospel of Luke in the New Testament, where the angel Gabriel appears to Zechariah, a Jewish priest, and tells him that his wife Elizabeth, who was previously unable to conceive, will bear a son. This son is to be named John and is said to be a prophet who will prepare the way for the Lord, referring to Jesus. Therefore, this statement is a prophecy about the birth of John the Baptist, who played an important role in preparing the way for the ministry of Jesus.
Question 30 Report
"Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!"
When was this statement made?
Answer Details
This statement, "Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" was made during the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. This event is also known as Palm Sunday, which occurred during the last week of Jesus' life before his crucifixion. The people of Jerusalem greeted Jesus as he rode on a donkey, laying their cloaks and palm branches on the road before him and shouting "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" (Matthew 21:9). This event fulfilled the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9, which said that the king would come to Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The people of Jerusalem recognized Jesus as the Messiah and welcomed him with joy and celebration, but later in the week, many of these same people would turn against him and demand his crucifixion.
Question 32 Report
''But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a custodian...'' Paul made this statement i n his letter to the
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The statement "But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a custodian..." was made by Paul in his letter to the Galatians. In this statement, Paul is referring to the Old Testament law, which he calls a "custodian" or "tutor" that was in place until the coming of Jesus Christ. Paul's argument in the letter to the Galatians is that faith in Jesus Christ is the way to be justified or made right with God, rather than following the works of the law. He is explaining that the law served as a temporary guide or guardian to point people toward Christ, but now that Christ has come and faith in Him is available, the law is no longer needed as a custodian. In simpler terms, Paul is saying that following the Old Testament law was a temporary measure to guide people towards faith in Christ. But now that Christ has come, we no longer need to rely on the law as a guide or guardian, because faith in Christ is enough to justify us before God.
Question 33 Report
The laws given by Moses to the children of Israel in Sinai have striking similarities with the
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The laws given by Moses to the children of Israel in Sinai have striking similarities with the Code of Hammurabi. The Code of Hammurabi is a set of ancient Babylonian laws created by King Hammurabi around 1754 BCE. These laws were inscribed on a large stele and included regulations for criminal and civil matters, as well as rules for commerce, property, and family law. Many of the laws given by Moses in Sinai, which are recorded in the Hebrew Bible, show striking similarities to the Code of Hammurabi. For example, both sets of laws include rules for restitution, compensation, and punishment for crimes such as theft, murder, and false witness. Additionally, both the Code of Hammurabi and the laws given by Moses contain provisions for protecting the rights of women, children, and slaves. They also both reflect the cultural values and beliefs of their respective societies. Overall, while there are some differences between the two legal codes, the similarities suggest that the laws given by Moses may have been influenced by earlier legal traditions, such as the Code of Hammurabi.
Question 34 Report
______,_____ and ______ were with Jesus during the transfiguration.
Answer Details
Peter, James, and John were with Jesus during the transfiguration. According to the Bible, these three disciples were chosen by Jesus to accompany him up a mountain where he was transfigured before them, appearing with shining clothes and speaking with Moses and Elijah. This event is described in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
Question 35 Report
To test Abraham's faith, God asked him to sacrifice Isaac at ____.
Answer Details
To test Abraham's faith, God asked him to sacrifice Isaac at Moriah. Moriah is a place mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as the location where God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac as a test of his faith. According to the biblical account, Abraham obediently took Isaac to Moriah and was ready to sacrifice him, but at the last moment, an angel of the Lord intervened and stopped him. Instead, a ram was offered as a sacrifice in Isaac's place. The other options - Sinai, Bethel, and Tabor - are also places mentioned in the Bible, but they are not specifically associated with the story of Abraham and Isaac. Sinai is the mountain in the desert where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God. Bethel is a place where Jacob had a vision of a ladder leading to heaven. Tabor is a mountain where Jesus was transfigured and became radiant with divine light, as described in the New Testament.
Question 36 Report
'But I will be with you and you will smite the Midianites as one man...' This statement was addressed by God to
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The statement "But I will be with you and you will smite the Midianites as one man..." was addressed by God to Gideon. Gideon was a judge in the Old Testament, and God had chosen him to lead the Israelites in battle against the Midianites, who had been oppressing them. Initially, Gideon was hesitant and doubted his ability to lead such a mission, but God assured him that He would be with him and help him to achieve victory. The phrase "you will smite the Midianites as one man" means that the Israelites would defeat the Midianites with a unified and coordinated effort, as if they were facing only one enemy. Ultimately, Gideon and his army were successful in defeating the Midianites with God's help.
Question 37 Report
''.....If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace.......'' Who ordered that the men be thrown into the furnace?
Answer Details
The men who said, "If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace," were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and they were thrown into the furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar. King Nebuchadnezzar had made a golden statue and commanded that everyone in his kingdom worship it. However, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who were Jews, refused to worship the statue and remained faithful to their God. This angered the king, and he ordered that they be thrown into a fiery furnace as punishment. But the three men expressed their faith in God and said that they believed He would be able to save them from the furnace. Their faith was rewarded when God miraculously saved them from the fire, and they emerged unharmed.
Question 38 Report
The promise of sending the Holy Spirit(Pentecost) was fulfilled in
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The promise of sending the Holy Spirit was fulfilled in Jerusalem. After Jesus ascended into heaven, He instructed His disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they received the promised Holy Spirit. On the day of Pentecost, which was a Jewish holiday, the disciples were all gathered together in one place when suddenly a sound like a rushing wind filled the room, and tongues of fire appeared and rested on each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in different languages, which amazed the crowds of people who had gathered in Jerusalem from all over the world. This event marked the beginning of the Church and empowered the disciples to go out and spread the message of Jesus to the world. The Holy Spirit gave them the courage, wisdom, and supernatural abilities to perform miracles and preach with authority. This event is celebrated by Christians every year as the Feast of Pentecost or the Birthday of the Church.
Question 39 Report
Paul counseled the Corinthian Saints to resolve disputes among themselves with
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Paul counseled the Corinthian Saints to resolve disputes among themselves with righteous judgment. This means that they should make decisions based on what is morally right and just, rather than simply trying to win an argument or gain an advantage. They should consider the feelings and perspectives of all parties involved, and strive to reach a fair and equitable resolution that upholds the principles of honesty, integrity, and compassion. This approach promotes unity, understanding, and mutual respect, and helps to build stronger and more harmonious relationships within the community. It also reflects the teachings of Jesus Christ, who taught his followers to love one another and to treat others as they would like to be treated.
Question 40 Report
King Saul disobeyed God by
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King Saul disobeyed God by not completely destroying the Amalekites as God commanded him to do. Instead, he spared their king, Agag, and kept some of their livestock as spoils of war. This disobedience angered God and led to Samuel the prophet announcing that God had rejected Saul as king.
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