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Question 1 Report
which of the following decision was not one of those taken at the first Christian Council in Jerusalem?
Answer Details
The decision that Gentile Christians should all be circumcised was not one of those taken at the first Christian Council in Jerusalem. At the council, the apostles and elders came together to discuss the issue of whether Gentile converts to Christianity needed to follow Jewish law and be circumcised. After much debate, they reached a decision that Gentile Christians should abstain from the pollution of idols, avoid unchastity, not eat meat that has been strangled, and avoid blood. However, they did not require circumcision for Gentile Christians, as they believed that salvation came through faith in Jesus Christ and not through adherence to Jewish law.
Question 2 Report
During the first missionary journey Paul was stoned at
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During the first missionary journey, Paul was stoned at Lystra. Lystra was a city in the region of Lycaonia, in modern-day Turkey. Paul and Barnabas had gone there to preach the Gospel and perform miracles, and many people believed in Jesus as a result. However, some Jews from Antioch and Iconium stirred up the people against Paul, and they stoned him and left him for dead. But Paul survived, and the next day he and Barnabas continued on their journey to Derbe.
Question 3 Report
In the creation story the job of giving names to all living creatures was performed by
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Question 4 Report
Concerning the dead in the Lord, Paul advises us
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Paul advises us not to grieve as others do who have no hope concerning the dead in the Lord. In other words, we should not mourn for our loved ones who have died in Christ as if we have no hope of seeing them again. Rather, we should have faith that they are with the Lord and that we will be reunited with them in heaven. This gives us hope and comfort in the face of death, knowing that death is not the end and that we will be together again in the presence of God.
Question 5 Report
why according to the gospel of John, did Jesus heal the man born blind?
Answer Details
According to the Gospel of John, Jesus healed a man born blind to demonstrate the power of God and reveal His own divinity. The man was healed so that the work of God might be made manifest through him, and Jesus used the occasion to teach His disciples about His true nature as the light of the world. The healing of the blind man was also a sign of Jesus' power and authority over illness and disability. Overall, the healing of the man born blind serves as a powerful testimony to the identity and mission of Jesus as the Son of God.
Question 6 Report
Which of the following groups represent s the gifts of the Holy Spirit
Answer Details
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are a set of supernatural abilities or powers that Christians believe are given by God to believers to help them live a Christian life and fulfill God's purposes. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are listed in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 and include: - Utterance of wisdom - Utterance of knowledge - Faith - Healing - Working of miracles - Prophecy - Discernment of spirits - Speaking in tongues - Interpretation of tongues Therefore, the correct option in the question above is "Prophecy and interpretation of tongues".
Question 7 Report
Joseph was sold to the Ishmaelites for ........ Shekels of silver
Answer Details
Joseph was sold to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver. This is recorded in Genesis 37:28 of the Bible, where it is mentioned that Joseph's brothers sold him to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver, after which the Ishmaelites took Joseph to Egypt.
Question 8 Report
Two of the seven Deacons who later became evangelist were
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The answer is "Stephen and Philip". In the Bible, in the Acts of the Apostles, it is recorded that the twelve apostles chose seven men to assist them in serving the community. These men were called deacons. Among these seven, Stephen and Philip were specifically mentioned to have become evangelists, spreading the word of God and performing miracles.
Question 9 Report
Jonah was swallowed by a fish because he
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Jonah was swallowed by a fish because he disobeyed God. In the book of Jonah in the Bible, God instructed Jonah to go and preach repentance to the city of Nineveh, but Jonah disobeyed and tried to run away from God's presence by boarding a ship to Tarshish. God sent a storm, and the sailors threw Jonah overboard, where he was swallowed by a great fish. Jonah remained in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights before he was eventually vomited out on dry land.
Question 10 Report
In the Gospel of Mathew Jesus sent the twelve disciples to
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In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus sent the twelve disciples to preach and perform miracles among the Jews. The disciples were instructed not to go to the Gentiles or Samaritans, but to focus on the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This mission was part of Jesus' larger message of repentance and the coming of the kingdom of God.
Question 11 Report
When Jesus appeared to the ten disciples, they gave a piece of fish eat.This was to prove that
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After Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared to His disciples, who were startled and frightened, thinking they were seeing a ghost. In response, Jesus asked for something to eat, and they gave Him a piece of broiled fish, which He ate in their presence. This was to prove that He was not a spirit, but a man with flesh and bone who had risen from the dead, just as He had promised. By eating the fish, Jesus showed His disciples that He was physically present with them and had conquered death, fulfilling His promise to rise again.
Question 12 Report
The genuineness of faith according to Peter is tested through
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According to Peter, the genuineness of faith is tested through trials. This means that when a person faces difficult circumstances, their faith is tested to see if it is genuine or not. Genuine faith is demonstrated through perseverance and trust in God even in the midst of trials and difficulties. It involves a deep conviction and commitment to God's promises and His character, even when circumstances seem to contradict them. Faith that is not genuine may falter or fall away when faced with challenges or adversity. Therefore, trials can serve as a way to refine and strengthen a person's faith.
Question 13 Report
Peter proved that the Pentecost was a fulfillment of the prophecy of
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Peter claimed that the events of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples and enabled them to speak in various languages, were a fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel. He quoted from Joel 2:28-32 to support his claim, saying that "in the last days" God would pour out his Spirit on all people, and that there would be signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth.
Question 14 Report
at the time Deborah became a judge in Israel , she was a
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Deborah was a prophetess at the time she became a judge in Israel. As a prophetess, she had a close relationship with God and was able to hear His voice and receive divine messages. She was known for her wisdom and judgment and was highly respected among the people of Israel. As a judge, she led the Israelites in battle against their enemies and brought peace to the land.
Question 15 Report
the Holiness of God was mostly emphasized by
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The Holiness of God was mostly emphasized by the prophet Isaiah. In his vision in the temple, he saw the Lord high and lifted up, with seraphim crying out "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty" (Isaiah 6:1-3). Throughout his prophecies, Isaiah emphasized the importance of the people of Israel understanding and living in reverence of God's holiness. He also prophesied about the coming of the Messiah, who would be the ultimate embodiment of God's holiness.
Question 16 Report
According to Mark, the first four disciple to be called by Jesus were
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According to the Gospel of Mark, the first four disciples to be called by Jesus were Simon (who was later called Peter), Andrew (Simon's brother), James (son of Zebedee), and John (James' brother).
Question 17 Report
i will be clean. This statement was made by Jesus at the healing of
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The statement "I will be clean" was made by Jesus at the healing of the leper. The leper came to Jesus and said, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus replied, "I am willing. Be clean!" and the man was instantly healed of his leprosy. This account is recorded in the book of Matthew, chapter 8, verses 1-4.
Question 18 Report
when the children of Israelite came to the wilderness of Sin, they murmured against Moses and Aaron because
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Question 19 Report
in the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus intended to teach
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In the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus intended to teach about God's love for a repentant sinner. The parable tells the story of a young man who asked his father for his share of the inheritance and then went away to live a life of wild living, but eventually ran out of money and found himself in a desperate situation. He then decided to return to his father and beg for forgiveness. The father, who had been waiting and watching for his son's return, ran to him, embraced him and welcomed him back with open arms, much to the older brother's dismay. This story teaches that no matter how far we have strayed from God, he is always willing to forgive us and welcome us back with love and open arms when we repent and turn back to him.
Question 20 Report
'[For as many of you that were baptized in Christ have put on Christ'. This statement of Paul implies that all baptized in Christ
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The statement of Paul, "For as many of you that were baptized in Christ have put on Christ", implies that all those who are baptized in Christ are a new creation. This means that they are no longer the same person they used to be before their baptism. They have become a new person, a child of God, and have put on the righteousness of Christ. They have been forgiven of their sins and are now reconciled to God. As a result, they should live a new life in accordance with their new identity in Christ and should no longer be identified with their old self. They should strive to live a holy life and follow the example of Christ in all that they do.
Question 21 Report
The main message of Hosea is that God desires
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The main message of Hosea, as stated in the Bible, is that God desires steadfast love instead of sacrifice. This means that God values genuine love and devotion over outward religious rituals and offerings. In the book of Hosea, the prophet Hosea uses his own difficult marriage as a metaphor for the unfaithfulness of the Israelites towards God. Despite their waywardness, God still calls them back to a loving relationship with Him. The message of Hosea is therefore one of hope and redemption, emphasizing the importance of love, faithfulness, and repentance in one's relationship with God.
Question 22 Report
According to Paul's teaching the relationship between wives and their husbands should be
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Paul teaches that the relationship between wives and their husbands should be fitting in the Lord. This means that the relationship should be based on the principles of Christ's teachings, which emphasize love, respect, and mutual submission. The husband is expected to love and cherish his wife as Christ loved the church, and the wife is expected to respect and submit to her husband as to the Lord. This does not mean that the husband has absolute command over his wife, but rather that they work together in a loving and respectful partnership. The relationship should be characterized by mutual support, trust, and sacrifice.
Question 23 Report
Reuben advised his brothers to kill Joseph but to cast him into a pit because he
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Reuben advised his brothers to cast Joseph into a pit and not to kill him because he wanted to rescue him afterwards and bring him safely to their father.
Question 24 Report
At the death of Lazarus in Bethany, many Jews came to console his sisters,The two sisters were
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At the death of Lazarus in Bethany, the two sisters who many Jews came to console were Martha and Mary.
Question 25 Report
the leader of the Jews who rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem after the exile was
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The leader of the Jews who rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem after the exile was Nehemiah. In the Old Testament of the Bible, Nehemiah was a Jewish official in the court of the Persian king, Artaxerxes I. He was appointed as the governor of the province of Judah, and his primary mission was to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, which had been destroyed during the Babylonian exile. Despite facing opposition from neighboring groups, Nehemiah led the rebuilding efforts and successfully completed the task in 52 days.
Question 26 Report
To attain true life in Christ, Paul advised the Colossians to put away
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In the book of Colossians, Paul advised the Colossians to put away wrath, malice, and slander to attain true life in Christ. This means that to live a life of true discipleship, Christians must put aside negative and harmful behaviors such as anger, ill-will, and spreading false information about others. Instead, they should practice compassion, humility, forbearance, and love towards one another.
Question 27 Report
In this letter , James said'..... but be doers of the word not only the hearers only'. This advise means that you should
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Question 28 Report
the plot against the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem by Nehemiah was hatched by
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The plot against the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem by Nehemiah was hatched by Sanballat, Tobiah and the Arabs.
Question 29 Report
Jesus came to be baptized by John in order to
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Jesus came to be baptized by John in order to fulfill all righteousness. This is recorded in the Bible in Matthew 3:13-15, where it says that Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan River to be baptized by John the Baptist. John initially objected, saying that he should be baptized by Jesus instead. But Jesus insisted, saying that it was necessary to fulfill all righteousness. By being baptized, Jesus was publicly identifying Himself with John's message of repentance and submission to God, and was setting an example for His followers to do the same. It was not because He needed to be forgiven of His sins, as He was sinless.
Question 30 Report
'But as to the time and seasons, brethren,you have no need to have anything written to you.The 'times and seasons' refers to
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In this statement, Paul is referring to the second coming of Jesus Christ. The phrase "time and seasons" indicates the appointed time for Christ's return, which cannot be predicted or controlled by humans. Paul is reassuring the Thessalonians that they need not worry about the exact timing of this event, as it is beyond human knowledge and control. Therefore, they should focus on living a righteous life and being prepared for Christ's return.
Question 31 Report
during the reign of Josiah, the Book of the Law was found in the temple by
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During the reign of Josiah, the Book of the Law was found in the temple by Hilkiah. According to the Old Testament book of 2 Kings, during the renovation of the temple, Hilkiah the high priest found a scroll that was identified as the Book of the Law (most likely Deuteronomy) which had been lost for many years. Hilkiah then gave the scroll to Shaphan the scribe who read it to King Josiah. The discovery of the Book of the Law was a turning point in the religious reforms instituted by Josiah in Judah.
Question 32 Report
The promise to Abraham and his descendants as the inheritor of the earth came through
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The promise to Abraham and his descendants as the inheritor of the earth came through the righteousness of faith. This means that God promised Abraham and his descendants that they would inherit the earth not because of their works, but because of their faith in God. In other words, their trust and belief in God's promises made them righteous in His eyes, and it was through this righteousness that they would receive the promised inheritance. This concept of righteousness through faith is a central theme in the Bible, and is particularly emphasized in the New Testament.
Question 33 Report
'The eye can not say to the hand- I have no need of you'. Why did Paul say this?
Answer Details
Paul said this to emphasise the need for unity among Christians. He used the analogy of the human body, saying that just as every part of the body is important and necessary for the proper functioning of the whole, every member of the church is important and necessary for the proper functioning of the body of Christ. He was reminding the Corinthians that they should not think too highly of themselves or look down on others, but should recognize that they are all part of one body and should work together in unity for the common good. In this way, he encourages the church to be a community of mutual love and support, rather than a collection of isolated individuals.
Question 34 Report
Sin has no dominion over those who are under
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In the Christian doctrine, sin is considered to be disobedience to God's laws and commands, leading to separation from Him. However, those who believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Lord and Savior are said to be under grace. Grace refers to God's unmerited favor and love towards humanity, which allows believers to receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Therefore, sin has no dominion or power over those who are under grace, as they have been set free from its control and condemnation by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. This is based on the teachings of the apostle Paul in the New Testament book of Romans.
Question 36 Report
According to John, living meant water that
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In the book of John, Jesus had a conversation with a Samaritan woman at a well. During the conversation, Jesus spoke about living water, which refers to the Holy Spirit. He explained that whoever drinks of the water He gives will never thirst again and that it will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. Therefore, when John says living water means water that wells up to eternal life, he is referring to the gift of the Holy Spirit that Jesus gives to those who believe in Him.
Question 37 Report
'If anyone will not work, let him not eat' By this statement Paul implies that
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Paul implies that working hard and contributing to society is essential, and those who refuse to work should not receive the benefits of the community's efforts, such as food. This statement emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and the dignity of labor. It also discourages idleness and encourages a strong work ethic. Paul is not saying that work is essential for salvation, but rather that it is an essential part of being a responsible member of society.
Question 38 Report
Discuss Paul's teaching on civic responsibility and show how we can apply three of the instances in our daily living.
Question 39 Report
What are the attributes of and rewards for humility as stated in the Epistles?
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Question 40 Report
(a) How did Paul reconcile Onesimus with Philemon ?
(b) What can we learn about forgiveness from this letter?
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Question 41 Report
(a) How did Jonah react to God's message ?
(b) What two lessons do we learn about the nature of God from this episode?
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Question 42 Report
Narrate the first creation story in Genesis and explain how God established His sovereignty over His creation.
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Question 43 Report
(a) How does John portray Jesus as the True Vine?
(b) What two lessons do we derive from the relationship between Christ and His believers?
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Question 44 Report
Give an account of the religious persecution suffered by Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and comment on any point of significance about it.
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Question 45 Report
(a) What social problem brought about the appointment of the deacons in the early church?
(b) Mention five social problems facing the church today.
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Question 46 Report
(a) What does Jesus teach in the sermon on the mount about? (i) Almsgiving (ii) Prayer (iii) Fasting.
(b) How has the Christian Church in Nigeria adhered to these teachings?
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