Nationalism, Constitutional Developments And Independence


During the period of 1900 to 1960, Nigeria underwent significant transformations marked by the rise of nationalist movements, crucial constitutional developments, and the eventual attainment of independence. The emergence of the nationalist movement played a pivotal role in shaping the course of Nigeria's history towards self-governance.

Nationalism's Emergence: Nationalism began to take root as Nigerians sought to assert their identity, rights, and autonomy in the face of colonial rule. The desire for self-determination and freedom from British control fueled the nationalist movements, leading to the mobilization of various groups and individuals advocating for independence.

Constitutional Developments: The evolution of Nigeria's constitutional landscape was intricately linked to the nationalist struggle. Various constitutions such as the Clifford Constitution of 1922, the Richards Constitution of 1946, and the Macpherson Constitution of 1951 played significant roles in defining the relationship between the Nigerian people and the colonial administration.

Impact of World War II: World War II served as a catalyst for the agitation for independence in Nigeria. The contributions of Nigerians to the war effort, coupled with the shifting global dynamics post-war, highlighted the inconsistencies of colonial domination and further fueled demands for self-rule.

Party Politics and Regionalism: The development of party politics in Nigeria reflected the diverse interests and aspirations of the regional populations. Issues of federalism, minority representation, and regional autonomy became central themes in the political discourse, shaping the future governance structure of the country.

Constitutional Conferences: The constitutional conferences held in Lagos in 1957 and London in 1958 were crucial junctures in Nigeria's path to independence. These conferences provided platforms for deliberations on key issues such as the form of government, resource allocation, and the transition to self-rule.

Factors Leading to Independence: The attainment of independence in 1960 was a culmination of various factors including sustained nationalist agitations, strategic political alliances, international pressure, and the gradual realization on the part of the British government of the inevitability of granting independence to Nigeria.

In conclusion, the period of 1900 to 1960 in Nigeria witnessed a transformative journey marked by the fervent pursuit of nationalism, the dynamic evolution of constitutional frameworks, and the ultimate achievement of independence. The legacy of this era continues to shape Nigeria's identity, governance structure, and aspirations for the future.


  1. Examine the Impact of the Constitutional Conferences
  2. Assess the Roles of the Different Constitutions in Constitutional Development
  3. Trace the Development of Party Politics and Its Impact on Regionalism and Minority Question
  4. Determine the Factors that Aided the Attainment of Independence
  5. Trace the Emergence of the Nationalist Movement
  6. Examine the Effect of World War II in the Agitation for Independence and the Constitutional Developments


The journey towards independence in many nations, especially former colonies, was a complex process shaped by a confluence of historical events and concerted efforts by various actors. Key among these were the nationalist movements, constitutional developments, and the evolving political landscape. This article delves into these significant factors, illuminating the multifaceted path to independence.


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  1. What were some key objectives of the nationalist movements in Nigeria between 1900 and 1960? A. To demand equal representation within the colonial administration B. To advocate for the independence of Nigeria from British rule C. To promote African culture and traditions D. To resist the imposition of colonial policies and taxation Answer: A and B
  2. Which of the following factors aided the attainment of independence for Nigeria in 1960? A. The peaceful cooperation between colonial authorities and nationalist leaders B. The economic contributions of Nigeria to the British Empire C. The successful organization of mass protests and movements D. The weakening of Britain after World War II Answer: C and D
  3. What impact did the World War II have on the agitation for independence in Nigeria? A. It strengthened the colonial hold on Nigeria B. It led to increased demands for self-governance and independence C. It decreased nationalist activities due to focus on the war effort D. It resulted in the imposition of more oppressive colonial policies Answer: B
  4. Which of the following is a role played by the 1922 Clifford Constitution in the constitutional development of Nigeria? A. Introduction of regionalism in Nigeria B. Establishment of the first political party in Nigeria C. Expansion of voting rights to more Nigerians D. Creation of the position of Governor-General Answer: C
  5. What was the significance of the Macpherson Constitution of 1951 in Nigeria's constitutional development? A. It granted full internal self-government to Nigeria B. It imposed direct colonial rule without Nigerian representation C. It abolished all traditional institutions in Nigeria D. It established a system of apartheid in Nigeria Answer: A

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