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Pregunta 1 Informe
In the question below choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) Underlined:
The Lions lost the match because their goalkeeper was in a haze most of the time
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Pregunta 2 Informe
In the question below choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) Underlined:
Unless we see the evils clearly, contending against them is like fighting the air
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Pregunta 3 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase which best fills the gap(s):
One would wish _____ missed that opportunity to be present at the graduation ball
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Pregunta 4 Informe
In the question below choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) Underlined:
My bother's primary school foundation was solid and this influenced his secondary education
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Pregunta 5 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
Some workers went on rampage at a trade-fair.
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Pregunta 6 Informe
So far I have been speaking of science in its universality, viewed from the perspective of the world at large. For the context of our own country and our sister developing countries, many of the factors mentioned earlier are not very important. For example, pollution, deterioration of the environment and population explosion are not yet serious problems for us in this country.
Let me now turn to a more specific area, namely the question of scientific choice for developing countries. There is no doubt that role which science s and technology have played in the upliftment of the material and economic well-being of the developed nation will, and does, influence the criteria that the Third World nations must choose in order to establish their science policies and priorities.
But the criteria to be used by this nation do not have the same as those which have brought the developed countries to their present stage of evolution. For while human beings have the same problems, their solutions, to be meaningful will have to be sought within some relevant frame of reference, such as the available resources and expertise, social values, place and time in the historical scale.
The writer apparently believed that through science and technology our country can achieveDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 7 Informe
In the question below choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) Underlined:
The house-wife was hard up before the end of each month
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Pregunta 8 Informe
Primitive man was probably more concerned with fire as a source of warmth and as a means of cooking food than as a source of light. Before the discovered less laborious ways of making fire, he had to preserve it and whenever he went on a journey he carried a firebrand with him. He discovered that the firebrand, from which the torch may well have developed, could be used for illumination was probably incidental to the primary purpose of preserving a flame.
Lamps too probably developed by accident. Early man may had his first conception of a lamp while watching a twing or fibre burning in the molten fat dropped from roasting carcass. All he had to do was to fashion a vessel to contain fat and float a lighted reed in it. Such lamps which were made of hollow stones or sea-shells have persisted in identical form up to quite recent times.
Primitive man carried a firebrand during his journeys mainly forDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 9 Informe
You all know how friendly we are with Okperi. Do you think that any Umuaro man who goes to prison there will come back alive? But that apart, do you forget that this is the moon of planting? Do you want to grow this year?s crops in the prison house in a land where your fathers owe a cow? I speak as your elder brother. I have travelled in Olu and I have travelled in Igbo and I can tell you that there is no escape from the white man. He has come when suffering knocks at your door and you say there is no seat left for him, he tells you not to worry because he has brought his own stool. The white man is like that. Before any of you here was old enough to tie a cloth between the legs I saw with my own eyes what the white man did to Abame. Then I knew there was no escape. As day light chases away darkness so will the white man drive away all our customs. I know that as I say it now it passes by your ears, but it will happen. The white man has power which comes from the true God and it burns like fire. This is the God about whom we preach every eighth day???..
Unachukwu?s opponents were now shouting that this was a meeting of an age group that they had not assembled to join with him in chewing the seed of foolishness which they called their new religion.
?We are talking about the white man?s road? said a voice above the others.
?Yes, we are talking about the white man?s road. But when the roof and walls of a house fall in, the ceiling is not left standing. The white man, the new religion, the soldiers, the new road-they are all part of the same thing. The white man has a gun, a machete, a bow and carries fire in his mouth. He does not fight with one weapon alone?.
'There is no escape from the white man' in the passage means that theDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 10 Informe
The endeavor to maintain proper standard of fairness in journalism must be pursued. It is fatally easy for the journalist to deviate from the straight path. There is his natural desire to ‘make a story’ and insidious temptation to twist facts to square with his paper’s policy. Both are as indefensible as the framing of misleading headlines for the sake of effect. The conscientious journalist must check any tendency to bias, and guard against the dangers inherent in personal antipathies or friendships, and in traditional oppositions between rival schools of thought. When a political opponent, whose stupidity habitually provokes attack, makes an effective speech, honesty requires that he be given credit for it. Where personal relationships might make it easier and more congenial to keep silent than to criticize, the journalist must never forget his duty to the public and the supreme importance of recording the truth
When may a journalist have to act against his own inclination?Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 11 Informe
There are one or two things this country can teach others, one of them is the art of writing obituaries. One suspects that the reason why some of our newspapers still manage to break even is because of the great amount of revenue they derive from obituaries. It is not unusual for about one quarter of the volume of an average daily to be constituted of obituaries and in in memorial alone. One possible explanation for this, it has been argued, is that Nigerians value their dead greatly. And there is a saying amongst us that you do not say evil things against the dead. This is obviously the philosophy behind the large dose of encomiums with which our dead are bestowed. From evidences of these obituaries and in memorial, every dead Nigerian must have been something of a saint while alive. This would explain why the death of most Nigerians is attributed to the evil Machinations of the wicked. Only very few people in our country die natural death, and even when they do, the obituaries, etc always give the impression that such deaths constitute the saddest loss to befall the deceased family. And that is why writers of these obituaries and their allied advertisements are experts on ‘mortuary stylistics’. This ‘mortuary stylistics’ the study in the art of eulogizing the dead and making their loss sound so heart breaking, is one of the commodities we can export to other countries.
The tone of this passage isDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 12 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
Roli failed because the examination was _____ difficult for her
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Pregunta 13 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
No one has said anything yet, but i think i _____ be getting a salary increase next month
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Pregunta 14 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
The train was to slow so i decided to _____ at the next stop
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Pregunta 15 Informe
The endeavor to maintain proper standard of fairness in journalism must be pursued. It is fatally easy for the journalist to deviate from the straight path. There is his natural desire to ‘make a story’ and insidious temptation to twist facts to square with his paper’s policy. Both are as indefensible as the framing of misleading headlines for the sake of effect. The conscientious journalist must check any tendency to bias, and guard against the dangers inherent in personal antipathies or friendships, and in traditional oppositions between rival schools of thought. When a political opponent, whose stupidity habitually provokes attack, makes an effective speech, honesty requires that he be given credit for it. Where personal relationships might make it easier and more congenial to keep silent than to criticize, the journalist must never forget his duty to the public and the supreme importance of recording the truth
'insidious' (line 2)meansDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 16 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
He did not stop to ask himself why _____ such thing.
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Pregunta 17 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
Student: Excuse me sir, must we complete the assignment before lunch? Teacher: No you _____
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Pregunta 18 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase which best fills the gap(s):
The _____ Affairs Officers is expecting all of us in the dining room
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Pregunta 19 Informe
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word.
I would not like you to do the work piecemeal.
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Pregunta 20 Informe
In the question below choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) Underlined:The explosive growth of world population has not been caused by a sudden increase in human fertility
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Pregunta 21 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
Our teacher seldom comes late to school
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Pregunta 22 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
We discovered at the end of last term that we had to read _____ books before we could confidently go for our final examination
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Pregunta 23 Informe
You all know how friendly we are with Okperi. Do you think that any Umuaro man who goes to prison there will come back alive? But that apart, do you forget that this is the moon of planting? Do you want to grow this year’s crops in the prison house in a land where your fathers owe a cow? I speak as your elder brother. I have travelled in Olu and I have travelled in Igbo and I can tell you that there is no escape from the white man. He has come when suffering knocks at your door and you say there is no seat left for him, he tells you not to worry because he has brought his own stool. The white man is like that. Before any of you here was old enough to tie a cloth between the legs I saw with my own eyes what the white man did to Abame. Then I knew there was no escape. As day light chases away darkness so will the white man drive away all our customs. I know that as I say it now it passes by your ears, but it will happen. The white man has power which comes from the true God and it burns like fire. This is the God about whom we preach every eighth day………..
Unachukwu’s opponents were now shouting that this was a meeting of an age group that they had not assembled to join with him in chewing the seed of foolishness which they called their new religion.
‘We are talking about the white man’s road’ said a voice above the others.
‘Yes, we are talking about the white man’s road. But when the roof and walls of a house fall in, the ceiling is not left standing. The white man, the new religion, the soldiers, the new road-they are all part of the same thing. The white man has a gun, a machete, a bow and carries fire in his mouth. He does not fight with one weapon alone’.
Unachukwu's speech in this passage shows that he
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Pregunta 24 Informe
The endeavor to maintain proper standard of fairness in journalism must be pursued. It is fatally easy for the journalist to deviate from the straight path. There is his natural desire to ‘make a story’ and insidious temptation to twist facts to square with his paper’s policy. Both are as indefensible as the framing of misleading headlines for the sake of effect. The conscientious journalist must check any tendency to bias, and guard against the dangers inherent in personal antipathies or friendships, and in traditional oppositions between rival schools of thought. When a political opponent, whose stupidity habitually provokes attack, makes an effective speech, honesty requires that he be given credit for it. Where personal relationships might make it easier and more congenial to keep silent than to criticize, the journalist must never forget his duty to the public and the supreme importance of recording the truth
A journalist would be able to uphold the tenets of his profession ifDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 25 Informe
You all know how friendly we are with Okperi. Do you think that any Umuaro man who goes to prison there will come back alive? But that apart, do you forget that this is the moon of planting? Do you want to grow this year’s crops in the prison house in a land where your fathers owe a cow? I speak as your elder brother. I have travelled in Olu and I have travelled in Igbo and I can tell you that there is no escape from the white man. He has come when suffering knocks at your door and you say there is no seat left for him, he tells you not to worry because he has brought his own stool. The white man is like that. Before any of you here was old enough to tie a cloth between the legs I saw with my own eyes what the white man did to Abame. Then I knew there was no escape. As day light chases away darkness so will the white man drive away all our customs. I know that as I say it now it passes by your ears, but it will happen. The white man has power which comes from the true God and it burns like fire. This is the God about whom we preach every eighth day………..
Unachukwu’s opponents were now shouting that this was a meeting of an age group that they had not assembled to join with him in chewing the seed of foolishness which they called their new religion.
‘We are talking about the white man’s road’ said a voice above the others.
‘Yes, we are talking about the white man’s road. But when the roof and walls of a house fall in, the ceiling is not left standing. The white man, the new religion, the soldiers, the new road-they are all part of the same thing. The white man has a gun, a machete, a bow and carries fire in his mouth. He does not fight with one weapon alone’.
'Passes by your ears' in the passage meansDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 26 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
The poor little kid has been down _____ fever these few days
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Pregunta 27 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
We have to identify the protagonists of the new movement
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Pregunta 28 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
Tonye said that he was going to bed because he was _____ to do any more work
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Pregunta 29 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
Chinyere has not really described the Cabinet as irresponsible; she only _____ it in her speech.
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Pregunta 30 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase which best fills the gap(s):
The ceremony was rounded _____ very late.
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Pregunta 31 Informe
The endeavor to maintain proper standard of fairness in journalism must be pursued. It is fatally easy for the journalist to deviate from the straight path. There is his natural desire to ‘make a story’ and insidious temptation to twist facts to square with his paper’s policy. Both are as indefensible as the framing of misleading headlines for the sake of effect. The conscientious journalist must check any tendency to bias, and guard against the dangers inherent in personal antipathies or friendships, and in traditional oppositions between rival schools of thought. When a political opponent, whose stupidity habitually provokes attack, makes an effective speech, honesty requires that he be given credit for it. Where personal relationships might make it easier and more congenial to keep silent than to criticize, the journalist must never forget his duty to the public and the supreme importance of recording the truth
A dutiful journalist mustDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 32 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
Chinedu took his umbrella with him in case it _____
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Pregunta 33 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
I think i'll like to reiterate the points earlier made.
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Pregunta 34 Informe
There are one or two things this country can teach others, one of them is the art of writing obituaries. One suspects that the reason why some of our newspapers still manage to break even is because of the great amount of revenue they derive from obituaries. It is not unusual for about one quarter of the volume of an average daily to be constituted of obituaries and in in memorial alone. One possible explanation for this, it has been argued, is that Nigerians value their dead greatly. And there is a saying amongst us that you do not say evil things against the dead. This is obviously the philosophy behind the large dose of encomiums with which our dead are bestowed. From evidences of these obituaries and in memorial, every dead Nigerian must have been something of a saint while alive. This would explain why the death of most Nigerians is attributed to the evil Machinations of the wicked. Only very few people in our country die natural death, and even when they do, the obituaries, etc always give the impression that such deaths constitute the saddest loss to befall the deceased family. And that is why writers of these obituaries and their allied advertisements are experts on ‘mortuary stylistics’. This ‘mortuary stylistics’ the study in the art of eulogizing the dead and making their loss sound so heart breaking, is one of the commodities we can export to other countries.
'Mortuary stylistics' as used in the passage refers to theDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 35 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
The man insisted on having no strings attached to the agreements
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Pregunta 36 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:She showed an affected interest in the game.
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Pregunta 37 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
Bassey's evidence led _____ Okon being imprisoned for life
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Pregunta 38 Informe
In the question below, choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s).
Owing to the constant harassment of the populace by armed robbers, all night guards have been instructed to shoot _____ every moving thing.
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Pregunta 39 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase which best fills the gap(s):
My _____ brother intends to get married in December.
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Pregunta 40 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
We must not take with us the feelings of inadequate _____ experienced during preparations for the debate
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Pregunta 41 Informe
Primitive man was probably more concerned with fire as a source of warmth and as a means of cooking food than as a source of light. Before the discovered less laborious ways of making fire, he had to preserve it and whenever he went on a journey he carried a firebrand with him. He discovered that the firebrand, from which the torch may well have developed, could be used for illumination was probably incidental to the primary purpose of preserving a flame.
Lamps too probably developed by accident. Early man may had his first conception of a lamp while watching a twing or fibre burning in the molten fat dropped from roasting carcass. All he had to do was to fashion a vessel to contain fat and float a lighted reed in it. Such lamps which were made of hollow stones or sea-shells have persisted in identical form up to quite recent times.
According to the passage, the torch probably developed from aDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 42 Informe
You all know how friendly we are with Okperi. Do you think that any Umuaro man who goes to prison there will come back alive? But that apart, do you forget that this is the moon of planting? Do you want to grow this year’s crops in the prison house in a land where your fathers owe a cow? I speak as your elder brother. I have travelled in Olu and I have travelled in Igbo and I can tell you that there is no escape from the white man. He has come when suffering knocks at your door and you say there is no seat left for him, he tells you not to worry because he has brought his own stool. The white man is like that. Before any of you here was old enough to tie a cloth between the legs I saw with my own eyes what the white man did to Abame. Then I knew there was no escape. As day light chases away darkness so will the white man drive away all our customs. I know that as I say it now it passes by your ears, but it will happen. The white man has power which comes from the true God and it burns like fire. This is the God about whom we preach every eighth day………..
Unachukwu’s opponents were now shouting that this was a meeting of an age group that they had not assembled to join with him in chewing the seed of foolishness which they called their new religion.
‘We are talking about the white man’s road’ said a voice above the others.
‘Yes, we are talking about the white man’s road. But when the roof and walls of a house fall in, the ceiling is not left standing. The white man, the new religion, the soldiers, the new road-they are all part of the same thing. The white man has a gun, a machete, a bow and carries fire in his mouth. He does not fight with one weapon alone’.
'Passes by your ears' in the passage meansDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 43 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
Nothing irritates the clerk more, than being assigned miscellaneous duties
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Pregunta 44 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
I know you've been eaves-dropping all along.
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Pregunta 45 Informe
Manager: Mr.Mbu, I would not describe you as an inefficient worker; I therefore find it difficult to understand why the conference room is so untidy, in spite of the fact that I had reminded you of the meeting scheduled to take place there this afternoon.
Secretary: Sir, I did instruct the cleaner to tidy up the place before meeting
Manager: Are you trying to hold the cleaner responsible for the untidy condition of the room?
Secretary: Partly, sir, I gave him an instruction which he failed to carry out. It is certainly my intention to make a formal complaint against him for dereliction of duty.
Manager: And would you wash your hands off any blame after that? Do you think that just making a formal complaint against the cleaner absolves you of all blame? When do you consider an assignment as properly executed; when the execution is properly supervised or not? Was it sufficient for you to give instruction to the cleaner with out ensuring that he actually carried them out?
Secretary: Sir, I do not see what else I could have done, short of doing the job myself. The cleaner Is a six-footer and I could not have intimidated him physically.
Manager: I see, I await your complaints against the cleaner, but I shall not forget that you allowed a board meeting to take place in an untidy conference room.
'I would not describe you as an inefficient worker _____suggests that the managerDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 46 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase which best fills the gap(s):
I was _____ hearing distance of the speaker.
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Pregunta 47 Informe
You all know how friendly we are with Okperi. Do you think that any Umuaro man who goes to prison there will come back alive? But that apart, do you forget that this is the moon of planting? Do you want to grow this year’s crops in the prison house in a land where your fathers owe a cow? I speak as your elder brother. I have travelled in Olu and I have travelled in Igbo and I can tell you that there is no escape from the white man. He has come when suffering knocks at your door and you say there is no seat left for him, he tells you not to worry because he has brought his own stool. The white man is like that. Before any of you here was old enough to tie a cloth between the legs I saw with my own eyes what the white man did to Abame. Then I knew there was no escape. As day light chases away darkness so will the white man drive away all our customs. I know that as I say it now it passes by your ears, but it will happen. The white man has power which comes from the true God and it burns like fire. This is the God about whom we preach every eighth day………..
Unachukwu’s opponents were now shouting that this was a meeting of an age group that they had not assembled to join with him in chewing the seed of foolishness which they called their new religion.
‘We are talking about the white man’s road’ said a voice above the others.
‘Yes, we are talking about the white man’s road. But when the roof and walls of a house fall in, the ceiling is not left standing. The white man, the new religion, the soldiers, the new road-they are all part of the same thing. The white man has a gun, a machete, a bow and carries fire in his mouth. He does not fight with one weapon alone’.
According to the passage, the people of Umuaro and OkperiDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 48 Informe
Manager: Mr.Mbu, I would not describe you as an inefficient worker; I therefore find it difficult to understand why the conference room is so untidy, in spite of the fact that I had reminded you of the meeting scheduled to take place there this afternoon.
Secretary: Sir, I did instruct the cleaner to tidy up the place before meeting
Manager: Are you trying to hold the cleaner responsible for the untidy condition of the room?
Secretary: Partly, sir, I gave him an instruction which he failed to carry out. It is certainly my intention to make a formal complaint against him for dereliction of duty.
Manager: And would you wash your hands off any blame after that? Do you think that just making a formal complaint against the cleaner absolves you of all blame? When do you consider an assignment as properly executed; when the execution is properly supervised or not? Was it sufficient for you to give instruction to the cleaner with out ensuring that he actually carried them out?
Secretary: Sir, I do not see what else I could have done, short of doing the job myself. The cleaner Is a six-footer and I could not have intimidated him physically.
Manager: I see, I await your complaints against the cleaner, but I shall not forget that you allowed a board meeting to take place in an untidy conference room.
The last comment by the manager suggests that heDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 49 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
Do not take my books out of this office unless you _____ my permission to do so
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Pregunta 50 Informe
In the question below choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) Underlined:It is generally believed that misers are not loved by many
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Pregunta 51 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
One of the ladies who _____ in the premises _____ been asked to withdraw.
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Pregunta 52 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
My boss is usually a charming man but _____ he can be very irritable
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Pregunta 53 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
Your extreme patience sometimes infuriates me
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Pregunta 54 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase which best fills the gap(s):
Many candidates _____ to realise the difference between written and spoken English
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Pregunta 55 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the Underlined word(s) or phrase:Ít is very difficult to know who is not entitled to essential commodities these days' observed the mobbed NNSC officials
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Pregunta 56 Informe
Manager: Mr.Mbu, I would not describe you as an inefficient worker; I therefore find it difficult to understand why the conference room is so untidy, in spite of the fact that I had reminded you of the meeting scheduled to take place there this afternoon.
Secretary: Sir, I did instruct the cleaner to tidy up the place before meeting
Manager: Are you trying to hold the cleaner responsible for the untidy condition of the room?
Secretary: Partly, sir, I gave him an instruction which he failed to carry out. It is certainly my intention to make a formal complaint against him for dereliction of duty.
Manager: And would you wash your hands off any blame after that? Do you think that just making a formal complaint against the cleaner absolves you of all blame? When do you consider an assignment as properly executed; when the execution is properly supervised or not? Was it sufficient for you to give instruction to the cleaner with out ensuring that he actually carried them out?
Secretary: Sir, I do not see what else I could have done, short of doing the job myself. The cleaner Is a six-footer and I could not have intimidated him physically.
Manager: I see, I await your complaints against the cleaner, but I shall not forget that you allowed a board meeting to take place in an untidy conference room.
The relationship between the manager and his secretary, as revealed in the passage could be said to beDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 57 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
During demonstration, the mobile police were instructed to break _____ the students defence line
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Pregunta 58 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
We surely ought to have an _____ arrangement in case somebody discovers the presents strategy
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Pregunta 59 Informe
There are one or two things this country can teach others, one of them is the art of writing obituaries. One suspects that the reason why some of our newspapers still manage to break even is because of the great amount of revenue they derive from obituaries. It is not unusual for about one quarter of the volume of an average daily to be constituted of obituaries and in in memorial alone. One possible explanation for this, it has been argued, is that Nigerians value their dead greatly. And there is a saying amongst us that you do not say evil things against the dead. This is obviously the philosophy behind the large dose of encomiums with which our dead are bestowed. From evidences of these obituaries and in memorial, every dead Nigerian must have been something of a saint while alive. This would explain why the death of most Nigerians is attributed to the evil Machinations of the wicked. Only very few people in our country die natural death, and even when they do, the obituaries, etc always give the impression that such deaths constitute the saddest loss to befall the deceased family. And that is why writers of these obituaries and their allied advertisements are experts on ‘mortuary stylistics’. This ‘mortuary stylistics’ the study in the art of eulogizing the dead and making their loss sound so heart breaking, is one of the commodities we can export to other countries.
Obituaries are very popular in Nigeria becauseDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 60 Informe
Manager: Mr.Mbu, I would not describe you as an inefficient worker; I therefore find it difficult to understand why the conference room is so untidy, in spite of the fact that I had reminded you of the meeting scheduled to take place there this afternoon.
Secretary: Sir, I did instruct the cleaner to tidy up the place before meeting
Manager: Are you trying to hold the cleaner responsible for the untidy condition of the room?
Secretary: Partly, sir, I gave him an instruction which he failed to carry out. It is certainly my intention to make a formal complaint against him for dereliction of duty.
Manager: And would you wash your hands off any blame after that? Do you think that just making a formal complaint against the cleaner absolves you of all blame? When do you consider an assignment as properly executed; when the execution is properly supervised or not? Was it sufficient for you to give instruction to the cleaner with out ensuring that he actually carried them out?
Secretary: Sir, I do not see what else I could have done, short of doing the job myself. The cleaner Is a six-footer and I could not have intimidated him physically.
Manager: I see, I await your complaints against the cleaner, but I shall not forget that you allowed a board meeting to take place in an untidy conference room.
It would appear that the manager feels that the secretaryDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 61 Informe
The endeavor to maintain proper standard of fairness in journalism must be pursued. It is fatally easy for the journalist to deviate from the straight path. There is his natural desire to ‘make a story’ and insidious temptation to twist facts to square with his paper’s policy. Both are as indefensible as the framing of misleading headlines for the sake of effect. The conscientious journalist must check any tendency to bias, and guard against the dangers inherent in personal antipathies or friendships, and in traditional oppositions between rival schools of thought. When a political opponent, whose stupidity habitually provokes attack, makes an effective speech, honesty requires that he be given credit for it. Where personal relationships might make it easier and more congenial to keep silent than to criticize, the journalist must never forget his duty to the public and the supreme importance of recording the truth
The duty of the journalist to the public entails
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Pregunta 62 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
I cannot understand how he suddenly became audacious contrary to his nature
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Pregunta 63 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
The Director left his secret file to the Secretary in good faith
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Pregunta 64 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
It is of fundamental importance that one sleeps properly.
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Pregunta 65 Informe
There are one or two things this country can teach others, one of them is the art of writing obituaries. One suspects that the reason why some of our newspapers still manage to break even is because of the great amount of revenue they derive from obituaries. It is not unusual for about one quarter of the volume of an average daily to be constituted of obituaries and in in memorial alone. One possible explanation for this, it has been argued, is that Nigerians value their dead greatly. And there is a saying amongst us that you do not say evil things against the dead. This is obviously the philosophy behind the large dose of encomiums with which our dead are bestowed. From evidences of these obituaries and in memorial, every dead Nigerian must have been something of a saint while alive. This would explain why the death of most Nigerians is attributed to the evil Machinations of the wicked. Only very few people in our country die natural death, and even when they do, the obituaries, etc always give the impression that such deaths constitute the saddest loss to befall the deceased family. And that is why writers of these obituaries and their allied advertisements are experts on ‘mortuary stylistics’. This ‘mortuary stylistics’ the study in the art of eulogizing the dead and making their loss sound so heart breaking, is one of the commodities we can export to other countries.
Which of the following can be deduced from the passage?Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 66 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
The way that big boy bullied his sister with relish make me think he could be a _____
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Pregunta 67 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
The distance is not more than twenty kilometres as the crow flies
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Pregunta 68 Informe
Manager: Mr.Mbu, I would not describe you as an inefficient worker; I therefore find it difficult to understand why the conference room is so untidy, in spite of the fact that I had reminded you of the meeting scheduled to take place there this afternoon.
Secretary: Sir, I did instruct the cleaner to tidy up the place before meeting
Manager: Are you trying to hold the cleaner responsible for the untidy condition of the room?
Secretary: Partly, sir, I gave him an instruction which he failed to carry out. It is certainly my intention to make a formal complaint against him for dereliction of duty.
Manager: And would you wash your hands off any blame after that? Do you think that just making a formal complaint against the cleaner absolves you of all blame? When do you consider an assignment as properly executed; when the execution is properly supervised or not? Was it sufficient for you to give instruction to the cleaner with out ensuring that he actually carried them out?
Secretary: Sir, I do not see what else I could have done, short of doing the job myself. The cleaner Is a six-footer and I could not have intimidated him physically.
Manager: I see, I await your complaints against the cleaner, but I shall not forget that you allowed a board meeting to take place in an untidy conference room.
The secretary's attitude seems to beDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 69 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
' _____ at 9:30 for more news',said the announcer.
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Pregunta 70 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:At the age of 80, Musa wished he could put the clock back
Detalles de la respuesta
put/turn the clock back meaning: to make things the same as they were at an earlier time
Pregunta 71 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
The man insisted on giving unsolicited _____
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Pregunta 72 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
It is claimed that there is an extinct volcano near Pankshin
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Pregunta 73 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
In my opinion, neither the player nor the coach _____ praise for the result of the match.
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Pregunta 74 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
The quarrel has got to a stage where someone has to _____
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Pregunta 75 Informe
In the question below, choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s).
My wife and I were to celebrate our silver anniversary last Sunday. Unfortunately on that ______ day.
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Pregunta 76 Informe
You all know how friendly we are with Okperi. Do you think that any Umuaro man who goes to prison there will come back alive? But that apart, do you forget that this is the moon of planting? Do you want to grow this year’s crops in the prison house in a land where your fathers owe a cow? I speak as your elder brother. I have travelled in Olu and I have travelled in Igbo and I can tell you that there is no escape from the white man. He has come when suffering knocks at your door and you say there is no seat left for him, he tells you not to worry because he has brought his own stool. The white man is like that. Before any of you here was old enough to tie a cloth between the legs I saw with my own eyes what the white man did to Abame. Then I knew there was no escape. As day light chases away darkness so will the white man drive away all our customs. I know that as I say it now it passes by your ears, but it will happen. The white man has power which comes from the true God and it burns like fire. This is the God about whom we preach every eighth day………..
Unachukwu’s opponents were now shouting that this was a meeting of an age group that they had not assembled to join with him in chewing the seed of foolishness which they called their new religion.
‘We are talking about the white man’s road’ said a voice above the others.
‘Yes, we are talking about the white man’s road. But when the roof and walls of a house fall in, the ceiling is not left standing. The white man, the new religion, the soldiers, the new road-they are all part of the same thing. The white man has a gun, a machete, a bow and carries fire in his mouth. He does not fight with one weapon alone’.
The dominant subject of this passage is theDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 77 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
The sudden death of the king put paid to the ambition of the Minister
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Pregunta 78 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
My brother does not have a flair _____ mathematics.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 79 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase which best fills the gap(s):
Peter was such a skillful boxer that he was not afraid to take _____ anybody.
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Pregunta 80 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
All _____ well with Peter
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Pregunta 81 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
A tale of two cities _____ the _____ we are studying for examination
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Pregunta 82 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
The villages looked _____ their leader for good examples.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 83 Informe
In the question below, choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s).
The first graduation ceremony of the university was attended by men from all ______ of life.
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Pregunta 84 Informe
Primitive man was probably more concerned with fire as a source of warmth and as a means of cooking food than as a source of light. Before the discovered less laborious ways of making fire, he had to preserve it and whenever he went on a journey he carried a firebrand with him. He discovered that the firebrand, from which the torch may well have developed, could be used for illumination was probably incidental to the primary purpose of preserving a flame.
Lamps too probably developed by accident. Early man may had his first conception of a lamp while watching a twing or fibre burning in the molten fat dropped from roasting carcass. All he had to do was to fashion a vessel to contain fat and float a lighted reed in it. Such lamps which were made of hollow stones or sea-shells have persisted in identical form up to quite recent times.
Primitive man was least concerned with fire as a
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Pregunta 85 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
The Chief approached the issue with convincing disinterestedness.
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Pregunta 86 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
We have done three quarters of the journey already; we _____ as well see the end of it
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Pregunta 87 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
Ore _____ so if she had thought it necessary
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Pregunta 88 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
He as been a life of make-belief
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Pregunta 89 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
The hunter brought home _____ antelope.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 90 Informe
There are one or two things this country can teach others, one of them is the art of writing obituaries. One suspects that the reason why some of our newspapers still manage to break even is because of the great amount of revenue they derive from obituaries. It is not unusual for about one quarter of the volume of an average daily to be constituted of obituaries and in in memorial alone. One possible explanation for this, it has been argued, is that Nigerians value their dead greatly. And there is a saying amongst us that you do not say evil things against the dead. This is obviously the philosophy behind the large dose of encomiums with which our dead are bestowed. From evidences of these obituaries and in memorial, every dead Nigerian must have been something of a saint while alive. This would explain why the death of most Nigerians is attributed to the evil Machinations of the wicked. Only very few people in our country die natural death, and even when they do, the obituaries, etc always give the impression that such deaths constitute the saddest loss to befall the deceased family. And that is why writers of these obituaries and their allied advertisements are experts on ‘mortuary stylistics’. This ‘mortuary stylistics’ the study in the art of eulogizing the dead and making their loss sound so heart breaking, is one of the commodities we can export to other countries.
One suspects that the reason why some of our newspaper still manage to break even _____suggests that some Nigerian newspapersDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 91 Informe
In the question below choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) Underlined:
The retired General became a hard- nosed officer after fighting the war
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Pregunta 92 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
My nephew came in stealthily through the back gate
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Pregunta 93 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:'This is a miniaturized version of your house' remarked the Architect.
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Pregunta 94 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
Culture patterns are modified as they are _____ from one generation to the next
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Pregunta 95 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
The nurse kept apologizing to mothers as she stuck her needle _____ every baby at the clinic
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Pregunta 96 Informe
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase Underlined:
Bola has a sonorous voice.
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Pregunta 97 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
My little daughter has _____ sights; hence she now wears glasses
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Pregunta 98 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase which best fills the gap(s):
_____ guests enjoyed joy's birthday party
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Pregunta 99 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
Omogbai reported that the examinations _____ before he arrived in the hall
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Pregunta 100 Informe
In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills the gap(s):
Dapo has made good use of some useful _____ on the chemical composition of chalk
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