Soil Water And Soil Conservation


Welcome to the course material on Soil Water and Soil Conservation in the field of Agronomy. This topic is crucial in understanding the fundamental aspects of agricultural science as it delves into the significance of soil water, its sources, movement, management, and conservation strategies.

Soil water plays a vital role in agriculture, impacting plant growth, nutrient uptake, and overall soil health. Understanding the different sources of soil water, including precipitation, irrigation, and groundwater, is essential in optimizing crop production and ensuring sustainable farming practices. The movement of soil water through processes such as infiltration, percolation, and evapotranspiration influences water availability to plants and helps in managing irrigation schedules effectively.

Efficient management of soil water is critical for maximizing crop yields while conserving water resources. By implementing irrigation systems tailored to specific crop needs and soil conditions, farmers can enhance water use efficiency and minimize water wastage. Additionally, adopting conservation practices like mulching, cover cropping, and contour plowing helps in reducing soil erosion, enhancing water retention, and promoting soil health.

Soil conservation is a key aspect of sustainable agriculture, focusing on preserving soil fertility, structure, and biodiversity for long-term productivity. Factors such as leaching, erosion, continuous cropping, burning, and oxidation of organic matter can degrade soil quality and affect crop growth. Implementing preventive measures like terracing, crop rotation, and agroforestry can mitigate these risks and maintain soil health.

Capillary, gravitational, and hygroscopic water are distinct forms of soil water that influence plant water availability and soil moisture dynamics. Understanding their characteristics, water-holding capacity, wilting points, and plant-available/unavailable water content is essential for efficient irrigation and crop management.

Erosion and leaching are common soil degradation processes caused by factors such as water, wind, tillage, and improper land use practices. Identifying the root causes of erosion and leaching and employing control methods like contour plowing, buffer strips, and reduced tillage practices are crucial for safeguarding soil quality and preventing nutrient loss.

Furthermore, the classification of irrigation and drainage systems based on their design, efficiency, and application methods helps in optimizing water utilization and managing waterlogged or saline soils. Despite the benefits of irrigation and drainage in enhancing crop production, challenges like water scarcity, energy costs, and environmental impacts need to be addressed for sustainable agricultural practices.

In conclusion, mastering the concepts of soil water and soil conservation is essential for advancing agricultural productivity, preserving natural resources, and promoting sustainable farming practices. By incorporating these principles into agronomic practices, farmers can achieve optimal crop yields, protect soil fertility, and contribute to environmental conservation.


  1. Distinguish between capillary, gravitational, and hygroscopic water
  2. Identify erosion and leaching factors
  3. Classify irrigation and drainage systems
  4. Evaluate the importance and challenges associated with irrigation and drainage in agriculture
  5. Define soil conservation and its significance in sustainable agriculture
  6. Analyze the sources and movement of soil water
  7. Understand the importance of soil water in agriculture
  8. Propose strategies for preventing and controlling erosion and leaching
  9. Recognize the causes and effects of leaching, erosion, continuous cropping, burning, and oxidation of organic matter
  10. Calculate water-holding capacity, wilting points, and plant available/unavailable water
  11. Identify methods for managing and conserving soil water

Nota de la lección

Soil is a critical natural resource that supports plant growth, influences water dynamics, and affects ecosystem health. The management of soil water and soil conservation is essential for sustainable agriculture. This article explores different types of soil water, erosion and leaching factors, irrigation and drainage systems, and soil conservation practices.

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  1. What is the term used to describe the water present in the soil that moves upwards from the water table through capillary action? A. Gravitational water B. Hygroscopic water C. Capillary water D. Available water Answer: Capillary water
  2. Which of the following soil water types is not easily available for plants to absorb due to its strong bond with soil particles? A. Capillary water B. Gravitational water C. Hygroscopic water D. Wilting point water Answer: Hygroscopic water
  3. What is the soil water content at which plants wilt and can no longer recover their turgidity? A. Field capacity B. Permanent wilting point C. Hygroscopic coefficient D. Capillary coefficient Answer: Permanent wilting point
  4. Which of the following subtopics of soil conservation focuses on the prevention and control of leaching, erosion, continuous cropping, burning, and oxidation of organic matter? A. Chemical properties of soil B. Soil water management C. Crop rotation techniques D. Soil conservation practices Answer: Soil conservation practices
  5. What is the primary cause of soil erosion in agriculture? A. Excessive use of fertilizers B. Overgrazing C. Intensive tillage practices D. Planting cover crops Answer: Intensive tillage practices
  6. Which type of water movement in soil is influenced by gravity and typically moves downwards through the soil profile? A. Capillary water B. Gravitational water C. Hygroscopic water D. Immobile water Answer: Gravitational water
  7. The process of burning crop residues and organic matter in the field can lead to which of the following soil conservation issues? A. Soil compaction B. Increased soil fertility C. Soil erosion D. Improved soil structure Answer: Soil erosion
  8. What is the term used to describe the maximum amount of water that a soil can hold against gravity? A. Field capacity B. Saturation point C. Hygroscopic coefficient D. Water-holding capacity Answer: Field capacity
  9. Which of the following is a method of erosion control that involves planting trees and shrubs along the contours of the land to reduce water runoff and soil erosion? A. Terracing B. Cover cropping C. Windbreaks D. Strip cropping Answer: Strip cropping

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