Electronic Mail


Electronic Mail (E-mail) and Chatting Overview

Welcome to the world of Electronic Mail (E-mail) and Chatting in the realm of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Electronic Mail, commonly known as E-mail, is a fundamental tool for communication over the internet. It allows users to send and receive digital messages, files, and documents efficiently and almost instantaneously.

One of the key objectives in this course material is to define Electronic Mail and Chatting. Electronic Mail can be described as a method of exchanging digital messages from one user to one or multiple recipients via electronic devices. Chatting, on the other hand, refers to real-time communication over the internet through text-based messages.

To delve deeper into the world of Electronic Mail, we will explore various subtopics such as creating an e-mail address, composing e-mails, sending and receiving e-mails, adding attachments to e-mails, and even creating mailing list groups. These components are essential to mastering the art of electronic communication and ensuring efficient information exchange.

When creating an e-mail address, users are required to follow specific formats and guidelines to ensure the address is unique and functional. Understanding the structure of an e-mail address, including the components such as the username and domain name, is crucial for effective communication.

In addition to e-mails, the course material will cover the concept of Chatting, which allows users to engage in real-time conversations with individuals or groups. We will explore the various platforms and tools available for chatting, highlighting the importance of secure communication in the digital age.

Furthermore, this course material will discuss the features of an e-mail address, including examples like user@domainname. It will also explain the components of a domain name, shedding light on the significance of domain names in identifying and categorizing digital information.

By the end of this course material, students will have a comprehensive understanding of Electronic Mail and Chatting in the context of ICT. They will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively utilize e-mail services, communicate efficiently online, and navigate the digital landscape with confidence.


  1. Define Electronic Mail and Chatting
  2. Explain the components of a domain name
  3. Explain the features in an e-mail address
  4. List E-mail units

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Utiliza esta sección de evaluación como una oportunidad para reforzar tu comprensión del tema e identificar cualquier área en la que puedas necesitar un estudio adicional. No te desanimes por los desafíos que encuentres; en su lugar, míralos como oportunidades para el crecimiento y la mejora.

  1. Define Electronic Mail. A. A method of sending instant messages B. A communication tool that requires face-to-face interaction C. A system for receiving and sending emails electronically D. A tool for voice calls only Answer: C. A system for receiving and sending emails electronically
  2. What is a component of an e-mail address? A. Password B. Username C. Profile picture D. Chat history Answer: B. Username
  3. How do you add an attachment to an email? A. By sending a separate email with the attachment B. By copying and pasting the attachment into the email body C. By clicking on the attachment icon and selecting the file to attach D. Attachments are not allowed in emails Answer: C. By clicking on the attachment icon and selecting the file to attach
  4. What does the acronym ICT stand for? A. International Computer Technology B. Integrated Circuitry Technology C. Information and Communication Technology D. Internet Connectivity Tools Answer: C. Information and Communication Technology

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Preguntas Anteriores

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