Simple Harmonic Motion


Welcome to the comprehensive course material on Simple Harmonic Motion in the realm of Physics. This topic delves into the fascinating interplay of matter, space, and time, unraveling the principles governing the oscillatory behavior of bodies in motion.

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) is a fundamental concept that underpins various natural phenomena, from the swinging of a pendulum to the vibrations of a spring. It is characterized by a periodic motion where the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement of the object from its equilibrium position.

Understanding the Concept of SHM: In our exploration of SHM, we will delve into the essence of motion—how objects move in a repetitive manner around a central point. Through this, we aim to grasp the fundamental principles that govern the oscillations exhibited by bodies in harmonic motion.

Distinguishing Types of Motion: Among the myriad forms of motion, SHM stands out for its regular and predictable nature. By contrasting SHM with other types of motion like linear, rotational, and circular motion, we gain a deeper appreciation for its unique characteristics.

Calculating Speed and Acceleration: An integral part of our study involves computing the speed and acceleration of objects undergoing SHM. By analyzing the velocities and accelerations at different points in the oscillatory cycle, we can elucidate the dynamic nature of harmonic motion.

Determining Period, Frequency, and Amplitude: The period, frequency, and amplitude are crucial parameters that define the behavior of an oscillating body. By incorporating these measurements into our analysis, we can quantitatively describe the intricacies of SHM.

Exploring Energy in SHM: Energy considerations play a significant role in understanding SHM. By delving into the potential and kinetic energy transitions during oscillations, we unveil the energy dynamics at play within harmonic motion systems.

Unveiling Forced Vibration and Resonance: Beyond natural oscillations, we will delve into the phenomena of forced vibration and resonance. Through this exploration, we aim to elucidate how external forces can influence and amplify the oscillatory behavior of systems in SHM.

This course material serves as a comprehensive guide for unraveling the intricacies of Simple Harmonic Motion, offering a deep dive into the principles governing the oscillatory behavior of physical systems. By mastering the concepts elucidated herein, you will be equipped to analyze, calculate, and interpret the dynamic nature of harmonic motion with precision and insight.


  1. Define and calculate the speed and acceleration of bodies in Simple Harmonic Motion
  2. Discuss forced vibration and resonance phenomenon in the context of Simple Harmonic Motion
  3. Distinguish between different types of motion and identify Simple Harmonic Motion
  4. Calculate the period, frequency, and amplitude of Simple Harmonic Motion
  5. Understand the concept of Simple Harmonic Motion
  6. Analyze the energy involved in Simple Harmonic Motion

Nota de la lección

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) is a type of periodic motion where an object moves back and forth over the same path, and each cycle takes the same amount of time. This type of motion is very common in nature and engineering and is seen in systems such as pendulums and springs. The restoring force in SHM is directly proportional to the displacement and acts in the direction opposite to that of displacement.

Evaluación de la lección

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  1. What is the main idea behind Simple Harmonic Motion? A. Objects moving in a straight line B. Objects moving in a circular path C. Objects moving in a periodic and oscillatory motion D. Objects moving with constant velocity Answer: C. Objects moving in a periodic and oscillatory motion
  2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Simple Harmonic Motion? A. Periodic motion B. Linear motion C. Restoring force is directly proportional to displacement D. Motion repeats in equal intervals of time Answer: B. Linear motion
  3. In Simple Harmonic Motion, what is the relationship between displacement and acceleration? A. Directly proportional B. Inversely proportional C. No relationship D. Exponential Answer: A. Directly proportional
  4. What is the formula for calculating the period of a body in Simple Harmonic Motion? A. T = 2π / ω B. T = 2πω C. T = 1 / 2πω D. T = 2ω / π Answer: A. T = 2π / ω
  5. What physical quantity represents the maximum displacement from equilibrium in Simple Harmonic Motion? A. Frequency B. Period C. Amplitude D. Velocity Answer: C. Amplitude
  6. Which of the following expressions represents the kinetic energy of a body in Simple Harmonic Motion? A. 1/2kx^2 B. 1/2mv^2 C. 1/2kA^2 D. mgh Answer: B. 1/2mv^2
  7. In the context of Simple Harmonic Motion, what is resonance? A. The tendency of a system to oscillate at maximum amplitude at certain frequencies B. The complete absence of oscillation in a system C. The damping of oscillations over time D. The motion of a body at rest Answer: A. The tendency of a system to oscillate at maximum amplitude at certain frequencies

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Preguntas Anteriores

¿Te preguntas cómo son las preguntas anteriores sobre este tema? Aquí tienes una serie de preguntas sobre Simple Harmonic Motion de años anteriores.

Pregunta 1 Informe

A body executing simple harmonic motion has an angular speed of 2π radians. Its period of oscillation is (π 3.14).

Pregunta 1 Informe


You are provided with two retort stands, two-metre rules, pieces of thread and other necessary apparatus.

i. Set up the apparatus as illustrated above ensuring the strings are permanently 10cm from either end of the rule.

ii. Measure and record the length L = 80 cm of the two strings.

iii. Hold both ends of the rule and displace the rule slightly, then release so that it oscillates about a vertical axis through its centre.

iv. Determine and record the time t for 10 complete oscillations.

v. Determine the period T of oscillations.

vi. Evaluate log T and L.

vii. Repeat the procedure for four other values of L= 70 cm, 60 cm, 50 cm, and 40 cm

viii. Tabulate your readings.

ix. Plot a graph with log T on the vertical axis and log L on the horizontal axis.

x. Determine the slope, s, and the intercept, c on the vertical axis.

xi. State two precautions taken to ensure accurate results. 

(b)i. Define simple harmonic motion.

ii. Determine the value of L corresponding to t= 12 s from the graph in 1.

Pregunta 1 Informe

The relationship between the period T and the length T of a smile pendulum is T = 2\( \pi \) \( ( \frac{I}{g}) ^{ \frac{1}{2} } \). From experiment data of T and I, one can obtain the following graphs, i. T vs.I ii. T vs I2 iii. T2 vs. I iv. T vs \( \sqrt{I} \) v. logT vs logI. Which of the following graphs, are linear?

Practica una serie de Simple Harmonic Motion preguntas de exámenes anteriores.