Separation Of Mixtures And Purification Of Chemical Substances


Welcome to the course on the "Separation Of Mixtures And Purification Of Chemicals." This course will delve into the fundamental concepts and techniques involved in separating mixtures into their individual components and purifying chemicals to obtain desired substances of high purity.

Firstly, we will explore the distinction between pure and impure substances. A pure substance consists of only one type of compound or element, while an impure substance contains more than one type of compound or element. The purity of a substance can be evaluated based on its boiling and melting points. Impurities tend to lower and broaden the melting and boiling points of substances.

Next, we will differentiate between elements, compounds, and mixtures. Elements are substances made up of only one type of atom, compounds are substances composed of two or more elements in fixed ratios, and mixtures are combinations of two or more substances that are not chemically combined.

Furthermore, we will discuss the dissimilarities between chemical and physical changes. Chemical changes result in the formation of new substances with different chemical properties, while physical changes do not alter the chemical composition of substances.

As we progress, we will identify the properties of the components of a mixture, which will aid in selecting appropriate separation techniques. Various separation processes such as evaporation, simple and fractional distillation, sublimation, filtration, crystallization, paper and column chromatography, simple and fractional crystallization, magnetization, and decantation will be explored in detail.

Moreover, we will specify the principles involved in each separation method. For instance, distillation relies on the differences in boiling points of components, while chromatography exploits varying affinities of substances for the stationary and mobile phases.

Finally, we will apply the basic principles of separation processes in everyday life scenarios. Understanding these techniques is crucial for various industries, laboratories, and even household activities where separation and purification are essential for obtaining specific substances.


  1. Distinguish Between Pure And Impure Substances
  2. Specify The Principle Involved In Each Separation Method
  3. Use Boiling And Melting Points As Criteria For Purity Of Chemical Substances
  4. Distinguish Between Elements, Compounds And Mixtures
  5. Identify The Properties Of The Components Of A Mixture
  6. Apply The Basic Principle Of Separation Processes In Everyday Life
  7. Differentiate Between Chemical And Physical Changes

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  1. What is the process of separating a mixture through the conversion of a solid directly to a gas without passing through the liquid state known as? A. Evaporation B. Sublimation C. Filtration D. Crystallization Answer: B. Sublimation
  2. Which separation method involves the separation of a mixture based on differences in boiling points of the components? A. Evaporation B. Filtration C. Sublimation D. Distillation Answer: D. Distillation
  3. What criterion can be used to distinguish between pure and impure substances based on their temperatures? A. Freezing point B. Boiling point C. Condensation point D. Melting point Answer: D. Melting point
  4. In the separation process of chromatography, what is the stationary phase? A. The liquid solvent B. The filter paper C. The moving phase D. The solid medium Answer: D. The solid medium
  5. Which of the following is a physical change? A. Burning of wood B. Cooking an egg C. Rusting of iron D. Dissolving sugar in water Answer: D. Dissolving sugar in water

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Preguntas Anteriores

¿Te preguntas cómo son las preguntas anteriores sobre este tema? Aquí tienes una serie de preguntas sobre Separation Of Mixtures And Purification Of Chemical Substances de años anteriores.

Pregunta 1 Informe

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In the diagram above. X is

Pregunta 1 Informe

What is the percentage composition of carbon
in Ca(HCO3)2 2  ?
[ Ca = 40.0, 0= 16.0, C = 12.0, H= 1.0]

Practica una serie de Separation Of Mixtures And Purification Of Chemical Substances preguntas de exámenes anteriores.