The Buhari Regime


The Buhari Regime in Nigeria's history refers to the period of military rule led by Major General Muhammadu Buhari from December 31, 1983, to August 27, 1985. Buhari's regime came into power through a military coup that overthrew the civilian government of President Shehu Shagari. During this period, Nigeria faced various challenges and experienced significant changes in its political landscape, economy, and social dynamics.

One of the primary objectives in assessing the Buhari Regime is to evaluate the challenges and achievements during this military era. Major General Buhari's regime was characterized by its strict anti-corruption stance and the implementation of disciplinary measures to curb corruption and indiscipline in the Nigerian society. The regime initiated a War Against Indiscipline (WAI) campaign to promote patriotism, integrity, and accountability among Nigerians.

The Buhari Regime also implemented controversial economic policies aimed at stabilizing the Nigerian economy, such as the Structural Adjustment Program (SAP). These policies resulted in austerity measures, currency devaluation, and reduction in government expenditure. While these measures were intended to address economic challenges, they also had adverse effects on the Nigerian populace, leading to social discontent.

Furthermore, the Buhari Regime was known for its strict enforcement of law and order through the War Against Corruption (WAC) and War Against Smuggling (WAS) initiatives. However, concerns were raised about human rights abuses and authoritarian practices during this period, with reports of political repression and media censorship.

In evaluating the Buhari Regime, it is crucial to consider the socio-political context of Nigeria at that time, including the legacy of previous military regimes, ethnic tensions, and the struggle for democratic governance. The regime's overthrow in another military coup in 1985 marked the end of Buhari's rule and signaled a shift in Nigeria's political trajectory.

Considering the complexities and controversies surrounding the Buhari Regime, a comprehensive assessment is necessary to understand its impact on Nigeria's history and the lessons learned from this period of military rule.


  1. Explore the Action Group Crisis and the General Elections of 1964/65 under the Buhari Regime
  2. Examine the Issue of Revenue Allocation under the Buhari Regime
  3. Analyze the Struggle for the Control of the Centre during the Buhari Regime
  4. Analyze the Causes, Course, and Effects of the Coup D'Etat of January 1966 during the Buhari Regime
  5. Examine the Coup D’Etat of January 1966 and the Ironsi Regime from the perspective of the Buhari Regime
  6. Evaluate the 1962/63 Census Controversies during the Buhari Regime
  7. Assess the Challenges and Achievements of the Buhari Regime
  8. Investigate the Minority Question during the Buhari Regime

Nota de la lección

The Buhari Regime, referring to the first tenure of General Muhammadu Buhari as the Head of State from 1983 to 1985, was a significant period in Nigeria's political history. This era was marked by various political, social, and economic challenges as well as achievements. Understanding this period provides a detailed insight into Nigeria's journey towards stability and development. This article will delve into critical aspects of the Buhari Regime, including electoral issues, economic policies, coups, and census controversies.

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  1. Who was the military leader that ruled Nigeria during the Buhari Regime from 1983 to 1985? A. Olusegun Obasanjo B. Ibrahim Babangida C. Muhammadu Buhari D. Sani Abacha Answer: C. Muhammadu Buhari
  2. During the Buhari regime, what was the main focus of his administration's economic policy? A. Privatization of state-owned enterprises B. Agricultural development C. Industrial revolution D. Foreign aid dependency Answer: B. Agricultural development
  3. What major event led to the end of the Buhari regime in Nigeria? A. Coup d'état B. Free and fair elections C. Constitutional amendment D. Peaceful transition of power Answer: A. Coup d'état
  4. In which year did the Buhari regime come into power in Nigeria? A. 1979 B. 1983 C. 1993 D. 1999 Answer: B. 1983
  5. Which of the following best describes the leadership style of Muhammadu Buhari during his regime? A. Authoritarian B. Democratic C. Oligarchic D. Totalitarian Answer: A. Authoritarian
  6. During the Buhari regime, what was the official reason given for the coup that brought him to power? A. Corruption in the government B. Economic instability C. Violation of human rights D. Lack of democracy Answer: A. Corruption in the government
  7. Which political party did Muhammadu Buhari belong to during his presidency in Nigeria? A. Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) B. All Progressives Congress (APC) C. Social Democratic Party (SDP) D. Labour Party Answer: B. All Progressives Congress (APC)
  8. What was the main mode of governance during the Buhari regime in Nigeria? A. Federalism B. Unitarism C. Confederalism D. Parliamentary system Answer: B. Unitarism
  9. During the Buhari regime, what was the stance on human rights and freedom of the press? A. Strictly controlled and limited B. Fully protected and encouraged C. Partially restricted D. Dependent on state security Answer: A. Strictly controlled and limited
  10. One of the key achievements of the Buhari regime was the implementation of a major anti-corruption campaign known as: A. Operation Desert Storm B. War Against Indiscipline C. Operation Clean Sweep D. Campaign Transparency Answer: B. War Against Indiscipline

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Which initiative was launched by the Buhari administration to tackle corruption in Nigeria?

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