
WAEC SSCE - English Language - 2015

Question 1 Rapport

The life of a professional sportsman is hectic. Consider his typical day. As soon as he wakes up in the money, he jumps out of bed hurriedly and wears his..70..promptly, he goes out to ..71..for an hour or so, covering a few miles. However, on some other days, he might choose to practice with home. Having completed whichever one it is, he goes in for a shower and dresses for the day's training..73..this phase varies according to his specialty. If he is a boxer, he goes into deal with the punching bag and later with a sparring partner, usually under the watchful...75..of his coach. If he is a sprinter, he engages in continuous practice..76.. his performance with a stopwatch. If he is in football, netball, volley ball, or lawn tennies, he can best practice with others while the coach watches, calling attention to specific skills and...77..not mastered. In most cases, training lasts virtually the better part of a day, and often in discussion where certain technicalities are ironed out.
Now, when medals are ..78.., most people who just watch actions on television hardly realize what it takes to become a star. When all the..79..are considered and the high risk taken into account, one would realize that a star is worth the millions he earns.

In the passage above the number 75 indicates a missing word. Four options are given in a column lettered A to D, choose the word that is the most suitable to fill the gap