
WAEC SSCE - English Language - 1992

Question 1 Rapport

In the following passages the numbered gaps indicate missing words. Against each number in the list below each passage, five choices are offered in columns lettered A to E. For each question, choose the word that is the most suitable to fill the numbered gap in the passage.
Teaching is one of the oldest -69- known to man. Every community from time immemorial must have had -70- known and respected for their ability to guide and -71- younger members of their community towards the -72- of the desired goals of their group. The -73- ceremonies for young adults common to many cultures are part of the -74- education process of those cultures; but there are very many informal ways of educating the young. When a young girl helps her mother in preparing the family -75-, she is learning -76- skills in an informal set-up. One's -77- group also exerts a great -78- on individuals.
In the formal set-up of our schools today, education is highly -79-. There is the -80- of authority from the principal down to the class monitors. We have a fixed -81- plays an important role in shaping our attitudes and conditioning our -82- and responses to our society as a whole.
Mankind has been ravaged by many virus and -83- diseases such as measles, tuberculosis, diarrhoea and many others including -84- known also as the common cold. -85- outbreaks of many of these diseases have been brought under control in the last fifty years. Some -86- like measles and whooping cough still pose a great danger to younger children. The -87- of measles are more easily -88- than those of whooping cough. Unlike that of many others, the virus of measles are more easily remained -89- for hundreds of years. However, once you have had an -90- of this dreadful disease, you develop an -91- which is almost complete and long lasting.
Modern science has made available -92- to prevent many childhood diseases and this is the only guarantee of -93- from these scourges. More effective treatment of complications arising from these childhood diseases using penicillin and other -94- has also helped to reduce the -95- rate among children. It is universally accepted that good -96- is the right of every human being and children do not have to die from these diseases which wiped out whole -97- in the Middle Ages. We have today -98- drugs which give protection against most childhood diseases.

In question numbered 79 above, choose the best option from letters A - E that best completes the gap.