Relations With African Countries


Nigeria's relations with African countries play a significant role in shaping the country's foreign policy and its stance in continental affairs. As an influential nation within the African continent, Nigeria has historically positioned itself as a key player in promoting peace, stability, and development across the region.

One of the guiding principles of Nigeria's foreign policy towards African countries is the concept of African brotherhood and solidarity. Nigeria has always emphasized the importance of Pan-Africanism, which aims to foster unity among African nations and promote mutual cooperation for the socio-economic advancement of the continent.

Furthermore, Nigeria's foreign policy emphasizes the principles of non-interference in the internal affairs of other African countries, respect for territorial integrity, and the peaceful resolution of conflicts through dialogue and diplomatic means. This approach underscores Nigeria's commitment to upholding the sovereignty of African states and promoting regional peace and security.

In addition to bilateral relations, Nigeria actively engages with regional organizations such as the African Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to address common challenges facing the continent. By participating in these multilateral forums, Nigeria contributes to the formulation of policies and initiatives aimed at promoting political stability, economic development, and social progress across Africa.

Moreover, Nigeria's interactions with African countries are guided by the principles of mutual benefit and cooperation. Through diplomatic engagements, trade agreements, and development assistance programs, Nigeria seeks to strengthen its ties with other African nations and leverage collective efforts to address transnational issues such as terrorism, climate change, and economic inequality.

Overall, Nigeria's relations with African countries reflect its commitment to being a responsible regional actor and a champion of African unity and progress. By prioritizing collaboration, dialogue, and mutual respect in its interactions with other African nations, Nigeria plays a pivotal role in shaping the continent's political landscape and contributing to its sustainable development.


  1. Evaluate the role of Nigeria in continental affairs
  2. Assess the role of NEPAD in developing Africa


Nigeria, often referred to as the "Giant of Africa," plays a significant role in the politics and development of the African continent. With a population of over 200 million people, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and has one of the largest economies on the continent. Its influence is evident in several aspects, including political leadership, economic contributions, and peacekeeping efforts.


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  1. What was Africa described as in Nigeria's foreign policy? A. Periphery B. Centerpiece C. Marginal D. Insignificant Answer: B. Centerpiece
  2. What are the guiding principles of Africa as the "centerpiece" of Nigeria's foreign policy? A. Non-interference, peaceful resolution of conflicts B. Military intervention, exploitation of resources C. Hegemonic domination, colonization D. Isolationism, aggression Answer: A. Non-interference, peaceful resolution of conflicts
  3. What is the origin of NEPAD? A. United Nations B. African Union C. G8 countries D. ECOWAS Answer: C. G8 countries
  4. What are the objectives of NEPAD? A. To promote economic growth, eradicate poverty B. To colonize African countries C. To exploit natural resources for foreign countries D. To create conflicts among African nations Answer: A. To promote economic growth, eradicate poverty

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