Section 1 - Test of Word Final Voiced-voiceless Consonants


Welcome to Section 1 - Test of Word Final Voiced-Voiceless Consonants. This lesson focuses on understanding and mastering the difference between voiced and voiceless consonants, especially in word-final positions.

What You'll Learn

Voiced vs. Voiceless Consonants: Understand the difference between voiced consonants (produced with vocal cord vibration) and voiceless consonants (produced without vocal cord vibration).

Identifying Word-Final Consonants: Learn to identify word-final voiced and voiceless consonants in isolated words, crucial for clear and accurate pronunciation

Consonant Clusters: Explore consonant clusters, sequences of consonant sounds in a word. Differentiate between clusters containing voiced and voiceless consonants, improving your pronunciation of complex combinations.

Correct Pronunciation: Demonstrate the correct pronunciation of word-final consonants. This will enhance your verbal communication and overall language proficiency.

Practical Exercises: Engage in practical exercises and listening comprehension activities. These will help you apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios, reinforcing your learning and boosting your confidence.

Why This Matters

By the end of this lesson, you will develop a keen ear for word-final voiced and voiceless consonants, master challenging consonant clusters, and improve your listening comprehension skills. Get ready to enhance your English phonetic abilities and become a more proficient speaker.


  1. Demonstrate the correct pronunciation of word-final consonants
  2. Identify word-final voiced and voiceless consonants in isolated words
  3. Understand the difference between voiced and voiceless consonants
  4. Apply knowledge of voiced and voiceless consonants in listening comprehension exercises
  5. Differentiate between consonant clusters containing voiced and voiceless consonants


Understanding and correctly pronouncing word-final voiced and voiceless consonants is crucial for clear communication in English. This section will guide you through the concepts and practices to master this aspect of pronunciation, ensuring effective and accurate speech.


Gefeliciteerd met het voltooien van de les op Section 1 - Test of Word Final Voiced-voiceless Consonants. Nu je de sleutelconcepten en ideeën, het is tijd om uw kennis op de proef te stellen. Deze sectie biedt een verscheidenheid aan oefeningen vragen die bedoeld zijn om uw begrip te vergroten en u te helpen uw begrip van de stof te peilen.

Je zult een mix van vraagtypen tegenkomen, waaronder meerkeuzevragen, korte antwoordvragen en essayvragen. Elke vraag is zorgvuldig samengesteld om verschillende aspecten van je kennis en kritisch denkvermogen te beoordelen.

Gebruik dit evaluatiegedeelte als een kans om je begrip van het onderwerp te versterken en om gebieden te identificeren waar je mogelijk extra studie nodig hebt. Laat je niet ontmoedigen door eventuele uitdagingen die je tegenkomt; beschouw ze in plaats daarvan als kansen voor groei en verbetering.

  1. Identify the word with a word-final voiced consonant in the following options: 1. Which word contains a word-final voiced consonant? A. Cat B. Dog C. Pig D. Bat Answer: D. Bat
  2. 2. Choose the word with a word-final voiceless consonant: A. Shop B. Cap C. Jug D. Bag Answer: A. Shop
  3. 3. In the word "bird," does the final consonant sound voiced or voiceless? A. Voiced B. Voiceless Answer: A. Voiced
  4. 4. Select the word that ends with a voiceless consonant sound: A. Van B. Mud C. Cup D. Beg Answer: C. Cup
  5. 5. Which option has a word-final voiced consonant? A. Hat B. Dog C. Sun D. Cup Answer: B. Dog
  6. 6. Identify the word with a voiceless consonant at the end: A. Pig B. Bed C. Bat D. Dog Answer: C. Bat
  7. 7. Does the word "leaf" end with a voiced or voiceless consonant? A. Voiced B. Voiceless Answer: B. Voiceless
  8. 8. Choose the word that has a word-final voiced consonant: A. Cat B. Bell C. Duck D. Rug Answer: B. Bell
  9. 9. Which word has a voiceless consonant as its final sound? A. Jam B. Job C. Jug D. Jig Answer: A. Jam
  10. 10. Select the word with a word-final voiced consonant: A. Cab B. Lip C. Leg D. Rib Answer: D. Rib

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Eerdere Vragen

Benieuwd hoe eerdere vragen over dit onderwerp eruitzien? Hier zijn een aantal vragen over Section 1 - Test of Word Final Voiced-voiceless Consonants van voorgaande jaren.

Vraag 1 Verslag

The coach has asked the Bright Rangers to be paid their --6-- salaries and --7-- so as to --8-- them to victory against Mamelody Sundowns of South Africa in saturday's all importanat CAF Champions leaque Match. Bright Rangers are the third in group B with four points --9-- many matches and need to --10-- defaet at second - placed Al - Ahly to stay in the --11-- for a place in the semi - final of Africa's most prestigious club competition. The Coach told MTN that the team would be better motivated if they atleast receive their August salaries before the Al - Ahly --12--. We have to make sure that they are paid their salaries --13-- so that they could play the game of their lives. The government has done very well, but it will be a big morale --14-- to get paid for them to go out there and play. The Coach informed MTN that the Bright Rangers plan to employ the counter --15-- to get a result in Cario.


Vraag 1 Verslag

In the following passages the numbered gaps indicate missing words. Against each number in the below each passage, four options are offered in columns lettered A to D. choose the word that is the most suitable to fill the numbered gap in the passages.
The radio news is a significant challenge to newspapers these days, At time we can -74- to different local and international stations and be entertained or informed. The evening news -75- gives a valuable summary of the day's events. Also the popularity of television is increasing rapidly with -76- designed to reach a wide viewing -77-.
The announcer's job, whether on the television or over the radio, is very difficult especially for the novice who lacks the necessary self-confidence to speak clearly into the -78-, but he soon learns to relax. Disc jockeys often have regular fans who -79- special -80- if you own a good and efficient transistor radio with several -81- and an -82-, you can easily -83- worthwhile programmes from overseas -84-. Important international events are often -85- by satellite all over the world and can be -86- live on television in your home.
Sally and Jake had to share the same house because of -87- difficulties. After some time, they found themselves -88- and fell in love. They then decided to -89- to cement their relationship. Sally -90- her boyfriend to her parents, who approved of their getting -91- Jake in turn took his -92- to his parents. They too gave their blessing to the relationship and the -93- day was fixed. Both families then set about preparing for the great day. There was a large attendance that day and the -94- priest advised the -95- to remain -96- to each other all their lives and never -97-. A grand -98- was held during which friends and relatives showered -99- on them. The newly-wed then on their -100-.

In question numbered 86 above, choose the best option from letters A - D that best completes the gap.

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