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JAMB UTME - Use of English - 2000

Pergunta 1 Relatório

The passage below has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most appropriate option for each gap.

  With the most profound respect to the members of the senate, I do not think that it is within the competence of that………16…….[A. executive B. judicial C. administrative D. legislative] body to pass a motion to……..17…….[A. enforce B. nullify C. modify D. order] the executive action of the president. The senate is……..18…….[A. a wing B. a portion C. an anchor D. an arm] of the National Assembly. But it is not by itself alone the National Assembly. One can imagine the confusion which would be created if the……..19……..[A. House of Representative B. Judiciary C. National Assembly D. Executive council] were to take a view dramatically opposed to that reflected in the senate resolution. The strongest objection to the action of the senate is passing the resolution is the fact that it constituted itself the………20…… [A. litigant B. defendant C. plaintiff D. attorney] as well as the judge of the constitutionality of the action of the president. The function of the senate is to…….21….. [A. enact B. create C. compose D. annul] laws. But the senate has no authority or…….22…..[A. might B. power C. dynamism D. strength] to control the President in the exercise of his…….23……[A. official B. authoritative C. judicial D. executive] powers. It cannot by a mere resolution or motion give any direction to the president regarding the exercise of his powers or can it undo what the president has done in the executive of those powers. The only way in which the exercise of the powers of the president can be……..24…….[A. modified B. standardized C. regulated D. ordered] is by……..25……[A. an act B. a decree C. a motion D. a bill] of the National Assembly.

Select the correct option for the space numbered 20 in the above passage