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Pergunta 1 Relatório
Banks issue cheque books to customers holding ......... accounts.
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 2 Relatório
The difference between the higher prices and the lower prices quoted for shares and stocks at the stock exchange is known as
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 3 Relatório
Prospectus in relation to a public limited inability company means
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 4 Relatório
The relationship between a country’s visible imports and exports in a trading year is known as
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 7 Relatório
A contract in which all parties to the contract have carried out their obligation is said to be terminated by
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 8 Relatório
Which of the following is NOT regarded as a welfare service in an organization?
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 9 Relatório
A voluntary association of business executives, trader men, entrepreneurs and others in a city, town or country is called a
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 11 Relatório
The sum which the insured pays periodically to his insurance company is called
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 12 Relatório
Which is NOT a legislation aimed at protecting the consumer?
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 13 Relatório
Ships that pick up cargo from any port and travels anytime are called
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 14 Relatório
The relationship between a country’s visible imports and exports in a trading year is known as
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 16 Relatório
A person who runs a business on his own account is called a
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 19 Relatório
An allowance made to a customer for prompt payment is known as
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 20 Relatório
The deliberate throwing of some goods into the sea to prevent the ship from sinking is an example of
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 21 Relatório
Which of the following CANNOT be sold through a vending machine?
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 26 Relatório
When the price quoted includes all the cost to the actual destination, that is, from the seller’s warehouse to the buyer’s warehouse. it is called
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 27 Relatório
The breaking down of work into different processes is known as
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 28 Relatório
Shares are said to be sold at a discount when they are sold
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 30 Relatório
The advertising medium which uses electric current in bulbs is referred to as
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 31 Relatório
The service rendered by NIPOST in which letters are addressed to any post office to await collection by the addressee is known as
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 33 Relatório
Which of the following warehouse is generally found near a port?
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 34 Relatório
Which of the following can be used to establish an importer's title to goods?
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 35 Relatório
An instruction to an agent abroad restricting him to buy from a named manufacturer is known as
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 36 Relatório
Which of the following does a seller send in reply to a letter of inquiry?
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 37 Relatório
A bill of exchange sold for less than its face value before maturity is said to be
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 38 Relatório
Which of the following is NOT part of Pre-Sales Service/ice?
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 39 Relatório
The first Nigerian enterprises promotion decree was promulgated in
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 40 Relatório
The policy designed to accelerate the greater participation of Nigerians in the ownership and management of business enterprises in Nigeria is called
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 42 Relatório
Which of the following means of transport is most flexible?
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 44 Relatório
A tax paid on goods manufactured and consumed in your country is called
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 45 Relatório
The body charged with the responsibility monitoring the quality of goods supplied is the
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 46 Relatório
Obi received a cheque for N1000 from Mr. Ade and this cheque was stolen. He must
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 47 Relatório
A holding company is one which holds shares in another company up to
Detalhes da Resposta
Pergunta 48 Relatório
The main objective of nationalization of industries is to
Detalhes da Resposta
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