Resources To Be Conserved: Soil, Water, Wildlife

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Conservation of natural resources is a critical aspect of biology that focuses on preserving and protecting the environment for future generations. In this course material, we will delve into the specific resources that need to be conserved, namely soil, water, and wildlife. Understanding the importance of conserving these resources is essential for maintaining ecological balance and sustaining life on Earth.

Soil Conservation:

Soil is a vital natural resource that supports plant growth, provides nutrients, and serves as a habitat for various organisms. However, soil erosion, degradation, and pollution pose significant threats to soil conservation. Erosion, caused by factors such as deforestation and improper agricultural practices, leads to the loss of topsoil and affects soil fertility. To conserve soil, techniques such as contour plowing, terracing, and agroforestry are employed to prevent erosion and maintain soil health.

Water Conservation:

Water is crucial for all living organisms, and its conservation is essential to ensure a sustainable supply for human consumption, agriculture, and ecosystem health. Threats to water conservation include pollution, over-extraction, and climate change. Strategies such as rainwater harvesting, wastewater treatment, and watershed management are implemented to conserve water resources. By protecting water bodies and promoting water-saving practices, we can contribute to water conservation efforts.

Wildlife Conservation:

Wildlife plays a key role in maintaining ecosystem balance and biodiversity. However, habitat destruction, poaching, and pollution endanger many species and disrupt natural ecosystems. Conservation efforts aim to protect endangered species, preserve habitats, and raise awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation. Measures like establishing protected areas, implementing wildlife laws, and promoting sustainable practices help in safeguarding wildlife and their habitats.

Relationship Between Immunization, Vaccination, and Inoculation:

In addition to conserving natural resources, it is essential to understand the terms immunization, vaccination, and inoculation in the context of disease prevention. Immunization refers to the process of making an individual immune or resistant to a specific disease. Vaccination involves administering a vaccine to stimulate the immune system and provide immunity against a particular pathogen. Inoculation, on the other hand, historically referred to the practice of introducing a disease-causing agent into the body to generate immunity, but it is now commonly used interchangeably with vaccination.


Overall, conservation of soil, water, and wildlife is imperative for preserving the environment and ensuring the sustainability of ecosystems. By understanding the importance of conserving these resources, identifying the threats they face, implementing conservation strategies, evaluating human impacts, and proposing sustainable solutions, we can actively contribute to protecting and conserving our natural environment for future generations.


  1. Propose solutions for sustainable conservation of soil, water, and wildlife
  2. Explain the strategies and techniques used in conserving soil, water, and wildlife
  3. Identify the threats facing soil, water, and wildlife conservation
  4. Understand the importance of conserving soil, water, and wildlife
  5. Evaluate the impact of human activities on soil, water, and wildlife conservation

Nota de Aula

Conserving our natural resources is essential for maintaining ecological balance and ensuring the sustainability of life on Earth. Among these resources, soil, water, and wildlife stand out as fundamental components of our environment. This article explores the importance of conserving these resources, identifies threats they face, and proposes strategies for their sustainable management.

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  1. What is the term used to describe the action of making individuals immune to a specific disease? A. Immunization B. Vaccination C. Inoculation D. Antibody production Answer: A. Immunization
  2. Which of the following terms refers to the administration of a vaccine to stimulate the immune system against a specific disease? A. Immunization B. Vaccination C. Inoculation D. Antibody production Answer: B. Vaccination
  3. When a person is exposed to a weakened or killed pathogen to produce immunity, what term is used to describe this process? A. Immunization B. Vaccination C. Inoculation D. Antibody production Answer: C. Inoculation
  4. What is the primary goal of conserving soil, water, and wildlife resources? A. Utilization B. Exploitation C. Preservation D. Depletion Answer: C. Preservation
  5. Which of the following is a threat facing soil conservation? A. Sustainable land use B. Deforestation C. Recycling D. Organic farming Answer: B. Deforestation
  6. What strategy involves implementing crop rotation and cover cropping to improve soil health? A. Sustainable farming B. Overgrazing C. Monoculture D. Pesticide use Answer: A. Sustainable farming
  7. How do human activities like pollution and deforestation impact water conservation? A. Improve water quality B. Conserve water resources C. Lead to water pollution D. Increase water availability Answer: C. Lead to water pollution
  8. What is a technique used in wildlife conservation to protect endangered species from extinction? A. Habitat destruction B. Poaching C. Captive breeding D. Invasive species introduction Answer: C. Captive breeding
  9. Which human activity contributes to soil erosion and degradation? A. Agroforestry B. Terracing C. Deforestation D. Soil conservation practices Answer: C. Deforestation
  10. What is a sustainable solution for conserving soil, water, and wildlife resources? A. Increased use of chemical fertilizers B. Habitat destruction C. Implementation of conservation laws D. Overexploitation of natural resources Answer: C. Implementation of conservation laws

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These groups of bacteria are harmless EXCEPT

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Which of the following is an example of a microorganism in action as a disease vector?

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(a) What are conversation laws?

(i) State three conservation laws

(b) State two reasons why animals are poached.

(i) Name five animals that are commonly poached.

(c) State four effects of excessive use of the forest.

(d) Explain briefly the following terms: i.blood transfusion ii.antigen

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