The Administration Of The Colony And Constitutional Developments Up To 1947

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Welcome to this course material on the history of Sierra Leone, focusing on the administrative structures and constitutional developments during the 20th century. By studying this period, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of colonial rule on Sierra Leone's development, as well as the political, social, and economic changes that occurred.

Administrative Structures in Sierra Leone

The administrative structures in Sierra Leone during the 20th century were crucial in shaping the governance of the colony. The British colonial authorities established a system that consisted of both local and British officials. Local chiefs and leaders played a significant role in the governance of their communities, working in conjunction with British officials to manage the affairs of the colony.

Impact of Colonial Rule on Development

Colonial rule had a profound impact on the development of Sierra Leone. The British imposed their administrative systems, laws, and customs, which significantly influenced the political and social landscape of the colony. The exploitation of natural resources, such as diamonds and gold, also played a role in shaping Sierra Leone's economic development during this period.

Constitutional Developments up to 1947

Before 1947, Sierra Leone underwent several constitutional developments that laid the foundation for future governance structures. The introduction of legislative councils and the gradual inclusion of African representatives in the decision-making process marked important milestones in the colony's constitutional evolution. These developments paved the way for increased political participation and representation for Sierra Leoneans.

Role of Local and British Officials

Local and British officials played pivotal roles in the administration of Sierra Leone. While British officials held positions of authority within the government, local leaders wielded influence at the grassroots level. Collaboration between these two groups was essential for effective governance and the implementation of policies that affected the local population.

Political, Social, and Economic Changes

Throughout the 20th century, Sierra Leone experienced significant political, social, and economic changes. The gradual shift towards self-governance, increased nationalist sentiments, and the emergence of political parties reflected the evolving landscape of the colony. Socially, urbanization and changes in traditional structures reshaped Sierra Leonean society, while economic developments influenced by colonial policies and global markets impacted the livelihoods of the population.

This course material will delve deeper into these topics, providing a comprehensive overview of Sierra Leone's history from 1900 to 1947. Through analysis and evaluation, we aim to gain insights into the complexities of colonial administration and constitutional developments in this significant period of Sierra Leonean history.


  1. Evaluate the role of local and British officials in the administration of the colony
  2. Examine the impact of colonial rule on the development of Sierra Leone
  3. Assess the political, social, and economic changes during this period in Sierra Leone
  4. Understand the administrative structures in Sierra Leone during the 20th century
  5. Analyze the constitutional developments in Sierra Leone up to 1947

Nota de Aula

Sierra Leone, a former British colony, experienced significant changes in its administrative structures and constitutional developments between its establishment as a colony and its path to independence in 1961. The period up to 1947 saw the interplay of various factors that shaped the political, social, and economic landscape of the colony. This article provides an in-depth look into the administration of the colony and the constitutional developments up to 1947.

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  1. What was the administrative structure in Sierra Leone during the 20th century? A. Traditional leadership system B. Direct colonial rule C. Indirect rule through local authorities D. Democratic system Answer: C. Indirect rule through local authorities
  2. How did colonial rule impact the development of Sierra Leone? A. Hindered economic growth B. Accelerated infrastructural development C. Enforced cultural assimilation D. Promoted local governance Answer: B. Accelerated infrastructural development
  3. Who was mainly responsible for the administration of the Sierra Leone colony up to 1947? A. Local chiefs and leaders B. British monarch C. British colonial officials D. European missionaries Answer: C. British colonial officials
  4. What was a key feature of the constitutional developments in Sierra Leone up to 1947? A. Introduction of universal suffrage B. Establishment of a bicameral legislature C. Limited representation for indigenous populations D. Creation of a constitution with British approval Answer: D. Creation of a constitution with British approval
  5. What was the role of British officials in the administration of Sierra Leone during this period? A. Maintaining traditional African institutions B. Implementing British laws and policies C. Promoting independence movements D. Overseeing religious affairs Answer: B. Implementing British laws and policies

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