Program Development


Welcome to the fascinating world of Computer Studies, where we delve into the intricacies of program development to enhance problem-solving skills. In this course material, we will explore the comprehensive process involved in creating efficient and reliable computer programs.

Defining a program is the foundational step in our journey. A program can be defined as a set of instructions that a computer follows to perform a specific task. These instructions are written in a language that the computer understands, enabling it to execute tasks accurately and efficiently.

Understanding the characteristics of a good program is paramount. A good program exhibits various traits such as accuracy, readability, maintainability, efficiency, generality, and clarity. Accuracy ensures that the program produces correct results, readability enhances understanding for easier modification, while maintainability simplifies future changes and updates.

During program development, several precautions must be observed. It is essential to be stable, steady, and patient throughout the process. Skipping steps or deviating from the order of execution can lead to errors and inefficiencies. As such, following the structured steps is crucial for a successful program development cycle.

The steps involved in program development are a systematic approach to creating reliable software solutions. It begins with problem definition, followed by problem analysis, design development using flowcharts or algorithms, program coding, compilation, testing/debugging, documentation, and ends with program maintenance. Each step plays a vital role in ensuring the quality and functionality of the program.

Furthermore, examples of programs can be categorized as interpreted or compiled. Interpreted programs like BASIC, Java, and Python are executed line by line, while compiled programs like COBOL, FORTRAN, C, Java undergo compilation before execution, resulting in faster performance.

Through this course material, you will gain a profound understanding of program development, its characteristics, precautions, and the essential steps involved in creating effective computer programs. Embrace the challenge, enhance your problem-solving skills, and unlock the endless possibilities in the realm of Computer Studies.


  1. Provide Examples of Interpreted and Compiled Programs
  2. Define a Program
  3. List Characteristics of a Good Program
  4. Outline the Steps Involved in Program Development
  5. State the Precautions Required in Program Development

Lesson Note

Program development is the structured process of creating software, which involves coding, testing, debugging, documenting, and maintaining applications and frameworks. It is essential for understanding how computers and digital devices execute various tasks assigned to them.

Lesson Evaluation

Congratulations on completing the lesson on Program Development. Now that youve explored the key concepts and ideas, its time to put your knowledge to the test. This section offers a variety of practice questions designed to reinforce your understanding and help you gauge your grasp of the material.

You will encounter a mix of question types, including multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and essay questions. Each question is thoughtfully crafted to assess different aspects of your knowledge and critical thinking skills.

Use this evaluation section as an opportunity to reinforce your understanding of the topic and to identify any areas where you may need additional study. Don't be discouraged by any challenges you encounter; instead, view them as opportunities for growth and improvement.

  1. Define a program and list two characteristics of a good program. A. A set of instructions for the computer to follow
  2. B. A device driver for hardware components
  3. C. Readability and Efficiency
  4. D. Hardware specifications for a computer
  5. Answer: A. A set of instructions for the computer to follow
  6. What is an important precaution in program development? A. Skipping steps for faster completion
  7. B. Being stable, steady, and patient
  8. C. Not following the order of execution
  9. D. Ignoring program documentation
  10. Answer: B. Being stable, steady, and patient
  11. Which step is typically the first in program development? A. Program testing/debugging
  12. B. Problem analysis
  13. C. Program compilation
  14. D. Program Maintenance
  15. Answer: B. Problem analysis
  16. What is an example of an interpreted program? A. COBOL
  17. B. FORTRAN
  18. C. Python
  19. D. C
  20. Answer: C. Python
  21. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good program? A. Clarity
  22. B. Efficiency
  23. C. Generality
  24. D. Complexity
  25. Answer: D. Complexity
  26. During program coding, what is developed to represent the logic of the program? A. Program compilation
  27. B. Program documentation
  28. C. Design (Flow charting/algorithm)
  29. D. Problem definition
  30. Answer: C. Design (Flow charting/algorithm)
  31. What is a key feature of a compiled program? A. Can be run directly without prior translation
  32. B. Slow to execute
  33. C. Examples include BASIC and Python
  34. D. Requires an interpreter to execute
  35. Answer: A. Can be run directly without prior translation
  36. Which of the following is not a step involved in program development? A. Problem analysis
  37. B. Program deployment
  38. C. Program maintenance
  39. D. Program testing/debugging
  40. Answer: B. Program deployment
  41. Why is maintainability an essential characteristic of a good program? A. To ensure the program runs faster
  42. B. To make it easier to fix bugs and add new features
  43. C. To increase program complexity
  44. D. To reduce program efficiency
  45. Answer: B. To make it easier to fix bugs and add new features
  46. What should be avoided in the development of a program? A. Being stable, steady, and patient
  47. B. Following the order of execution
  48. C. Skipping steps
  49. D. Documenting the program
  50. Answer: C. Skipping steps

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Question 1 Report

A palindrome is a word which can be written in reversed order and it retains its meaning and spelling,Examples are lawal,ada,abba,etc

Write a simple QBASIC instruction that will accept a word from the keyboard and check if it is a palindrome or not. The palindrome must display a message showing if the word is palindrome or not.

Practice a number of Program Development past questions