Sarautun Gargajiya (Traditional Authority)


Sarautun Gargajiya, or Traditional Authority, holds significant importance in the Hausa culture, playing a central role in the governance and social structure of the community. The traditional leaders, known as Sarkin Gargajiya or Hakimin Gargajiya, are revered figures who wield both political and social influence.

They are responsible for upholding the customs and traditions passed down through generations, ensuring societal harmony and cohesion. One of the primary objectives of studying Sarautun Gargajiya is to understand the intricate hierarchy and power dynamics within the traditional authority system. The sarki (king) occupies the highest position, symbolizing authority and leadership. Below the sarki are the hakimai (district heads) who oversee specific geographical regions, ensuring that the laws and customs are enforced effectively. Additionally, the dagatai (village heads) play a crucial role in maintaining order and settling disputes within their respective communities. Furthermore, the relationship between the sarki and his council of advisors, comprising shantali (cabinet members), jakadiya (guards), and baraya (heralds), reflects the collective decision-making process aimed at promoting the welfare of the people.

The sarki relies on the wisdom and counsel of these individuals to address governance issues, resolve conflicts, and maintain peace and stability within the kingdom. In Hausa culture, the traditional authority extends beyond political governance to encompass various aspects of daily life. The sarki and his council are involved in overseeing religious practices, cultural events, and community celebrations, ensuring that these traditions are preserved and upheld. Additionally, they serve as custodians of history and oral traditions, passing down knowledge and values to future generations.

Studying Sarautun Gargajiya provides insights into the social fabric of Hausa society, highlighting the interconnectedness between the rulers and the ruled, the leaders and the community members. It emphasizes the importance of respect, obedience, and loyalty towards traditional leaders, showcasing the deep-rooted cultural norms that govern interpersonal relationships and societal interactions.

Moreover, exploring the roles and responsibilities of traditional authorities such as the sarki, hakimai, and dagatai sheds light on the mechanisms through which governance is effectively carried out in traditional Hausa communities. Understanding the significance of Sarautun Gargajiya is essential for appreciating the rich cultural heritage and legacy that continues to shape the identity of the Hausa people to this day.

By delving into the intricacies of Traditional Authority in Hausa culture, students can develop a nuanced understanding of the values, customs, and practices that underpin societal organization and governance within the community. This knowledge not only fosters appreciation for the traditional leadership structures but also cultivates respect for the cultural heritage that forms the bedrock of Hausa identity. I hope this overview provides a comprehensive insight into the topic of Sarautun Gargajiya in Hausa culture.


  1. Zayyana Hawa-Hawan Muƙami
  2. Zayyana Su Ta Fuskar Ire-Iren Muƙamai
  3. Tantance Aikin Kowane Mai Muƙami
  4. Tantance Mahimmancin Kowane Muƙami

Lesson Note

Sarautun gargajiya, ko kuma tsarin mulki na gargajiya, yana da muhimmanci sosai a al’ummar Hausawa. Wannan tsarin mulki yana haɗaka da Sarki, Galadima, Madaki da kuma sauran sarakunan da ke taka rawar gani wajen kula da al’ummar su. Sarautun gargajiya yana cike da kaya-da-tsari wanda aka gada daga kakanni, kuma yana tafiyar da lamarin mulki ta hanyar al'ada da dokoki na gargajiya.

Lesson Evaluation

Congratulations on completing the lesson on Sarautun Gargajiya (Traditional Authority). Now that youve explored the key concepts and ideas, its time to put your knowledge to the test. This section offers a variety of practice questions designed to reinforce your understanding and help you gauge your grasp of the material.

You will encounter a mix of question types, including multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and essay questions. Each question is thoughtfully crafted to assess different aspects of your knowledge and critical thinking skills.

Use this evaluation section as an opportunity to reinforce your understanding of the topic and to identify any areas where you may need additional study. Don't be discouraged by any challenges you encounter; instead, view them as opportunities for growth and improvement.

  1. What is the traditional title of a Hausa king? A. Sarkin Kano B. Emir of Lagos C. Oba of Benin D. Ooni of Ife Answer: A. Sarkin Kano
  2. Who is responsible for upholding the customs and traditions of the Hausa people? A. Sarki B. Hakimi C. Wakili D. Dan Isan Kano Answer: A. Sarki
  3. Which of the following is a traditional authority figure among the Hausa people? A. Malam B. Magaji C. Waziri D. Shehu Answer: C. Waziri
  4. What is the role of the Jakadiya in traditional authority among the Hausa people? A. Chief Judge B. Chief Priest C. Chief Warrior D. Chief Advisor Answer: C. Chief Warrior
  5. Who is responsible for the administration of justice in the traditional Hausa society? A. Kauran Gwani B. Dangaladiman Kano C. Galadima D. Galadanci Answer: A. Kauran Gwani

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Past Questions

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Question 1 Report

Tambayoyi a kan AL’ADU
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Practice a number of Sarautun Gargajiya (Traditional Authority) past questions