
WAEC SSCE - English Language - 1991

Ibeere 1 Ìròyìn

In the following passage the numbered gaps indicate missing words:Against each number in the list below each passage five choices are offered in the columns lettered A to E. For each question, choose the most suitable word to fill the numbered gap in the passage.
Not all insects are -66- and amongst those which are, the honey bees. Besides the honey they -67- they perform an even move important service by -68- flowers. The -69- method of obtaining honey in African countries is to allow wild bees to enter a -70- and then later to smoke out the bees with -71-. The food value of honey is -72- high; it is derived from -73-, which is merely a sugary solution in water. In honey most of this sugar has been changed into another -74- which, when eaten, is very easily -75- into the blood -76-. An -77- is the name of the place where the beehieves are kept. Bees require water, and this should be provided if not -78- available. A honey -79- is the place where the honey is stored and it is very important that the bees are not destroyed when the honey is -80-.

In question numbered 73 above, choose the best option from letters A - E that best completes the gap.