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Pregunta 1 Informe
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).
The girl is angry with her friend who had ensnared her into this relationship.
Detalles de la respuesta
The word "ensnared" means to trap or capture someone, usually through deceit or trickery. Therefore, the option nearest in meaning to "ensnared" is "tricked". In this context, it means the girl's friend deceived her into entering the relationship, and she's now angry about it.
Pregunta 2 Informe
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).
Mrs. Asio wanted her sister to stop being so detached.
Detalles de la respuesta
"Detached" means showing a lack of interest or involvement, and often emotional distance. Therefore, the option nearest in meaning to "detached" is "indifferent," which means showing no interest, concern or sympathy.
Pregunta 3 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
Getting a well paid job nowadays is an _____ task?
Detalles de la respuesta
Getting a well paid job nowadays is an uphill task. The phrase "uphill task" means a difficult or challenging task that requires a lot of effort to accomplish. In this context, the statement implies that it is difficult to find a well-paid job in today's job market. Therefore, the option that best completes the gap is "uphill."
Pregunta 4 Informe
Choose the option that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the underlined letter.
Detalles de la respuesta
The option that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the underlined letter is "Bean". The underlined letter in "Regal" is 'e', and it has the same vowel sound as the letter 'e' in "Bean".
Pregunta 5 Informe
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).
The mistake brought the show to an ignominious end.
Detalles de la respuesta
The option nearest in meaning to the underlined word "ignominious" is "a disgraceful". "Ignominious" means marked by or attended with ignominy, which is a feeling of shame or dishonor. In the context of the sentence, the mistake brought the show to an end that was disgraceful or marked by shame, indicating that it was not a good outcome. The other options, "a good", "a palatable", and "a satisfactory", do not convey the same level of shame or dishonor as "a disgraceful".
Pregunta 6 Informe
The passage below has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most appropriate option for each gap. Each question carries 2 marks.
Believe it or not, change is to human existence what the blood is to the human body. We live in era of amazing …. 16…. [A. well-defined B. fast-paced C. favourable D. social] change spawned by advancing technology and industrialization. However, man’s …17…. [A. knowledge of B. attitude to C. commitment to D. opinion of] promoting and defending change in a deliberate effort to establish…18… [A. customs B. companies C. trade-zones D. variations] that stimulate advancement for man’s concern is proving unfavourable to the climate with threatening ...19… [A. repercussions B. clouds C. pressure D. implication].
Human-induced climate change has awakened widespread concern across the globe. As a matter of fact, climate change is now 20 [A. an acceptable B. a foremost C. the only D. the last] global issue. It is a major test of Africa’s ….21…. [A. popularity B. energy C. ingenuity D. incapability] ! the fourth Assessment Report {AR4} of the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed that human actions are changing the earth’s climate and creating maker disturbances in human ….22…[A. geography B. societies C. systems D life] and ecosystems. The IPCC reports that the world has warned by an average of 0.76oC since pre-industrial times. The rising global …23…. [A. command B. demand C. warming D. supply] for energy and the adverse changes in the climate put the earth and its inhabitants in a catch -22 situation.
Again, if the effects of climate change on each were commensurate with the level of greenhouse …24 …. [A. structure B. paints C. emulsion D. emissions] in spews out, perhaps Africa would have been spared and would probably be just an amused spectator. But it is, this is not the case. Here again, we see well-meaning global citizens appealing for the rest of the world to take responsibility for the problems of Africa, a strategy that cannot, thus far, termed ….25…. [A. notable B. liable C. credible D. flexible]
In question number 25 above, choose the best option from letters A - D that best completes the gap.Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 7 Informe
Select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence.
If he were here, could be more fun.
Detalles de la respuesta
The sentence "If he were here, it could be more fun" suggests that the person being referred to is not currently present, but if he were present, the situation or occasion would be more enjoyable or entertaining. Therefore, the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence is "He did not show up, so the occasion lacked much fun". This option implies that the person being referred to was expected to attend the occasion but did not show up, causing the occasion to be less enjoyable.
Pregunta 8 Informe
Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
'Agoshito is a callow youth', said the teacher.
Detalles de la respuesta
- an experienced
Pregunta 9 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
Audu took these actions purely _____ his own career?
Detalles de la respuesta
The correct option is "in furtherance of". This phrase means that Audu took those actions to advance or promote his own career. The preposition "in" is used to indicate the purpose or intention behind the actions. The other options are incorrect because they either use the wrong preposition or have incorrect phrasing.
Pregunta 10 Informe
The word in capital letters has the emphatic stress. Choose the option to which the given sentence relates.
The POLICE arrested the suspect.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 11 Informe
Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
His antipathy affected the growth of his business.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 12 Informe
The passage below has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most appropriate option for each gap. Each question carries 2 marks.
Believe it or not, change is to human existence what the blood is to the human body. We live in era of amazing …. 16…. [A. well-defined B. fast-paced C. favourable D. social] change spawned by advancing technology and industrialization. However, man’s …17…. [A. knowledge of B. attitude to C. commitment to D. opinion of] promoting and defending change in a deliberate effort to establish…18… [A. customs B. companies C. trade-zones D. variations] that stimulate advancement for man’s concern is proving unfavourable to the climate with threatening ...19… [A. repercussions B. clouds C. pressure D. implication].
Human-induced climate change has awakened widespread concern across the globe. As a matter of fact, climate change is now 20 [A. an acceptable B. a foremost C. the only D. the last] global issue. It is a major test of Africa’s ….21…. [A. popularity B. energy C. ingenuity D. incapability] ! the fourth Assessment Report {AR4} of the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed that human actions are changing the earth’s climate and creating maker disturbances in human ….22…[A. geography B. societies C. systems D life] and ecosystems. The IPCC reports that the world has warned by an average of 0.76oC since pre-industrial times. The rising global …23…. [A. command B. demand C. warming D. supply] for energy and the adverse changes in the climate put the earth and its inhabitants in a catch -22 situation.
Again, if the effects of climate change on each were commensurate with the level of greenhouse …24 …. [A. structure B. paints C. emulsion D. emissions] in spews out, perhaps Africa would have been spared and would probably be just an amused spectator. But it is, this is not the case. Here again, we see well-meaning global citizens appealing for the rest of the world to take responsibility for the problems of Africa, a strategy that cannot, thus far, termed ….25…. [A. notable B. liable C. credible D. flexible]
In question number 23 above, choose the best option from letters A - D that best completes the gap.Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 13 Informe
Though assumption is the lowest level of knowledge; It is still a form of knowledge, and knowledge is key. Assumptions are the foundation upon which interpretations and conclusion are built. Everything I life operates under certain assumptions.
We make management decisions based on the assumptions we hold about how management ought to function and how people ought to be governed. For others, it is unconsciously but potent all the same. Our assumptions will either drown us or help us soar through life.
We have always seen life as an immense mansion with many rooms. Some roots lead to wealth others to the opposite. Ultimately, we decide where was end up; and life, thus far, has proved that every one of us decides well. We all behave differently where we have different levels of understanding, and behave the same way where our understanding is the same. We eat because we all understand the consequences of not eating. We all wear clothes because each of us comprehends lunacy. The list goes on and on. It is inevitable that some of us will make choices that get and keep us on the lover rung of the ladder by reason of exposure, training or some other variables. Life is about roleplaying. We choose our roles wisely or foolishly, consciously or unconsciously. Some of us get wiser to new levels of self-awareness enough to redefine our roles. Others make no effort to build further capacity and therefore remain where they are.
It is based on these realities that we draw the conclusion that not everyone will be wealthy in life. We lead, inspire and motivate people to strive and succeed. It is also important that we paint the full and true picture of life so that we an discourage vain pursuits. Balance must be enthroned as a critical component of truth, and people know, for instance that ‘top ‘is not a place that all must ascent.
Our greatest consolation lies in our deep conviction that true prosperity is in fulfilment through hard work that in intangible acquisitions. There are set roles that some of us have been wired up to paying life but which we are not content enough to pay because society esteems such roles to be inferior. Take the almost sacred office of a teacher for instance, there are people who have the natural gifts and inclinations to be school teachers. but the teaching profession, as it is, does not appear to be lucrative. So we have people who would have been fulfilled and effective working as school teachers serving in banks.
From the passage, it can be inferred thatDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 14 Informe
In 1962, a team of scientists produced a special radio station that had a range of fifteen moles. Even though communication was being accomplished in space at a range of more than a million times this distance, the new radio station caused must excitement among scientists. The reason: its power supply was ‘battery ‘made of bacteria. For the first time, practical amounts of electricity were being produced by a form of life and put to use.
‘biocell’, the new power supply had a liquid fuel containing tiny forms of life that changed the fuel directly into electric energy. This was far more than an interesting experiment. The biocell is being developed as producer of electricity for radios, for signals to guide ships, for lighting and for other uses. Thought the working biocell is only a few years old, some scientists feel that it will one day produce power cheaply as is now being done by other methods, and that the biocell will use materials that would otherwise be considered a waste. Early biocells were powered with sugar, but a wide range of fuels can be used. Work is being done using sea water to feed the bacteria.
Electricity from living cells is no new idea. Man experienced the strange ‘shock ‘produced by some fish even before electricity was really discovered. Then in time, there were other discoveries. Benjamin Franklin found that lightning in the sky was electricity. Lulgi Galvani found some electricity in the muscles and nerves of animals. Bust the African catfish produces far more electricity than most other living creatures. And another fish, the electric eel, well named, for it has an even greater electric charge. Research works also discovered that even humns produce small amounts of electricity in their bodies. Our hearts produce a very small amount that can be measured, so do our brains. The biocell is completely new in the field of power production and, as yet, no mass-produced models have begun to replace the older types of batteries. It might be wondered, and then what the excitement is all about.
According to the passage, electricity was first discovered inDetalles de la respuesta
According to the passage, electricity was first discovered in fish. The discovery was made when scientists observed the strange "shock" produced by some fish. Later, researchers found that even humans produce small amounts of electricity in their bodies, such as the hearts and brains.
Pregunta 15 Informe
Choose the option that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the underlined letter(s).
Detalles de la respuesta
The option that has the same vowel sound as the underlined letter "ea" in "bean" is "yield." The vowel sound in "yield" is pronounced as /iː/, which is the same sound represented by the letters "ea" in "bean."
Pregunta 16 Informe
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).
Some drugs have a deleterious effect on a child's development.
Detalles de la respuesta
The word nearest in meaning to "deleterious" is "harmful." "Deleterious" means having a harmful effect, while "harmful" means causing harm or injury. "Debilitating" means causing weakness or disability, while "healing" means making or becoming healthy again.
Pregunta 17 Informe
Choose the option that has the same consonant sound as the one represented by the underlined letter(s).
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 18 Informe
Like a clock with the pendulum in full swing, the mind moves as fast as time. But we ought to mind our thoughts, for if they turn to be our enemies. They will too many for us and will drag us down to ruin.
But some people may say that they cannot help having bad thought even though they sting like vipers. That may be son, but the question is do they hate them or not? We cannot keep thieves from looking in at our windows, but if we open our doors to them and receive them joyfully, we are bad as they. We cannot help the birds flying over our heads; but we may keep form building their nests in our hair. Vain thoughts will knock at the door but we must not open to them.
Though bad and evil thoughts rise in our hearts, they must not be allowed to reign. He who turns a morsel over and over in his mouth does so because he likes flavours, and he who meditates upon evil, loves it, and is ripe to commit it. think of the devil, and he will appear, turn your thoughts towards will and your hands will soon follow. Snails leave their slime behind them, and so do vain thoughts. An arrow may fly through the air, and level no trace, but an evil though always leaves a trail like serpent.
Where are is much traffic of bad thinking, there will be much mire and dirty. Every wave of wicked thought adds something to the corruption which rots upon the shore of life. It is dreadful to think that a vile imagination. Once indulged, gets the key of our minds, and an get in again very easily, whether or not we let it in, and what may follow, no one knows,. Nurse evil on the laps of thought, and it will grow into a giant.
Therefore, there is wisdom in watching every day, the thoughts and imaginations of our hearts. Good thoughts are blessed guests and should be welcomed, well fed, and much sought after, but bad thoughts must fly out as swiftly as they moved in.
Which of the following represents the writer's view in the passage?Detalles de la respuesta
The writer's view in the passage is that evil thoughts may come to our minds but there is wisdom in keeping them out. The writer emphasizes the importance of monitoring our thoughts and not allowing evil thoughts to take over our minds. The writer compares evil thoughts to thieves and vipers, and emphasizes that we should not welcome them into our minds but instead, we should focus on cultivating good thoughts. Therefore, the option that represents the writer's view in the passage is "Evil thoughts may come but there is virtue in keeping them out".
Pregunta 19 Informe
Choose the option that rhymes with the given word.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 20 Informe
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).
Their new house was roofed with corrugated sheets.
Detalles de la respuesta
The word "corrugated" refers to a type of material that is shaped with parallel ridges and grooves. Therefore, the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word is "folded", as it also describes a material that has been bent or shaped into ridges and grooves. The other options ("iron", "aluminium", "corrupted") do not have the same meaning as "corrugated".
Pregunta 21 Informe
The word in capital letters has the emphatic stress. Choose the option to which the given sentence relates.
Maiduguri is the CAPITAL of Borno State.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 22 Informe
Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
Nkechi was a novice when she was first employed.
Detalles de la respuesta
The word "novice" refers to someone who is new to a particular job or activity and lacks experience or skill. Out of the given options, the word that is opposite in meaning to "novice" is "professional". A professional is someone who has a high level of skill and expertise in a particular job or activity, often as a result of many years of experience and training. Therefore, if Nkechi was a novice when she was first employed, it means that she was inexperienced and lacked skill in her job. Conversely, if she were a professional, she would have a high level of skill and expertise in her job.
Pregunta 23 Informe
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).
Fila has always been described as belligerent.
Detalles de la respuesta
The underlined word "belligerent" means "combative" or "aggressive". Therefore, the option that is nearest in meaning to "belligerent" is "combative". The sentence means that Fila has always been described as aggressive or combative.
Pregunta 24 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
When his car tyre ______ on the way, he did not know what to do.
Detalles de la respuesta
The correct option to complete the sentence is "burst". The verb "burst" is the past simple form of the verb "burst" which means to break open or apart suddenly, often with a loud noise. In the sentence, the context implies that the car tyre punctured or suddenly exploded while the car was in motion. Therefore, "burst" is the appropriate verb to use in this context. Option "has burst" uses the present perfect tense, which is incorrect because the sentence refers to an action that happened in the past. Option "bursted" is not a correct verb form. The past tense of "burst" is simply "burst" and it is an irregular verb. Option "had burst" uses the past perfect tense, which would suggest that the bursting of the tyre had occurred before another past event, but there is no such event mentioned in the sentence. Therefore, the correct sentence is: "When his car tyre burst on the way, he did not know what to do."
Pregunta 25 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
The school authority dismissed him for _____ but I won't tell you about it yet?
Detalles de la respuesta
- a certain reason
Pregunta 26 Informe
Select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence.
Even though Susan was the last in the examination, her result wasn't too different from what had been expected.
Detalles de la respuesta
The option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence is "Her result was as expected." This means that although Susan was the last in the examination, her result was not too far from what had been predicted.
Pregunta 27 Informe
In 1962, a team of scientists produced a special radio station that had a range of fifteen moles. Even though communication was being accomplished in space at a range of more than a million times this distance, the new radio station caused must excitement among scientists. The reason: its power supply was ‘battery ‘made of bacteria. For the first time, practical amounts of electricity were being produced by a form of life and put to use.
‘biocell’, the new power supply had a liquid fuel containing tiny forms of life that changed the fuel directly into electric energy. This was far more than an interesting experiment. The biocell is being developed as producer of electricity for radios, for signals to guide ships, for lighting and for other uses. Thought the working biocell is only a few years old, some scientists feel that it will one day produce power cheaply as is now being done by other methods, and that the biocell will use materials that would otherwise be considered a waste. Early biocells were powered with sugar, but a wide range of fuels can be used. Work is being done using sea water to feed the bacteria.
Electricity from living cells is no new idea. Man experienced the strange ‘shock ‘produced by some fish even before electricity was really discovered. Then in time, there were other discoveries. Benjamin Franklin found that lightning in the sky was electricity. Lulgi Galvani found some electricity in the muscles and nerves of animals. Bust the African catfish produces far more electricity than most other living creatures. And another fish, the electric eel, well named, for it has an even greater electric charge. Research works also discovered that even humns produce small amounts of electricity in their bodies. Our hearts produce a very small amount that can be measured, so do our brains. The biocell is completely new in the field of power production and, as yet, no mass-produced models have begun to replace the older types of batteries. It might be wondered, and then what the excitement is all about.
The writer's posture, as conveyed in the statement Electricity from living cells is no new idea, can be described as
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 28 Informe
Choose the option that rhymes with the given word.
Detalles de la respuesta
The word that rhymes with "Match" is "batch" (option B).
Pregunta 29 Informe
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).
The principal described Oche as the most tactful person he had ever worked with.
Detalles de la respuesta
The word "tactful" means having or showing sensitivity in dealing with others or difficult issues. The option nearest in meaning to "tactful" is "discreet," which also means careful and prudent in one's speech or actions, especially in order to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage. Therefore, the answer is "discreet."
Pregunta 30 Informe
Select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence.
Okon's company took a hit last year.
Detalles de la respuesta
The option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence is "His company was badly damaged last year". The sentence reads, "Okon's company took a hit last year", and the phrase "took a hit" is a colloquial expression that means to experience a significant negative impact or loss. In this context, it implies that Okon's company experienced some form of damage or loss, which suggests that it was not successful or improving. The other options, "His company improved last year", "His company made a huge success last year", and "His company was established last year", do not match the information conveyed in the sentence about the company experiencing a negative impact.
Pregunta 31 Informe
Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
The warring communities were coerced into negotiating a settlement.
Detalles de la respuesta
The opposite of "coerced" would be a word that means "not forced". The option that best represents this is "persuaded". If someone is persuaded to do something, it means they were convinced or talked into doing it willingly, rather than being forced to do it against their will.
Pregunta 32 Informe
Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
What you are asking me to do is herculean task?
Detalles de la respuesta
The word "herculean" is used to describe a task that is very difficult, and requires a lot of strength or effort to complete. The opposite of difficult is easy, therefore, the word that is opposite in meaning to "herculean" is "an easy" which means a task that is not difficult and can be completed without much effort.
Pregunta 33 Informe
Like a clock with the pendulum in full swing, the mind moves as fast as time. But we ought to mind our thoughts, for if they turn to be our enemies. They will too many for us and will drag us down to ruin.
But some people may say that they cannot help having bad thought even though they sting like vipers. That may be son, but the question is do they hate them or not? We cannot keep thieves from looking in at our windows, but if we open our doors to them and receive them joyfully, we are bad as they. We cannot help the birds flying over our heads; but we may keep form building their nests in our hair. Vain thoughts will knock at the door but we must not open to them.
Though bad and evil thoughts rise in our hearts, they must not be allowed to reign. He who turns a morsel over and over in his mouth does so because he likes flavours, and he who meditates upon evil, loves it, and is ripe to commit it. think of the devil, and he will appear, turn your thoughts towards will and your hands will soon follow. Snails leave their slime behind them, and so do vain thoughts. An arrow may fly through the air, and level no trace, but an evil though always leaves a trail like serpent.
Where are is much traffic of bad thinking, there will be much mire and dirty. Every wave of wicked thought adds something to the corruption which rots upon the shore of life. It is dreadful to think that a vile imagination. Once indulged, gets the key of our minds, and an get in again very easily, whether or not we let it in, and what may follow, no one knows,. Nurse evil on the laps of thought, and it will grow into a giant.
Therefore, there is wisdom in watching every day, the thoughts and imaginations of our hearts. Good thoughts are blessed guests and should be welcomed, well fed, and much sought after, but bad thoughts must fly out as swiftly as they moved in.
From the argument in the second paragraph, it can be concluded that evil thoughts control the lives of people whoDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 34 Informe
The passage below has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most appropriate option for each gap. Each question carries 2 marks.
Believe it or not, change is to human existence what the blood is to the human body. We live in era of amazing …. 16…. [A. well-defined B. fast-paced C. favourable D. social] change spawned by advancing technology and industrialization. However, man’s …17…. [A. knowledge of B. attitude to C. commitment to D. opinion of] promoting and defending change in a deliberate effort to establish…18… [A. customs B. companies C. trade-zones D. variations] that stimulate advancement for man’s concern is proving unfavourable to the climate with threatening ...19… [A. repercussions B. clouds C. pressure D. implication].
Human-induced climate change has awakened widespread concern across the globe. As a matter of fact, climate change is now 20 [A. an acceptable B. a foremost C. the only D. the last] global issue. It is a major test of Africa’s ….21…. [A. popularity B. energy C. ingenuity D. incapability] ! the fourth Assessment Report {AR4} of the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed that human actions are changing the earth’s climate and creating maker disturbances in human ….22…[A. geography B. societies C. systems D life] and ecosystems. The IPCC reports that the world has warned by an average of 0.76oC since pre-industrial times. The rising global …23…. [A. command B. demand C. warming D. supply] for energy and the adverse changes in the climate put the earth and its inhabitants in a catch -22 situation.
Again, if the effects of climate change on each were commensurate with the level of greenhouse …24 …. [A. structure B. paints C. emulsion D. emissions] in spews out, perhaps Africa would have been spared and would probably be just an amused spectator. But it is, this is not the case. Here again, we see well-meaning global citizens appealing for the rest of the world to take responsibility for the problems of Africa, a strategy that cannot, thus far, termed ….25…. [A. notable B. liable C. credible D. flexible]
In question number 24 above, choose the best option from letters A - D that best completes the gap.Detalles de la respuesta
The best option to complete the gap is "emissions". The sentence talks about the level of greenhouse gases that are being emitted into the atmosphere and causing climate change. The other options - "structure", "paints", and "emulsion" - are not related to the context and do not make sense in the sentence.
Pregunta 35 Informe
The passage below has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most appropriate option for each gap. Each question carries 2 marks.
Believe it or not, change is to human existence what the blood is to the human body. We live in era of amazing …. 16…. [A. well-defined B. fast-paced C. favourable D. social] change spawned by advancing technology and industrialization. However, man’s …17…. [A. knowledge of B. attitude to C. commitment to D. opinion of] promoting and defending change in a deliberate effort to establish…18… [A. customs B. companies C. trade-zones D. variations] that stimulate advancement for man’s concern is proving unfavourable to the climate with threatening ...19… [A. repercussions B. clouds C. pressure D. implication].
Human-induced climate change has awakened widespread concern across the globe. As a matter of fact, climate change is now 20 [A. an acceptable B. a foremost C. the only D. the last] global issue. It is a major test of Africa’s ….21…. [A. popularity B. energy C. ingenuity D. incapability] ! the fourth Assessment Report {AR4} of the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed that human actions are changing the earth’s climate and creating maker disturbances in human ….22…[A. geography B. societies C. systems D life] and ecosystems. The IPCC reports that the world has warned by an average of 0.76oC since pre-industrial times. The rising global …23…. [A. command B. demand C. warming D. supply] for energy and the adverse changes in the climate put the earth and its inhabitants in a catch -22 situation.
Again, if the effects of climate change on each were commensurate with the level of greenhouse …24 …. [A. structure B. paints C. emulsion D. emissions] in spews out, perhaps Africa would have been spared and would probably be just an amused spectator. But it is, this is not the case. Here again, we see well-meaning global citizens appealing for the rest of the world to take responsibility for the problems of Africa, a strategy that cannot, thus far, termed ….25…. [A. notable B. liable C. credible D. flexible]
In question number 21 above, choose the best option from letters A - D that best completes the gap.Detalles de la respuesta
The best option to complete the gap in question 21 is "ingenuity." The context of the passage suggests that climate change is a major challenge for Africa, and the word "ingenuity" refers to the ability to be creative and innovative in solving problems. Therefore, the sentence suggests that climate change is a test of Africa's ability to come up with creative solutions to address the challenges posed by climate change. Option A, "popularity," is not relevant to the context of the passage. Option B, "energy," is not a good fit because it does not capture the idea of creativity or innovation. Option D, "incapability," is too negative and does not fit with the tone of the passage, which suggests that climate change is a difficult challenge but one that can be addressed with the right approach.
Pregunta 36 Informe
In 1962, a team of scientists produced a special radio station that had a range of fifteen moles. Even though communication was being accomplished in space at a range of more than a million times this distance, the new radio station caused must excitement among scientists. The reason: its power supply was ‘battery ‘made of bacteria. For the first time, practical amounts of electricity were being produced by a form of life and put to use.
‘biocell’, the new power supply had a liquid fuel containing tiny forms of life that changed the fuel directly into electric energy. This was far more than an interesting experiment. The biocell is being developed as producer of electricity for radios, for signals to guide ships, for lighting and for other uses. Thought the working biocell is only a few years old, some scientists feel that it will one day produce power cheaply as is now being done by other methods, and that the biocell will use materials that would otherwise be considered a waste. Early biocells were powered with sugar, but a wide range of fuels can be used. Work is being done using sea water to feed the bacteria.
Electricity from living cells is no new idea. Man experienced the strange ‘shock ‘produced by some fish even before electricity was really discovered. Then in time, there were other discoveries. Benjamin Franklin found that lightning in the sky was electricity. Lulgi Galvani found some electricity in the muscles and nerves of animals. Bust the African catfish produces far more electricity than most other living creatures. And another fish, the electric eel, well named, for it has an even greater electric charge. Research works also discovered that even humns produce small amounts of electricity in their bodies. Our hearts produce a very small amount that can be measured, so do our brains. The biocell is completely new in the field of power production and, as yet, no mass-produced models have begun to replace the older types of batteries. It might be wondered, and then what the excitement is all about.
A suitable title for the passage isDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 37 Informe
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).
He compliments me on my way of doing things.
Detalles de la respuesta
The sentence implies that the speaker is being praised or appreciated for his/her way of doing things. Therefore, the best option nearest in meaning to the underlined word "compliments" is "praises".
Pregunta 38 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
Suara needn't come with us, _____?
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 39 Informe
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).
Her problem was exacerbated by the loss of her father.
Pregunta 40 Informe
Though assumption is the lowest level of knowledge; It is still a form of knowledge, and knowledge is key. Assumptions are the foundation upon which interpretations and conclusion are built. Everything I life operates under certain assumptions.
We make management decisions based on the assumptions we hold about how management ought to function and how people ought to be governed. For others, it is unconsciously but potent all the same. Our assumptions will either drown us or help us soar through life.
We have always seen life as an immense mansion with many rooms. Some roots lead to wealth others to the opposite. Ultimately, we decide where was end up; and life, thus far, has proved that every one of us decides well. We all behave differently where we have different levels of understanding, and behave the same way where our understanding is the same. We eat because we all understand the consequences of not eating. We all wear clothes because each of us comprehends lunacy. The list goes on and on. It is inevitable that some of us will make choices that get and keep us on the lover rung of the ladder by reason of exposure, training or some other variables. Life is about roleplaying. We choose our roles wisely or foolishly, consciously or unconsciously. Some of us get wiser to new levels of self-awareness enough to redefine our roles. Others make no effort to build further capacity and therefore remain where they are.
It is based on these realities that we draw the conclusion that not everyone will be wealthy in life. We lead, inspire and motivate people to strive and succeed. It is also important that we paint the full and true picture of life so that we an discourage vain pursuits. Balance must be enthroned as a critical component of truth, and people know, for instance that ‘top ‘is not a place that all must ascent.
Our greatest consolation lies in our deep conviction that true prosperity is in fulfilment through hard work that in intangible acquisitions. There are set roles that some of us have been wired up to paying life but which we are not content enough to pay because society esteems such roles to be inferior. Take the almost sacred office of a teacher for instance, there are people who have the natural gifts and inclinations to be school teachers. but the teaching profession, as it is, does not appear to be lucrative. So we have people who would have been fulfilled and effective working as school teachers serving in banks.
The word inclinations, as used in the passage, meansDetalles de la respuesta
The word "inclinations" as used in the passage means "tendencies". It refers to natural abilities and preferences that some individuals have towards certain professions or roles in life. The passage explains that some people may have an inclination towards teaching, but due to societal pressure or the perception of the teaching profession as not being lucrative, they may end up working in other fields such as banking.
Pregunta 41 Informe
Like a clock with the pendulum in full swing, the mind moves as fast as time. But we ought to mind our thoughts, for if they turn to be our enemies. They will too many for us and will drag us down to ruin.
But some people may say that they cannot help having bad thought even though they sting like vipers. That may be son, but the question is do they hate them or not? We cannot keep thieves from looking in at our windows, but if we open our doors to them and receive them joyfully, we are bad as they. We cannot help the birds flying over our heads; but we may keep form building their nests in our hair. Vain thoughts will knock at the door but we must not open to them.
Though bad and evil thoughts rise in our hearts, they must not be allowed to reign. He who turns a morsel over and over in his mouth does so because he likes flavours, and he who meditates upon evil, loves it, and is ripe to commit it. think of the devil, and he will appear, turn your thoughts towards will and your hands will soon follow. Snails leave their slime behind them, and so do vain thoughts. An arrow may fly through the air, and level no trace, but an evil though always leaves a trail like serpent.
Where are is much traffic of bad thinking, there will be much mire and dirty. Every wave of wicked thought adds something to the corruption which rots upon the shore of life. It is dreadful to think that a vile imagination. Once indulged, gets the key of our minds, and an get in again very easily, whether or not we let it in, and what may follow, no one knows,. Nurse evil on the laps of thought, and it will grow into a giant.
Therefore, there is wisdom in watching every day, the thoughts and imaginations of our hearts. Good thoughts are blessed guests and should be welcomed, well fed, and much sought after, but bad thoughts must fly out as swiftly as they moved in.
The expression Think of the devil and he will appear... as used in the passage, suggest thatDetalles de la respuesta
The expression "Think of the devil and he will appear..." as used in the passage suggests that uncontrolled evil thoughts may lead to evil deeds. The passage emphasizes the importance of minding our thoughts and not allowing bad and evil thoughts to reign in our hearts, as they can lead to destructive actions. The expression "Think of the devil and he will appear" means that dwelling on negative thoughts and imaginations can lead to their manifestation in reality, just as the devil is often associated with evil deeds. Therefore, it is important to watch our thoughts and cultivate good ones while rejecting bad ones.
Pregunta 42 Informe
Though assumption is the lowest level of knowledge; It is still a form of knowledge, and knowledge is key. Assumptions are the foundation upon which interpretations and conclusion are built. Everything I life operates under certain assumptions.
We make management decisions based on the assumptions we hold about how management ought to function and how people ought to be governed. For others, it is unconsciously but potent all the same. Our assumptions will either drown us or help us soar through life.
We have always seen life as an immense mansion with many rooms. Some roots lead to wealth others to the opposite. Ultimately, we decide where was end up; and life, thus far, has proved that every one of us decides well. We all behave differently where we have different levels of understanding, and behave the same way where our understanding is the same. We eat because we all understand the consequences of not eating. We all wear clothes because each of us comprehends lunacy. The list goes on and on. It is inevitable that some of us will make choices that get and keep us on the lover rung of the ladder by reason of exposure, training or some other variables. Life is about roleplaying. We choose our roles wisely or foolishly, consciously or unconsciously. Some of us get wiser to new levels of self-awareness enough to redefine our roles. Others make no effort to build further capacity and therefore remain where they are.
It is based on these realities that we draw the conclusion that not everyone will be wealthy in life. We lead, inspire and motivate people to strive and succeed. It is also important that we paint the full and true picture of life so that we an discourage vain pursuits. Balance must be enthroned as a critical component of truth, and people know, for instance that ‘top ‘is not a place that all must ascent.
Our greatest consolation lies in our deep conviction that true prosperity is in fulfilment through hard work that in intangible acquisitions. There are set roles that some of us have been wired up to paying life but which we are not content enough to pay because society esteems such roles to be inferior. Take the almost sacred office of a teacher for instance, there are people who have the natural gifts and inclinations to be school teachers. but the teaching profession, as it is, does not appear to be lucrative. So we have people who would have been fulfilled and effective working as school teachers serving in banks.
According to the passage, balance must be enthroned because it isDetalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 43 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
Unoka _____ the whole house to finds his missing wristwatch.
Detalles de la respuesta
The correct word to complete the sentence is "scoured". Explanation: "Scour" means to search thoroughly or carefully. The past tense of "scour" is "scoured". Therefore, the correct sentence is "Unoka scoured the whole house to find his missing wristwatch".
Pregunta 44 Informe
In 1962, a team of scientists produced a special radio station that had a range of fifteen moles. Even though communication was being accomplished in space at a range of more than a million times this distance, the new radio station caused must excitement among scientists. The reason: its power supply was ‘battery ‘made of bacteria. For the first time, practical amounts of electricity were being produced by a form of life and put to use.
‘biocell’, the new power supply had a liquid fuel containing tiny forms of life that changed the fuel directly into electric energy. This was far more than an interesting experiment. The biocell is being developed as producer of electricity for radios, for signals to guide ships, for lighting and for other uses. Thought the working biocell is only a few years old, some scientists feel that it will one day produce power cheaply as is now being done by other methods, and that the biocell will use materials that would otherwise be considered a waste. Early biocells were powered with sugar, but a wide range of fuels can be used. Work is being done using sea water to feed the bacteria.
Electricity from living cells is no new idea. Man experienced the strange ‘shock ‘produced by some fish even before electricity was really discovered. Then in time, there were other discoveries. Benjamin Franklin found that lightning in the sky was electricity. Lulgi Galvani found some electricity in the muscles and nerves of animals. Bust the African catfish produces far more electricity than most other living creatures. And another fish, the electric eel, well named, for it has an even greater electric charge. Research works also discovered that even humns produce small amounts of electricity in their bodies. Our hearts produce a very small amount that can be measured, so do our brains. The biocell is completely new in the field of power production and, as yet, no mass-produced models have begun to replace the older types of batteries. It might be wondered, and then what the excitement is all about.
The inventors of biocell justified the need for it by saying that it wouldDetalles de la respuesta
The inventors of the biocell justified the need for it by saying that it would yield a source of energy without much spending. This means that the biocell has the potential to produce electricity cheaply and use materials that would otherwise be considered waste. It can be used as a power supply for radios, signals to guide ships, lighting, and other uses. While the biocell is still a new technology and no mass-produced models have been made, it has the potential to replace older types of batteries in the future.
Pregunta 45 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
The policemen became suspicious as the hoodlums _____ in their office?
Detalles de la respuesta
The best option to complete the sentence is "ferreted about." This means that the hoodlums were looking around or searching in the police office in a way that made the police officers suspicious. "Ferret" is a verb that means to search for something persistently or to hunt for something like a ferret would hunt for prey. "Ferreted about" specifically means to search around in a place, looking for something or being nosy about something.
Pregunta 46 Informe
Though assumption is the lowest level of knowledge; It is still a form of knowledge, and knowledge is key. Assumptions are the foundation upon which interpretations and conclusion are built. Everything I life operates under certain assumptions.
We make management decisions based on the assumptions we hold about how management ought to function and how people ought to be governed. For others, it is unconsciously but potent all the same. Our assumptions will either drown us or help us soar through life.
We have always seen life as an immense mansion with many rooms. Some roots lead to wealth others to the opposite. Ultimately, we decide where was end up; and life, thus far, has proved that every one of us decides well. We all behave differently where we have different levels of understanding, and behave the same way where our understanding is the same. We eat because we all understand the consequences of not eating. We all wear clothes because each of us comprehends lunacy. The list goes on and on. It is inevitable that some of us will make choices that get and keep us on the lover rung of the ladder by reason of exposure, training or some other variables. Life is about roleplaying. We choose our roles wisely or foolishly, consciously or unconsciously. Some of us get wiser to new levels of self-awareness enough to redefine our roles. Others make no effort to build further capacity and therefore remain where they are.
It is based on these realities that we draw the conclusion that not everyone will be wealthy in life. We lead, inspire and motivate people to strive and succeed. It is also important that we paint the full and true picture of life so that we an discourage vain pursuits. Balance must be enthroned as a critical component of truth, and people know, for instance that ‘top ‘is not a place that all must ascent.
Our greatest consolation lies in our deep conviction that true prosperity is in fulfilment through hard work that in intangible acquisitions. There are set roles that some of us have been wired up to paying life but which we are not content enough to pay because society esteems such roles to be inferior. Take the almost sacred office of a teacher for instance, there are people who have the natural gifts and inclinations to be school teachers. but the teaching profession, as it is, does not appear to be lucrative. So we have people who would have been fulfilled and effective working as school teachers serving in banks.
Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 47 Informe
Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
She only gives a superficial impression of warmth and friendliness.
Detalles de la respuesta
The word opposite in meaning to "superficial" is "deep." "Superficial" means lacking depth or substance, while "deep" means characterized by depth of feeling, understanding, or knowledge. In this context, "superficial impression of warmth and friendliness" refers to a shallow or insincere appearance of being warm and friendly, while "deep impression of warmth and friendliness" would refer to a genuine and heartfelt appearance of being warm and friendly.
Pregunta 48 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
It is important that you clear the refuse in front of your house every _____?
Detalles de la respuesta
The correct option is "fortnight." This is a common measure of time that is equal to two weeks. It is important to clear refuse regularly to maintain cleanliness and avoid health hazards.
Pregunta 49 Informe
Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
His father served as a mercenary in the army.
Detalles de la respuesta
The word "mercenary" refers to a soldier who is hired to fight for a foreign army. An opposite word would be a soldier who is a part of the regular army of their own country. Therefore, the correct answer is "regular".
Pregunta 50 Informe
Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
Jummai is cruel to her husband.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 51 Informe
In 1962, a team of scientists produced a special radio station that had a range of fifteen moles. Even though communication was being accomplished in space at a range of more than a million times this distance, the new radio station caused must excitement among scientists. The reason: its power supply was ‘battery ‘made of bacteria. For the first time, practical amounts of electricity were being produced by a form of life and put to use.
‘biocell’, the new power supply had a liquid fuel containing tiny forms of life that changed the fuel directly into electric energy. This was far more than an interesting experiment. The biocell is being developed as producer of electricity for radios, for signals to guide ships, for lighting and for other uses. Thought the working biocell is only a few years old, some scientists feel that it will one day produce power cheaply as is now being done by other methods, and that the biocell will use materials that would otherwise be considered a waste. Early biocells were powered with sugar, but a wide range of fuels can be used. Work is being done using sea water to feed the bacteria.
Electricity from living cells is no new idea. Man experienced the strange ‘shock ‘produced by some fish even before electricity was really discovered. Then in time, there were other discoveries. Benjamin Franklin found that lightning in the sky was electricity. Lulgi Galvani found some electricity in the muscles and nerves of animals. Bust the African catfish produces far more electricity than most other living creatures. And another fish, the electric eel, well named, for it has an even greater electric charge. Research works also discovered that even humns produce small amounts of electricity in their bodies. Our hearts produce a very small amount that can be measured, so do our brains. The biocell is completely new in the field of power production and, as yet, no mass-produced models have begun to replace the older types of batteries. It might be wondered, and then what the excitement is all about.
Which of the following is true according to the passage?Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 52 Informe
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).
Laraba saw a forlorn little figure sitting outside the class.
Detalles de la respuesta
The word nearest in meaning to "forlorn" is "lonely and unhappy." "Forlorn" means sad and abandoned or hopeless, while "lonely and unhappy" means feeling isolated and unhappy. "Wise and intelligent" means having good judgement and understanding, while "smart and healthy" means having good health and physical or mental quickness. "Short and ugly" means being physically small and unattractive.
Pregunta 53 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
Of the three girls, Uka is the _____.
Detalles de la respuesta
The correct answer is "naughtiest". This is because the sentence is comparing Uka's level of naughtiness to the other two girls, and identifying her as the one with the highest level of naughtiness. "Naughtiest" is the superlative form of "naughty", meaning the most naughty or mischievous.
Pregunta 54 Informe
Select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence.
Mrs. Adamu does all her work with more haste, less speed.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 55 Informe
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).
The circular supersedes all previous correspondence on the matter.
Detalles de la respuesta
The phrase "circular supersedes" means that the new circular replaces and makes obsolete all previous correspondence on the matter. Therefore, the option nearest in meaning to "supersedes" is "displaces." "Displaces" means to take the place of, which is what the new circular is doing to the previous ones. The other options, "supports," "eliminates," and "circumvents," have different meanings and do not accurately capture the meaning of "supersedes" in the given context. Therefore, the correct answer is "displaces."
Pregunta 56 Informe
Select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence.
She stopped her education as her uncle left her in the lurch.
Detalles de la respuesta
The sentence "She stopped her education as her uncle left her in the lurch" means that the woman was unable to continue her education because her uncle did not support her, leaving her in a difficult situation. Therefore, the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence is: "Her uncle refused to help her."
Pregunta 57 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
Lami's father ______ as a gardener when he was young, but now he is a driver.
Detalles de la respuesta
The correct option to complete the sentence is "used to work". This indicates that Lami's father had a job as a gardener in the past, but now he has a different job as a driver. The phrase "used to" is commonly used to refer to past habits or situations that are no longer true in the present.
Pregunta 58 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
I want to _____this chance to acquaint you the latest development?
Detalles de la respuesta
The best option to complete the sentence is "seize." The sentence is saying that the speaker wants to take advantage of an opportunity to introduce or familiarize the listener with the latest development. "Seize" means to take hold of something firmly and quickly or to take advantage of an opportunity. In this case, the speaker wants to use the opportunity to introduce the latest development, so "seize" is the appropriate word choice. The other options do not fit the context of the sentence: - "Size" is a noun that refers to the dimensions or magnitude of something, which does not make sense in this sentence. - "Sieze" is a misspelling of "seize." - "Cease" means to bring to an end or stop doing something, which is not appropriate for the sentence's context.
Pregunta 59 Informe
Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
As a prudent businessman, Adeyi does not leave anything to chance.
Detalles de la respuesta
The word "prudent" means careful, cautious, and wise in handling practical matters. The word that is opposite in meaning to "prudent" is "careless," which means not taking sufficient care or attention, and being reckless or negligent. Therefore, the correct answer is option C, careless.
Pregunta 60 Informe
Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
Mrs. Akunilo looks anaemic today.
Pregunta 61 Informe
Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
His wife hates his garrulous attitude.
Detalles de la respuesta
The word "garrulous" means excessively talkative, while the opposite of this would be someone who is not talkative or quiet. The word that is opposite in meaning to "garrulous" is "reticent", which means not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily.
Pregunta 62 Informe
Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
Okonkwo's lethal right foot the magic in the football match?
Detalles de la respuesta
The word that is opposite in meaning to "lethal" is "harmless." The word "lethal" means causing death or capable of causing death, while the word "harmless" means not likely to cause harm or injury. In the given sentence, the word "lethal" is used to describe Okonkwo's right foot, which suggests that it is very powerful and capable of causing great damage. Therefore, the word that would be opposite in meaning to "lethal" and make sense in this context is "harmless," which would mean that Okonkwo's right foot does not pose a threat to the other players or spectators. Therefore, the option that best completes the gap is "harmless."
Pregunta 63 Informe
The passage below has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most appropriate option for each gap. Each question carries 2 marks.
Believe it or not, change is to human existence what the blood is to the human body. We live in era of amazing …. 16…. [A. well-defined B. fast-paced C. favourable D. social] change spawned by advancing technology and industrialization. However, man’s …17…. [A. knowledge of B. attitude to C. commitment to D. opinion of] promoting and defending change in a deliberate effort to establish…18… [A. customs B. companies C. trade-zones D. variations] that stimulate advancement for man’s concern is proving unfavourable to the climate with threatening ...19… [A. repercussions B. clouds C. pressure D. implication].
Human-induced climate change has awakened widespread concern across the globe. As a matter of fact, climate change is now 20 [A. an acceptable B. a foremost C. the only D. the last] global issue. It is a major test of Africa’s ….21…. [A. popularity B. energy C. ingenuity D. incapability] ! the fourth Assessment Report {AR4} of the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed that human actions are changing the earth’s climate and creating maker disturbances in human ….22…[A. geography B. societies C. systems D life] and ecosystems. The IPCC reports that the world has warned by an average of 0.76oC since pre-industrial times. The rising global …23…. [A. command B. demand C. warming D. supply] for energy and the adverse changes in the climate put the earth and its inhabitants in a catch -22 situation.
Again, if the effects of climate change on each were commensurate with the level of greenhouse …24 …. [A. structure B. paints C. emulsion D. emissions] in spews out, perhaps Africa would have been spared and would probably be just an amused spectator. But it is, this is not the case. Here again, we see well-meaning global citizens appealing for the rest of the world to take responsibility for the problems of Africa, a strategy that cannot, thus far, termed ….25…. [A. notable B. liable C. credible D. flexible]
In question number 22 above, choose the best option from letters A - D that best completes the gap.Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 64 Informe
Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
'I do not trust him', he said, in a rare moment of candour.
Detalles de la respuesta
- dishonesty
Pregunta 65 Informe
Choose the option that has the same consonant sound as the one represented by the underlined letter(s).
Detalles de la respuesta
The option that has the same consonant sound as the one represented by the underlined letter(s) in "English" is "think". Both words have the "th" sound, which is a voiceless dental fricative.
Pregunta 66 Informe
Select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence.
The plan to upgrade the dispensary to a general hospital did not materialized.
Detalles de la respuesta
The best option that explains the information conveyed in the sentence is "The arrangement did not work out as wished." This means that the plan or idea to upgrade the dispensary to a general hospital did not happen as expected or intended. Something went wrong in the process, and the plan did not come to fruition. It could be due to various factors, such as lack of funds, insufficient resources, or unforeseen circumstances that hindered the plan's execution.
Pregunta 67 Informe
Choose the option that rhymes with the given word.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 68 Informe
Choose the appropriate stress pattern from the options. The syllables are written in capital letters.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 69 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
Bola studiously avoided _____ the questions?
Detalles de la respuesta
The sentence "Bola studiously avoided" suggests that Bola intentionally did not do something. The missing word should indicate what action Bola avoided. The only suitable option from the given choices is "answering," which means Bola intentionally avoided answering the questions. Therefore, the correct option is "answering."
Pregunta 70 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
______ he switches on the light, the shadow disappears?
Detalles de la respuesta
The correct option to complete the sentence is "Whenever." "Whenever" is a conjunction that means "every time that" or "on every occasion when." In this sentence, it indicates that every time the person switches on the light, the shadow disappears. The word "expect" means to anticipate or look forward to something, so it doesn't make sense in this context. "Since" is used to indicate a point in time or a cause and effect relationship, but it doesn't fit in this sentence. "Until" is used to indicate a time or event up to a certain point, but it doesn't convey the idea of a repeated or habitual action like the other options. Therefore, the correct answer is "Whenever."
Pregunta 71 Informe
Choose the appropriate stress pattern from the options. The syllables are written in capital letters.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 72 Informe
The passage below has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most appropriate option for each gap. Each question carries 2 marks.
Believe it or not, change is to human existence what the blood is to the human body. We live in era of amazing …. 16…. [A. well-defined B. fast-paced C. favourable D. social] change spawned by advancing technology and industrialization. However, man’s …17…. [A. knowledge of B. attitude to C. commitment to D. opinion of] promoting and defending change in a deliberate effort to establish…18… [A. customs B. companies C. trade-zones D. variations] that stimulate advancement for man’s concern is proving unfavourable to the climate with threatening ...19… [A. repercussions B. clouds C. pressure D. implication].
Human-induced climate change has awakened widespread concern across the globe. As a matter of fact, climate change is now 20 [A. an acceptable B. a foremost C. the only D. the last] global issue. It is a major test of Africa’s ….21…. [A. popularity B. energy C. ingenuity D. incapability] ! the fourth Assessment Report {AR4} of the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed that human actions are changing the earth’s climate and creating maker disturbances in human ….22…[A. geography B. societies C. systems D life] and ecosystems. The IPCC reports that the world has warned by an average of 0.76oC since pre-industrial times. The rising global …23…. [A. command B. demand C. warming D. supply] for energy and the adverse changes in the climate put the earth and its inhabitants in a catch -22 situation.
Again, if the effects of climate change on each were commensurate with the level of greenhouse …24 …. [A. structure B. paints C. emulsion D. emissions] in spews out, perhaps Africa would have been spared and would probably be just an amused spectator. But it is, this is not the case. Here again, we see well-meaning global citizens appealing for the rest of the world to take responsibility for the problems of Africa, a strategy that cannot, thus far, termed ….25…. [A. notable B. liable C. credible D. flexible]
In question number 16 above, choose the best option from letters A - D that best completes the gap.Detalles de la respuesta
In question number 16, the best option to complete the gap is "fast-paced". The sentence reads, "We live in an era of amazing fast-paced change..." "Fast-paced" means happening quickly or at a rapid speed, and in this context, it accurately describes the speed of change brought about by advancing technology and industrialization. The other options, "well-defined", "favourable", and "social", do not convey the same level of speed as "fast-paced".
Pregunta 73 Informe
Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
It is inconceivable that the son shone in the night.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 74 Informe
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).
The old woman is suffering from dementia.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 75 Informe
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).
The stockbroker said it was an astute move to sell the shares then.
Detalles de la respuesta
The underlined word "astute" means "shrewd" or "wise." Therefore, the option nearest in meaning is "b. a shrewd move." The stockbroker was suggesting that selling the shares at that particular time was a wise or clever decision.
Pregunta 76 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
Here is Mr. Odumusu who teaches English _____ in our school?
Detalles de la respuesta
The correct option to complete the sentence is "pronunciation". The word is spelled with a "c" not a "t". The word "pronunciation" refers to the way in which a word is spoken or pronounced.
Pregunta 77 Informe
Select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence. If I went to the village I would visit the King.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 78 Informe
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).
Lantana dwelt in a ruined cottage on the hillside.
Detalles de la respuesta
The underlined word "dwelt" means "lived". Therefore, the option that is nearest in meaning to "dwelt" is "lived". The sentence means that Lantana lived in a ruined cottage on the hillside.
Pregunta 79 Informe
The passage below has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most appropriate option for each gap. Each question carries 2 marks.
Believe it or not, change is to human existence what the blood is to the human body. We live in era of amazing …. 16…. [A. well-defined B. fast-paced C. favourable D. social] change spawned by advancing technology and industrialization. However, man’s …17…. [A. knowledge of B. attitude to C. commitment to D. opinion of] promoting and defending change in a deliberate effort to establish…18… [A. customs B. companies C. trade-zones D. variations] that stimulate advancement for man’s concern is proving unfavourable to the climate with threatening ...19… [A. repercussions B. clouds C. pressure D. implication].
Human-induced climate change has awakened widespread concern across the globe. As a matter of fact, climate change is now 20 [A. an acceptable B. a foremost C. the only D. the last] global issue. It is a major test of Africa’s ….21…. [A. popularity B. energy C. ingenuity D. incapability] ! the fourth Assessment Report {AR4} of the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed that human actions are changing the earth’s climate and creating maker disturbances in human ….22…[A. geography B. societies C. systems D life] and ecosystems. The IPCC reports that the world has warned by an average of 0.76oC since pre-industrial times. The rising global …23…. [A. command B. demand C. warming D. supply] for energy and the adverse changes in the climate put the earth and its inhabitants in a catch -22 situation.
Again, if the effects of climate change on each were commensurate with the level of greenhouse …24 …. [A. structure B. paints C. emulsion D. emissions] in spews out, perhaps Africa would have been spared and would probably be just an amused spectator. But it is, this is not the case. Here again, we see well-meaning global citizens appealing for the rest of the world to take responsibility for the problems of Africa, a strategy that cannot, thus far, termed ….25…. [A. notable B. liable C. credible D. flexible]
In question number 20 above, choose the best option from letters A - D that best completes the gap.Detalles de la respuesta
In question number 20, the best option to complete the gap is "a foremost". The sentence reads, "climate change is now a foremost global issue." "Foremost" means the most important or significant, and in this context, it accurately describes the significance of climate change as a global issue. The other options, "an acceptable", "the only", and "the last" do not convey the same level of importance as "a foremost".
Pregunta 80 Informe
The passage below has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most appropriate option for each gap. Each question carries 2 marks.
Believe it or not, change is to human existence what the blood is to the human body. We live in era of amazing …. 16…. [A. well-defined B. fast-paced C. favourable D. social] change spawned by advancing technology and industrialization. However, man’s …17…. [A. knowledge of B. attitude to C. commitment to D. opinion of] promoting and defending change in a deliberate effort to establish…18… [A. customs B. companies C. trade-zones D. variations] that stimulate advancement for man’s concern is proving unfavourable to the climate with threatening ...19… [A. repercussions B. clouds C. pressure D. implication].
Human-induced climate change has awakened widespread concern across the globe. As a matter of fact, climate change is now 20 [A. an acceptable B. a foremost C. the only D. the last] global issue. It is a major test of Africa’s ….21…. [A. popularity B. energy C. ingenuity D. incapability] ! the fourth Assessment Report {AR4} of the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed that human actions are changing the earth’s climate and creating maker disturbances in human ….22…[A. geography B. societies C. systems D life] and ecosystems. The IPCC reports that the world has warned by an average of 0.76oC since pre-industrial times. The rising global …23…. [A. command B. demand C. warming D. supply] for energy and the adverse changes in the climate put the earth and its inhabitants in a catch -22 situation.
Again, if the effects of climate change on each were commensurate with the level of greenhouse …24 …. [A. structure B. paints C. emulsion D. emissions] in spews out, perhaps Africa would have been spared and would probably be just an amused spectator. But it is, this is not the case. Here again, we see well-meaning global citizens appealing for the rest of the world to take responsibility for the problems of Africa, a strategy that cannot, thus far, termed ….25…. [A. notable B. liable C. credible D. flexible]
In question number 19 above, choose the best option from letters A - D that best completes the gap.Detalles de la respuesta
The most appropriate option to complete the gap numbered 19 is "repercussions." The sentence talks about how man's deliberate effort to establish customs, companies, or trade-zones that stimulate advancement for man's concern is proving unfavorable to the climate. Therefore, the unfavorable outcome or consequence of these actions is what fills the gap, and "repercussions" means an unintended consequence of an event or action, making it the best option.
Pregunta 81 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
The secretary has no right to _____ my affairs?
Pregunta 82 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
Please sit on the _____ ?
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 83 Informe
Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
The teacher who beat the student was treated with mercy.
Detalles de la respuesta
The word "mercy" in the sentence means to show compassion or forgiveness towards someone who deserves punishment or harm. The opposite of "mercy" is "vengeance," which means punishment or revenge inflicted in retaliation for a wrong. Therefore, the word opposite in meaning to the underlined word is "vengeance."
Pregunta 84 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
Instead of _____, she lied?
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 85 Informe
Select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence.
The secretary said that the postponement of the meeting was due to unforeseen circumstances.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 86 Informe
Like a clock with the pendulum in full swing, the mind moves as fast as time. But we ought to mind our thoughts, for if they turn to be our enemies. They will too many for us and will drag us down to ruin.
But some people may say that they cannot help having bad thought even though they sting like vipers. That may be son, but the question is do they hate them or not? We cannot keep thieves from looking in at our windows, but if we open our doors to them and receive them joyfully, we are bad as they. We cannot help the birds flying over our heads; but we may keep form building their nests in our hair. Vain thoughts will knock at the door but we must not open to them.
Though bad and evil thoughts rise in our hearts, they must not be allowed to reign. He who turns a morsel over and over in his mouth does so because he likes flavours, and he who meditates upon evil, loves it, and is ripe to commit it. think of the devil, and he will appear, turn your thoughts towards will and your hands will soon follow. Snails leave their slime behind them, and so do vain thoughts. An arrow may fly through the air, and level no trace, but an evil though always leaves a trail like serpent.
Where are is much traffic of bad thinking, there will be much mire and dirty. Every wave of wicked thought adds something to the corruption which rots upon the shore of life. It is dreadful to think that a vile imagination. Once indulged, gets the key of our minds, and an get in again very easily, whether or not we let it in, and what may follow, no one knows,. Nurse evil on the laps of thought, and it will grow into a giant.
Therefore, there is wisdom in watching every day, the thoughts and imaginations of our hearts. Good thoughts are blessed guests and should be welcomed, well fed, and much sought after, but bad thoughts must fly out as swiftly as they moved in.
Which of the following statements summarizes the argument of the last paragraph?Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 87 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
There are many ways to kill a rat, so we should be _____ in our approach to the task ahead of us?
Detalles de la respuesta
The correct option to complete the sentence is "eclectic." "Eclectic" means selecting or using from various sources or styles, and in this sentence, it means that we should use a variety of methods to solve the problem at hand, which is getting rid of the rats. The other options, "ecletic," "eclektic," and "eclectik," are misspelled versions of "eclectic" and do not exist in the English language. Therefore, the correct answer is "eclectic."
Pregunta 88 Informe
The passage below has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most appropriate option for each gap. Each question carries 2 marks.
Believe it or not, change is to human existence what the blood is to the human body. We live in era of amazing …. 16…. [A. well-defined B. fast-paced C. favourable D. social] change spawned by advancing technology and industrialization. However, man’s …17…. [A. knowledge of B. attitude to C. commitment to D. opinion of] promoting and defending change in a deliberate effort to establish…18… [A. customs B. companies C. trade-zones D. variations] that stimulate advancement for man’s concern is proving unfavourable to the climate with threatening ...19… [A. repercussions B. clouds C. pressure D. implication].
Human-induced climate change has awakened widespread concern across the globe. As a matter of fact, climate change is now 20 [A. an acceptable B. a foremost C. the only D. the last] global issue. It is a major test of Africa’s ….21…. [A. popularity B. energy C. ingenuity D. incapability] ! the fourth Assessment Report {AR4} of the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed that human actions are changing the earth’s climate and creating maker disturbances in human ….22…[A. geography B. societies C. systems D life] and ecosystems. The IPCC reports that the world has warned by an average of 0.76oC since pre-industrial times. The rising global …23…. [A. command B. demand C. warming D. supply] for energy and the adverse changes in the climate put the earth and its inhabitants in a catch -22 situation.
Again, if the effects of climate change on each were commensurate with the level of greenhouse …24 …. [A. structure B. paints C. emulsion D. emissions] in spews out, perhaps Africa would have been spared and would probably be just an amused spectator. But it is, this is not the case. Here again, we see well-meaning global citizens appealing for the rest of the world to take responsibility for the problems of Africa, a strategy that cannot, thus far, termed ….25…. [A. notable B. liable C. credible D. flexible]
In question number 18 above, choose the best option from letters A - D that best completes the gap.Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 89 Informe
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).
Since its inception 1983, the newspaper has attracted thousands of readers.
Detalles de la respuesta
The underlined word "inception" means "commencement" or "beginning". Therefore, the option that is nearest in meaning to "inception" is "commencement". The sentence means that since the beginning or commencement of the newspaper in 1983, it has attracted thousands of readers.
Pregunta 90 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
Ife asked me _____ ?
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 91 Informe
Select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence. My eldest son, who is in Lagos, studying English.
Detalles de la respuesta
The information conveyed in the sentence is that "one of my sons is in Lagos studying English". The use of the words "my eldest son" indicates that there may be more than one son, but the eldest one is currently in Lagos studying English.
Pregunta 92 Informe
Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
I wonder how he will _____ being absent from school for a long time.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 93 Informe
Like a clock with the pendulum in full swing, the mind moves as fast as time. But we ought to mind our thoughts, for if they turn to be our enemies. They will too many for us and will drag us down to ruin.
But some people may say that they cannot help having bad thought even though they sting like vipers. That may be son, but the question is do they hate them or not? We cannot keep thieves from looking in at our windows, but if we open our doors to them and receive them joyfully, we are bad as they. We cannot help the birds flying over our heads; but we may keep form building their nests in our hair. Vain thoughts will knock at the door but we must not open to them.
Though bad and evil thoughts rise in our hearts, they must not be allowed to reign. He who turns a morsel over and over in his mouth does so because he likes flavours, and he who meditates upon evil, loves it, and is ripe to commit it. think of the devil, and he will appear, turn your thoughts towards will and your hands will soon follow. Snails leave their slime behind them, and so do vain thoughts. An arrow may fly through the air, and level no trace, but an evil though always leaves a trail like serpent.
Where are is much traffic of bad thinking, there will be much mire and dirty. Every wave of wicked thought adds something to the corruption which rots upon the shore of life. It is dreadful to think that a vile imagination. Once indulged, gets the key of our minds, and an get in again very easily, whether or not we let it in, and what may follow, no one knows,. Nurse evil on the laps of thought, and it will grow into a giant.
Therefore, there is wisdom in watching every day, the thoughts and imaginations of our hearts. Good thoughts are blessed guests and should be welcomed, well fed, and much sought after, but bad thoughts must fly out as swiftly as they moved in.
Which of the following statements represents the view expressed by the writer in the first paragraph?Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 94 Informe
The passage below has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most appropriate option for each gap. Each question carries 2 marks.
Believe it or not, change is to human existence what the blood is to the human body. We live in era of amazing …. 16…. [A. well-defined B. fast-paced C. favourable D. social] change spawned by advancing technology and industrialization. However, man’s …17…. [A. knowledge of B. attitude to C. commitment to D. opinion of] promoting and defending change in a deliberate effort to establish…18… [A. customs B. companies C. trade-zones D. variations] that stimulate advancement for man’s concern is proving unfavourable to the climate with threatening ...19… [A. repercussions B. clouds C. pressure D. implication].
Human-induced climate change has awakened widespread concern across the globe. As a matter of fact, climate change is now 20 [A. an acceptable B. a foremost C. the only D. the last] global issue. It is a major test of Africa’s ….21…. [A. popularity B. energy C. ingenuity D. incapability] ! the fourth Assessment Report {AR4} of the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed that human actions are changing the earth’s climate and creating maker disturbances in human ….22…[A. geography B. societies C. systems D life] and ecosystems. The IPCC reports that the world has warned by an average of 0.76oC since pre-industrial times. The rising global …23…. [A. command B. demand C. warming D. supply] for energy and the adverse changes in the climate put the earth and its inhabitants in a catch -22 situation.
Again, if the effects of climate change on each were commensurate with the level of greenhouse …24 …. [A. structure B. paints C. emulsion D. emissions] in spews out, perhaps Africa would have been spared and would probably be just an amused spectator. But it is, this is not the case. Here again, we see well-meaning global citizens appealing for the rest of the world to take responsibility for the problems of Africa, a strategy that cannot, thus far, termed ….25…. [A. notable B. liable C. credible D. flexible]
In question number 17 above, choose the best option from letters A - D that best completes the gap.Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 95 Informe
The word in capital letters has the emphatic stress. Choose the option to which the given sentence relates.
Uche LOVES Toyota cars.
Detalles de la respuesta
Pregunta 96 Informe
Select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence.
The hunter has a bird's eye view of the animals.
Detalles de la respuesta
The option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence is: - He views animals from a high position. Explanation: The phrase "bird's eye view" means a view from a high perspective, as if seen from a bird flying high in the sky. Therefore, the sentence means that the hunter is able to see the animals from a high position, which gives him a clear and advantageous perspective for hunting.
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