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Vraag 1 Verslag
The uniqueness of the Glorious Qur’ān, according to Q.39:28, lies in the fact that it is
In the Glorious Qur'an (Q.39:28), it is stated that the uniqueness of the Qur'an lies in the fact that it is revealed in Arabic. The verse says, "An Arabic Qur'an, without any crookedness (therein), that they may avoid (any harm)." This means that the Qur'an was revealed in the Arabic language, which was the language of the people to whom it was revealed. The Arabic language is considered by Muslims to be a unique and beautiful language that is well-suited for the expression of complex ideas and concepts. The Qur'an's use of Arabic language is seen as a sign of its divine origin and a testament to its power and beauty. The other options, such as being highly educative, in brief form, or revealed piecemeal, are not mentioned as the uniqueness of the Qur'an in this verse.
Vraag 3 Verslag
One of the revealed books ‘Allāh promised to protect against distortion is
“Inna Nahnu Nazzalna dhikr wa inna lahu lah a fidhu~n”
Vraag 4 Verslag
The creation of man in orderly proportion is described in sūrah
The sūrah in which the creation of man in orderly proportion is described is "at-tīn". Sūrah at-tīn is the 95th chapter of the Quran and it talks about the greatness of Allah and His power to create. It mentions how Allah created man in the best form and provided him with guidance to distinguish between good and evil. The sūrah uses the analogy of a balanced, ordered and proportioned garden to describe the perfect creation of Allah.
Vraag 5 Verslag
‘People come in search of knowledge, but knowledge does not seek people.’The statement above was made to Caliph Harūn ar-Rashīd by
Vraag 6 Verslag
A woman who loses her husband while undergoing an ‘iddah of revocable divorce changes to ‘iddah
In Islamic law, an 'iddah is a waiting period that a woman must observe after certain events, such as divorce or the death of her husband. If a woman loses her husband while she is in the 'iddah period following a revocable divorce, then her 'iddah changes to that of a widow, known as "al-wafāt." This means she must observe a longer 'iddah period and cannot remarry during this time.
Vraag 7 Verslag
The number of takbir observed during salah al-Janāzah is
The number of takbir observed during salah al-Janāzah is four. The funeral prayer is called Salatul Janazah and is an obligatory prayer, Fard Kifayah, performed by Muslims for the deceased. The prayer consists of four Takbirat (saying Allahu Akbar) in total, with no bowing or prostrations, followed by recitation of Surah al-Fatiha and a supplication (du'a) for the deceased.
Vraag 8 Verslag
According to the verse above, man shall
The verse mentioned is referring to the Day of Judgment, where man shall be held accountable for his deeds and be questioned about his actions. Therefore, the correct option is: "be questioned about the joy he indulged in". This verse emphasizes the importance of being mindful of one's actions and being accountable for them in the Hereafter.
Vraag 9 Verslag
According to the Prophet (S.A.W), he who betrays trust in regarded as having
According to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), he who betrays trust is regarded as having neither faith nor religion. Trust is an important concept in Islam, and Muslims are expected to be trustworthy in their dealings with others. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of trust in many of his sayings, and he warned that those who betray trust will be held accountable on the Day of Judgment. In one hadith (a saying of the Prophet), he said: "There are four traits which, when they are found in a person, make him a pure hypocrite, and anyone who has one of them has an element of hypocrisy until he gives it up: when he is trusted, he betrays; when he speaks, he lies; when he makes a promise, he breaks it; and when he disputes, he resorts to obscene speech." (Sahih al-Bukhari) This hadith shows that betraying trust is considered to be a major sin in Islam, and it is one of the traits of a hypocrite. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught that true faith and religion are reflected in a person's character and behavior, and betraying trust goes against the very essence of what it means to be a Muslim.
Vraag 10 Verslag
‘Allāℎ’s existence is often demonstrated in the Glorious Qur’ān by reference to his
Allāℎ’s existence is often demonstrated in the Glorious Qur’ān by reference to His creation. The Qur’ān teaches that everything in the universe was created by Allāh, and this creation is proof of His existence and power. The beauty and complexity of the natural world, as well as the order and harmony that exists within it, are all signs of Allāh's existence and His divine wisdom. The Qur’ān describes Allāh as the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon, the stars and the planets, the mountains and the seas, and all living things. This is why the natural world is often referred to as the signs of Allāh (āyāt).
Vraag 11 Verslag
According to Hadītℎ 6 of an-Nawawi, it is better to avoid ambiguous matters in order to
According to Hadith 6 of an-Nawawi, it is better to avoid ambiguous matters in order to protect one’s religion. The Hadith suggests that by being cautious about ambiguous things, one can keep their religion and honour clean. It is important to be aware of what is right and wrong, and to avoid situations that may lead to confusion or doubt. This is particularly important when it comes to matters related to religion, as they can have a significant impact on a person's faith and beliefs. By avoiding ambiguity and uncertainty, one can ensure that they are following the right path and avoiding actions that may lead to self-destruction or hypocrisy.
Vraag 12 Verslag
Az-zabāniyah in the verse above refers to the
In the Quran (Q. 74:31), Az-zabāniyah refers to the angels of punishment. The verse says, "We have appointed only angels to be wardens of the Fire, and their number have We made to be a stumbling-block for those who disbelieve; that those to whom the Scripture hath been given may have certainty, and that believers may increase in faith; and that those to whom the Scripture hath been given and believers may not doubt; and that those in whose hearts there is disease, and disbelievers, may say: What meaneth Allah by this similitude? Thus Allah sendeth astray whom He will, and whom He will He guideth. None knoweth the hosts of thy Lord save Him. This is naught else than a Reminder unto mortals." This means that Az-zabāniyah are the angels who are appointed to be wardens of the Fire (i.e., the angels who punish those who are condemned to hellfire). The verse states that only the angels are appointed to this task, and they are numerous in number.
Vraag 13 Verslag
The followers of the Hambali School of law are mostly found in
The followers of the Hambali School of law are mostly found in Saudi Arabia. The Hambali School is one of the four major schools of Islamic jurisprudence, and it was founded by Ahmad ibn Hanbal, a scholar who lived in the 9th century in what is now Iraq. The Hambali School is known for its strict adherence to the Quran and the Sunnah (the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad), and its rejection of the use of reason (ijtihad) in legal matters. Although the Hambali School was founded in Iraq, it became most popular in Saudi Arabia, where it is the dominant school of thought. This is due in part to the fact that Ibn Hanbal's teachings were seen as a reaction against the rationalism of the Mu'tazilites, a school of thought that was popular in Iraq but was viewed as heretical by many in Saudi Arabia. Today, the Hambali School is also followed by significant numbers of Muslims in other countries, particularly in Southeast Asia. However, its influence is most strongly felt in Saudi Arabia, where it has played an important role in shaping the country's legal and religious culture.
Vraag 14 Verslag
The pre-colonial West African rulers employ the services of Muslim scholars mostly as
Vraag 15 Verslag
The verse Q.33:35 emphasizes the equality of men and women before 'Allāh. It states, "Verily the Muslims (those who submit to Allah in Islam) men and women..." which implies that both men and women have equal status and rights in Islam, and are equally accountable to 'Allāh for their actions. This verse highlights the importance of gender equality and serves as a reminder that men and women are both valuable and respected members of the Muslim community.
Vraag 16 Verslag
One of the sahābah considered most knowledgeable in Tafsīr was
Abdullah b. Abbas was considered one of the Sahābah, or companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who was most knowledgeable in Tafsīr (exegesis or interpretation of the Quran). Abdullah b. Abbas was a cousin of the Prophet Muhammad and was known for his deep knowledge and understanding of the Quran. He was especially skilled in interpreting the meanings of the verses and explaining their context and significance. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself prayed for him to be given understanding of the religion and knowledge of the Quran. Throughout his life, Abdullah b. Abbas remained dedicated to the study of the Quran and is considered one of the most important figures in Islamic scholarship. His extensive knowledge and expertise in Tafsīr earned him the title "The Great Interpreter of the Quran."
Vraag 17 Verslag
The Makkan suwar lay emphasis on oneness of ‘Allāh because
The Makkan Surahs (chapters) in the Quran lay emphasis on the oneness of 'Allāh because the pre-Islamic Makkans worshipped many gods. They believed in multiple deities and worshipped idols, which they kept in the Kaaba, the sacred mosque in Mecca. Therefore, the Makkan Surahs emphasized the oneness of 'Allāh, which is known as tawhid, to remind the Makkans that there is only one true God who created the heavens and the earth and that all worship and devotion should be directed to Him alone. Tawhid is the basis of the Islamic faith and is considered to be the most important article of faith in Islam. The Makkan Surahs also contained other articles of faith, such as the belief in the Day of Judgment, the Prophets, and the importance of doing good deeds, but the emphasis on the oneness of 'Allāh was the most important message conveyed in these chapters.
Vraag 18 Verslag
The theme of sūrah al-Inshirāh is that
“Verily along with every hardship is relief (5). “Verily along with every hardship is relief (6). (Q. 94:5-6).
Vraag 19 Verslag
Wahy in relation to the Glorious Qur’ān means
In relation to the Glorious Qur’ān, Wahy means revelation. The term "wahy" refers to the divine communication or revelation that was given to the Prophet Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. This communication was then recorded and compiled into the Qur’ān. Wahy is considered to be a direct message from God to the Prophet Muhammad and is believed by Muslims to be the literal word of God. The Qur’ān is the central religious text of Islam and contains the revelations that were given to the Prophet Muhammad over a period of 23 years.
Vraag 20 Verslag
The popular house of wisdom in Baghdad was built during the time of
Vraag 21 Verslag
Taking the ritual bath for Friday prayers is
Taking the ritual bath for Friday prayers is a sunnah. In Islam, the term "sunnah" refers to the actions and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, which serve as an example for Muslims to follow. Although taking a ritual bath (ghusl) is not mandatory for Friday prayers, it is highly recommended as a means of purifying oneself and showing respect for the special day. The Prophet Muhammad himself would take a ritual bath on Fridays before attending the congregational prayers, and so Muslims consider it a sunnah to do the same. While it is not obligatory, it is a virtuous act and is considered to bring one closer to God.
Vraag 22 Verslag
The ill-treatment of a wife in Islam is called
“Idr a r means ill treatment of wife”
Vraag 23 Verslag
The number of lashes prescribed for the consumption of alcohol is
According to Islamic law, the prescribed number of lashes for the consumption of alcohol is 80. This punishment is known as "flogging" and is carried out as a form of corporal punishment for committing certain crimes in some Islamic countries.
Vraag 24 Verslag
If a husband divorces his wife before the consumption of the marriage, it is considered
If a husband divorces his wife before the consumption of the marriage, it is considered an irrevocable divorce. In Islamic law, a marriage can be dissolved by the husband through a process known as talaq. However, there are different types of talaq, and the consequences of each type are different. In the case of a divorce before the marriage has been consummated, it is considered to be an irrevocable divorce. This means that the couple cannot get back together without first conducting a new marriage contract, and the woman is free to marry another man without any need for a divorce. In contrast, if a husband divorces his wife after the marriage has been consummated, it is considered to be a revocable divorce. This means that the couple can reconcile within a period of time known as the iddah, which is three menstrual cycles for most women, and the divorce is not final until the end of the iddah period. In summary, if a husband divorces his wife before the marriage has been consummated, it is considered an irrevocable divorce, and the couple cannot get back together without a new marriage contract.
Vraag 26 Verslag
Musnad as a work on Had?th is credited to
Musnad is a collection of Hadiths, which is credited to the Islamic scholar and Hadith collector Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Ahmad ibn Hanbal was a renowned Islamic jurist and theologian who lived in the 8th and 9th centuries in Baghdad. His collection of Hadiths, known as Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal, is one of the six most authentic collections of Hadiths in Sunni Islam. The collection contains Hadiths that are narrated through the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as later narrators.
Vraag 27 Verslag
Tatfīf in business transaction occurs when one of the partners
Tatfif in business transaction occurs when one of the partners tampers with the measure, meaning that they give less than what was agreed upon or cheat in the quantity or quality of the goods being exchanged. This is considered dishonest and goes against the principles of fairness and justice in Islam.
Vraag 28 Verslag
Al-cawrah for a man is from the
Al-cawrah refers to the portion of a man's body that must be covered when he is in the presence of others. This includes the area from the navel to the knee. In other words, a man's awrah is from his belly button to his knees. It is important for Muslim men to cover their awrah in public as a sign of modesty and respect for themselves and others. This practice is a part of the Islamic dress code, which is intended to promote humility and dignity in individuals and in society as a whole.
Vraag 29 Verslag
Where the father is the only heir who survives his son, he will inherit
In Islamic inheritance laws, when a father is the only surviving heir of his son, he will inherit the whole of his son's property. This means that if a son dies and leaves no other heirs except his father, the father will inherit all of his son's property. This is based on the principle that in the absence of any other heirs, the closest relative inherits the entire estate.
Vraag 30 Verslag
Q.24:30 enjoins Muslims to
Q.24:30 enjoins Muslims to lower their gaze. This means that they should not look at things that are not permissible to look at, such as members of the opposite gender in a lustful manner. Instead, they should keep their eyes downcast and focus on what is permissible and good for them. This helps to prevent temptation and protect one's purity and morality.
Vraag 31 Verslag
The jamrat that pilgrims are expected to stone on the 10th day of Dhul hijjah is
Vraag 32 Verslag
The field of study dealing with Ibādar and Muāmalār is known as
The field of study dealing with Ibādar (worship) and Muāmalāt (transactions) is known as Fiqh. Fiqh is the study of Islamic jurisprudence and provides guidelines and rulings for Muslims to follow in their daily lives. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including prayer, fasting, zakat, hajj, marriage, business transactions, and criminal law. The scholars who specialize in Fiqh are called Faqih, and their work is to interpret and apply Islamic law to specific situations.
Vraag 33 Verslag
Yawmuddīn refers to the day of
Yawmuddīn refers to the day of Judgment. It is the day when Allah will judge all of mankind based on their deeds and determine their eternal fate. It is also known as the Day of Resurrection, Day of Reckoning, and Day of Accountability. This day is described in detail in the Quran and Hadith, and Muslims believe that it will be a day of great trial and tribulation, as well as reward and punishment.
Vraag 34 Verslag
The messenger of ‘Allāℎ sent to the people of Thamūd was
The messenger of ‘Allāℎ sent to the people of Thamūd was Salih (A.S). In Islam, Salih is considered a prophet who was sent by God to the people of Thamud, an ancient Arab tribe. The people of Thamud were known for their skill in carving homes out of mountains and for their stubbornness and arrogance. Salih was sent to preach to them and call them to worship God alone and abandon their sinful ways. He performed miracles to demonstrate the truth of his message, including bringing forth a she-camel from a rock. However, the people of Thamud refused to listen to him, and instead, they killed the she-camel, leading to their destruction. Salih is mentioned in the Quran, and his story serves as a reminder to Muslims of the importance of following the prophets and heeding their message.
Vraag 35 Verslag
In an Islamic state, the right to pardon a murdered lies with the
Vraag 36 Verslag
The next place for a Muslim to spend the night after ‘Arafat is
After spending the day at Arafat, the next place for a Muslim to spend the night is Muzdalifah. This is where they would pray the Maghrib and Isha prayers combined and spend the night in the open. In the morning, they would gather pebbles for the stoning of the Jamarat at Mina.
Vraag 39 Verslag
Q.17:26-27 warns Muslims not to squander their wealth as squanderers are brothers of the
Verse 17:26-27 of the Quran warns Muslims not to waste their wealth and resources, as those who waste their wealth are the brothers of the evil ones (Shayatin), and Satan was ungrateful to his Lord. This means that wasting wealth is a trait of the evil ones and Satan, and Muslims should avoid it at all costs. Instead, Muslims are encouraged to use their wealth in charitable and beneficial ways to benefit themselves and others, and to avoid falling into the traps of Satan and the evil ones.
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