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Pergunta 1 Relatório
Women are admonished to dress modestly by the Qur'an so that
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Pergunta 2 Relatório
The first revelation to the Prophet (SAW) is Qur'an chapter
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The first revelation to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was Qur'an chapter 96:1-5, which is known as Surah Al-Alaq. According to Islamic tradition, the Angel Gabriel appeared to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) while he was meditating in a cave on Mount Hira. The Angel Gabriel then commanded the Prophet to read, and the first five verses of Surah Al-Alaq were revealed to him. These verses contain the first divine message that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and they speak about the importance of seeking knowledge and the consequences of rejecting it. The verses read: "Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists), Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood). Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who has taught (the writing) by the pen [the first person to write was Prophet Idrees (Enoch)]. Has taught man that which he knew not." (Quran 96:1-5) This event is known as the first revelation and marks the beginning of the prophethood of Muhammad (SAW).
Pergunta 3 Relatório
An Hadith is referred to as da'if because
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An Hadith is referred to as "da'if" because it has defects in its chain of transmission (isnad) and/or the text of the tradition (matn). This means that one or more of the transmitters in the chain of transmission may not be reliable or the text of the tradition may contain inconsistencies or contradictions. A hadith is considered da'if or weak because its authenticity is not guaranteed, and it may not be used as evidence in Islamic legal or theological discussions.
Pergunta 4 Relatório
The first attempt for the collection of Hadith was made during the reign of
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Umar is credited with having ordered the first collection of Hadith, in an official manner, fearing that some of it might be lost. Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad ibn Hazm and Ibn Shihab Al-Zuhri, were among those who compiled Hadith at Umar's behest.
Pergunta 5 Relatório
The Arabs worshipped idols during the Jahiliyya period because
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The Arabs worshipped idols during the Jahiliyya period because they were ignorant of the true concept of God's existence. The Jahiliyya period refers to the time in Arabia before the advent of Islam, when the Arabs were steeped in ignorance and practiced idolatry. They worshiped statues and idols made of wood, stone, and other materials, and believed that these idols had the power to benefit or harm them. The Arabs at that time had no knowledge of the true concept of God, and their understanding of religion was limited to superstitious practices and beliefs. They believed in many gods and goddesses and associated various powers with them. Despite the presence of some prophets among them, the Arabs did not pay heed to their message and continued in their idolatrous ways. As such, they remained in ignorance until the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the revelation of the Qur'an, which taught them the true concept of God and called them to worship Him alone. Therefore, among the given options, the Arabs worshipped idols during the Jahiliyya period because they were ignorant of the true concept of God's existence.
Pergunta 6 Relatório
By the year 1110 C.E., Andalusia had fallen under the control of
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By the year 1110 C.E., Andalusia had fallen under the control of Al Murabitun. Al Murabitun were a Berber Muslim dynasty that originated from present-day Morocco. They were known for their military strength and were able to conquer Andalusia, which was previously ruled by the Taifa kingdoms. The Al Murabitun dynasty was founded by Yusuf ibn Tashfin, who ruled from 1061 to 1106 C.E. and expanded their territory to include Andalusia. They ruled Andalusia until the Almohad dynasty overthrew them in 1147 C.E.
Pergunta 7 Relatório
Khalaqal insana min alaq(Q. 96:2) is followed by
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This is followed by iqra warabbukal Akram.
Pergunta 8 Relatório
"By Him who dominates my soul, I swear that you're the Prophet of this nation... you will be abused and you will be persecuted. If I should ever live to see that day, I shall surely help the cause of Allah"
Who made the statement above?
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The statement above was made by Waraqah b. Nawfal. Waraqah b. Nawfal was a cousin of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and a scholar of the Christian scriptures. According to Islamic tradition, when Prophet Muhammad first received the revelation, he was deeply distressed and went to his wife, Khadija. She then took him to Waraqah, who recognized the signs of prophethood and confirmed to Muhammad that he was indeed a Prophet of Allah. The statement is Waraqah's response to Prophet Muhammad's description of the events that took place during his first revelation. Waraqah acknowledges the truth of Muhammad's prophethood and swears to support him in the face of the persecution that he knows is sure to come. Waraqah's words demonstrate his faith and dedication to the cause of Allah and his support for Prophet Muhammad in spreading the message of Islam.
Pergunta 9 Relatório
Divine inspiration was employed in the
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The arrangement of the Glorious Qur'an was divinely inspired.
Pergunta 10 Relatório
Which of the following actions may be regarded as Mubah?
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Mubah is an Arabic word that refers to actions that are considered to be permissible or allowed in Islam. These are actions that are not explicitly forbidden in the Qur'an or Hadith, and as such, they are not considered to be sinful or wrong. The acquisition of knowledge is considered to be a mubah action because it is encouraged and highly valued in Islam. By gaining knowledge, a person can improve their understanding of their faith and become a better person. On the other hand, actions such as smoking and shaking hands while greeting are not specifically defined as mubah or haram (forbidden) in Islamic teachings, but they may be discouraged or restricted based on the interpretation of different scholars.
Pergunta 11 Relatório
Abu-Bakr was nicknamed as-Sadiq because of his
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Abu Bakr, who was a close companion of the Prophet Muhammad and the first caliph of Islam, was nicknamed "as-Sadiq" due to his truthfulness. This nickname, which means "the truthful" in Arabic, was a testament to his reputation for being honest, sincere, and trustworthy in both his words and actions. Throughout his life, Abu Bakr was known for his unwavering commitment to speaking the truth, regardless of the circumstances or consequences. This quality was highly valued in Arabian culture and earned him widespread respect and admiration among the early Muslim community.
Pergunta 12 Relatório
The following are authors of Sihahus-Sitta except
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Malik b. Anas is not an author of Sihahus-Sitta. The term "Sihahus-Sitta" refers to the six most authentic collections of Hadith in Sunni Islam, and the authors are commonly known as the "Kutub al-Sittah" or the "Six Books". These six books are: 1. Sahih al-Bukhari, compiled by Imam Bukhari 2. Sahih Muslim, compiled by Muslim b. al-Hajjaj 3. Sunan Abu Dawud, compiled by Abu Dawud 4. Jami at-Tirmidhi, compiled by at-Tirmidhi 5. Sunan an-Nasa'i, compiled by an-Nasa'i 6. Sunan Ibn Majah, compiled by Ibn Majah Malik b. Anas is the author of the Muwatta, which is also a collection of Hadith but is not considered one of the Sihahus-Sitta.
Pergunta 13 Relatório
The expression "Man kana yu minu billahi wal yawmil akhir fal yaqual khayran aw li yasmut" means a believer should
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The expression "Man kana yu minu billahi wal yawmil akhir fal yaqual khayran aw li yasmut" is a saying in Arabic that is often used to encourage people to behave in a good and virtuous manner. The expression can be translated to mean: "The one who believes in Allah and the Last Day should either say something good or be silent." In simple terms, this expression is encouraging believers to think before they speak and to only say things that are kind, helpful, and positive. If they can't say something good, it is better to remain silent. This promotes a culture of positivity, kindness, and respect in speech and communication.
Pergunta 14 Relatório
The memorization, recording and divine nature of the Qur'an ensured its
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The Qur'an is considered to be of divine nature, which means that it is believed to be a direct message from God, revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years. This belief in the divine nature of the Qur'an gives it a special status and authority in the Islamic faith, and it is considered to be the word of God, unchanged and unchanged over time. The Qur'an's divine nature is also one of the reasons why it is considered to be so important and why Muslims hold it in such high regard. The Qur'an is memorized, recorded and protected by Muslims, which ensures its authenticity and ensures that its message remains unchanged over time, making it an eternal source of guidance for Muslims.
Pergunta 15 Relatório
Forbidden Munkar in Islam means discouraging others from
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Forbidden Munkar in Islam means discouraging others from abominable acts, meaning actions that are considered morally wrong and sinful according to Islamic teachings. This includes things like lying, cheating, stealing, adultery, drinking alcohol, and other similar behaviors. Islam emphasizes the importance of commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil. This means that Muslims are encouraged to promote good deeds and discourage bad deeds in themselves and others. Forbidden Munkar specifically refers to the duty of Muslims to speak out against and actively discourage sinful behaviors. In summary, Forbidden Munkar in Islam means discouraging others from engaging in actions that are considered morally wrong and sinful according to Islamic teachings.
Pergunta 16 Relatório
The verse which describes the essence of Allah is
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The verse that describes the essence of Allah is Ayatul Kursiyy. Ayatul Kursiyy is a verse from the Quran, which is located in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 255. It is a powerful and profound verse that describes the greatness and majesty of Allah, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. The verse starts with "Allahu la ilaha illa huwa," which means "Allah, there is no god but He." This statement emphasizes the oneness of Allah and affirms His existence as the only deity worthy of worship. The verse goes on to describe the attributes of Allah, including His sovereignty, knowledge, power, and mercy. It also highlights His role as the Protector of the believers and His ability to encompass and sustain all of creation. Overall, Ayatul Kursiyy is a beautiful and powerful verse that serves as a reminder of Allah's greatness and our dependence on Him. It is often recited as a means of seeking protection and guidance from Allah and is considered one of the most important verses in the Quran.
Pergunta 17 Relatório
The pre-Islamic practice of shigar which was abolished by Islam meant
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The pre-Islamic practice of shigar was a custom that involved the exchange of sisters in wedlock between two different families or tribes. Essentially, this meant that a man from one family would marry a woman from another family, and in exchange, his sister would be married to a man from the other family. This practice was seen as a way to strengthen ties between the two families or tribes, but it was also seen as a form of exploitation and a violation of women's rights. Islam abolished this practice because it was considered to be unfair and demeaning to women. Instead, Islam emphasized the importance of free choice and consent in marriage, and encouraged marriages based on love, mutual respect, and shared values. In Islamic tradition, marriage is seen as a sacred and joyful union between two people who choose to be together, and the practice of shigar is no longer considered to be a legitimate or acceptable form of marriage.
Pergunta 18 Relatório
The second hadith in an-Nawawi's collection teaches that it is righteousness to worship Allah as if
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The second hadith in an-Nawawi's collection teaches that it is righteousness to worship Allah as if one is seeing Him physically. This means that one should strive to be in a constant state of mindfulness of Allah's presence and try to visualize Him in their mind's eye while worshipping. The hadith emphasizes the importance of sincerity and devotion in one's worship. When a person performs acts of worship while visualizing the presence of Allah, it creates a deeper sense of connection and humility, and encourages them to perform their acts of worship to the best of their ability. By striving to worship Allah as if one is seeing Him physically, a person also develops a sense of accountability and responsibility for their actions. It helps them to stay conscious of their deeds and intentions, and reminds them that Allah is always watching and aware of everything they do. Overall, the second hadith in an-Nawawi's collection teaches the importance of mindfulness and sincerity in worship, and highlights the benefits of striving to worship Allah as if one is seeing Him physically.
Pergunta 19 Relatório
Birabbil-Falaq in Qur'an 113 means
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Birabbil-Falaq is the Arabic phrase for "Lord of the Daybreak" or "Lord of the Dawn" and is the title of the 113th chapter (surah) of the Qur'an. In this chapter, Muslims seek protection and refuge in Allah from the evil of darkness, the harm that may come from the night, and from the harm of those who practice witchcraft or envy. The chapter speaks of seeking Allah's protection and guidance in every aspect of life, particularly from those who may seek to harm or wrong them. Therefore, "Lord of the daybreak" is the correct answer.
Pergunta 20 Relatório
Maliki yawmid-Din is translated as
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"Maliki yawmid-Din" is translated as "the King of the Day of Judgement" in English. This phrase is part of the opening chapter of the Islamic holy book, the Quran, and is recited during daily prayers by Muslims all over the world. It is a declaration of faith in Allah as the King and ultimate Judge on the Day of Judgement, when all humans will be held accountable for their deeds in this life. The phrase acknowledges that Allah is the ultimate authority and ruler over all things, and that on the Day of Judgement, only He can grant forgiveness and mercy to those who have faith and have done good deeds.
Pergunta 21 Relatório
Khadijah married Muhammad(S.A.W) at the age of
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Khadijah married Muhammad (peace be upon him) at the age of 40. Khadijah was a wealthy businesswoman who was impressed by Muhammad's honesty and integrity, and she proposed marriage to him. At the time of their marriage, Muhammad was 25 years old and working as a trader in Khadijah's business. They were married for 25 years until Khadijah's death, and she was the first person to accept Islam and support the Prophet Muhammad in his mission. Their marriage was a strong and loving partnership that set a positive example for all future Muslim marriages.
Pergunta 22 Relatório
Prophet Muhammad's (SAW) answer to Angel Jibril when he was asked to recite was
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When the Angel Jibril first came to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and asked him to recite, he replied with the words, "I cannot read" or "I am not a reader." This happened when the Prophet (SAW) was meditating in the cave of Hira before he received the first revelation from Allah. The Angel Jibril asked the Prophet (SAW) to recite the words of Allah, and he responded by saying that he was unable to read or recite. This answer showed the Prophet's (SAW) humility and his acknowledgement of his lack of knowledge and education. It also emphasized the divine nature of the message that he would later receive, which would be a miracle in itself. After this initial encounter, the Angel Jibril continued to come to the Prophet (SAW) with messages from Allah, which were later recorded in the form of the Qur'an. This event marked the beginning of the revelation of the Qur'an and the establishment of Islam as a religion.
Pergunta 23 Relatório
Lawhul-Mahfudh is associated with Quranic
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Lawhul-Mahfudh is associated with the preservation of the Quranic text. In Islamic theology, Lawhul-Mahfudh refers to a heavenly tablet that contains the decrees of Allah. It is believed that the Quran was first inscribed on this tablet in its entirety, and then gradually revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over a period of 23 years. The Quran is considered to be the literal word of Allah, and its preservation is of utmost importance to Muslims. It is believed that the Quran has been preserved exactly as it was revealed, and that it is free from any errors or changes. The preservation of the Quran is ensured by both the Lawhul-Mahfudh and the meticulous efforts of Muslim scholars and memorizers who have passed the Quran down through generations. The Quran itself states, "Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian" (Quran 15:9). This verse assures Muslims that Allah Himself is the guardian of the Quran and will ensure its preservation. Therefore, Lawhul-Mahfudh is associated with the preservation of the Quranic text, as it is believed that the Quran was first inscribed on this heavenly tablet before being revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Pergunta 24 Relatório
Which of the following is not a directive to women in Q. 24:31?
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Quran 24 vs 31
And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.
Pergunta 25 Relatório
Truth has come and falsehood has vanished was uttered by the Prophet(SAW) when
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The phrase "Truth has come and falsehood has vanished" was uttered by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) when he entered the sacred Ka'bah after the conquest of Mecca. This event took place in the eighth year of Hijra (630 CE), when the Prophet and his followers conquered Mecca without any bloodshed, after years of persecution and exile. As the Prophet (SAW) entered the Ka'bah, which had previously been a site of pagan worship, he recited the verse from the Quran (Surah Al-Isra, 17:81) that says, "Truth has come and falsehood has vanished; indeed falsehood is bound to vanish." This verse is a powerful declaration of the triumph of truth over falsehood, and it was a fitting statement for the occasion of the conquest of Mecca, which marked the victory of Islam over the forces of disbelief and idolatry. The utterance of this phrase by the Prophet (SAW) at the time of the conquest of Mecca was a significant moment in the history of Islam. It symbolized the triumph of the message of Islam, and the victory of justice and truth over tyranny and falsehood. It also marked a turning point in the history of the Arabian Peninsula, as Islam began to spread rapidly throughout the region and beyond.
Pergunta 26 Relatório
Abu Sufyan accepted Islam because he was
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Abu Sufyan accepted Islam because he was totally disarmed by Muslim soldiers
Pergunta 27 Relatório
The authenticity of a hadith may be faulted if
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A hadith is a narration of the sayings or actions of the Prophet Muhammad or his companions. To assess the authenticity of a hadith, scholars use a methodology called hadith criticism, which involves examining the chain of narrators and the content of the hadith to determine its reliability. One reason a hadith may be considered unreliable is if it contradicts a Quranic injunction. The Quran is considered the primary source of Islamic teachings and beliefs, and any hadith that contradicts it is likely to be considered inauthentic. Another reason a hadith may be considered unreliable is if its narrator was not considered trustworthy or reliable. Hadith scholars have a detailed system for evaluating the reliability of narrators, based on their character, memory, and other factors. In addition, a hadith may be considered unreliable if its wording is too close to the text of the Quran or if it is no longer than a verse of the Quran. This is because the Quran is considered the ultimate authority in Islam, and any hadith that appears to mimic its language or content may be viewed with suspicion. In summary, to determine the authenticity of a hadith, scholars examine the chain of narrators and the content of the narration. If a hadith contradicts the Quran, is narrated by an untrustworthy narrator, or appears to mimic the language or content of the Quran, it may be considered unreliable.
Pergunta 28 Relatório
What are the characteristics common to most Makkan Suwar?
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Most Makkan Suwar (also known as Meccan surahs) are characterized by being short and poetic. These surahs are part of the Holy Quran and were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during his time in Mecca before he migrated to Medina. The Makkan Suwar are generally considered to be earlier revelations and are known for their rhythmic and melodic language that is easy to recite and memorize. These surahs often focus on the fundamental beliefs of Islam, such as the oneness of God and the message of the prophets, and they often use metaphor and allegory to convey their message.
Pergunta 29 Relatório
A father or guardian can give out his daughter or ward in marriage under the principle of Ijbar provided that the
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The principle of Ijbar refers to the right of a father or guardian to give out his daughter or ward in marriage without her consent. This principle is recognized in Islamic law but is subject to certain conditions.
One of the key conditions for the principle of Ijbar to be applicable is that the girl must have attained the age of maturity, which is generally considered to be around 9-10 years old. This means that the girl must be capable of understanding the implications of the marriage contract and the duties and responsibilities that come with it.
In addition, the father or guardian must ensure that the marriage is in the best interests of the girl and that the groom is a suitable match for her.
This includes considerations such as the groom's character, financial situation, and physical and mental health.
The consent of the mother is not a requirement for the principle of Ijbar, although it is generally recommended that the mother be consulted and informed about the marriage.
Pergunta 30 Relatório
One of the contribution of Islam to women welfare is the introduction of
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One of the contributions of Islam to women's welfare is the introduction of inheritance. In Islam, women have the right to inherit property and assets from their families, which was a significant advancement in women's rights at the time. This means that women could own and control property, which gave them financial independence and security. The Qur'an specifies the portions of an estate that each heir is entitled to receive, including the wife, daughter, and mother. This contribution of Islam to women's welfare helped to empower women and improve their status in society.
Pergunta 31 Relatório
The expressions Iqra, allama and al-qalam in Surat al-Alaq emphasize the importance of
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The expressions "Iqra", "allama", and "al-qalam" in Surat al-Alaq emphasize the importance of knowledge. Surat al-Alaq is the first chapter revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and it commands him to "Read!" or "Recite!" (Iqra), as a way of emphasizing the importance of seeking knowledge. In the following verses, Allah emphasizes that he is the One who taught by the pen and who taught mankind that which he did not know (Al-Qalam and Allama), indicating that the pursuit of knowledge is a virtuous and essential aspect of human life. These verses also demonstrate that the acquisition of knowledge is not limited to formal education or religious studies, but encompasses all aspects of life. Thus, it is crucial for Muslims to seek knowledge in all areas of life and to continuously learn and grow as individuals. In summary, the expressions "Iqra", "allama", and "al-qalam" in Surat al-Alaq emphasize the importance of seeking knowledge and continuous learning in Islam.
Pergunta 32 Relatório
Belief in the Prophets of Allah implies that one should
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Belief in the Prophets of Allah (God) implies that one should emulate their examples in serving humanity. Prophets are considered to be role models for believers and are revered for their moral and spiritual qualities. Muslims believe that the Prophets were chosen by Allah to guide humanity and convey His message to them. By believing in the Prophets, one acknowledges the importance of their teachings and the wisdom they imparted. Muslims are encouraged to learn from the examples set by the Prophets and to apply their teachings in their own lives. This includes serving humanity, promoting justice and compassion, and striving to make the world a better place. Muslims believe that emulating the Prophets in these ways is a way of pleasing Allah and fulfilling one's purpose in life. Visiting the tombs of the Prophets is not a requirement of belief in Islam, although some Muslims may choose to do so out of reverence for the Prophets. Similarly, withdrawing from society and living a solitary life is not a requirement of belief in Islam. Instead, Muslims are encouraged to engage with the world and contribute positively to society, following the example of the Prophets.
Pergunta 33 Relatório
Imam Malik was born in
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Imam Malik ibn Anas was born in the city of Madinah in what is now Saudi Arabia. He was born in the year 711 CE and lived in Madinah for most of his life. Imam Malik is known as one of the most important scholars of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) and hadith (the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad). He is the eponym of the Maliki school of Islamic law, which is one of the four major schools of thought in Sunni Islam. Imam Malik's birthplace of Madinah was a significant city in early Islamic history, as it was the site of the first Muslim community established by the Prophet Muhammad after his migration from Makkah. Madinah is also the location of the Prophet's Mosque, which is one of the most important sites in Islam and is visited by millions of Muslims from around the world each year.
Pergunta 34 Relatório
Which of the following is not among the articles of faith? Belief in the
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"Miracles" is not among the articles of faith in most major religions. An article of faith refers to a fundamental belief or doctrine that is considered essential to a religion. In Islam, for example, the six articles of faith are belief in one God, belief in angels, belief in the prophets, belief in the holy books, belief in the day of judgment, and belief in predestination.
Pergunta 35 Relatório
The following are classifications of Hadith except
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Hadith is a collection of sayings, actions, and tacit approvals attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). These hadiths are classified based on their authenticity, accuracy, and reliability. The different classifications of hadith helps to distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources of information and to ensure that they follow the authentic teachings of the Prophet (SAW).
Therefore, the correct answer to the question is that all of the options listed - hasan, mawdu, sahih, and da'if - are classifications of hadith.
- "Hasan" refers to a hadith that is deemed to be good and acceptable.
- "mawdu" refers to a hadith that is fabricated or forged.
- "Sahih" refers to a hadith that is authentic and reliable, while
- "da'if" refers to a hadith that is weak or unreliable.
Each of these classifications has its own set of criteria, and scholars of hadith use these criteria to evaluate and classify different hadiths.
Pergunta 36 Relatório
The blow of the trumphet at resurrection is the duty of angel
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In Islamic belief, the blow of the trumpet at the time of resurrection is the duty of the angel Israfil. Israfil is one of the four archangels in Islamic tradition and is responsible for blowing the trumpet, also known as the Sur, at the time of resurrection. According to Islamic belief, when the trumpet is blown for the first time, all living beings on earth will die. When it is blown for the second time, all beings will be resurrected to stand before Allah for judgment. The Quran describes the event of the trumpet being blown in Surah Ya-Sin, "And the Horn will be blown; and at once from the graves to their Lord they will hasten" (Quran 36:51). Therefore, it is believed that the angel Israfil is responsible for blowing the trumpet at the time of resurrection, as it is his designated duty in Islamic theology.
Pergunta 37 Relatório
The Nisab is important because it is the basis of
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The Nisab is important because it is the basis of "zakat", which is one of the five pillars of Islam. Zakat is an obligatory charity that every eligible Muslim must pay to help those in need. The Nisab is the minimum threshold of wealth that a Muslim must possess before being required to pay Zakat. In other words, if a person's wealth exceeds the Nisab, they are obligated to pay Zakat. The Nisab amount is determined by the value of gold or silver and is updated regularly. This threshold ensures that Zakat is paid only by those who can afford it, and it helps to distribute wealth more fairly within the Muslim community.
Pergunta 38 Relatório
Excellent or sound traditions are grouped under
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Excellent or sound traditions are grouped under Sahih.
Pergunta 39 Relatório
The Miraj is associated with Prophet
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The Miraj is associated with Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). The Miraj, also known as the Night Journey, was a spiritual journey that Prophet Muhammad took in one night from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to heaven. It is a significant event in Islamic history and is mentioned in the holy book of Islam, the Quran, and the Hadith (the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad). The Miraj is considered a miracle of Prophet Muhammad and is celebrated annually by Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan.
Pergunta 40 Relatório
Who among the following is not a narrator of Hadith?
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Khadijah bint Khuwaylid is not a narrator of Hadith. Abu Hurayrah, Aisha bint Abi-Bakr, and Abu Sa'ad b. Malik are all famous companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and are known to have narrated many Hadiths. They were close companions of the Prophet and learned directly from him, and later transmitted his sayings and actions to others. However, Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, the first wife of the Prophet, did not narrate any Hadiths. This is not surprising, as she passed away before the Prophet started receiving revelations, and therefore did not have the opportunity to learn directly from him. While Khadijah is revered in Islamic tradition for her steadfast support of the Prophet, her role in Islamic scholarship is not as prominent as that of other companions who had the opportunity to learn directly from him. Therefore, among the given options, Khadijah bint Khuwaylid is the one who is not a narrator of Hadith.
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