Political Parties And Party Politics In Post-Independence

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Political parties play a crucial role in the democratic governance of a nation, shaping the political landscape and influencing policy decisions. In the context of Nigeria's post-independence political development, the evolution and dynamics of political parties have been central to the country's political process. This course material will delve into the intricate world of political parties and party politics in Nigeria, focusing on their structural organization, functions, ideologies, and the impact they have had on the country's democratic journey.

One of the primary objectives of this course material is to contrast the political processes in Nigeria's post-independence republics, analyzing how political parties have evolved and influenced governance over the years. By examining the ideologies, structure, and composition of the political parties that have emerged since independence, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the diverse political landscape in Nigeria.

As we explore the structural organization of political parties in Nigeria, it is essential to understand how these entities are formed, their internal mechanisms, and the roles of various party organs. From party leadership to grassroots mobilization structures, each component contributes to the overall functionality of a political party and its ability to engage with the electorate.

Furthermore, we will elucidate the functions of the various political institutions within these parties, such as the executive committee, youth and women's wings, and party disciplinary bodies. These institutions play critical roles in policy formulation, candidate selection, and internal party management, shaping the party's overall direction and effectiveness.

Additionally, this course material will delve into the historical context of party politics in Nigeria, tracing the British and French colonial administrative policies that influenced the early formation of political parties. The impact of British colonial rule, the emergence of nationalist movements, and the influence of external factors on Nigeria's political landscape will be thoroughly explored to provide a holistic perspective on the development of political parties in the country.

By examining key milestones such as the Hugh Clifford Constitution, the Independence Constitution of 1960, and subsequent constitutional reforms in 1963, 1979, 1989, and 1999, students will gain insight into the characteristics and shortcomings of Nigeria's political system. Through the lens of the legislative, executive, judiciary, civil service commission, electoral commissions, and other institutions, we will analyze the functions, objectives, and challenges faced by these entities in the Nigerian political context.

Moreover, this course material will highlight the evolution of political parties from the First Republic through to the current Fourth Republic, showcasing the role of nationalist leaders, the emergence of political parties, and the complex interplay of ideologies and interests that have shaped Nigeria's party politics.

In conclusion, this course material aims to provide a comprehensive overview of political parties and party politics in post-independence Nigeria, offering a nuanced analysis of the evolution, structure, and functions of these pivotal entities in the country's democratic journey.


  1. Investigate The Functions And Structure Of Political Parties In Post-Independence Nigeria
  2. Examine The Evolution And Membership Spread Of Political Parties In Nigeria
  3. Evaluate The Ideologies, Structure And Composition Of The Political Parties
  4. Contrast Political Processes In The Republics
  5. Analyze The Impact Of Nationalist Movements And Leaders On Political Parties

Nota de Aula

In the post-independence era, political parties have played a significant role in shaping the political landscape of Nigeria. Their functions, structure, and evolution reflect the complexity and diversity of the nation. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of political parties and party politics in post-independence Nigeria, examining their roles, ideologies, and impacts on the republics.

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  1. What are the various functions of political parties in Post-Independence Nigeria? A. Mobilizing citizens for political participation B. Articulating and aggregating interests C. Formulating public policy D. Promoting political education and awareness Answer: All of the above
  2. What is the importance of political parties in the democratic system of Nigeria? A. They provide alternatives for political leadership B. They promote political stability C. They represent diverse interests in society D. They facilitate the process of governance Answer: All of the above
  3. Who was the first Prime Minister of Nigeria after Independence? A. Nnamdi Azikiwe B. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa C. Obafemi Awolowo D. Ahmadu Bello Answer: B. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa
  4. Which political party was in power at Nigeria's independence in 1960? A. Action Group B. National Council of Nigerian Citizens C. Northern People's Congress D. United Middle Belt Congress Answer: C. Northern People's Congress
  5. What is the primary objective of political parties in democracy? A. Promotion of tribalism B. Pursuit of power C. Preservation of dictatorship D. Representation of citizens' interests Answer: D. Representation of citizens' interests
  6. Who was the first President of Nigeria? A. Yakubu Gowon B. Olusegun Obasanjo C. Nnamdi Azikiwe D. Shehu Shagari Answer: C. Nnamdi Azikiwe
  7. Which political party was formed by Obafemi Awolowo in 1978? A. All Nigeria People's Party (ANPP) B. Social Democratic Party (SDP) C. Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN) D. People's Democratic Party (PDP) Answer: C. Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN)
  8. In what year did Nigeria return to democracy after years of military rule? A. 1979 B. 1985 C. 1993 D. 1999 Answer: D. 1999
  9. Which political party won the controversial June 12, 1993 Presidential election in Nigeria? A. Social Democratic Party (SDP) B. National Republican Convention (NRC) C. All Progressives Congress (APC) D. People's Democratic Party (PDP) Answer: A. Social Democratic Party (SDP)

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