
JAMB UTME - Use of English - 2009

Swali 1 Ripoti

The passage below has gaps numbered 16 to 25. Immediately following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most appropriate option for each gap. Each question carries 2 marks.

Business executives selling industrial and high price-tag customer goods have come to the……16…..[A. realization B. conclusion C. level D. point] that there should be a better approach to buyer-seller……17……[A. relationship B. existence C. agreement D. friendship]. In Nigeria, a new brand of salesmanship is emerging. Today, such……18….[A. concepts B. words C. clauses D. definitions] as consultative selling, relationship marketing and value-added selling have become common catchphrases with professional salespeople. Salespeople are now….19….[A. emerging B. reversing C. dangling D. shifting] from pushy, hard selling to consultations, playing business advisory and problem-solving roles for their customers. Customers â€¦.20….[A. interest B. awareness C. view D. service] has assumed a higher dimension. Salespeople and their companies are beginning to realize that the only want to stay in business and possibly be ahead of….21….[A. distribution B. competition C. consumption D. production] is to give adequate attention to the needs of customers. Salespeople and business executive beginning to understand that customer….22….[A. respect B. dignity C. loyalty D. obedience] is what ensures a robust bottom line. The only way to do this is to give special attention to the needs of customers. First time purchase is the beginning of a relationship. We now have a very…..23…..[A. tangible B. rowdy C. sensitive D. desirable] marketplace in which people feel a need for personal intimacy and excellent service. In fact, some customers want to be pampered. They want customized service. They want a salesperson who comes to them with a…..24….[A. prior B. full C. biased D. simple] knowledge of their needs and has ready-made solution to their problems. The ability to….25….[A. analyse B. present C. organize D. discuss] the needs of the customer and provide adequate information that helps the customer to make informed purchase decision are attributes that the modern customer respects and appreciates a good professional salespeople.

In question number 23 above, choose the best option from letters A-D that best completes the gap.