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Ibeere 3 Ìròyìn
The pre-Islamic period is known as?
Awọn alaye Idahun
The pre-Islamic period is known as "Jahiliyyah." Jahiliyyah is an Arabic term that means "ignorance" or "barbarism." This period is also known as the "Age of Ignorance" because the Arabs of that time were considered to be living in a state of ignorance due to their lack of knowledge and understanding of religion, ethics, and culture. During the Jahiliyyah period, the Arab society was polytheistic and worshiped multiple gods and goddesses. They also practiced various customs and traditions, including idol worship, female infanticide, and tribal warfare. Poetry and storytelling were highly valued, and the Arabs were renowned for their oral tradition. Islam emerged during this period, and it was a revolutionary movement that challenged the traditional beliefs and practices of the Arabs. The message of Islam emphasized the oneness of God and the importance of social justice, equality, and compassion. Islam brought an end to the era of Jahiliyyah and ushered in a new era of enlightenment and progress for the Arabs.
Ibeere 4 Ìròyìn
The shortest surah in the Qu’ran is
Awọn alaye Idahun
The shortest surah in the Quran is Suratul Kawthar. This surah has only three verses and is the 108th chapter of the Quran. The word "Kawthar" means abundance or plenty, and the surah speaks about the great blessings that Allah has bestowed upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). In this surah, Allah consoles the Prophet after he had lost his infant son and was mocked by his enemies for having no male heir. Allah reminds him that he has been given abundant goodness and blessings that will continue to flow for generations to come. The surah also warns those who oppose the Prophet that they will be cut off from goodness and blessings. Although it is a short surah, it carries a powerful message about the blessings and bounty of Allah and the importance of remaining steadfast in the face of adversity.
Ibeere 5 Ìròyìn
Belief in oneness of Allah is the cornerstone of Islamic _____
Awọn alaye Idahun
Belief in the oneness of Allah is the cornerstone of Islamic monotheism. This means that Muslims believe in the concept of tawheed, which is the belief that there is only one God, Allah, who is the creator of the universe and everything in it. This belief is the foundation of Islam and it is central to the faith. The oneness of Allah means that He has no partners, no equals, and no rivals. He is unique and distinct from everything else in the universe. This belief guides Muslims in their daily lives and influences their actions, decisions, and interactions with others. In essence, Islamic monotheism is about acknowledging the sovereignty of Allah, recognizing His absolute power and authority, and living in accordance with His guidance as revealed in the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Ibeere 6 Ìròyìn
The first woman to accept Islam was _____
Awọn alaye Idahun
The first woman to accept Islam was Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Khadijah was a wealthy and successful businesswoman who was known for her intelligence, kindness, and generosity. When the Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation from God, he was scared and unsure of what had happened. Khadijah comforted him and believed in him when others did not. She embraced Islam without hesitation, becoming the first Muslim convert and supporter of the Prophet Muhammad. Khadijah's unwavering faith and support were crucial to the early growth and success of the Muslim community.
Ibeere 7 Ìròyìn
Who is known as Khatan An-Nabiyyin?
Awọn alaye Idahun
The person known as Khatan An-Nabiyyin is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Arabic phrase "Khatam An-Nabiyyin" (خاتم النبيين) means "Seal of the Prophets," and it is a title given to Prophet Muhammad to signify that he is the final prophet and messenger of Allah (God) to humankind. This means that there will be no prophets after him, and his message is the final and complete revelation from God to humanity. Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad was chosen by Allah to convey the message of Islam to all people, and that his teachings are the culmination and perfection of all previous prophetic messages.
Ibeere 8 Ìròyìn
As-salam is one of the attributes of Allah which means the _____
Awọn alaye Idahun
As-salam is an Arabic word that is one of the attributes of Allah in Islamic theology. It is often translated as "the Source of Peace" or "the Giver of Peace." This attribute refers to Allah as the ultimate source of peace, security, and harmony in the universe. Allah is the one who brings peace to the hearts of believers and the one who guides them towards tranquility and contentment. This attribute also implies that Allah is free from any imperfections or flaws, and that He is the ultimate protector of His creation from harm and chaos. In short, As-salam is a reminder to Muslims of Allah's peaceful nature and His role in bringing peace to the world.
Ibeere 9 Ìròyìn
The revelation of the Qu’ran took a period of ____years.
Awọn alaye Idahun
The revelation of the Qu'ran took a period of 23 years. The Qu'ran is considered to be the holy book of Islam and is believed by Muslims to be the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. According to Islamic tradition, the revelations began when Muhammad was 40 years old and continued until his death at the age of 63. During this time, the revelations were recorded and later compiled into the book known as the Qu'ran.
Ibeere 11 Ìròyìn
Taharah in Shari’ah is observed in all the following forms except?
Awọn alaye Idahun
Ibeere 12 Ìròyìn
At the end of his prayer, how many sittings for At-Tashahud are expected of someone who misses two rah?kahs in a congregational salat Al-Maghrib?
Awọn alaye Idahun
Ibeere 13 Ìròyìn
A muslim man that hits his left leg against a stone on his way to the market and turns back saying he is unlucky, according to Islamic law, he believes in___
Awọn alaye Idahun
According to Islamic belief, a Muslim man who hits his leg against a stone and turns back because he thinks he is unlucky would not believe in magic, witchcraft, or superstition. Instead, he would believe in Allah. In Islam, everything that happens is believed to be the will of Allah, and Muslims are taught to have faith in Allah's plan and trust that everything happens for a reason. Believing in magic, witchcraft, or superstition goes against the principles of Islamic faith, which is based on monotheism and the belief in one all-powerful and all-knowing God. So, if a Muslim man believes that hitting his leg against a stone and turning back is a sign of bad luck, it would not be because he believes in superstition, but rather because he believes that this event was ultimately caused by Allah's will.
Ibeere 14 Ìròyìn
The first man created by Allah was called _____ (ASW)
Awọn alaye Idahun
The first man created by Allah in Islamic belief is called Adam (ASW). According to the Quran, Allah created Adam (ASW) from clay and breathed life into him. Adam (ASW) was the first prophet and was given the responsibility to cultivate the earth and worship Allah. He was also given a wife named Hawwa (Eve), and together they were the parents of all human beings. The story of Adam (ASW) is an important one in Islamic belief, as it emphasizes the concept of Tawheed, or the oneness of Allah. It also highlights the importance of obedience to Allah's commands and the consequences of disobedience. According to Islamic belief, Adam (ASW) and Hawwa were initially placed in Jannah (Paradise), but were later expelled due to their disobedience of Allah's command not to eat from a certain tree. This story serves as a reminder to believers to always obey Allah and avoid sin.
Ibeere 15 Ìròyìn
The Holy Book given to Prophet Muhammed (SAW) was _____
Awọn alaye Idahun
The holy book given to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was Al-Quran. The Quran is the central religious text of Islam, which Muslims believe to be the word of Allah (God) revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) through the angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years. It consists of 114 chapters or surahs, and is considered to be the final and complete revelation from God to humanity. The other options listed are also holy books mentioned in the Quran, but they were revealed to other prophets before Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and are not the holy book given specifically to him.
Ibeere 16 Ìròyìn
The Prophet (SAW) died in which year?
Awọn alaye Idahun
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) passed away in the year 632 C.E. This is a well-established fact in Islamic history and is widely accepted by Muslim scholars and historians. The exact date of his death is the 12th of Rabi' al-Awwal, which is the third month in the Islamic lunar calendar. The year 610 C.E. marks the beginning of the Prophet's revelation when he received the first verses of the Quran from the Angel Gabriel. This event is known as the Night of Power or Laylat al-Qadr in Arabic. Therefore, it is not the year of his death. On the other hand, the years 519 C.E. and 517 C.E. are not relevant to the Prophet's life or death, as they are many years before his birth.
Ibeere 17 Ìròyìn
The seal of all the prophets was prophet___
Awọn alaye Idahun
The seal of all the prophets was Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). This means that he was the last prophet sent by God to guide humanity, and that his message and teachings are meant to be followed until the end of time. Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was the final prophet because his message was complete and comprehensive, and because he was sent as a mercy to all of humanity. The concept of the seal of the prophets is an important tenet of Islamic belief and is mentioned in the Quran.
Ibeere 18 Ìròyìn
Chapter 112 of the Qu’ran talks about belief in
Awọn alaye Idahun
Chapter 112 of the Quran talks about the belief in the "Unity of Allah". This chapter, which is called "Al-Ikhlas", emphasizes the oneness and unity of Allah and the importance of believing in Him as the one and only God. The chapter is short but powerful, and it states that Allah is "One, Eternal, Absolute" and that "there is none like unto Him". It is a reminder for Muslims to have pure faith and worship only Allah, and to reject any form of polytheism or associating partners with Allah. The belief in the Unity of Allah is one of the central tenets of Islam, and it is a cornerstone of the faith.
Ibeere 20 Ìròyìn
Tawaful Wadai means___
Awọn alaye Idahun
Tawaful Wadai refers to the "Farewell Circumambulation" or "Tawaf Al-Wida" in Islam. It is the final act of worship performed by pilgrims who are about to leave Makkah after completing the Hajj or Umrah. During the Tawaful Wadai, the pilgrims perform seven circuits around the Kaaba, just as they did during the Tawaf Al-Qudum when they arrived in Makkah. However, the Tawaful Wadai is performed with a sense of sadness and a farewell to the holy city of Makkah. The Tawaful Wadai is an important ritual in Islam, and its performance signifies the completion of the pilgrimage to Makkah. It is believed that the pilgrim's sins are forgiven upon the completion of this act of worship.
Ibeere 21 Ìròyìn
A pilgrim circumnutates around the Ha’abah _____
Awọn alaye Idahun
A pilgrim circumambulates around the Kaaba seven times during the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage. The Kaaba is a cubic-shaped structure located at the center of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is considered the most sacred site in Islam, and Muslims around the world face towards it during their daily prayers. Circumambulation, or Tawaf, is a ritual where the pilgrims walk around the Kaaba in a counter-clockwise direction. During the Hajj and Umrah, pilgrims perform Tawaf seven times, which is also known as Tawaf Al-Qudum or Tawaf Al-Ziyarah. The seven rounds of Tawaf symbolize the unity and oneness of Allah and are considered to be a reenactment of the angels' circling around the throne of Allah. It is also a physical manifestation of the Muslim's submission to Allah and a reminder of the Day of Judgment, where all people will circle around Allah. Overall, Tawaf is an essential and spiritual act of worship for Muslims and an integral part of the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage.
Ibeere 23 Ìròyìn
In which Surah of the Qu’ran does this verse occur “Fasalli il-rabbika wani har”
Awọn alaye Idahun
The verse "Fasalli il-rabbika wani har" is from Surah Al-Kawthar, which is the 108th chapter of the Quran. This surah is one of the shortest chapters of the Quran and consists of only three verses. The verse in question is the second verse of Surah Al-Kawthar, and it translates to "So pray to your Lord and sacrifice [to Him alone]." The surah was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) at a time when he was facing opposition and ridicule from his enemies. The revelation of this surah was a reassurance to the Prophet that he had been blessed with abundant good, and that he should remain steadfast in his devotion to Allah and continue to perform good deeds. The verse "Fasalli il-rabbika wani har" is a call to prayer and sacrifice, emphasizing the importance of worshiping Allah and performing acts of kindness towards others. In summary, the verse "Fasalli il-rabbika wani har" is from Surah Al-Kawthar, which is the 108th chapter of the Quran. This verse emphasizes the importance of prayer and sacrifice, and encourages Muslims to remain steadfast in their devotion to Allah, especially in times of difficulty.
Ibeere 24 Ìròyìn
Awọn alaye Idahun
A Muslim woman who notices blood after the maximum days of her menstrual cycle should take a bath and continue with her prayers. According to Islamic laws and traditions, during menstrual bleeding, women are required to abstain from performing certain religious obligations, such as praying and fasting. However, once the bleeding has stopped, they are considered to be pure and are expected to resume their religious obligations, including prayer. It's important to note that women should always follow the advice of their healthcare provider regarding their menstrual cycle and related health issues.
Ibeere 25 Ìròyìn
Which of the following is not a quality of the Prophet (SAW)
Awọn alaye Idahun
Forgetfulness is not a quality of the Prophet (SAW). The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is considered the most important figure in Islam and is believed to have been a model of piety and righteousness. He is known for his numerous positive qualities and traits, including forgiveness, kindness, and patience. However, forgetfulness is not considered to be one of his qualities. In fact, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was known for his sharp memory and attention to detail. He was able to recall important information accurately and often made important decisions based on his detailed knowledge of past events. While the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was a human being and therefore subject to human limitations, forgetfulness is not considered to be one of his traits, as his ability to remember and teach important information is a cornerstone of his role as a prophet and messenger of Allah.
Ibeere 26 Ìròyìn
The migration of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) from Mecca to Madinah was called?
Awọn alaye Idahun
The migration of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) from Mecca to Medina was called the "Hijrah". The Hijrah marks an important event in Islamic history and is considered to be the beginning of the Islamic calendar. The Hijrah occurred in 622 CE when the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his followers were forced to leave Mecca due to persecution and migrated to Medina, where they were welcomed by the people. The journey was not easy, and the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) faced many challenges and dangers along the way. The Hijrah is significant because it marked the establishment of the first Islamic state in Medina, and it also served as a turning point in the spread of Islam.
Ibeere 27 Ìròyìn
The place where the prophet started receiving the revelations of the Qu’ran is referred to as
Awọn alaye Idahun
The place where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) started receiving the revelations of the Quran is referred to as the Cave of Hira. This cave is located on a mountain named Jabal al-Nour (Mountain of Light) near the city of Makkah in Saudi Arabia. It was in this cave that the angel Gabriel first appeared to the Prophet and conveyed to him the divine message of the Quran. The Prophet used to spend much of his time in this cave in contemplation and prayer before he was called upon to convey the message of Islam to the people. The Cave of Hira is considered a sacred site by Muslims and is frequently visited by pilgrims who perform a hike to the cave to pay their respects and offer prayers.
Ibeere 30 Ìròyìn
The following are considered good for water ablution except_
Awọn alaye Idahun
The option that is not considered good for water ablution is pond water. This is because pond water is often stagnant and can contain harmful pollutants, bacteria and other impurities that can make a person sick if used for ablution. On the other hand, rain water, river water, and well water are considered good for ablution as they are considered pure and free from impurities. However, it's always best to check the quality of the water before using it for ablution or any other purpose to ensure it is safe.
Ibeere 31 Ìròyìn
Four revealed books mentioned in the Qu’ran are
Awọn alaye Idahun
The four revealed books mentioned in the Qu'ran are the Injil, Tawrah, Zaburah, and Qu'ran. - The Injil (Gospel) is the book that was revealed to Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) and it contained the guidance for the followers of Prophet Jesus. - The Tawrah (Torah) is the book that was revealed to Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) and it contains the guidance for the followers of Prophet Moses. - The Zaburah (Psalms) is the book that was revealed to Prophet David (peace be upon him) and it contains the guidance for the followers of Prophet David. - The Qu'ran is the final and complete book of guidance revealed to the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for the entire humanity. All of these books were revealed by Allah (God) and they contain guidance and teachings for the believers to live a righteous life and to achieve success in this world and the hereafter.
Ibeere 32 Ìròyìn
The importance of the Hadith lies in the fact that it _____
Awọn alaye Idahun
The importance of the Hadith lies in the fact that it supplements the Qu'ran and serves as a second source of Islamic law. The Hadith contains the teachings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), which were not included in the Qu'ran. By studying the Hadith, Muslims can gain a deeper understanding of Islamic beliefs and practices, as well as guidance on how to live a virtuous life. Additionally, the Hadith provides reliable information on the biography of the Prophet (SAW), including his character, habits, and sayings. Although the Hadith was not officially collected by Muslim Caliphs, it was recorded and collected in some authentic Hadith collections that have been extensively studied and analyzed by Islamic scholars.
Ibeere 33 Ìròyìn
The Khalifah who ordered the compilation of the Qu’ran in a book form was ___
Ibeere 34 Ìròyìn
The first young person to accept Islam was?
Awọn alaye Idahun
The first young person to accept Islam was Ali ibn Abi Talib. Ali was the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, and he was raised in the same household as the Prophet. He was only about ten years old when he accepted Islam, which makes him one of the earliest converts to the faith. Ali was present with the Prophet during many of the key events in the early history of Islam. He was among the small group of Muslims who migrated from Mecca to Medina with the Prophet, and he played a key role in many of the early battles of Islam. Ali was known for his bravery and his devotion to the faith, and he is revered as one of the most important figures in Islamic history. Although Umar ibn Khattab is often cited as one of the early converts to Islam, he actually converted several years after Ali. Muawiyah and Uthman were also early converts, but they were not among the first.
Ibeere 35 Ìròyìn
The number of Muslims in the battle of Badr was 313 while that of Makkan force was__
Awọn alaye Idahun
The number of Muslims in the battle of Badr was indeed 313. On the other hand, the size of the Makkah force was around 1,000. The Battle of Badr was fought in the year 624 AD between the Muslims of Medina and the polytheists of Makkah. The Makkah force consisted of several prominent figures of the Quraysh tribe, along with their soldiers and camels. They had come to intercept the Muslim caravan that was returning from a trading journey to Syria. On the other hand, the Muslim army, which was commanded by Prophet Muhammad, had only 313 soldiers with limited weapons and resources. Despite being outnumbered, the Muslims achieved a decisive victory over the Makkah force. This battle proved to be a significant turning point for the Muslims, as it boosted their morale and paved the way for their future successes.
Ibeere 37 Ìròyìn
The number of prophets mentioned in the Qu?ran are ___
Awọn alaye Idahun
There is no single, definitive answer to the exact number of prophets mentioned in the Quran. Different scholars have suggested different numbers, but most estimates fall in the range of 25-30 prophets explicitly named in the Quran. Some scholars also suggest that there are additional prophets mentioned in the Quran whose names are not explicitly given, which could increase the total number of prophets to as many as 124,000 according to a Hadith, or saying of the Prophet Muhammad. However, the exact number is not as important as the message that the Quran conveys through these prophets, which is the call to worship and obey Allah, to follow His guidance, and to live a righteous and just life.
Ibeere 38 Ìròyìn
Khulafahar Rashidun means ___
Awọn alaye Idahun
"Khulafahar Rashidun" refers to the first four Caliphs of Islam who ruled after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. The term "Khulafah" means "successors" or "Caliphs" and "Rashidun" means "rightly guided." The Khulafahar Rashidun are Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali. They are considered to be the "rightly guided" Caliphs because they were chosen based on their piety, wisdom, and dedication to the teachings of Islam. They established a just and prosperous Muslim society during their rule, which lasted from 632 to 661 CE. The term "Khulafahar Rashidun" is used to honor their legacy and to emphasize the importance of their leadership in the history of Islam.
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