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Question 1 Rapport
Which of the following was not part of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah?
Détails de la réponse
The option that was not part of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah is "Muhammad (SAW) should not be recognized as leader." The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah was a peace agreement signed between the Islamic prophet Muhammad and the leaders of Mecca in the year 628. The treaty contained several terms, including: - There should be no war between the Muslims and the Meccans for ten years. - Muhammad (SAW) and his followers would return to Medina that year and postpone their pilgrimage to Mecca until the following year. - Any Meccan who wanted to join Muhammad (SAW) would be allowed to do so, but any Muslim who wanted to return to Mecca would not be permitted to do so. - The two sides would maintain peace and refrain from attacking each other's allies. The treaty was a significant turning point in the history of Islam, as it allowed Muhammad (SAW) and his followers to peacefully coexist with the Meccans and led to a period of increased growth and expansion for the Muslim community.
Question 2 Rapport
The initial idea to preserve the Glorious Qur'an was mooted by
Détails de la réponse
The initial idea to preserve the Glorious Qur'an was mooted by Abu Bakr As-Saddiq, who was the first Caliph (leader) of the Muslim community after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. After the Prophet's death, many Muslims who had memorized the Qur'an died in the wars of apostasy. To prevent the loss of the Qur'an, Abu Bakr ordered the collection of all the verses that had been revealed to the Prophet and had been written down by his companions. This was done by Zaid b. Thabit, who was a close companion of the Prophet and one of the foremost Quranic scholars of his time. The collected verses were then compiled into a single book, known as the Mushaf, which became the standard text of the Qur'an.
Question 3 Rapport
Which of the following is not among the articles of faith? Belief in the
Détails de la réponse
"Miracles" is not among the articles of faith in most major religions. An article of faith refers to a fundamental belief or doctrine that is considered essential to a religion. In Islam, for example, the six articles of faith are belief in one God, belief in angels, belief in the prophets, belief in the holy books, belief in the day of judgment, and belief in predestination.
Question 4 Rapport
The Hadith collection of Bukhari and Muslim are similar in the following ways except that they
Détails de la réponse
The Hadith collections of Muslim and Bukhari do not share similarities in covering the whole range of Fiqh.
Question 5 Rapport
Makkan Surah with the main objective of reassuring the Prophet(SAW) at a time of distress is
Détails de la réponse
The Makkan Surah with the main objective of reassuring the Prophet (SAW) at a time of distress is Surah ad-Duha. Surah ad-Duha is the 93rd chapter of the Qur'an and was revealed in the early days of the Prophet's mission in Makkah when he was feeling distressed and anxious. The Prophet had not received any revelations from Allah for a long time, and the disbelievers were mocking him and calling him a liar. In this Surah, Allah reassures the Prophet (SAW) that He has not forgotten him and that his efforts will not go to waste. Allah tells the Prophet that He has blessed him with many favors and will continue to do so. The Surah is a beautiful reminder to the Prophet that he is not alone and that Allah is always with him. Therefore, among the given options, Surah ad-Duha is the Makkan Surah with the main objective of reassuring the Prophet (SAW) at a time of distress.
Question 6 Rapport
Belief in the Prophets of Allah implies that one should
Détails de la réponse
Belief in the Prophets of Allah (God) implies that one should emulate their examples in serving humanity. Prophets are considered to be role models for believers and are revered for their moral and spiritual qualities. Muslims believe that the Prophets were chosen by Allah to guide humanity and convey His message to them. By believing in the Prophets, one acknowledges the importance of their teachings and the wisdom they imparted. Muslims are encouraged to learn from the examples set by the Prophets and to apply their teachings in their own lives. This includes serving humanity, promoting justice and compassion, and striving to make the world a better place. Muslims believe that emulating the Prophets in these ways is a way of pleasing Allah and fulfilling one's purpose in life. Visiting the tombs of the Prophets is not a requirement of belief in Islam, although some Muslims may choose to do so out of reverence for the Prophets. Similarly, withdrawing from society and living a solitary life is not a requirement of belief in Islam. Instead, Muslims are encouraged to engage with the world and contribute positively to society, following the example of the Prophets.
Question 7 Rapport
Khadijah married Muhammad(S.A.W) at the age of
Détails de la réponse
Khadijah married Muhammad (peace be upon him) at the age of 40. Khadijah was a wealthy businesswoman who was impressed by Muhammad's honesty and integrity, and she proposed marriage to him. At the time of their marriage, Muhammad was 25 years old and working as a trader in Khadijah's business. They were married for 25 years until Khadijah's death, and she was the first person to accept Islam and support the Prophet Muhammad in his mission. Their marriage was a strong and loving partnership that set a positive example for all future Muslim marriages.
Question 8 Rapport
The memorization, recording and divine nature of the Qur'an ensured its
Détails de la réponse
The Qur'an is considered to be of divine nature, which means that it is believed to be a direct message from God, revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years. This belief in the divine nature of the Qur'an gives it a special status and authority in the Islamic faith, and it is considered to be the word of God, unchanged and unchanged over time. The Qur'an's divine nature is also one of the reasons why it is considered to be so important and why Muslims hold it in such high regard. The Qur'an is memorized, recorded and protected by Muslims, which ensures its authenticity and ensures that its message remains unchanged over time, making it an eternal source of guidance for Muslims.
Question 9 Rapport
Khalaqal insana min alaq(Q. 96:2) is followed by
Détails de la réponse
This is followed by iqra warabbukal Akram.
Question 10 Rapport
Among the obligatory steps of ablution are intention, washing the face, washing the hands to the elbow and also
Détails de la réponse
Upon washing hands and elbow, the next is to wash the feet.
Question 11 Rapport
Apart from the cleanliness of the body and clothes, the devotee who intends to pray must also ensure the cleanliness of the
Détails de la réponse
The devotee who intends to pray must also ensure the cleanliness of the place where they pray. This means that the area should be free of dirt and clutter and the floor should be clean. This creates a peaceful and respectful environment for prayer, which helps the devotee to focus and connect with their higher power.
Question 12 Rapport
The blow of the trumphet at resurrection is the duty of angel
Détails de la réponse
In Islamic belief, the blow of the trumpet at the time of resurrection is the duty of the angel Israfil. Israfil is one of the four archangels in Islamic tradition and is responsible for blowing the trumpet, also known as the Sur, at the time of resurrection. According to Islamic belief, when the trumpet is blown for the first time, all living beings on earth will die. When it is blown for the second time, all beings will be resurrected to stand before Allah for judgment. The Quran describes the event of the trumpet being blown in Surah Ya-Sin, "And the Horn will be blown; and at once from the graves to their Lord they will hasten" (Quran 36:51). Therefore, it is believed that the angel Israfil is responsible for blowing the trumpet at the time of resurrection, as it is his designated duty in Islamic theology.
Question 13 Rapport
The gradual spiritual and moral development of Muslims was the wisdom behind the
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Question 14 Rapport
A major teaching of the belief in the hereafter is that
Détails de la réponse
Associating partners with Allah is unpardonable.
Question 15 Rapport
A decision taken in the interest of the public becomes
Détails de la réponse
A decision taken in the interest of the public becomes istislah. Istislah is an Islamic legal term that refers to making a decision that is considered to be in the public interest. This concept is based on the idea that the ultimate goal of Islamic law is to promote the well-being of society and to prevent harm. When making a decision, a judge or Islamic scholar may use istislah to consider the impact on the wider community and to make a decision that is in the best interest of the public.
Question 16 Rapport
Reference to a special night is made in Surat
Détails de la réponse
Reference to a special night is made in Surat al-Qadr. Surat al-Qadr is the 97th chapter of the Qur'an and is named after the Arabic word for "power" or "decree." This chapter references a special night known as the Night of Power, which is considered to be one of the most holy and blessed nights in Islam. The Night of Power is believed to have taken place during the last ten days of the month of Ramadan, and it is believed that on this night the first verses of the Qur'an were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. The Surat al-Qadr emphasizes the importance of this night and encourages Muslims to seek its blessings and to spend it in prayer and devotion.
Question 17 Rapport
The second hadith in an-Nawawi's collection teaches that it is righteousness to worship Allah as if
Détails de la réponse
The second hadith in an-Nawawi's collection teaches that it is righteousness to worship Allah as if one is seeing Him physically. This means that one should strive to be in a constant state of mindfulness of Allah's presence and try to visualize Him in their mind's eye while worshipping. The hadith emphasizes the importance of sincerity and devotion in one's worship. When a person performs acts of worship while visualizing the presence of Allah, it creates a deeper sense of connection and humility, and encourages them to perform their acts of worship to the best of their ability. By striving to worship Allah as if one is seeing Him physically, a person also develops a sense of accountability and responsibility for their actions. It helps them to stay conscious of their deeds and intentions, and reminds them that Allah is always watching and aware of everything they do. Overall, the second hadith in an-Nawawi's collection teaches the importance of mindfulness and sincerity in worship, and highlights the benefits of striving to worship Allah as if one is seeing Him physically.
Question 18 Rapport
In the early part of Islam in West Africa, the ribat was primarily a centre for
Détails de la réponse
In the early part of Islam in West Africa, the ribat was primarily a center for religious propagation. A ribat was a type of Islamic religious institution that played an important role in the spread and development of Islam in West Africa. It was a place where Islamic scholars and students gathered to study and teach the religion, and where travelers and traders could find food and shelter. The ribat served as a hub for religious activities, including prayer, recitation of the Quran, and religious lectures. It also served as a center for the propagation of Islam to non-Muslims, as scholars and students would go out into the surrounding areas to teach and convert people to Islam. While some ribats may have also been involved in Sufi indoctrination, social reform, or fraternal movements, their primary function was to serve as centers for religious education and propagation.
Question 19 Rapport
Ignorance of religious rites and duties is not excusable in Islam because
Détails de la réponse
Ignorance of religious rites and duties is not excusable in Islam because it is obligatory on all Muslims to seek knowledge. This means that it is the responsibility of every Muslim to learn about their religion and the practices they need to follow. While it is true that many Muslims can read and write Arabic and that books on Islamic jurisprudence have been translated into many languages, it is the individual's responsibility to seek out and acquire this knowledge. The Islamic system of education is highly developed all over the world, but ultimately it is up to the individual to seek out and take advantage of these opportunities to learn about their religion. Thus, it is important for every Muslim to seek knowledge and not use ignorance as an excuse for not following their religious obligations.
Question 20 Rapport
Divine inspiration was employed in the
Détails de la réponse
The arrangement of the Glorious Qur'an was divinely inspired.
Question 21 Rapport
Forbidden Munkar in Islam means discouraging others from
Détails de la réponse
Forbidden Munkar in Islam means discouraging others from abominable acts, meaning actions that are considered morally wrong and sinful according to Islamic teachings. This includes things like lying, cheating, stealing, adultery, drinking alcohol, and other similar behaviors. Islam emphasizes the importance of commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil. This means that Muslims are encouraged to promote good deeds and discourage bad deeds in themselves and others. Forbidden Munkar specifically refers to the duty of Muslims to speak out against and actively discourage sinful behaviors. In summary, Forbidden Munkar in Islam means discouraging others from engaging in actions that are considered morally wrong and sinful according to Islamic teachings.
Question 22 Rapport
Uthman b. Affan was born to the family of Banu
Détails de la réponse
Uthman b. Affan was a prominent companion of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the third caliph of the Islamic Ummah. He was born into the Banu Umayyah clan of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca, which was a powerful and influential family in pre-Islamic Arabia. The Banu Umayyah were known for their wealth and status, and they held a prominent position in the affairs of Mecca. Uthman himself was known for his wealth and generosity, and he played a significant role in the early development of Islam. He was one of the first Muslims to migrate to Medina, and he was known for his close relationship with the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Therefore, the correct answer to the question is that Uthman b. Affan was born into the family of Banu Umayyah, and not Banu Quraysh, Banu Sa'd, or Banu Qaynuqah.
Question 23 Rapport
Talaq al ba in means divorce that is
Détails de la réponse
Talaq al ba'in means irrevocable divorce. Talaq is the Arabic word for divorce, and al ba'in refers to the type of divorce that is considered to be final and cannot be undone. This type of divorce is usually only used in extreme circumstances and is considered to be the most serious form of divorce in Islamic law. Once a couple has undergone talaq al ba'in, they are no longer considered to be married and cannot reconcile without undergoing a new marriage ceremony.
Question 24 Rapport
The following are authors of Sihahus-Sitta except
Détails de la réponse
Malik b. Anas is not an author of Sihahus-Sitta. The term "Sihahus-Sitta" refers to the six most authentic collections of Hadith in Sunni Islam, and the authors are commonly known as the "Kutub al-Sittah" or the "Six Books". These six books are: 1. Sahih al-Bukhari, compiled by Imam Bukhari 2. Sahih Muslim, compiled by Muslim b. al-Hajjaj 3. Sunan Abu Dawud, compiled by Abu Dawud 4. Jami at-Tirmidhi, compiled by at-Tirmidhi 5. Sunan an-Nasa'i, compiled by an-Nasa'i 6. Sunan Ibn Majah, compiled by Ibn Majah Malik b. Anas is the author of the Muwatta, which is also a collection of Hadith but is not considered one of the Sihahus-Sitta.
Question 25 Rapport
The most important use of Tafsir of the Glorious Qur'an is in the
Détails de la réponse
Tafsir is the science of explanation of the Qurʾān, the sacred scripture of Islam, or of Qurʾānic commentary.
Question 26 Rapport
Which of the following prayers is not observed between Isha and Fajr?
Détails de la réponse
The prayer that is not observed between Isha and Fajr is istisqa. Istisqa is a special type of prayer for seeking rain from Allah. It is not a regular, daily prayer like the other options. Tahajjud, Shaf'i and witr are all regular prayers that are performed at night after Isha and before Fajr.
Question 27 Rapport
One of the ways by which Islamic civilization was manifested in West Africa was
Détails de la réponse
The employment of scholars of Arabic as envoys by kings and emperors was one of the ways by which Islamic civilization was manifested in West Africa
Question 28 Rapport
The expressions Iqra, allama and al-qalam in Surat al-Alaq emphasize the importance of
Détails de la réponse
The expressions "Iqra", "allama", and "al-qalam" in Surat al-Alaq emphasize the importance of knowledge. Surat al-Alaq is the first chapter revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and it commands him to "Read!" or "Recite!" (Iqra), as a way of emphasizing the importance of seeking knowledge. In the following verses, Allah emphasizes that he is the One who taught by the pen and who taught mankind that which he did not know (Al-Qalam and Allama), indicating that the pursuit of knowledge is a virtuous and essential aspect of human life. These verses also demonstrate that the acquisition of knowledge is not limited to formal education or religious studies, but encompasses all aspects of life. Thus, it is crucial for Muslims to seek knowledge in all areas of life and to continuously learn and grow as individuals. In summary, the expressions "Iqra", "allama", and "al-qalam" in Surat al-Alaq emphasize the importance of seeking knowledge and continuous learning in Islam.
Question 29 Rapport
Accountability is an act of worship
Détails de la réponse
The concept of accountability is specifically mentioned in the Quran and hence, an act of worship.
Question 30 Rapport
Out of 300,000 traditions collected by Imam Muslim, he selected
Détails de la réponse
Out of 300,000 traditions collected by Imam Muslim, he selected 9,200.
Question 31 Rapport
The following are classifications of Hadith except
Détails de la réponse
Hadith is a collection of sayings, actions, and tacit approvals attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). These hadiths are classified based on their authenticity, accuracy, and reliability. The different classifications of hadith helps to distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources of information and to ensure that they follow the authentic teachings of the Prophet (SAW).
Therefore, the correct answer to the question is that all of the options listed - hasan, mawdu, sahih, and da'if - are classifications of hadith.
- "Hasan" refers to a hadith that is deemed to be good and acceptable.
- "mawdu" refers to a hadith that is fabricated or forged.
- "Sahih" refers to a hadith that is authentic and reliable, while
- "da'if" refers to a hadith that is weak or unreliable.
Each of these classifications has its own set of criteria, and scholars of hadith use these criteria to evaluate and classify different hadiths.
Question 32 Rapport
Abu-Bakr was nicknamed as-Sadiq because of his
Détails de la réponse
Abu Bakr, who was a close companion of the Prophet Muhammad and the first caliph of Islam, was nicknamed "as-Sadiq" due to his truthfulness. This nickname, which means "the truthful" in Arabic, was a testament to his reputation for being honest, sincere, and trustworthy in both his words and actions. Throughout his life, Abu Bakr was known for his unwavering commitment to speaking the truth, regardless of the circumstances or consequences. This quality was highly valued in Arabian culture and earned him widespread respect and admiration among the early Muslim community.
Question 33 Rapport
By the year 1110 C.E., Andalusia had fallen under the control of
Détails de la réponse
By the year 1110 C.E., Andalusia had fallen under the control of Al Murabitun. Al Murabitun were a Berber Muslim dynasty that originated from present-day Morocco. They were known for their military strength and were able to conquer Andalusia, which was previously ruled by the Taifa kingdoms. The Al Murabitun dynasty was founded by Yusuf ibn Tashfin, who ruled from 1061 to 1106 C.E. and expanded their territory to include Andalusia. They ruled Andalusia until the Almohad dynasty overthrew them in 1147 C.E.
Question 34 Rapport
The Arabs worshipped idols during the Jahiliyya period because
Détails de la réponse
The Arabs worshipped idols during the Jahiliyya period because they were ignorant of the true concept of God's existence. The Jahiliyya period refers to the time in Arabia before the advent of Islam, when the Arabs were steeped in ignorance and practiced idolatry. They worshiped statues and idols made of wood, stone, and other materials, and believed that these idols had the power to benefit or harm them. The Arabs at that time had no knowledge of the true concept of God, and their understanding of religion was limited to superstitious practices and beliefs. They believed in many gods and goddesses and associated various powers with them. Despite the presence of some prophets among them, the Arabs did not pay heed to their message and continued in their idolatrous ways. As such, they remained in ignorance until the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the revelation of the Qur'an, which taught them the true concept of God and called them to worship Him alone. Therefore, among the given options, the Arabs worshipped idols during the Jahiliyya period because they were ignorant of the true concept of God's existence.
Question 35 Rapport
Absolute obedience to the Prophet's teaching is stated in an-Nawawi's Hadith
Détails de la réponse
Absolute obedience to the Prophet's teachings is stated in An-Nawawi Hadith 41.
Question 36 Rapport
Muhammad's(SAW) marriage with Khadijah was blessed with
Détails de la réponse
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) were blessed with six children, two sons and four daughters.
Question 37 Rapport
Who among the following is not a narrator of Hadith?
Détails de la réponse
Khadijah bint Khuwaylid is not a narrator of Hadith. Abu Hurayrah, Aisha bint Abi-Bakr, and Abu Sa'ad b. Malik are all famous companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and are known to have narrated many Hadiths. They were close companions of the Prophet and learned directly from him, and later transmitted his sayings and actions to others. However, Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, the first wife of the Prophet, did not narrate any Hadiths. This is not surprising, as she passed away before the Prophet started receiving revelations, and therefore did not have the opportunity to learn directly from him. While Khadijah is revered in Islamic tradition for her steadfast support of the Prophet, her role in Islamic scholarship is not as prominent as that of other companions who had the opportunity to learn directly from him. Therefore, among the given options, Khadijah bint Khuwaylid is the one who is not a narrator of Hadith.
Question 38 Rapport
Excellent or sound traditions are grouped under
Détails de la réponse
Excellent or sound traditions are grouped under Sahih.
Question 39 Rapport
Imam Malik was born in
Détails de la réponse
Imam Malik ibn Anas was born in the city of Madinah in what is now Saudi Arabia. He was born in the year 711 CE and lived in Madinah for most of his life. Imam Malik is known as one of the most important scholars of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) and hadith (the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad). He is the eponym of the Maliki school of Islamic law, which is one of the four major schools of thought in Sunni Islam. Imam Malik's birthplace of Madinah was a significant city in early Islamic history, as it was the site of the first Muslim community established by the Prophet Muhammad after his migration from Makkah. Madinah is also the location of the Prophet's Mosque, which is one of the most important sites in Islam and is visited by millions of Muslims from around the world each year.
Question 40 Rapport
Abu Sufyan accepted Islam because he was
Détails de la réponse
Abu Sufyan accepted Islam because he was totally disarmed by Muslim soldiers
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