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Tambaya 1 Rahoto
Qur’an 22:31 likens one who assigns partners to ‘Allāh to that who had fallen from heaven and was snatched up by
Bayanin Amsa
Qur'an 22:31 likens one who assigns partners to 'Allāh to that who had fallen from heaven and was snatched up by birds. This means that assigning partners to 'Allāh (Shirk) is a great sin in Islam and it is likened to the story of a bird that falls from heaven and is caught by other birds. Just as the bird that falls is in a helpless state, so too is the person who commits shirk. It is also a reminder that one should not rely on anyone or anything other than 'Allāh for salvation and guidance, as it is 'Allāh alone who has the power to give and take away.
Tambaya 3 Rahoto
The Muslim ruler of Mali who embarked on a celebrated pilgrimage of Makkah in the 11th Century C.E was
Bayanin Amsa
The Muslim ruler of Mali who embarked on a celebrated pilgrimage of Makkah in the 11th Century C.E was Mansa Musa.
Tambaya 5 Rahoto
In what ways did the Muslim leaders contribute to the spread of Islam in West Africa?
Bayanin Amsa
Muslim leaders contributed to the spread of Islam in West Africa in various ways. Firstly, their moral standard and mode of worship impressed the local people. The Muslim leaders' lifestyles and conduct showed them to be upright and honest people, which appealed to the people of West Africa. Secondly, they introduced Islam alongside essential and indispensable commodities, such as salt, which were needed in West Africa. This made the people of West Africa more willing to accept Islam as they saw it as a necessary part of their lives. Thirdly, some Muslim leaders made acceptance of Islam a major condition for the exchange of goods. This incentivized people to convert to Islam as it would enable them to participate in trade and commerce. Finally, Muslim leaders organized regular preaching and free distribution of essential commodities, which helped to spread the message of Islam and also showed the people of West Africa the benefits of embracing the religion.
Tambaya 6 Rahoto
In which year of the Hijrah was fasting introduced in Islam?
Bayanin Amsa
Fasting was introduced in Islam in the second year of Hijrah.
Tambaya 7 Rahoto
The major subject of the first revelation to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is
Bayanin Amsa
The major subject of the first revelation to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was the concept of revelation itself and the importance of reciting and learning the words of Allah. The first verses of the Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammad were about the importance of reading and education, and they emphasized the significance of seeking knowledge and understanding the message of Allah. Therefore, the correct option is education.
Tambaya 8 Rahoto
‘āishah’s role in the transmission of Hadīth is next in significance to that of
Bayanin Amsa
‘Āishah’s role in the transmission of Hadīth is next in significance to that of Abū Hurayrah. ‘Āishah, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), is regarded as one of the most important female figures in Islamic history. She played a significant role in the transmission of Hadīth, or the sayings and actions of the Prophet. She is considered to be one of the most reliable narrators of Hadīth, and many of the Hadīths narrated by her are included in the most authentic Hadīth collections. Abū Hurayrah, on the other hand, is considered to be the most prolific narrator of Hadīth, having narrated over 5,000 Hadīths. His role in the transmission of Hadīth is therefore considered to be the most significant, with ‘Āishah’s role coming second in importance.
Tambaya 9 Rahoto
With the institution of zakāh, the distribution of wealth within the society should become
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 11 Rahoto
Islam regards the whole body of a woman as ‘awrah except her face and
Bayanin Amsa
In Islam, the term 'awrah' refers to the parts of the body that must be covered in public. For women, the whole body is considered 'awrah' except for the face and hands. This means that a Muslim woman is required to cover her hair, body, and legs in public, with the exception of her face and hands.
Tambaya 12 Rahoto
According to the Holy Qur’ān (27:59-66),nature is a unique manifestation of the work of ‘Allāℎ because
Tambaya 13 Rahoto
The verse above (Q.5:1) requires believers to
Bayanin Amsa
The verse in question (Q.5:1) from the Quran states "O you who have believed, fulfill [all] contracts." This verse requires believers to fulfill all their obligations and agreements they make with others. It emphasizes the importance of honesty and fulfilling promises, which is an essential part of Islamic ethics. In Islam, keeping one's word and fulfilling promises is highly valued, and breaking a promise is considered a serious sin. Therefore, this verse reminds believers to be truthful and trustworthy in all their dealings and to fulfill their commitments to others.
Tambaya 14 Rahoto
The first male adult to embrace Islam after the commencement of Islamic da’wah in Makkah was
Bayanin Amsa
The first male adult to embrace Islam after the commencement of Islamic da'wah in Makkah was Abu Bakr. He was one of the closest companions and advisors to Prophet Muhammad and was known for his unwavering faith and commitment to Islam. He played a crucial role in the early history of Islam and was instrumental in the spread of the religion throughout the Arabian Peninsula.
Tambaya 15 Rahoto
‘Verily spendthrifts are brothers Of the Evil ones; … (Q. 17:27)In the verse above,’ Allāh compares a wasteful person to the evil ones because the former
Tambaya 17 Rahoto
The angel that interrogates the dead in the grave is
Bayanin Amsa
According to Islamic belief, two angels named Munkar and Nakir interrogate the dead in the grave. Munkar and Nakir ask three questions about the person's beliefs and deeds: "Who is your Lord? What is your religion? What is your faith about this person (referring to the Prophet Muhammad)?" The angel Nakir is one of the two angels who interrogate the dead in the grave. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is Nakīr.
Tambaya 18 Rahoto
Which of the following sets, according to ā'yatul Kursiyy; is ‘Allāh not susceptible to?
Bayanin Amsa
According to ā'yatul Kursiyy, Allah is not susceptible to slumber or sleep. This means that Allah does not tire or become drowsy and is always alert and aware of everything happening in the universe. The other options, such as thirst or hunger, fear or terror, and sickness or pain, are not mentioned in ā'yatul Kursiyy as things that Allah is not susceptible to.
Tambaya 19 Rahoto
In Shar?ah, makr?h is an action which is
Bayanin Amsa
In Sharī’ah, makrūh refers to an action that is considered disliked or discouraged, but not necessarily forbidden or sinful. It is an action that does not incur punishment, but it is better to avoid it. It is different from haram, which refers to actions that are forbidden and incur punishment. Similarly, it is different from mustahab or recommended actions, which are encouraged and rewarded.
Tambaya 20 Rahoto
The famous Islamic scholar who was called the father of the science of history was
Bayanin Amsa
The famous Islamic scholar who was called the father of the science of history was Ibn Khaldūn. He was a historian, philosopher, and politician from North Africa. Ibn Khaldūn wrote a comprehensive history of the Muslim world and is known for his contributions to the philosophy of history and sociology. He is regarded as one of the greatest thinkers in the Islamic tradition and his work had a profound influence on subsequent scholars in the Muslim world and beyond.
Tambaya 21 Rahoto
Which of the following books was written by Ibn Sīna?
Bayanin Amsa
The book written by Ibn Sīna is "Al-Qānūn fi at-Tibb".
Tambaya 22 Rahoto
In the law of inheritance, the term al-wasiyyah refers to
Bayanin Amsa
In the Islamic law of inheritance, al-wasiyyah refers to a bequest, which is a gift of property or assets that a person can leave in their will to someone who is not entitled to a share under the laws of inheritance. The bequest cannot exceed one-third of the estate and is subject to certain conditions and restrictions. The bequest can be made to anyone, including relatives, friends, or charitable organizations. The primary purpose of al-wasiyyah is to provide a means for a person to express their wishes and distribute their wealth beyond the limits of inheritance law.
Tambaya 24 Rahoto
The attribute of ‘Allāh which emphasizes His holiness is
Bayanin Amsa
The attribute of ‘Allāh which emphasizes His holiness is "Al-Qudūs". This name is one of the 99 Names of Allah mentioned in the Quran. It is derived from the Arabic word "quds" which means holy or sacred. The name Al-Qudūs highlights the absolute purity and transcendence of Allah, as well as His complete separation from any imperfection or impurity. This attribute of Allah reminds Muslims of the need to worship Allah in a state of purity and to strive for righteousness and purity in their own lives.
Tambaya 25 Rahoto
In pre-Islamic period, the social practice of tribalism was known as
Bayanin Amsa
In the pre-Islamic period, the social practice of tribalism was known as "al-'asabiyyah." It refers to the strong loyalty and devotion that individuals had towards their own tribe or clan. This often led to inter-tribal conflicts and wars over resources, power, and prestige. The Islamic faith introduced the concept of brotherhood in faith and equality among all believers, regardless of their tribal or ethnic backgrounds, in order to eliminate the harmful effects of tribalism.
Tambaya 26 Rahoto
The outcome of the Battle of Badr proved that
Bayanin Amsa
The outcome of the Battle of Badr proved that Allah supported the Muslim army. This was a significant event in Islamic history as it was the first major battle between the Muslims of Medina and the Quraysh of Mecca. Despite being outnumbered and less equipped, the Muslims were victorious, which demonstrated that their success was due to the support and assistance of Allah. It was a great morale boost for the early Muslim community and helped to establish Islam as a legitimate and powerful religion in the Arabian Peninsula.
Tambaya 27 Rahoto
In view of the various favors bestowed on man by ‘Allāh as enumerated in Sūrah 56:57-74, man is enjoined to show gratitude to Him by
Tambaya 28 Rahoto
Shaykh ‘Abdul-Qādir al-Jīlāni was the founder of
Bayanin Amsa
Shaykh ‘Abdul-Qādir al-Jīlāni was the founder of the Qādiriyyah Sufi order.
Tambaya 29 Rahoto
Al-bayyinah appears in the Holy Qur’ān chapter 98
Tambaya 30 Rahoto
If a decreased Muslim had made a will on his property, which of the following is disqualified from benefiting from it?
Tambaya 31 Rahoto
In Islamic law of inheritance, the share of the female child is
Bayanin Amsa
In Islamic law of inheritance, the share of the female child is 1/2 of the male's. This means that if a man passes away and leaves behind a son and a daughter, the son will receive twice the share of the daughter. Similarly, if a woman passes away and leaves behind a son and a daughter, the son will receive twice the share of the daughter. However, it is important to note that Islamic inheritance law is complex and depends on various factors such as the number of heirs, the relationships between them, and the nature of the property being inherited.
Tambaya 32 Rahoto
The battle of Khandaq was known as such because the
Bayanin Amsa
The battle of Khandaq was known as such because the Muslims dug a trench as a war strategy to protect Medina from the attack of the Quraysh tribe. The trench was dug around Medina to prevent the enemies from entering the city, and this defense strategy proved successful in repelling the attack of the Quraysh tribe. Therefore, the battle is also known as the Battle of the Trench or the Battle of Ahzab.
Tambaya 33 Rahoto
In Islam, syncretism means
Bayanin Amsa
In Islam, syncretism means mixing Islamic beliefs with other beliefs. It is the act of combining different religious beliefs or practices with Islamic teachings. This goes against the Islamic belief in monotheism and the concept of Tawheed, which states that there is only one God and that He is the only one worthy of worship. Mixing Islamic beliefs with other beliefs can lead to confusion and deviation from the true path of Islam. Therefore, it is strongly discouraged in Islamic teachings.
Tambaya 34 Rahoto
Ibrāhīm is described in the Holy Qur’ān as
Bayanin Amsa
Ibrāhīm (Abraham) is described in the Holy Qur’ān as hanīf. Hanīf means someone who is inclined towards the truth, upright and obedient to Allah. It also means that someone who is inclined towards monotheism and opposed to polytheism. Ibrāhīm was chosen by Allah to be His Prophet and he preached monotheism to his people, calling them to worship only Allah and abandon their idol worship.
Tambaya 35 Rahoto
In the Islamic political system, Mas’ūliyyah means
Bayanin Amsa
Mas’ūliyyah is an Arabic term used in the Islamic political system that means accountability. It refers to the responsibility of those in positions of power and authority to be accountable for their actions and decisions. In Islam, accountability is seen as a key aspect of good governance and leadership, and it is emphasized in the Qur’an and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). Leaders are expected to be accountable to both God and the people they serve, and they will be held responsible for any wrongdoing or neglect of their duties.
Tambaya 36 Rahoto
One major aim of marriage in Islam is to
Bayanin Amsa
In Islam, one of the major aims of marriage is to achieve legitimate procreation. This means that the main purpose of marriage is to have children in a lawful manner, within the context of a committed relationship between a husband and wife. This is because having children is seen as a blessing from Allah and a means of continuing the human race. Marriage is also seen as a way of fulfilling one's natural desires and avoiding sin. Additionally, marriage is viewed as a means of emotional and physical support between spouses, as well as a way of strengthening family and community ties.
Tambaya 37 Rahoto
According to Hadīth 36 in an-Nawawi’s collection, ‘Allāh is ready to aid any servant so long as the servant is ready to aid his
Bayanin Amsa
According to Hadith 36 in an-Nawawi's collection, "Allah is ready to aid any servant so long as the servant is ready to aid his brother." This means that Allah is always willing to help those who are willing to help others. The concept of brotherhood is important in Islam, and this Hadith emphasizes the importance of helping one's fellow human beings. It is a reminder to believers that they should be compassionate, kind, and helpful to others in need, and in doing so, they can expect Allah's help and blessings in return.
Tambaya 38 Rahoto
The collections regarded as the most authentic in Hadītℎ literature are those of
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 39 Rahoto
This Hadīth above teaches us to avoid
Tambaya 40 Rahoto
The Muslim scholar who championed the rights and education of women in West Africa was
Bayanin Amsa
The Muslim scholar who championed the rights and education of women in West Africa was Usman dan-fodio. He was a Fulani Islamic reformer and writer who lived in the 18th and 19th centuries. He led a movement to establish an Islamic state in what is now Nigeria, and he believed that education was essential to the progress of society. He encouraged the education of women and considered it an obligation for every Muslim, male or female, to seek knowledge. He also wrote several books on Islamic theology and jurisprudence, some of which addressed the issue of women's rights in Islam.
Tambaya 41 Rahoto
‘Of the excellence of the Islam of a man is his leaving alone what does not concern him’The above statement is a
Bayanin Amsa
The above statement is a prophetic tradition, also known as a Hadith in Islam. It is a saying or action of the Prophet Muhammad, which has been transmitted through a chain of narrators and serves as a source of guidance for Muslims. In this particular Hadith, the Prophet highlights the excellence of a person's Islam by emphasizing the importance of minding one's own business and not interfering in matters that do not concern them.
Tambaya 42 Rahoto
The second treaty of al-‘Aqabah was a turning point because Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
Bayanin Amsa
The second treaty of al-'Aqabah was a turning point because Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) agreed to the emigration (hijrah) to Yathrib (later named Medina) with the support of its inhabitants, the Ansar. This agreement paved the way for the establishment of the first Islamic state in Medina, and also marked the beginning of the Islamic calendar. The Ansar provided support and protection to the Muhajirun (emigrants) from Mecca, and this unity between the Muhajirun and Ansar was crucial to the success of the early Muslim community. Thus, the second treaty of al-'Aqabah was a significant event in the history of Islam, as it led to the establishment of the first Islamic state and the beginning of a new era for the Muslim community.
Tambaya 43 Rahoto
One of the spiritual objectives of as-salāℎ is that it
Bayanin Amsa
One of the spiritual objectives of as-salāh in Islam is to develop self-restraint. Muslims are expected to perform salāh five times a day, and in doing so, they learn to control their desires and passions, which helps them develop self-restraint. Additionally, the act of standing before Allah in prayer reminds Muslims of their duty to follow His commandments, which also fosters self-restraint.
Tambaya 44 Rahoto
The Muwatta’ of Imām Mālik can be described as a book of
Bayanin Amsa
The Muwatta’ of Imām Mālik is a book of Hadith and Fiqh. It is one of the earliest and most influential compilations of Hadith and Islamic jurisprudence. The book contains Hadith narrations and rulings on Islamic law derived from those narrations, making it a valuable source of both Hadith and Fiqh knowledge.
Tambaya 45 Rahoto
‘If anyone sees an abomination …’The Hadītℎ above saddles man with the responsibility of
Bayanin Amsa
The Hadith above saddles man with the responsibility of resisting evil practices. It encourages Muslims to take action when they witness something that is wrong or considered an abomination in Islam. This can involve speaking out against it, taking measures to prevent it, or seeking help from authorities to stop it. The Hadith emphasizes the importance of upholding moral values and promoting righteousness in society.
Tambaya 46 Rahoto
By the first pact of al-‘Aqabah. The delegates promised Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) to become
Bayanin Amsa
Tambaya 48 Rahoto
The main cause of the Battle of Uhud was that
Bayanin Amsa
u Sufyan Ibn Harb was determined to destroy Muslims. In the Battle of Uhud, Abu Sufyan Ibn Harb led the Quraysh army to attack Medina, seeking revenge for their defeat at the Battle of Badr. The Muslims, under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), went out to confront them. However, due to a tactical error made by a group of Muslim archers, a portion of the Muslim army was left unprotected, and the Quraysh were able to turn the tide of the battle in their favor. Despite the setback, the Muslims were able to regroup and repel the Quraysh army.
Tambaya 49 Rahoto
The Prophet (S.A.W) died in the year
Bayanin Amsa
The year the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) passed away is 632 C.E.
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