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Question 1 Rapport
Qadr to the majority of scholars in Islam means
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Qadr is an Arabic term that is often translated as "destiny" or "fate". In Islamic theology, it refers to the concept that Allah has predetermined everything that will happen in the universe, including the actions and fates of human beings. The majority of scholars in Islam believe in the concept of Qadr, and that it is an essential aspect of Islamic belief.
Question 3 Rapport
Among the obligatory steps of ablution are intention, washing the face, washing the hands to the elbow and also
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Question 4 Rapport
Prophet Muhammad's (SAW) answer to Angel Jibril when he was asked to recite was
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When Angel Jibril asked Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to recite, his answer was "Ma ana biqari" which means "I cannot read". This happened during the period of revelation and it marked the beginning of the revelation of the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Question 5 Rapport
What is expected of a believing Muslim when an important decision needs to be made?
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When an important decision needs to be made, a believing Muslim is expected to perform Istikhara. Istikhara is a prayer and a form of seeking guidance from Allah to make the right decision. The person seeking guidance should perform ablution (wudu) and offer a two-rak’ah prayer, then recite the Istikhara dua (supplication) asking Allah to guide them towards the right decision. The dua is recited with sincerity and faith that Allah will guide them towards what is best for them in this world and in the hereafter. After performing the Istikhara prayer, the person should trust in Allah's decision and act accordingly.
Question 6 Rapport
The book of Hadith that contains reports on the practices of the people of Madinah apart from aℎādith is
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The book of Hadith that contains reports on the practices of the people of Madinah apart from ahādith is Muwatta Malik. It is a collection of narrations and opinions of Malik ibn Anas, a jurist from the early Islamic period. It contains a wide range of topics, including beliefs, rituals, ethics, and politics, and is known for its emphasis on the practices and customs of the people of Madinah during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Question 7 Rapport
The copy of the Glorious Qur’an in use was standardized during the period of Caliph
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The copy of the Glorious Qur’an in use was standardized during the period of Caliph Uthman b. Affan. Uthman realized that there were differences in the way the Qur’an was being recited in different parts of the Muslim empire, which could lead to confusion and disputes. Therefore, he commissioned a committee to produce a standardized copy of the Qur’an, which was based on the recitation of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and overseen by the companions who had memorized the Qur’an during the Prophet's lifetime. The standardized copy was then distributed to all parts of the Muslim empire, ensuring the consistency of the text and the correct recitation of the Qur’an.
Question 8 Rapport
The Prophet (SAW) said, ‘Of all things lawful, divorce is the most hateful to Allah’ because it exposes the parties to
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Question 9 Rapport
Al-Kawthar in the Glorious Qur’an is otherwise called a
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Al-Kawthar in the Glorious Qur’an is referred to as a river in paradise. It is mentioned in Surah Al-Kawthar, which is the 108th chapter of the Qur’an, and is a short surah consisting of only three verses. In these verses, Allah (SWT) informs Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that He has granted him an abundance of good in the form of Al-Kawthar, which is a river that flows in paradise. This river is described as being pure and containing the best of everything, including delicious food and sweet drinks. It is a symbol of the immense blessings and happiness that await the believers in the afterlife.
Question 10 Rapport
A text of Hadith is rejected if it is
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A text of Hadith is rejected if it is against natural phenomenon. This means that if the content of the Hadith goes against what is known through reason, observation, or scientific evidence, it is considered invalid. This is because Islam encourages the pursuit of knowledge and the use of reason, and anything that contradicts natural phenomena or established knowledge is deemed unreliable. Therefore, Hadith scholars have to critically examine and authenticate the Hadith based on their chains of transmission and their content to ensure their accuracy and conformity with the principles of Islam.
Question 11 Rapport
The authenticity of the Glorious Qur’an has been proven by empirical evidence of
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The authenticity of the Glorious Qur’an has not been proven by empirical evidence of any technological advancement such as dredging sea water to dams, development of nuclear technology, or development of solar technology. However, it has been proven by empirical evidence of the stages of growth of the human embryo, which is described in detail in the Qur'an in Chapter 23, verses 12-14. The accuracy of this description was only confirmed by modern scientific research in embryology.
Question 12 Rapport
Allah’s pleasure in this world and the hereafter can be obtained through
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Question 13 Rapport
Those who are not Pilgrims are advised to fast on the day of
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Those who are not Pilgrims are advised to fast on the day of Arafat. Arafat is the day before Eid al-Adha, which is the 10th day of the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah. It is the day when the pilgrims performing Hajj gather at the plain of Arafat, seeking forgiveness and mercy from Allah. Even those who are not performing Hajj are encouraged to fast on this day as it is considered a virtuous act that expiates sins and earns great rewards.
Question 14 Rapport
The core of Muhammad’s (SAW) da’awah in Makkah was on
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The core of Muhammad's (SAW) da'awah in Makkah was on the unity of Allah. He emphasized the oneness of Allah and called the people of Makkah to abandon their idols and worship Allah alone. He taught that Allah is the only God, the Creator of the universe, and the only one worthy of worship. This message was a central part of the message that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) preached in Makkah, and it laid the foundation for the Islamic faith.
Question 15 Rapport
Imam Malik was born in
Détails de la réponse
Imam Malik was born in Medina, which is a city in modern-day Saudi Arabia.
Question 16 Rapport
In Q.5:7, Allah says, ‘if ye are ill or on a journey … and ye find no water, then perform …’
Détails de la réponse
In Quranic verse 5:7, Allah instructs that if a person is sick or traveling and cannot find water, then they should perform a specific type of ritual purification called "at-tayammum." This involves using clean earth or dust to wipe over one's face and hands, and it serves as a substitute for the traditional ablution (wudu) or full body washing (ghusl) when water is not available. The concept of "qasr" is not mentioned in this verse and refers to the shortening of prayers during travel, rather than purification rituals.
Question 17 Rapport
In Hadith 6 of an-Nawawi’s collection, the Prophet(SAW) said the lawful and unlawful are all clear, but between them are
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In Hadith 6 of an-Nawawi's collection, the Prophet (SAW) said that the lawful and unlawful things in Islam are clear and easy to distinguish. However, between them, there are some matters that are ambiguous and uncertain. This means that there are some issues in Islam that are not explicitly mentioned as either lawful or unlawful, and require further clarification and interpretation based on Islamic principles and guidance. Therefore, it is important for Muslims to seek knowledge and guidance from reputable scholars and sources in order to navigate these ambiguous matters and make informed decisions in accordance with Islamic teachings.
Question 18 Rapport
The Day of Judgement is described in
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“It is the Day whereon mankind will be like moths scattered about” Ref: Q. 101:4.
Question 19 Rapport
The permission to marry up to four wives in Islam is aimed at
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Question 20 Rapport
‘Peace descending on the righteous throughout the night'The verse above is one of the major
Themes in Sūrah
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The verse "Peace descending on the righteous throughout the night" is a major theme in Sūrah al-Qadr. Sūrah al-Qadr is the 97th chapter of the Qur'an and is known for describing the night of power or decree, which is believed to be one of the holiest nights in the Islamic calendar. The verse emphasizes the idea that peace descends upon those who are righteous during this special night. This theme highlights the importance of striving for righteousness and the benefits that come with it, especially during important religious occasions.
Question 21 Rapport
‘Indeed the people before you were destroyed by asking a lot of unnecessary questions …’The quotation above is in Hadith 9 of An-Nawawi which refers to the
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Question 22 Rapport
Fasting has been prohibited on doubtful day which is
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Fasting has been prohibited on the doubtful day which is the 30th of Sha'aban. This is because it is uncertain whether the month of Ramadan has begun or not. It is advised to refrain from fasting on this day to avoid confusion and ensure that the fast is observed during the correct month of Ramadan.
Question 24 Rapport
The companion who introduced Islam to North Africa through Egypt was
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The companion who introduced Islam to North Africa through Egypt was Amr b. As. Amr b. As was an early Muslim who played a significant role in the spread of Islam during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and afterwards. He was appointed by Umar, the second caliph, to lead the Muslim conquest of Egypt, which he did successfully. Amr b. As is credited with being the companion who introduced Islam to North Africa through Egypt, which became a center of Islamic civilization and scholarship in the centuries that followed.
Question 25 Rapport
The significant message contained in sūrah at-Takāthur is that
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Question 26 Rapport
‘Allah begets not nor is He begotten.’
The quotation above condemns
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Question 27 Rapport
‘O Allah! Lord of power (and rule), Thou giveth power to whom thou pleaseth, and thou strippest off power from whom thou pleaseth …’ Q.3:26The verse above describes Allah’s political
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The verse mentioned (Q.3:26) acknowledges Allah as the Lord of power and rule who bestows power to whom He wills and strips it away from whom He wills. This emphasizes the sovereignty of Allah in politics, meaning that He has ultimate power and authority over all political matters. Therefore, the answer is 'sovereign'.
Question 28 Rapport
Divine Inspiration was employed in the
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Divine inspiration was employed in the arrangement of the Glorious Quran. The verses of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) over a period of 23 years in accordance with the needs of the Muslim community at the time. The order and arrangement of the verses were also guided by divine inspiration and not by the Prophet's personal choice or preference. The final arrangement of the Quran was completed during the lifetime of the Prophet under the guidance of the angel Jibreel. Thus, the arrangement of the verses in the Quran is not a result of human effort but a manifestation of divine wisdom and guidance.
Question 29 Rapport
An Imam leading prayer, forgetfully rises when he is to sit, he is alerted by saying
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The phrase that is commonly used to alert an Imam who forgetfully rises when he is supposed to sit during prayer is "subhānallah". This phrase means "Glory be to Allah" and is often used to express amazement or admiration for something. In this context, it serves as a gentle reminder to the Imam to correct his mistake and continue with the prayer.
Question 31 Rapport
How many Caliphs did the Glorious Qur’an
Pas through before its standardization?
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Question 32 Rapport
The success of the business venture which
Muhammed (S.A.W) carried out for
Khadījah was due mainly to
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Question 33 Rapport
The best Ibadah according to the Prophet (SAW) after the major pillars is to
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The best Ibadah according to the Prophet (SAW) after the major pillars is to make a fellow Muslim happy. The Prophet (SAW) emphasized the importance of spreading joy and happiness among fellow Muslims. It can be achieved by helping them in their needs, sharing food and gifts, and saying kind words. The act of making someone happy not only pleases Allah but also strengthens the bond of brotherhood and sisterhood in the Muslim community.
Question 34 Rapport
Lending out money with interest in Islam is
Détails de la réponse
Lending out money with interest in Islam is considered ribā. Ribā is an Arabic term that refers to the practice of charging, paying, or accepting interest fees on loans or transactions. It is strictly prohibited in Islam, as it is seen as exploitation and unjust enrichment at the expense of the borrower. Instead, Islam encourages charitable giving and interest-free loans to help those in need.
Question 35 Rapport
The major themes that can be derived from Surah al-fatihah are
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Surah al-fatihah is the opening chapter of the Quran and contains several major themes that Muslims can derive from it. The major themes include praise and glorification of Allah, acknowledgement of His sovereignty and power, seeking guidance, seeking forgiveness and repentance, and making a commitment to follow His path. Therefore, the correct answer is "praise, pledge and prayer."
Question 36 Rapport
The revelation of the glorious Qur'an started with a
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The revelation of the glorious Qur'an started with a command "Iqrah" which means "Read" in English. This command was given in a commanding tone by the Angel Jibril (Gabriel) to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This is mentioned in the Qur'an in chapter 96, verse 1. Therefore, the correct answer is option B - command.
Question 37 Rapport
Who among the six compilers of Hadith became blind before his death?
Détails de la réponse
Among the six compilers of Hadith, the one who became blind before his death was Tirmidhi. He was born in Persia (nowadays Iran) and spent his life travelling and collecting Hadith from different scholars. His collection of Hadith is called Jami` at-Tirmidhi. Tirmidhi lost his eyesight in the later years of his life due to an illness, but he continued to teach and narrate Hadith until his death.
Question 38 Rapport
The similarity between the Jihad of Uthman b. Fodio and the Prophet?s hijrah in 622 C. E was the
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The correct answer is "Inspiration from Allah." Both the Jihad of Uthman b. Fodio and the Prophet's hijrah were inspired by Allah. The Prophet's hijrah was a divine command from Allah to leave Makkah and go to Madinah for the sake of preserving and spreading Islam. Similarly, Uthman b. Fodio's Jihad was also inspired by his belief in the need to purify Islam and to defend it against corruption and oppression. In both cases, the actions taken were motivated by a strong faith and desire to please Allah, rather than personal gain or ambition.
Question 39 Rapport
Among the Sunnah steps of ablution are wiping two ears, inhaling and exhaling from the nose and also
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Question 40 Rapport
One major peculiarity between the Makkan and Madinan Suwar of the Glorious Qur’an is that
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Question 41 Rapport
Angel Jibril asked the Prophet (SAW) to read during the event of the first revelation
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Question 42 Rapport
Hadith 4 of An-Nawawi’s collection is about the complete
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“… verily, the creation of any one of you takes place when he is assembled in his mother’s womb…?..
Question 43 Rapport
The Arabs worshiped idols during the Jahiliyya period because
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The Arabs worshiped idols during the Jahiliyya period because they believed that the idols would intercede on their behalf and bring them closer to God. They did not know or understand the true message of monotheism and the oneness of God, as there were no prophets or revealed books among them to guide them towards the truth. This period was characterized by ignorance and darkness, which ended with the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the revelation of the Quran, which brought light and guidance to the Arabs and the world.
Question 44 Rapport
The battle of Badr was fought in the 2nd
Year after Hijrah in
Détails de la réponse
The correct answer is "624 A. H." The Battle of Badr was fought in the second year after the Hijrah migration of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) from Makkah to Madinah. It was fought on the 17th of Ramadan in the year 2 AH (624 CE) between the Muslims of Madinah, led by Prophet Muhammad (SAW), and the Quraysh of Makkah. It was a significant battle in Islamic history, as the outnumbered Muslim army emerged victorious over the much larger Quraysh army, which had come to attack them. The victory boosted the morale of the Muslims and solidified their position in Madinah.
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